old people test 3 (ch 6-7)

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In research on the attraction effect in problem solving, the findings suggest that older adult consumers are less likely to be influenced by:

Extraneous factors

By interpreting the paralinguistic elements of speech, such as _________________, older adults can compensate for not hearing every word spoken to them in a conversation.

Gestures and facial expressions

An older adult's ability to drive may be affected by which normal age-related changes in vision?

Greater sensitivity to glare?

Consistent with the _________ model of aging and neuroplasticity, older adults are able to compensate by using the right hemisphere in processing language instead of the left.


Research examining the relationship between memory and stress found that people who experience daily stresses, regardless of age, also are likely to:

Have memory problems on the day they were stressed

In solving everyday problems, older adults typically show which pattern of performance compared to younger adults?

Higher scores on problems of an interpersonal nature

Older adults who have a low sense of memory controllability because they believe that memory decline is inevitable can also be thought of as high in:

Identity accommodation

Researchers have established that when older adults are given an _______ memory test, or one in which they don't know they're being tested, they perform as well as young adults.

Implicit memory test

The model of self-regulation and driving predicts that an older adult will continue to drive depends on the psychological factors of:

Internal distractions causing anxiety

Problems in everyday life that are the easiest to solve for older adults are those that:

Involved definite, well stated-goals

Researchers have shown that when spoken to by the young with "elderspeak," older adults' experience:

Lack of stimulation from being treated like a child?

The SLS (Seattle Longitudinal Study) showed that people least likely to retain their intellectual abilities in later adulthood were low on the personality factor of:

Life complexity

The role of the central executive in working memory is to:

Make decisions, plans, and allocate resources to a task

In the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm, working memory would be considered to represent the __________ of intelligence.


Although you may not realize it right now, the years of your late adolescence and early adulthood are likely to be best remembered by you in the future due to the phenomenon known as:

Reminiscence bump

Based on a study carried out in The Netherlands on verbal fluency and working memory, you would be most likely to preserve these important cognitive skills if you became a:


According to the age complexity hypothesis, a(n) _________ search task would present the greatest challenge to a normally-aging older adult.


According to research on stereotype threat, when older adults are made to feel aware of their age in a memory study, they will:

be influenced by social attitudes towards aging and perform worse

The ability to respond to stimuli in the periphery, relevant to the driving skills of older adults, is called:

Useful field of view (UFOV)

Mixing up who said what in a conversation that happened in the past is an instance of ___________ memory failure, a problem that affects older more than younger adults.


Older adults are more susceptible to losing which type of memory?


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that, in 2012, the highest fatality rates were for drivers ages:


During working memory tasks, older adults have difficulty ____________ the brain's default network, meaning that they are less able to focus on incoming information.


The ______________ hypothesis proposes that older adults are disproportionately slower on tasks that are more difficult.

Age complexity hypothesis

A technical repair person is trying to determine the cause of a recent outage. The first step in the problem-solving is needed to repair the damage is for the repairperson to:

Assess the current situation

Research on videogame training in young adults shows that these games have the effect of improving:

Attentional capacity, eye movements, reaction time, peripheral vision

With the help of the ______________, researchers in the area of cognitive aging are able to calculate the extent of attentional slowing in older adults.

Brinley plot

By using ___________ to guide them, older adults can compensate for age-related changes in memory and speed when comprehending language.


The highest scores for older adults, and lowest age-related declines, are shown on which primary mental ability?

Crystallized intelligence

While you are at rest, the brain's ____________ is at work, processing information that you generate internally.

Default network

A middle-aged psychologist is concerned about his father's driving because he worries that his father seems to be showing slips in his executive functioning. This means that the father is having the most difficulty in which aspect of driving?

Distractions and planning the route that is going to be easiest to navigate

Data from studies measuring the brain's electrical activation to stimuli, also known as _______________, show that older adults are less able to inhibit irrelevant information.

EEG (electroencephalogram)

While checking in on an older adult patient whose husband is visiting her in the hospital, a nurse's aide finds them holding hands and kissing. The aide immediately laughs and says "That's so cute!" What is the aide's behavior referred to in the psychology of aging?


The communication predicament model is associated with which type of language directed toward older adults?

Elderspeak/ infantilization

Bilingual adults benefit because the task-switching required by monitoring two languages strengthens their:

Executive functioning

The abilities to plan, use working memory, allocate mental resources to incoming tasks, and inhibit information are included in the cognitive skill known in psychology as:

Executive functioning - higher order cognitive skills

Research from the Institute of Highway Safety shows that older drivers in the U.S. faced with the challenge of making a left-hand turn while driving in a busy intersection are most likely to experience which outcome?

Fatal crashes

According to research on _____________ memory, older adults are able to remember distinctive historical events as well as do younger adults.


In research on the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm by Grossman and colleagues, the older adults who were seen by others as wise had lower scores on a measure of:

Fluid intelligence

As shown in research on decision-making, one advantage that older problem-solvers seems to possess involves their greater ability to make the most out of:

Information from prior experience

The tendency to ramble may be especially likely to occur in the speech of older adults who experience "mental clutter," or an inability to:

Inhibit relevant information

According to the __________hypothesis about the effects of aging on attention, older adults take longer to respond because they are unable to ignore distracting or interfering stimuli:

Inhibitory deficit hypothesis

A psychological factor affecting the driving performance of older adults is:

Internal distractions causing anxiety

Even in the absence of a neurocognitive disorder, people at risk of which medical condition are more likely to experience significant memory loss?

Metabolic syndrome

Al Nino is a man in his 70s who is receiving rehabilitation following his recent hip surgery. Luckily his physical therapist avoids elderspeak because she refers to him as:

Mr. Nino

Scaffolding theory in the area of cognitive aging comes closest to which concept in the area of aging and the nervous system?


Older adults who eat a diet that includes food rich in ____________ are likely to experience some cognitive benefits.

Omega-3 and B12

The idea of reserve capacity in research on aging and intelligence is very similar to the concept of ____________ in the nervous system.


Your best friend's grandparent always seems to have great advice whenever you are struggling in your relationship. This is because wise people are considered, in the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm, to be high in the ____________ of intelligence.


Based on what researchers have discovered about the attraction effect, it is likely that in considering their behavior as consumers older adults should be more likely to:

Purchase the wisest investment of the cameras

Brinley plots illustrating the slowing of reaction time in older adults typically involve which type of data?

Reaction time

Research on prospective memory shows that older adults have more difficulty when the task involves which type of mental activity?

Recalling events that you must do in the future; the more planning involved, the more difficult to remember

Testing the limits is a method used in studies of aging and cognition to demonstrate which principle related to plasticity?

Reserve capacity

The pragmatics of intelligence, in the Berlin Wisdom Paradigm, emphasizes which type of abilities?

Solving problems

Making older adults conscious about their age during a memory test is likely to trigger the condition known as _____________ in which their performance actually becomes worse.

Stereotype threat

Older bilingual speakers show performance deficits on which measure of executive functioning?

Stroop test/working memory

The brain's default network, which processes internally-generated stimuli, includes which structure?

The hippocampus, parts of the prefrontal cortex, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe, and part of the cingulate cortex involved in visualization.

Findings on the effects of age on memory for events from the long-ago past, or remote memory, show that:

There is a decline in episodic memory

Crowded intersections pose a particular risk for older adults not only because of the many cars, but because they often have:

To turn across traffic and confusing signs

A factor in the driving behavior of older adults is that, compared to younger adults, they are more likely to:

Wear seatbelts and self-regulate

The effects of aging on working memory may be due to changes in which structure of the brain?

White matter?

Changes in which type of memory are most likely to affect the ability of an older adult to put words together in a sentence to convey the intended meaning?

Working memory

Performance of older adults on the Stroop color-word task provides evidence of effects of aging on:

Working memory

While playing "Words with Friends" with her 72-year-old grandmother, Frieda Lay is shocked to find that she is losing badly because her grandmother just seems to know so many more words. Frieda's grandmother is illustrating the fact that:

crystalized intelligence rises throughout adulthood into the 70s

The findings on executive function and lifestyle factors from Whitehall II showed that people whose abilities declined the most also tended to:

live close to their children

Virtual reality memory training, in which older adults simulated walking through various places, was found to benefit which type of cognitive ability?

long-term memory; specifically, verbal memory for stories

The "predicament" in the Communication Predicament Model of aging and language refers to the fact that older people, because they appear to be in need of care, are talked to by others in ways that cause them to become:

more dependent - they lose desire to be self-sufficient, less desire to socialize, creates age-stereotypes (self-fulfilling prophecy), could lead to dementia

The General Slowing Hypothesis proposes that older adults become slower primarily because of:

nervous system changes

On simple search tasks, where targets stand out relatively easily from distractors, older adults perform at high levels, because these tasks require:

scan the whole array at once usually looking for one target that is different in one way from the distractor

Older adults who have a low sense of memory _________, the feeling that they cannot perform well on a memory test, are likely to have poorer scores when their memory is actually tested.


Vocabulary, factual information, and historical knowledge fall into the category of ____________ memory, a process not affected by aging.


Unlike younger adults, neither middle-aged nor older individuals show a benefit to memory of having a greater amount of _______ sleep:


Training older adults to use "deep processing" to encode information more fully would involve having them follow which procedure?

think about the meaning of the information they are trying to remember rather than simply repeating information

In an n-back task, used to assess working memory, participants are asked to:

to repeat the ''nth'' item back in a list of items presented to you in serial order

Instruction manuals that use terms that are __________ are particularly challenging for older adults


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