Of Mice and Men - AP Multiple Choice.

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Which of the following comments by lennie makes george realize how cruel he has been to lennie?

"'Nobody'd take it away from me'"

Which of the following contributes LEAST to creating the imagery of a parent's reading a story to a child when george tells the story of their dreams?

"'You aint gonna put nothing over on me.',

The woman's behavior with the men could best be described as


Description of heron and water snake

Forshadow lennie and george

George response to candy questions abt farm foreshadowing

George become roamer

Wwhich of the following is the best example of a paradox that reveals some of George's internal conflicts

George fell silent. He wanted to talk

George's angry tirade about the bus driver shows that

George felt the driver had been supercilious and disdainful

A major shift in focus in the passage begins with the sentence

George shuffled the cards noisily

From George's talk with slim the reader can infer that

George took advantage of Lennie when he was young George enjoy lennie Lennie lost his mother young

The simile I the first paragraph serves to reveal

George's acception of hard decision that time w Lennie abt to end

Although George and lennie both want to leave the ranch

George's reasons are logical while lennies are emotional

In the third paragraph, the principal contrast presented is that between

Georges fantasies and the realities of his life

From George's recitation abt their dream one can infer that George

Had been on a farm when young

Aft candy say Curley not there, wides first comment shows that she

Has a disdainful attitude towards the three men

George responds defensively to slims remark abt George and Lennie traveling together bc George

Has had other people make remarks abt his being with lennie

Crooks attitude abt the farm dream changes when

He believes they have money and land is chosen

Lennie goes to crooks room bc

He is lonely without george

From this passage the reader can infer all the following abt Curley except

He is very vain abt his clothes and appearance

Slims words and actions show

He understands it was difficult but necessary

Curley wife in negative light

Her face was heavily made ul

Candy resigned to never have dream pace revealed through

His use of a subjunctive

Which of the following contributes least tot he characterization of curley

I'll try to catch him

In the third paragraph,"lennies face was drawn with terror" because he feared that george

Intended to desert lennie, leaving him all alone

Don't you think of nothing but rabbits


George's recitation beginning "george's voice became deeper..." and ending at the end of the passage makes what george said in the third paragraph


Lennies thoughts abt George not wanting him are


Crooks enjoys his verbal tour tire of lennie bc

It is his only chance to torment a white

Lennie's imagination of georges posture(in the paragraph beginning "george knelt" reveals that

Lennie admires george,seeing him as a role model

Lennie's assertion,"i didnt kill it.honest," implies that

Lennie has killed small animals in the past

Ideas by far old lady symbolize

Lennies conscience and feelings of guilt

Words of giant rabbit representing

Lennies deepest fears

Used in the last sentence," ' leave me have it,george,'" the word "leave" is best understood to mean


The primary difference in language bt the authors narrative and the characters dialogue is

Level of diction

From the first two paragraphs the reader can infer all of the following abt crooks except that he

Likes eating apples and is not neat

Crooks response to it being candy and not slim in the barn reveals that crooks

Looks forward to interactions w slim

Crooks remark abt g keeping Lennie outa sight understood to refer to gs

Not taking lennie into town

Gesture that curleys wife makes best described as

Pathetic and farcical

The description of lennie in the second and third paragraphs is most notable for its

Preponderance of animal imagery

George's words "' that's a hell of an old dog'" are meant to

Provide a starting point for a more friendly conversation with the old man

Slims responses to George's long talk could best be characterized as

Reassuring and laconic

The last paragraph serves to

Reveal gs suspicion that others will try to thwart dream

The last four paragraphs serve to

Reveal the true bond between Lennie and George

George's time when he says yeah and she's sure hidin it is


The tone of crooks reply to gandys comment abt his room can be characterized as


As used in the third paragraph confidence means

Sharing private info

The women's response to slim telling her that Curley was home reveals that

She fears what Curley will do if he finds she is not home

The passage as a whole serves primarily to

Show the strength of the bond between lennie and george

Candy agrees for Carlson to shoot the dog bc

Slims acknowledges that Carlson's assessment of the dog is correct

The speaker's tone in "'jus' wanted to ... like it was a mouse'" could best be described as

Taunting and childish

The agreement between george and the old man that"'a guy on a ranch dont never listen nor he dont ast no questions', hints that the ranch workers

Tend to avoid becoming involved in other people's business

The main reason candy wants to be apart of g and l dream farm is

That he worries what will happen to him when he can no longer work

The synthaesia used in the second sentence is intended to convey

The depth of happiness George fills his dream will bring him

Candy two word statement implies that candy

Thinks cs wife responsible and feel bad for lennie

Response to candy what we gonna do now reveals that George is

Trying to reconcile his desire to protect lennie with knowledge of what must happen

Crooks comments contain all of the following except


George throws gun bc

Upset by what e done with it

In the fifth paragraph in Carlson's statement I don't see no reason for it the pronoun it refers to


Crooks offer to work for nothing reveals that he

Wants to be apart of the dream of having one's own place

George initial response to candy abt questions of dream place

Wary and rude

Lennies response to puppy death reveals

Wide range of emotions

Lennies interjections into George's narratives reveal lennies

Wide range of emotions experience over a short time

Lennies respose("'you want i should go away...'") to george's tirade reveals lennie's

Willingness to put george's happiness before his own

The phrase without turning his hand means

Without doing any work

The authors description of the silence that follows Carlson's departure with the dog


Curley's wife tries to get lennie to talk by

All three

occasional mention of the other men's ongoing horseshoe game serves

As a contrast to the two men's isolated conversation

Slim- makes his characterization the least god like

As delicate as those of a temple dancer

The men's various attempts to start a conversation reflect their

Attempts to comfort candy and distract him from the shot that will kill dog

Candy appeal to George to be part of dream mainly bc

Candy has money

Eager to hunt lennej


As used in the beginning paragraph "I'll try to catch him" the word pugnacious means


Description of setting in first nine paragraphs serves to

Contrast mood of events that occur in barn

The description of the two men in the second paragraph serves to

Contrast their physical appearances

Which of the following details serves to emphasize the incongruous nature of the women's appearance

Cotton house dress

Crooks reports lennie playing with the pups to slim bc

Crooks is worried abt pups well being

Curley anger not abt wide shown

Curley mad abt his hand

The swampers explanation of curleys behavior towards lennie is based on

Curleys small stature

Not parallel

Curleys wife opinion of Curley and lennie

It refers to

Different things for Lennie and george

Lennies response to the presence of curleys wife

Differs from candy and crooks

The swampers comment that Curley just don't give a damn means that Curley

Does not think abt what it means to be fired bc he will never be fired

The author decribes the old sheep dog in such detail primarily in order to

Draw an implied comparison betwen the dog and the old man

Lennie's slowness of thought is revealed primarily through

Ellipsis and repetition

Crooks response to lennie in door way bc

Embarrassed at seen tending to his back

The use of the polysyndeton in the sentence he slowly rolled over serves to

Emphasize the emotional pain conveyed by each action verb

She married Curley

Escape mom and dead end life

Crooks father opposed him playing with white kids bc father

Felt give crooks fake sense of equality

Third paragraph differs from first in that it

Focuses more on crooks physical and emotional characteristics

The focus of George's recitation could be described as moving from

Food to work to secure ownership

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