**Ocean 320 Midterm (And Final!)

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A report by scientists at Scripps who studied marine fossil assemblages in layers deposited over the last 85 million years says ...........

- Correct Answer: intense warming in the early-Cenozoic did little to alter the long-term structure of the marine vertebrate community - intense cooling during the last of this geological time frame did little to alter the long- term structure of the marine vertebrate community"? -intense warming in the early Cenozoic radically altered the long-term structure of the marine vertebrate community?

What type of creature did scientist capture in the deep ocean trench to find that it had aborbed relatively high levels of POP chemicals?

- Correct answer: Amphipod -copepod -pteropod -praciopod

The Kermadec Trench would be one of the deepest places in ocean also called the _______ zone?

- Correct answer: Hadal -Mantal -Bathyal -Abyssal

When analyzing human population over time, what is most likely true?

- Correct answer: More than 110 billion people have lived (were born) over the last 200,000 years -The growth rate was high in early human times but has declined over the last 5000 years to about 1 percent. -Plagues and disasters have never made a significant adjustment to historic population. -75% of all the people (Homo Sapiens) that have ever been alive on planet Earth are alive right now.

The great acceleration pertains to the rapid human population increase. It has become apparent that human driven change is effecting the rate of processes on Earth. Choose from the following all the true statements about the "global scale" impacts of humans? (select more than one)

- Correct answer: the human impacts taken together in terms of extent, magnitude, rate and simultaneity, have produced a no-analogue state in the dynamics and functioning of the Earth system, - Correct answer: the human impacts are approaching or exceeding in magnitude some of the great forces of nature - Correct answer: the human impacts operate on much faster time scales than rates of natural variability, often by an order of magnitude or more

Polyculture is the cultivation of marine organisms with which of the following in mind? (select more than one)

- concepts of symbiosis and mutualism - cultivation of multiple species together

Ocean satellite science really began with the TOPXEX/Poseidon program which had remarkable success. The satellite, and facilitating scientists, discovered much more than they anticipated including........ (select all of the TOPEX/Poseidon accomplishments)

- mapping of the sea floor -Correct Answer: measuring the temperature variations across the ocean -Correct Answer: mapping the global tides -CorrectAnswer: detailing seasonal changes in ocean currents -Correct Answer: helping track and forecast El Ninos -mapping migration patterns of tuna -Correct Answer: mapping ocean currents -Correct Answer: understanding global sea level variations

The current world population is near 7,765,000,000 To write this in scientific notation it would be........ 7.76 X 10x What is the exponent or power of ten represented by the "x"

-11 -10 -Correct Answer: 9 -7

What are some reasons why Jet stream movements become more wave like (large amplitude meanders)? (Select 3)

-A tropical cooling event (relative to the poles) can make the jet stream meander more -warming of high latitude oceans can change the temperature gradient and make the jet stream create larger meanders - A lower temperature gradient between the tropics and the poles makes the jet stream meander more

When referring to a water molecule, what does "polarity" mean?

-A water molecule has poles of rotation like the Earth -A water molecule is flexible like a long pole -Correct Answer: A water molecule has opposite charges like magnetic poles -A water molecule is up one day and down the next

In this contour Image of ocean temperatures, what is the range in temperature in degrees C (high minus the low)? Remember to read all the lines, take your time

-Correct Answer: 23 degrees -17 degrees -20 degrees

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

-Correct Answer: At the time of Arlington Man, the Channel Islands were not islands because they were connected to the mainland. -At the time of Arlington Man all the Channel Islands were united in one island landmass. -At the time of Arlington Man, the climate In the Channel Islands was much cooler than it is today. -Near the time of Arlington Man, fossil evidence indicates that Pygmy Mammoths were also present on the Santa Rosa Island

The deepest ocean currents are generated by which kind of ocean surface water sinking?

-Correct Answer: Cold-Salty -Cold Fresh -Hot Fresh -Hot Salty

Which of the following locations has a lower degree of primary productivity?

-Correct Answer: Halfway between California and Hawaii -Galapagos Islands -Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California) -Northern California coast

Science is a blend of logic and _____________.

-Correct Answer: Imagination -Documentation -Calculus -Atheism

Based on a report by scientists at Scripps who studied marine fossil assemblages in layers deposited over the last 85 million years, Geologically, the "modern ocean" ecosystem is distinct from the....

-Correct Answer: Paleogene -Holocene -Pliocene -Miocene -Pleistocene

What is "the most successful oceanographic sciences satellite of all time" and according to Walter Monk?

-Correct Answer: Topex-Poseidon -Landsat -Jason -Oceanos

One safeguard against undetected _______ in an area of study is to have many different investigators or groups of investigators working in it.

-Correct Answer: bias -data -truth -knowledge

Calvert Island in British Colombia has been found to be a special anthropologica l location that offers more evidence of early Americans likely around 13,500 years ago. What can be inferred by evidence uncovered at that location? (Select all that apply)

-Correct Answer: boats are implied as providing the only accesst to the island -A fossil boat uncovered recently proves the people were sea faring -Correct Answer: Footprints indicate repeated occupation of the site over a period of time -Correct Answer: the island must have been uplifted to keep it at sea level

Considering the "Four-trophic level" model, if the feeder fish are overfished, What other tropic level(s) should see a decline as well? (select all that apply)

-Correct Answer: phytoplankton -Correct Answer: Top-Predators -zooplankton

Advances in early 20th century fishing technology with larger vessels and _______________ allowed boats to start going global instead of just fishing in local waters.

-Correct Answer: refrigerators -nets -longlines -dredges -harpoons

Petrochemicals make it in to the ocean environment in many ways. Industrial applications throughout the late 20th Century had a big impact. Cetaceans have been impacted for many reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of the Cetaceans physiological problems.

-Correct Answer: somewhat enhanced libido and related growth rate -bioaccumulation in the blubber -transfer of PCB chemical concentrations from mother to calf -immune diorders

The waves at Maverick's in Half Moon Bay California are mostly created by which of the following....

-Correct Answer: the sea floor conditions -the tidal forces along that part of the coast -the dispersion of energy by ocean currents -the southerly direction the coastline faces

How is it possible to map the shape of the ocean floor from a satellite in space?

-Correct Answer: the shape of the ocean surface is not flat, the surface is shaped like the ocean bottom below due to gravity -the density of the ocean water can be measured by thermal radiation and the density correlates with the depth of the ocean -certain wavelengths of energy can penetrate the water to reflect off the sea floor -the ocean surface is variably shaped so that it creates a mirror image (or opposite shape) of the ocean floor

IN the image below of ocean salinities, which of the possible geographic locations would have water with HIGH salinity because the processes of evaporation are more influential than precipitation?

-Eastern India-Bay of Bengal -The northern Gulf of Mexico -The sea off the Pacific Northwest -Correct Answer: The eastern Mediterranean Sea

What two bands of the electromagnetic spectrum are closest to the visual band? (Select two)

-Gamma rays -Correct Answer: Ultraviolet rays -X-Rays -Correct Answer: Infrared rays

Which of the following statements about Blue Fin Tuna is true? (select more than one)

-Once a threatened species Blue Fin Tuna numbers are rising since 2005 -Correct Answer: Blue Fin Tuna are actually warm blooded -Correct Answer: Blue Fin Tuna can grow to 10 feet and 1000 pounds -Correct Answer: The Blue Fin sushi trade began in the 1960' and 1970's -Correct Answer: Blue Fin Tuna can swim as fast as a battleship (40mph)

What invention in the early 20th century is regarded as the driver of modern industrialized fishing?

-The drift net -Correct Answer: The refrigerator -The harpoon -The steam engine

What change likely occurred that caused the Megladon shark to go extinct while allowing the Blue Whale to survive during the late Cenozoic.

-The food source for C. Megladon evolved to swim faster and thus avoided predation -Correct Answer: Collapse of higher tropic levels could readily wipe out Megladon -Competition from giant marine reptiles wiped out Megladon -The waters warmed and became less productive

What is true about our understanding of ocean ecosystems?

-Though we do understand the modern ocean ecosystem in great detail (including all species interactions) we know very little about past environments -We understand the details of modern ecosystems (including species interactions) so well that we can project backwards to understand the prehistoric conditions -We understand the details of historic ecosystems (including species interactions) so well that we can understand all the changes that have led to the ecosystem that we see today -Correct Answer: We do not understand all the details of the current ocean ecosystem (including species interactions) and thus can only speculate about the ecosystems of the past

In relation to Mass-Die Offs of Cetaceans, one scientific theory in our readings explains the stranding and die-off of whole pods of whale and dolphins as a dementia like problem resulting from PCB's effecting the brain

-True -Correct Answer: False

Unfortunately PCB's have yet to be banned in the U.S. ?

-True -Correct Answer: False

Which of the following factors play a role in creating big ocean wind waves? (select all that apply)

-a strong high pressure system at the core an intensifying storm and wind field -Correct Answer: a continuously forward storm path -Correct Answer: the strength or velocity of the wind -a weak or absent jet stream -Correct Answer: the area of ocean with maximum winds -Correct Answer: the duration of the storm winds

The earliest inhabitants of the Channel Islands National Park in California likely arrived during.....?

-a time of climate stability after polar ice caps had melted -a warm interglacial time about a hundred thousand years ago -the height of the last ice age -Correct Answer: a time of rapid environmental change as the ice caps melted

The deep ocean currents driven by cold dense water sinking to the ocean bottom have been compared to.....

-an infinity loop -a polar escalator -a submarine sandwich -Correct Answer: a global conveyer belt

A ocean baseline would be the same as....?

-an inflection point -a long term average -a minimum functional level -Correct answer: a reference point

George Hadley figured out the reason that the trade winds constantly blow toward the inter-tropical convergence zone...which is...?

-cold pushing south toward the hot tropics -Correct Answer: constantly rising equatorial air -ocean current coupling with winds -the easterly spin of the Earth

The C. Megladon Shark went extinct.......

-early Cenozoic (Paleocene-Eocene) -late Paleozoic ocean (Permian) -Correct Answer: Modern ocean (Miocene-Holocene) -late Mesozoic ocean (Cretaceous)

Fishing down the food web implies ....?

-fishermen catch the small fish first -using a net to catch fish -Correct Answer: fishermen catch higher tropic levels first -fishermen catch the big fish near the bottom first -fishermen catch lower trophic levels first

Why do ecosystem baselines regressively shift?

-humans have no real control -Correct Answer: humans don't readily notice -humans don't really care -humans can't really figure it out

DDT would be characterized as this kind of molecule......

-hydrogen chloride -Correct Answer: chlorinated hydrocarbon -brominated hydrocarbon -multi-phase toxin

Which of the following is NOT a reported issue related to PCB in Beluga Whales in the St Lawrence seaway?

-impaired mammary glands -rare cancerous tumors -Correct Answer: heart disease -reduced birth rate

What best describes a "Neuston" in the context of life in the ocean?

-it is a philosophy for "new age" ocean thinking -it is s deep-sea life form found to have high levels of POP chemicals -Correct Answer: It is related to shallow water ecosystems -It is part of the anatomy of Cetaceans

Water makes it all happen. Its molecular structure gives it many properties which greatly effect the happenings on Earth. Among those properties you should include......

-its neutrality to ionic compounds -Correct answer: its polarity and ability to bond -Correct answer: its capacity to store heat -Correct answer: its ability to change physical state -Correct answer: its power to dissolve solids

Science ethical practices are guided by several factors. (select all that apply from the following list)

-narrow focus -data manipulation -Correct Answer: openness -Correct Answer: accurate record keeping -Correct Answer: replication -Correct Answer: peer review

This term divides the total biomass based on a species position in the food chain and also describes the flow of energy through the system?

-niche domains -biotic hierarchy -Correct Answer: trophic levels -genus separatus

Of all the ways that people might have made it to Chile near the tip of South America by 14,600 year ago, which TWO have been part of the most recent debate by anthropologists and archeologists? (select two)

-open ocean voyaging by early Africans -Correct Answer: land migration from Alaska as the ice-age glacier melted -Correct Answer: migration along coastal Americas from the bearing sea region -open ocean voyaging by the earliest Polynesians

Please select all sources of chemical ocean pollution from the choices below (more than 1)

-silt -Correct Answer: petroleum -Correct Answer: pop's -Correct Answer: toxic metals

Which of the following are true? (select all true statements)

-some aquaculture has been shown to be sustainable -aquaculture produces more than industrialized ocean fishing

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) MOST IMPORTANTLY combine a Map with........

-stratographics -topographics -Correct Answer: a data base -colors

Which of the following would be considered an inference?

-surface rocks patterns that are evident after extensive geologic mapping -a map of the subsurface of the Earth based on rock samples collected in drill cores -observed (measured) deformation caused by moving plates -Correct Answer: a map of the subsurface features of the Earth based on a remote sensing tool

What is true about about ecosystem changes off Southern California during an El Nino? (select 2)

-the California Current has less of an influence -bottom-up trophic cascade can partially occur

The global pattern of marine primary productivity (photosynthetic plankton) is mostly related to which of the following?

-water salinity -water temperature -Correct Answer: water nutrient level -water density

What is different about water vapor molecules? (than liquid or solid H2O)

-water vapor molecules have a ring-shape like little doughnuts. (torus's) -Correct Answer: water vapor molecules vibrate and float around like little energy units -water vapor molecules stick together at high energy in the upper atmosphere -water vapor molecules are NOT vibrating and hence full of energy

Choose from the following ALL the things necessary to create a large petro-fuel reserve...? (select more than one)

-you need a sedimentary basin -you need a way to trap the fluids -you need primary productivity

The difference in our frame of reference between schools of wild Blue Fin Tuna and wild populations of many types of "land based" creatures is a matter in "how" we choose to define them. On land, wild creatures are considered 1 __________ while in an ocean habitat, creatures like the magnificent "Blue Fin" are thought of and defined as 2__________.

1 wildlife, 2 seafood

In this contour Image of ocean temperatures, what is the temperature in degrees C of the bright yellow spot in the lower right portion?

17 degrees

Growing coral faster that nature has been accomplished by....

24 hours of ultraviolet light stimulates growth Correct: cutting the corals into smaller pieces stimulates growth genetically engineering slow growing corals with faster developing species. adding super high levels of nutrients stimulates growth

What is true about the wave energy in iceland?

Based on our satellite observations the wave energy is higher in Iceland in the winter

What is true about toxicity and the ocean environment in the Puget Sound? (select all that apply)

Bioaccumulation (toxic magnitication) is a key contributor to death in the Puget Sound, The deteriorated state of the Puget Sound ecosystem has been recognized but recovery is a long way off if at all possible, The root cause of toxicity in the Puget Sound is that people are part of the ocean ecosystem

"Counting the Last Fish", an article by Daniel Pauly and Reg Watson points to a number of realities related to overfishing including.... (select all that apply)

CORRECT ANSWER: overfishing is often performed by foreign boats that have no local incentives CORRECT ANSWER: food webs contain trophic levels when overfishing occurs CORRECT ANSWER: overfishing results in decreases in species and food web diversity overfishing results in fishing up the food chain

What was a major legislative change that occurred a year after the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill?

California beaches were deemed federal land oil drilling was outlawed in all offshore areas many Correct: the federal environmental protection agency was formed

In relation to Mass-Die Offs of Cetaceans, one scientific theory in our readings explains the stranding and die-off of whole pods of whale and dolphins as a dementia like problem resulting from PCB's effecting the brain.

Correct Answer: False

An active-satellite, one that sends out electromagnetic waves, can beam the energy down toward the ocean surface and determine how large the waves on the ocean are. How much energy comes back to the satellite and how fast it returns gives information. What is that?

Correct answer: a lot of backscatter means big waves as they reflect the microwave energy -a low return signal means big waves because they absorb the microwave energy -a large degree of forward scatter and low backscatter is caused as big waves disperse microwave energy -a slower return time is caused by big waves as they delay microwave return energy

If you use a dousing device for finding water and it works half of the time, it has been "proven" to work?

Correct answer: false

Select ALL of the following that are significant land-based sources of chemical ocean pollution? (more than one)

Correct answer: pesticides, coal power plant emissions, urban run off, mining run off

The Coriolis Force in the atmosphere is attributed to the....

Correct answer: the spin of the Earth - unequal heating of Earth -magnetic field of Earth -the solar wind

Which of the following is true about Southern California weather and climate? (select 2)

Correct: CA weather and climate is altered by changes to ocean currents in the equatorial Pacific Ocean During El Nino warm water events the California current strengthens and ecosystems thrive Correct: CA weather and climate depends partly on the strength and temperature of the California current CA "summer" weather is largely dependent on the strength and location of the jet stream CA winter weather is not dependent on the amplitude and location of the jet stream

During the PETM climate excursion carbon dioxide built up in the atmosphere. What is true about the rate of buildup?

Correct: It was ten to fifteen times slower that the current rate of carbon dioxide build-up it was one thousand times slower than the current anthropogenic increases it happened much faster than the current rate of carbon dioxide increase it caused the temperature to soar 2 degrees in 100 years

Which of the following are TRUE about the island nation of Palau? (select more than one)

Correct: Palau is the first nation on Earth to preserve nearly all of their economic exclusion zone. Palau is a unique tropical location that due to cold upwelling water has no coral reef Correct: Palau is enthusiastically embracing sustainable forms of aqua and mariculture Palau is economically independent of its local marine system

IN "A World With No Ice" authors compare past geological times on Earth to a potential future state of Earth. IF we were to travel back in time what is the geological epoch of warm ocean water immediately before the ice ages began?

Correct: Pliocene Cretaceous Pleistocene Eocene

What is true about the farming of giant clam meat? (select all that apply)

Correct: clam meat brings a very high price (compared to the best sushi) in Asian fish markets Correct: Palau has a sustainable program for giant clam aquaculture Correct: because giant clams grow relatively fast it make economic sense to farm them shells from giant clams are now worth more money than the meat giant clam meat can only be consumed by people with a special gene for digesting it Correct: clam farming is economically feasible by using clam "seedlings" from aquaculture nurseries

Which of the following IS NOT a noted change to the California Current System that occur due to warm El Nino currents?

Correct: decreased ocean stratification compressing and isolating habitats changes in chemistry, like dissolved Oxygen content poleward transport of warmer water species

A type of sugar (carbohydrate) that is produced by symbiotic algae within the mantle of a giant clam is called....

Correct: glycerol kerotin phosphate fructose

What IS true about carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and oceans? (select all that apply)

Correct: humans have never seen higher levels Correct: it is essential to life on land and in the sea three percent of the atmosphere is composed of CO2 the "rate" of CO2 increase is slowly decreasing

Choose all the TRUE statements about mangrove forests?

Correct: mangrove forests protest coastlines from the destructive power of hurricanes 95% of all mangrove forests have disappeared as a result of development Correct: mangrove forests act as a buffer between humans and the ocean and clean up dirty water Correct: a majority of tropical fish depend on mangroves for survival Correct: mangrove forests are rich and biologically diverse ecosystems Correct: mangrove forests trap carbon and create oxygen just like other forests Correct: mangrove forests are a source of ocean nutrients Correct: mangrove forests are a nursery ground for many ocean species

Choose ALL the following that are potential stresses which could cause coral bleaching? (choose more than one)

Correct: warming waters Correct: pollution storms and wind Correct: changing ocean chemistry

If mangrove loss rate continues at the present levels, mangrove forests will likely be gone in 10 years?


Palau has a large fleet of fishing vessels for use in its local waters and exports most all the fish they catch.


The first Paleozoic reefs were constructed of Schleractinian corals?


The sinking of deep water to form the "global ocean conveyor' current that over time mixes the oceans would NOT occur in this location?

North Atlantic Southern Ocean Correct: North Pacific

What is true about formation of the largest wind-waves on the ocean......the biggest surf?

They're formed around a strong mid-latitude low pressure system

A majority of people part of "Pew Research Center" poll (2014) were in favor of offshore oil drilling?


Ocean reefs can be constructed by processes other than coral growth?


What have we ultimately learned scientifically or conceptually about Daniel Pauly's 1995 concept of "shifting baselines"?

We understand ...... that what we don't know enough details about past or present ecosystems

What is an iridocyte? (found in Giant Clams)

a cell that distribute photosynthetically productive wavelengths of light

What is a biological pump, when referencing the carbon cycle?

a process that forms carbon a process that breaks apart carbon a process that consumes carbon Correct: a process that stores carbon

How much carbon can a mangrove forest absorb?

about 5 times more carbon than a tropical rain forest

Rossby atmospheric waves are related to... or influenced by..... (choose 3)?

an urban island effect Correct: The heat of the ocean and land masses Correct: the jet stream Correct: the flow of the atmosphere on a spinning Earth solar variations

This process forces toxins to be concentrated the higher up the food chain you go


This process forces toxins to be concentrated the higher up the food chain you go.


A study paper for this unit, "The Functioning of Marine Ecosystems", describes how impacts to the ecosystem at various trophic levels can effect the rest of the system. What type of control causes declines to the entire system?

bottom-up control

Select all of the following aspects of aqua or mariculture operations that are NOT sustainable?

culturing native species Correct: using antibiotics to control the health of the fish creating a system in which fish waste is efficiently removed or utilized Correct: catching "wild" fish to feed the farmed fish

What change occurs in California coastal waters when the normal "prevailing" northwest winds DON'T blow during the spring season?

decreased productivity

Because of the "social" nature of science, the ______________ of scientific information is crucial to its progress


The "Deepwater Horizon" was an older style drill rig from the 1980's


The best methods for successful and sustainable aquaculture or mariculture are those that grow one type of species and artificially create environments that benefit that species?


As global carbon dioxide emissions increase the ecosystem carbon ____________ declines?

footprint drawdown Correct: sink capacity radioactive fallout

A two-year chart of Carbon Dioxide measurements made from the top of Mauna Loa, Hawaii, shows a saw tooth pattern. Why?

global cycles of primary productivity

The time that follows the Epoch of ice ages in the Cenezoic is the.......


DNA evidence that supports a coastal migration to the Americas comes from which source? (select as many as apply)

human fossils plant fossils animal fossils

What is NOT true about humans and the consumption of giant clams?

humans have been eating them for thousands of years Correct: humans have stopped eating giant clam meat all together humans are now culturing the fast growing giant clams in sustainable ways humans are still harvesting them and some areas have been wiped clean

A change from a La Nina current to an El Nino current would......(select 3)

increase the chances of exotic marine species in California waters increase the chances for flooding in Southern California increase the chances of ecosystem changes occurring off the California coast

Where would you go scuba diving to see the highest coral and fish diversity?

indo asia - southwest pacific

What are examples of "ecosystem goods and services"? (select all that are)

life support provisions provisions for climate regulation provisions for food, water, shelter

Daniel Pauly's "shifting baseline syndrome" was originally used to describe.....?

ocean fishery declines

Which of these is the most common source of petroleum?


What does "ppm" stand for? ..really?

puppies per movie Correct: parts per million pressure pulse measures pounds per mile

Arguably, the most important discovery revealed by 20th century "echosounder" mapping of the ocean floor was...

rift zones and trenches and the theory of plate tectonics

Which of the following orders are the Paleozoic corals? (select all that apply)

rugosa coral tabulata coral

When talking about acidification, pH level is the same as.....?

salinity Correct: hydrogen ion concentration nutrient level molecular bond energy

Some of the highest resolution scans of the ocean floor that can reveal sunken ships are made with.....

side scan sonar

Typhoon Intensity in the western Pacific near Asia appears to be increasing, What is the main reason?

southern hemisphere Jet stream increases atmospheric pressure increases Correct: atmospheric water vapor increases atmospheric convection decreases

Productivity in the southern ocean is great when the sun is out, but what else make these waters flourish?

storm winds efficiently oxygenate the water Correct: deep water mixes vigorously to the surface hydrothermal waters from the deep ocean the cold water makes organisms grow faster

What do shallow water stoney corals rely on to provide most all their food?

symbiotic algae cells

Which of the following is NOT true about the California Current?

the flow of the current along the coast helps to form upwelling currents it is about 1600 feet in depth Correct: it flows from south to north It is a cold current

Polynesian navigators set out from the Marquesas northward. What assisted them on their journey across the equator to discovery Hawaii?

the southwest trade winds, the northwest trade winds and east moving equatorial currents

TWO of these reasons are why the Southern Ocean is so good at absorbing carbon dioxide and storing it.??

the waters are productive the waters are cold

What is NOT true about giant clams found in Palau and throughout oceania?

they get most of their food by filter feeding large quantities of water

When Palau became an independent nation in 1994, its founders wrote in the constitution about the need for "conservation of a beautiful, healthful, and resourceful natural environment." What is NOT true about Palau's achievements since then?

they have begun to replenish the local ecosystems with over harvested species such as grouper, giant clams and mangrove crabs they have set global benchmarks for conservation with several notable steps including the first shark sanctuary Correct: they have established commercial fisheries in their boundary waters and manage them with a modern fleet of enforcement patrols. they have limited certain commercial "catch and sell" seafood operations while encouraging other "culture and sell" farming

What is the key evolutionary advantage of iridocites within clam tissue?

they help maximize regenerative capability Correct: they help maximize photosynthetic capability they help maximize their immune capability they help maximize reproductive capability

IN North America, a winter weather change that might be associated with large amplitude Rossby waves is....

warm winter conditions everywhere from California to New York the California Current and the Gulf Stream change directions a jet stream that causes smaller temperature variations throughout the winter Correct: a jet stream that brings alternating warm and cold periods

Satellite observation platforms began to be used about the same time that man landed on the moon. What was one of the first applications of the Nimbus- 3 in 1969?

weather observation and storm tracking

Humans need to try and limit warming to 2 degrees C.....models say this 2 C threshold would be reached if we exceed this approximate concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide..........?

~700 ppm

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