OCN 150 Final Exam
if sea A has a wave height of 1m and sea B has a wave height of 3m, what would the height of the waves resulting from destructive interferance be?
where do arid regions (deserts) occur?
30 degrees north/south
if sea A has a wave height of 1m and sea B has a wave height of 3m, what would the height of the waves resulting from constructive interferance be?
Height of a wave
a large system of circular ocean currents formed by global wind patterns and forces driven by earths rotation
What is the El Nino Southern Oscillation? (ENSO)
a periodic shift of the ocean atmosphere system in the tropical pacific that impacts weather around the world.
ions are removed from the oceans through which processes?
adsorption and precipitation, sea spray, biological processes, and hydrothermal activity at the mid ocean ridge.
the nebular hypothesis suggests that
all bodies in the solar system are created from an enormous gas cloud
The Mariana Trench is an example of ________ plate boundary.
an oceanic-oceanic convergent
which ocean is the smallest and the shallowest?
arctic ocean
where on earth is centripetal force towards the moon the greatest?
at the zenith
which category of sediment does calcareous ooze fall into?
which category of sediment does siliceous ooze fall into?
both the solid rock that undergoes brittle deformation (crust) and the solid iron-rich rock that udergoes brittle deformation (upper part of the mantle)
which fin is used in fish to propel it to a high speed?
caudal fin
eustatic sea level change
caused by a change in the volume of the ocean
Eckman Transport
caused by friction and the coriolis effect, describes the direction and flow of surface water at different depths. runs perpindicular to the wind, to the right in the north and to the left in the south.
anti-cyclonic flow
clockwise around a high pressure system in the north and counterclockwise around a low pressure system in the south
heat is transferred from the liquid outer core to the rigid mantle by:
calcerous ooze
contains greater than or equal to 30% hard remains of calcium carbonate secreting organims. Does not acculmate below the CCD.
siliceous ooze
contains greater than or equal to 30% remains of silica secreting organisms. acculmates in areas of high primary productivity.
where are the thickest sediments deposited worldwide?
continential margins
cyclonic flow
counterclockwise around a low pressure system in the north and clockwise around a low pressure system in the south
ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone)
curved line that varies based on season. a lot of rain in this location
what best characterizes the east coast of the contiguous united states?
deep currents
driven by differences in density caused by differences in temperature and salinty. vertical and horozontial motion
About 300 million years ago, the Appalachian Mountains in North America were matched up with the identical rocks from which area?
the intensity of solar radation recieved at lower latitudes (near the equator) compared to higher latitiudes (near the poles) is:
rapid changing salinity with depth is called the:
the shape of the caudal fin of a shark is referred to as
if the side of the earth facing the moon experiences high tide, then the side opposite from the moon will have a ______ tide
which of the following does NOT limit coral growth?
high concentrations of calcium carbonate in the water
which category of sediment do manganese nodules fall into?
which layer of the earth generates the earth's magnetic field?
inner core
just the solid rock that undergoes brittle deformation
what fuels a hurricane?
latent heat stored in water vapor
which category of sediment does volcanic ash fall into?
throughout earth's history, periods of rapid tectonic activity (and therefore climate change) often caused significant:
mass extinctions
Coriolis effect
objects in the northern hemishpere are deflected to the right and in the southern hemisphere deflected to the left
most large-magnitude earthquake occur along which of the following?
ocean trenches
what do prevailing offshore winds produce in terms of the salinity of coastal waters?
offshore winds cause a high rate of evaporation and thus high surface salinities
the two most significant human sources of oil pollution in the marine environment are:
petroleum consumption and transportation
fossils of ancient polar plants are currently found near the equator because
plants lived near the poles, but their landmasses have drifted to their recent locations.
the relative productivity in the worlds oceans from most productive to least productive is
polar, mid latitudes, tropical
the difference between centripetal forces and gravitational forces is called the:
resultant force
which tidal pattern has two high tides and two low tides of equal height per tidal day?
spreading centers have _______ earthquakes, while trenches have _______ earthquakes.
shallow, deep
_______ is generated by the pull of the weight of a plate as it sinks underneath an overlying plate
slab pull
old ocean lithosphere is recycled back into the mantle at
spreading centers
when is the tidal range of the oceans the greatest?
spring tides, full and new moon
the intertidal zonation of sediment covered shores is best developed on a _____ sloping, ______-sand beach.
steep, coarse
surging breakers
steepest sea floor, energy spread over shortest distance, best for body surfing, waves break on shore.
the horizontal distance between crests
the range of sea water depth where the seawater salinity reduces rapidly with the increase of water depth
the range of sea water depths where the density increases rapidly with the increase of water depth
wave height
the vertical distance from the crest of a wave to the trough
compared to the granitic continental crust, the basaltic ocean crust is
thinner and denser
transition from water temp at surface to water temp in the deep ocean
which parameter is similar between open-ocean and nearshore tsumani waves?
wave period
how does wave refraction at headlands affect deposition and erosion?
wave refraction causes depostion of sediments in bays and headland erosion at the point.
wave speed and length decreases, wave height and steepness increases.
the muscle tissues of a lunger is predominantly:
surface currents
wind driven, primarily horozontial motion