Old Testament Final

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One of the key questions at the beginning of the book of Job is: ( )

"Doth Job fear God for nothing?"

What is the definition of an enumerated proverb?

"cleverly drive their truths home by using the mathematical formula x / x + 1 in the title."

One of the most popular verses in Proverbs reads: "( ) the LORD with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding."

Trust in

In order to cover up his sin of adultery, David had ___ killed in battle.


Job was from the land of ( ).


What was the name of the man who died when he tried to steady the falling Ark of the Covenant?


The authors listed two complicating factors for studying the Old Testament. What is the first complicating factor?

Was not written in the English language or in western culture

What is the spiritual factor in Bible interpretation?

We must determine our own spiritual condition as we prepare to interpret the Bible.

What is the literary factor in Bible interpretation?

We must determine the basic type of literature or genre of the biblical passage. The Bible contains many literary categories and subcategories.

What is the historical factor in Bible interpretation?

We must determine the historical background of the biblical passage. This includes the study of the original author, original hearers, date, original occasion, and original purpose of the document.

What is the grammatical factor in Bible interpretation?

We must determine the meanings of the words (lexical) and the relationships of the words to one another (syntax).

What is the contextual factor in Bible interpretation?

We must determine the relationship of the biblical passage to its context. There are multiple basic contextual spheres that the Bible interpreter must take into account:

What kind of literature reflected "skill in living" that combined the powers of observation, the capacities of human intellect, and the application of knowledge and experience to daily life?

Wisdom literature

The word "Scripture" is from the words graphe and gramma, which mean ( ).


There is much discussion in this section of the textbook regarding the name of God. What name for God eventually came to be understood as the primary name of Israel's covenant God?


( ) was the dogmatist who told Job that God was giving Job less that Job deserved.


Samuel was prepared to be a leader of the people because he was (___).

a prophet, a priest, and a judge (All of the above)

An ( ) is verse in which the intial letters of consecutive lines of stanza form an alphabet, a word, or a phrase.


a literary device in which the initial letter of successive points in a speech or verses in a stanza follow the order of a word or the order of the letters in an alphabet


According to some scholars, in Job "the Satan" refers to, or functions as, an ( ).


The literary form of the description of the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 is ( ).

an acrostic

positive and negative absolute divine commands from God: "Thou shalt ....." or "Thou shalt not ....."


an introductory word like "lo," "behold," "verily," or "verily, verily" (doubled for emphasis) that alerts the hearer or reader to perk up, pay attention, don't miss what immediately follows because of its strategic importance

attention marker

The biblical affirmations, admonitions, and guidelines for the sexual aspect of human life include: the need to evaluate and choose a marriage partner based on standards related to ( ).

biblical character

a statement usually made in a vague, wordy, round-about way in an attempt to spare the hearer the shock of alarming or harsh news


Proverbs 15:15 Better is a little with the fear of the LORD, Than great treasure with trouble

comparative proverb

The basic idea of a "proverb" is ( ). It appears that this originally applied to the short pity sayings which indicated similarity between various human experiences.


Proverbs 14:1: The wise woman builds her house. But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.

contrasting proverb

What type of proverb is "A wrathful man stirreth up strife: But he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife."

contrasting proverb

According to Job 2, in the midst of Job's suffering his wife encouraged Job to ( ).

curse God and die

Proverbs 11:28 In the way of righteousness is life, And in its pathway there is no death.

descriptive proverb

There are essentially two genres of Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament. The first and most prevalent type is ( ) or practial wisdom. The book of Proverbs is the most representative of this type.


What is the definition of a prescriptive proverb?

does more that observe something significant about life. It states its truth with a specific aim to influence human behavior

Proverbs 30:18-19: There are three things which are too wonderful for me, Yea, four which I do not understand:

enumerated proverb

The antithesis of the wise man in Wisdom Literature is the ( ).


The concept of the the "fear of the Lord" means ( ).

forsaking the way of darkness, evil and death and walking in the path of integrity, righteousness, justice and life

What is the meaning of the word "exodus"?

going out or sudden departure

What happened to the baby who was conceived as a result of David's adulterous affair?

he died

The wisdom of Proverbs extols the virtue of ( ) and warns against the folly of sexual license.

heterosexual monogamous marriage

In the English Bible the book of Ruth is grouped among the ( ) books.


The purpose of the book of Psalms is to use the familiar ( ) of Israel to provide a cantata-like presentation of God's kingship through his anointed representatives, the kings of David's line.


an obvious exaggeration used to create an impression or to evoke an emotional response


a verbal expression or physical gesture that was peculiar to the people in their day and which conveyed a specific meaning

idiomatic expression

What does bemidbar mean?

in the wilderness

Several factors or criteria were important in the selection process for the Old Testament books which were included in the canon. The foremost factor or criterion was ( )

inherent divine inspiration of the books

What figure of speech is "O God" in Psalm 83:1?


an articulated particle, a word, or a phrase that expresses strong and intense emotion


(sarcasm) a statement in which the author means the opposite of what he says


What is the definition of a contrasting proverb?

is formed "by painting a stark contrast" in an "attempt to commend wise conduct highly, and to make foolishness (unskilled, unbiblical living) completely unappealing."

The key verse in Judges states, "In those days there was no ( ) in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes."


What figure of speech is "do not remain silent" in Psalm 83:1?


an understatement usually made in a negative manner for variety of expression or emphasis or the expression of a positive fact in a negative manner


a comparison that is implied, usually (but not always) employing some form of the verb "to be"


When the author of Proverbs directly addresses the readers, how does he address them?

my son

One lesson that can be learned from the negative example of Job's comforters is that we should be open to ( ) instead of merely relying on tradition or past experiences.

new insight

According to various examples in the book of Joshua, ( ) resulted in victory for Joshua and the children of Israel.

obeying the Lord Jesus

At the end of the Book of Job, what did Yahweh God command that the three friends of Job do?

offer an expensive and extensive sacrifice to atone for the sin of not speaking that which was right about Yahweh and His dealings with humans who suffer

Poetry comprises about how much of the Old Testament?


( ) refers to words that sound like what they describe.


In Proverbs, the ( ) is usually understood as a "warning speech."


( ), which is the counterbalancing of ideas in phrases, is a fundamental feature distinguishing poetry from prose.


a literary device by which things are represented or spoken of as a person; or by which we attribute intelligence, by words or actions to inanimate objects or abstract ideas


One type of Old Testament wisdom is that found in Ecclesiastes, and to some extent Job. The genre is usually categorized as ( ) or speculative.


The ( ) is an authoritative instuction or regulation for behavior based on the rules and values and religious tenents of society.


Proverbs 14:31 He who oppresseth the poor reproaches his Maker But he who honors Him has mercy on the needy

prescriptive proverb

One of the lessons that can be learned from the positive examples of Job's comforters is that we should be ( ) with people when they need us the most.


Knowing the literary genre of a book is a key factor in interpretation. For Proverbs this truth can be summarized as: "A proverb illustrates a general principle, not a ( ).


At the end of the story, Job did what?

repented in dust and ashes

The idea of divine "payback" based on the merits (or demerits) of human behavior is a common theme in poetic and wisdom literatue. This is known as the ( ) principle.


A question used to stimulate the hearer's or reader's thought and one which does not expect an answer

rhetorical question

The ( ) is a puzzling question stated as a problem calling for mental acumen to solve it.


The ( ) is cited in Israelite society, along with the priest and the prophet, as one of the three sources of authoritative guidance for the community of God.


The book of Proverbs represents the literary legacy of the Hebrew ( ).

sages (wisemen)

The purpose of Proverbs may be stated as a ( ) for the instruction of young men in the fear of the Lord.

school book

Psalms that are located at the end of each of the first four books or divisions and which connect to the books that follow are called ( ) Psalms.


What figure of speech is "like a tree planted by rivers of water" in Psalm 1:3?


a comparison using "like" or "as"


What is the definition of a descriptive proverb?

states a simple observation about life without reckoning with exceptions or applications.

What is the correct definition for "messenger formula"?

stylized literary format that descrbies the divine special revelation by God to His inspired spokespersons, the authentic and accurate reception of God's special revelation by His inspired spokespersons, and the relaying or the recording of God's special revelation by His inspired spokespersons

The book of Job offers a biblical perspective on the issue of ( ).


( ) parallelism is the exact balancing of thoguhts or meanings in the lines of poetry. Essentially, the poet says the same thing twice with the same grammatical structure by composing lines of poetry with similar meanings, but different words.


( ) parallelism is parallelism of thought in which the second line and/or sucessive lines add to or complete the thought of the first line.


According to Proverbs 1:7, what is the beginning of wisdom?

the Fear of the Lord

Job presents a number of possible motives for serving the Lord, but the truest motive for serving the Lord is ( ).

the Lord is worthy

The last and most devasting plague upon the Egyptians was ( )

the death of the first born

The purpose of 1 and 2 Samuel was to show (___).

the establishment of the united Hebrew monarchy

The concept of ( ) distinguished Hebrew wisdom from its ancient Near Eastern counterparts.

the fear of the Lord

The book of Proverbs has much to say about the use and abuse of ( ).

the tongue

In chapter 38, God appeared to Job and answered him out of ( ).

the whirlwind (tornado)

What is the term used to describe the relationship of the reality of pain, suffering, and death in the world to God's holiness and justice?


One of the primary reasons for Israel's getting a king was (___).

they wanted to have a leader or king like other nations

The book of Psalms is made up of individual poetic compositions written during a ( ) year period by several persons.


The title for Proverbs comes from the Hebrew word mashal which basically means ( ).

to be like

What does Shema mean?

to hear

In light of the fact that the Old Testament is the self-revelation of God, what is the objective of reading and studying the Old Testament for the reader?

to know God better

In the end, Saul (___) to escape torture from his enemies.

took his own life by falling on his sword

The last verses of the book describe how Job's fortunes were reversed. In the end he was restored ( ) as he had before his trial.

twice as much

What is the definition of a comparative proverb?

usually employs a "better . . . than" format to compare "certain character traits or personal conduct" with a view "to underscore the superiority of one trait or act over the other.

Job is categorized as ( ) literature.


List the 12 periods of Bible History

-Beginnings -Patriarchs -Exodus -Conquest and -Division of Canaan -Judges -Development and Rise of the Hebrew Kingdom or United Monarchy -Division and Fall of the Kingdoms or Two Kingdoms -Babylonian Captivity or Exile -Restoration or Return from Exile and Rebuilding -Intertestamental -The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ -The Early Church and Ministry of Paul

How many plagues were sent as a divine temporal judgment on the Egyptians until the Pharaoh released the children of Israel from bondage?


How many spies were sent out to explore the land of Canaan?


The number of tribes of Israel was ( ).


A New Testament passage which affirms the divine inspiration of the Scriptures is ( ).

2 Timothy 3:16

In what chapter of the book of Exodus are the Ten Commandments found?


The sacred books of the Israelite people is called the Hebrew Bible. The Hebrew Bible in its standard form has how many books?


Which chapter in Job contains the Hymn to Wisdom?


Regarding structure and organization, how many major divisions in the literature of Proverbs are identified?


The book of Deuteronomy contains how many major speeches given by Moses?


Which chapter of Proverbs describes the virtuous woman?


How many books are in the standard English translations of the Old Testament?


While the New Testament assumes God to be the ultimate author of the Old Testament by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, He did use human writers to pen the words of the Bible. According to the textbook, at least how many different human writers of the Bible have been identified?


In which chapter of Deuteronomy are the Ten Commandments found?


The book of Psalms is divided into how many books or divisions (not chapters)?


For what price did David buy the threshing floor and oxen from Araunah in order to make a sacrifice to the Lord?

50 shekels of silver

The Pentateuch is often associated with the concept of the Law. In fact, the authors of the textbooks state that more than ( ) laws are contained in the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


According to Genesis, on which day of Creation did God make human beings?

6th day

How many psalms are attributed to David?


The book of Proverbs contains a preface [1:1-7] and how many collections of wise sayings?


How many acrostic poems are found in the book of Psalms?


In Numbers 6:24-26, the Lord gave a prayer for the high priest as a blessing upon the people. This blessing is called the ( ) Blessing.


The first murder in the Bible happened when Cain murdered his brother ( ).


According to Samuel 1 , what intelligent and beautiful woman did David marry after her foolish husband Nabal died?


The leaders in the early history of the Bible are called patriarchs. The Lord told one of these partriarchs to leave his country, leave his kindred and leave his father's house. The Lord promised him a land, a nation, a blessing, and a great name. What significant partriarch is this?


What person in the book of Genesis is sometimes referred to as the "Father of Faith" because of his trust in God?


Who was the son of David who led a rebellion against David and forced him to flee Jerusalem?


Who is the person in Joshua whose sin results in the death of thirty-six Israelite men at Ai and eventually the death of his own family members?


Who were the first two humans created by God?

Adam & Eve

Exactly who (or what persons) were to be counted in the census in Numbers?

All of the males who were twenty years old and above

One major consequence of David's sin was trouble with his own family. Which son of David raped his own half-sister and ultimately was killed by Absalom?


The books of the Old Testament were written primarily in the Hebrew language. The titles of these Old Testament books typically were the first word or phrase in Hebrew. What is the Hebrew title for the book of Leviticus when translated into English?

And He called

The title for the book of Exodus in Hebrew means ( ).

And these are the names

( ) parallelism is poetry in which the second line balances the thought of the first line by stating the truth of the first line in an opposing or negative way or by introducing a contrast.


The repeated spiritual-social historical cycle of events in Judges centers on Israel's falling away form the Lord to worship other gods. This falling away from the Lord is known as ( ).


The authors of the textbook believe that the correct interpretation of the Bible is very important. However, interpretation is not enough. From interpretation the reader must move on to ( ).


According to Genesis 6, why did God send the flood?

As a divine temporal judgment to judge and destroy sinful humankind

the rhythm of sound using the correspondence of vowel sounds often at the end of words


In Numbers, what prophet was hired by the Moabite king to curse Israel. Later, the prophet only pronounced blessings on Israel, but pronounced curses upon Moab, Edom, and Amalek. This prophet is mentioned in the New Testament as an example of a false prophet.


The Bible word that is used in Genesis 1 for "create" is the Hebrew verb ( ).


What was the name of the woman with whom David committed adultery?


The first period of Bible history is referred to as the period of ( ).


Name the twelve periods of Bible History in order.

Beginnings Patriarchs Exodus Conquest and Division of Canaan Judges Development and Rise of the Hebrew Kingdom or United Monarchy Division and Fall of the Kingdoms or Two Kingdoms Babylonian Captivity or Exile Restoration or Return from Exile and Rebuilding Intertestamental Period The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ The Early Church and Ministry of Paul

Those who rebelled at Kadesh Barnea were punished by ( ).

Being prohibited from entering the Promised Land and by being forced to wander in the wilderness for 40 years until the unbelieving generation died out

Saul had a good family line. He came from the tribe of ___.


The word covenant is from the Hebrew word ___, which has the idea of "binding"


The major events in the book of Ruth take place in what town?


David's home town was ___.


from the Greek biblion meaning "book" or____ meaning " books."


( ) was the traditionalist who told Job that God always punished with complete justice.


When Naomi returns to Bethlehem and the people recognize her, she tells them not to call her Naomi, but Mara. She tells them to call her Mara because the Almighty had made her life ( ).


Who did Ruth marry in the last chapter of the book of Ruth?


The word "Bible" comes from the Greek word biblion and means ( ).


What is the traditional division of the book of Psalms?

Book I, Book II, Book III, Book IV, Book V

The ( ) offering was concerned with the expiaton of or atonement for sin.


The Israelites sent 12 spies to view the land. Ten spies gave an evil report and said they could not take the land. Two spies said they could take the land. Who were the 2 spies with the good report?

Caleb and Joshua

The term ( ) as applied to the Bible, means a collection of religious books measured against the standard of divine inspiration. The term comes from a Hebrew word meaning "reed" or "stalk."


case law that applies in distinct specified cases that usually follows an "if .... then ...." literary format

Casuistic law

The title "Numbers" reflects the two ( ) of the Hebrews, related in Chapters 1 and 26.

Census takings

What type of proverb is "Better is a dinner where love is Than a stalled ox and hatred therewith."

Comparative proverb

Five factors for interpreting the Bible were identified. The ( ) factor refers to the idea that we need to deterine the meaning of a passage, considering the verses that come before and the verses that follow the passage.


A ( ) is an agreement which cuts a contract that establishes a binding relationship between parties.


At the core of the Old Testament is the self-revelation of God. That which delineates God's plan, revealing Himself, is the ( ). In fact, the word "testament" means this.


In the book of Ruth we find the use of an important Hebrew term. What does the word Hesed mean?

Covenant loyalty, mercy, or kindness

When the words "ex nihilo" are used with regard to creation, they refer to ( ).

Creation out of nothing

According to the authors of the textbook, the purpose of the book of Judges is to explore what happened theologically from the time of Joshua to the time of ( ).


Chapters 16-31 of 1 Samuel focus on the rise of the faithful ___.


What person was the famous grandchild of Ruth's son Obed?


Who was the second king of Israel?


Second Samuel is devoted entirely to (___).

David's kingship

God promised David a great name, a place where he would plant Israel, a land of security, and a descendant of David on the throne of Israel forever. This is known as the ___.

Davidic Covenant

The ( ) was an annual time to clease the priests, the Tabernacle, and the people.

Day of Atonement

( ) is an example in Judges of how God can use a courageous woman to accomplish His purposes.


Most of the judges were localized in their work. However, the work of ( ) as a judge was the closest to a nation-wide movement.


Who was the sigificant female judge in the book of Judges?


Judges in Bible times were ( ).


What type of proverb is: "There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; And there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to proverty."

Descriptive proverb

List the five types of Proverbs

Descriptive, Prescriptive, Comparative, Enumerated, Contrasting

The authors of the textbook, listed several procedures for studying the Bible. What is the first procedure for studying the Bible?

Determine the literary genre

The classical formulation of the multiple-authorship hypothesis of the Pentateuch, which was made by Julius Wellhausen in 1876-1877, is known as the ( ).

Documentary hypothesis

Twelve periods of Bible history were identified. The last of the 12 periods is the period of the ( ).

Early Church & Ministry of Paul

Which of the poetical books was written to teach the value of the fear of the Lord in a life that is otherwise meaningless and empty?


What group of people (other than the Israelites) is the most important people group shaping the historical background of Pentateuchal history?


( ) was the left-handed judge who used a sword to stab Eglon, king of Moab.


Who was the priest at Shiloh at the time of the birth of Samuel?


Who are Hophni and Phineas?

Eli's sons

( ) is the youngest of the speakers in Job who is angered with both Job and the other friends.


( ) was the mystic who told Job there was not unjust suffering.


( ) refers to the omission of a word or words that would complete a given parallel construction.


"Why should people study the Bible?" The Apostle Paul indicated that believers should study the Bible for instruction and ( ).


After the death of Samuel, Saul was so desperate to get a word from God that his disguised himself and consulted a medium (witch) in the form of ___ in order to call up the spirit of Samuel.


What type of proverb is "These six things doth the LORD hate: Yea, seven are an abomination unto Him."

Enumerated proverb

Twelve periods of Bible history were identified. The period of the ( ) refers to that period of time when the the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and took the leaders and many of the people to Babylon as captives.


Twelve periods of Bible history were identified. Which period included the sojourn of Jacob and his family into Egypt, the years of slavery, God's deliverance through Moses with an exodus, the giving of the covenant at Sinai, and the experience of wandering in the wilderness before arriving at Canaan?


What period of Bible History is recorded in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy?

Exodus period

"Pentateuch" is an expression from Greek which means ( ).

Five scrolls

In the Hebrew arrangement (arrangment of books in the Hebrew Bible) the books of Joshua, Judges, and the books of Samuel and Kings constitute a group referred to as the ( ).

Former Prophets

The ( ) was a leather box worn on the forehead during religious services. It had four compartments containing passages of Scripture which reminded the people to love the Lord.


The view of the image of God which holds that the image of God is a function which humans perform--namely, to rule or have dominion over the earth. God has dominon, and He has created humans to have dominion over the earth. This view is known as the ( ) view.


What are the first five books of the Bible?

Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

( ) is an example in Judges of how God used someone who seemed insignificant to accomplish His purposes.


Who was the judge who defeated the Midianites with 300 men carrying lamps inside of clay pitchers?


The English word "inspiration" translates the Greek word Theopneustos, which literally means ( ).

God breathed

A key truth emerging from Leviticus 1-7 is that ( ).

God is merciful

The ( ) was to express thanks to God. The offering has fine flour as its key ingredient.

Grain or cereal

Five factors for interpreting the Bible were identified. The ( ) factor refers to the idea that we need to deterine the meaning of a passage, understanding the meanings of the words and their relationships.


The ( ) offering has to do with a situation in which there has been the desecration or desacrilization of something holy.


Who was Samuel's mother?


Joseph rejected the sexual advances of Potiphar's wife. What was the primary reason for rejecting her advances?

He did not want to do great wickedness against God

What was David's reaction when he learned of the death of Saul?

He tore his clothes, mourned, and wept and fast over Saul's death

The text of the Old Testament was recorded mostly in two languages. What was the primary language used to record the Old Testament?


The canon of Scripture known by Jesus seems to be equivalent to the ( ) we have today.

Hebrew Bible

The first six books of the Old Testament, when seen as a unity, are sometimes referred to as the ( ).


In God's call to Abraham in Genesis, Abraham is instructed to leave some things. What was he called to leave?

His country, his kindred, and his father's house

List the five factors for Bible interpretation.

Historical Literary Grammatical Contextual Spiritual

List the five factors or principles of Bible Interpretation

Historical Literary Grammatical Contextual Spiritual

What is the factor of biblical interpretation in which the interpreter must determine the historical background of the biblical passage, including the study of the original author, original hearers/readers, date of writing, original occasion, and original purpose of the document?

Historical Factor

The first address of Moses to the people in the book of Deuteronomy concerned the ( ) of Israel.


List the three types of information that are braided together in every verse of Holy Scripture

History Theology Literature

What is the theme of Leviticus in one word?


The word ( ) refers to the work of the Holy Spirit whereby He enables us to recall and understand the Scriptures.


songs that call upon God to bring temporal divine judgment on God's enemies and on the enemies of God's people

Imprecatory Psalms

The Hebrew title for the book of Genesis comes from the first word of the book. The first word is bereshith and it means ( ).

In the beginning

The books of the Old Testament were written primarily in the Hebrew language. The titles of these Old Testament books typically were the first word or phrase in Hebrew. What is the Hebrew title for the book of Numbers when translated into English?

In the wilderness

( ) refers to a special form of repetition common to Hebrew poetry. By repeating key words and phrases the poet returns to the point from which he began.


6. According to the authors of the textbook, ( ) is that quality of the Old Testament that designates the source of the Old Testament as God and guarantees that the resulting written producte has authority.


The period of 400 years between the time of the Old Testament and the time of the New Testament is called the ( ) period.


At the death of Saul, one of Saul's sons became kind of Gilead and several other areas in the North. Who was this son of Saul?


In the book of Genesis, Jacob's name is changed to ( ).


In the book of Joshua, what was the first, major fortified city which the Israelties took once they crossed into the Promised Land?


What city did David capture and establish as his capitol?


Which of the poetical books was written to address the problem of human suffering, especially the suffering of the godly?


List the Old Testament Poetical books we surveyed in RL100 OT Survey I

Job Psalm Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon

What signficant person in Genesis was favored by his father, sold by his brothers, worked as a servant in Egypt, imprisoned in Egypt, became second in power to Pharaoh, and later forgave his brothers and brougtht them to Egypt to live with him?


One of the 12 periods of Bible history is "The Conquest and Division of Canaan." What person led the 12 tribes in the conquest and division of Canaan?


The purpose of the book of ( ) is to provide an account of how Joshua led the people in the conquest and division of Canaan.


List the Old Testament historical books we surveyed in RL100 OT Survey I

Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles

After the death of Saul, the men of what tribe came to David to make him king?


1 and 2 Samuel originally constituted one book. Together they cover the period of the transition from the (___) through the establishment of the United Hebrew Monarchy.


Twelve periods of Bible history were identified. Which period came after the time of Joshua and features a succession of delivers who had both military and religious responsibilities?


The third divison of the Hebrew Bible is the ( ). The word is the Hebrew word which is translated into English as "writings."


There are nine psalms scattered through the Psalter that specifically concern the ( ). [This is one of the themes of the book of Psalms.]


A key concept in the book of Ruth is that of the ( ). This term usually referred to a blood relative based on Israel's tribal nature.

Kinsman Redeemer

In the Hebrew text of the book of Ruth, the term go'el is used to refer to the ( ).

Kinsman Redeemer

The first 5 books of the Bible are some times called the ( ) because much of the material in the books is legal material.


List the five major literary genres in the Old Testament

Law Narrative Hebrew Poetry Wisdom literature Prophecy

Which of the tribes was the priestly tribe and did not receive a substantial allotment of land (although it did receive a few cities)?


God provided daily food for the Israelites during their years of wilderness wandering. What was this bread from heaven called?


Jewish scholars and scribes who improved word divisions and added vowel points or signs, punctuation marks, and verse divisions to the Hebrew Old Testament were known as ( ).


( ) is a collection of five short books which are contained in the Writings (Kethubim) section of the Hebrew Bible.


Who was the crippled boy from the house of Saul to whom David showed kindness?


"And God said," Gen. 1:3, is a special stylized literary formula called what?

Messenger formula

What figure of speech is "The LORD is my strength and song," Exodus 15:2?


Based on the extended commands of the Shema, many Israelite people attached a small cylinder of wood or metal to the right hand doorpost of the house. The cylinder contained a parchment known as a ( ) with the verses of Deut. 6:4-9 and 11:13-21. The verses of Scripture were to remind the people of God's oneness and His goodness to them.


What is the name of David's wife who ridiculed David when she saw him dancing in worship to the Lord as the ark of the Covenant was being ushered into the city?


Who was the wife of David and daughter of Saul who criticized David because of his excessive celebration when the Ark of the Covenant was brought into the city of David?


The command of the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:5 is that the people were to love the Lord their God with all their heart, all their soul, and all their ( ).


What person became leperous because he or she criticized Moses?

Miriam (the sister of Moses)

According to the authors of the textbook, who put the book of Genesis together?


The last chapter of Deuteronomy contains a tribute to a great leader. One verse states, "Since then no prophet has risen in Israel like ( ), whom the LORD knew face to face."


The traditional view of the authorship of the Pentateuch is that ( ) was the author.


Who was Ruth's mother-in-law?


What prophet confronted David regarding his adultery and murder?


One of the most heinous acts of Saul was his order to kill the priests of ___ because they gave assistance to David.


The first seven chapters of Leviticus are significant becaused they describe the ( ).

Old Testament sacrifices and offerings

The confession of the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4 is that the Lord is ( ).

One (In the sense of the one and only true and living God there is or can be)

The first four of the Ten Commandments have to do with ( ).

One's relationship with God

The last six of the Ten Commandments relate to ( ).

One's relationships with others

Twelve periods of Bible history were identified. Which period is the beginning of Hebrew history and included the call of Abraham and the history of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph?


The ( ) offering is based on the fact that this sacrifice is predominately for fellowship between both the worshiper and God and among the worshipers.


"Thou sentest forth thy wrath which consumed them ...," Exodus 15:7, is what figure of speech?


The ( ) was a leather box which was bound to the left hand and worn chiefly during prayers. It contained Scripture passages which reminded the wearer to love the Lord.


List the seven types of Psalms

Praise, Lament, Wisdom, Imprecatory, Penitential, Pilgrim, Messianic

What type of proverb is "He that hath pity on the poor lendeth to the LORD And that which he hath given will he pay him again."

Prescriptive proverb

"Thus saith the LORD" is an example of what stylized literary formula?

Prophetic formula

The second division of the Hebrew Bible is the Nevi'im. The word "Nevi'im" means ( ).


In the Hebrew Bible, Joshua is a part of the ( ).

Prophets or Nevi'im

The Pentateuch is a rich collection of literary types. However, most of the Pentateuchal literature is in what literary genre?

Prose narrative

What key word in Wisdom Literature conveys a wide range of meanings, including the ideas of comparison, code of behavior, and discovery of hidden truth?


Which of the poetical books may be described as a school book for the instruction of young men in the fear of the Lord?


Which psalm contrasts the blessed man with the ungodly?

Psalm 1

Which psalm is an exhortation to praise and thanksgiving?

Psalm 100

Which psalm is a psalm in praise of God's Word?

Psalm 119

Which psalm describes the Lord as the keeper of Israel?

Psalm 121

Which psalm is the climactic psalm of praise?

Psalm 150

Which psalm is about the king, one of the chief themes of the book of Psalms?

Psalm 2

Which well-known psalm is the shepherd psalm?

Psalm 23

Which psalm is David's prayer of confession?

Psalm 51

The main source of information about the authorship of the psalms comes from the ( ).

Psalm titles

Which of the poetical books is the Hebrew book of praises?


What is the Hebrew title of Ecclesiastes?


The view of the image of God in humans which holds that the image of God means the experiencing of a relationship, i.e., humans are like God because we are capable of relationships. This view is known as the ( )view.


The friends of Job affirm traditional theology: The righteous will prosper and the wicked will suffer. This is known as the ( ) principle.


The purpose of the plagues on Egypt was to ( ).

Reveal that the Lord was God and to bring about the release of the Hebrew people

The word ( ) is used to describe the nature of the Bible as given by God. He has chosen to make Himself known.


List the two types of messenger formulas that are prominent in the Old Testament canonical books.

Revelatory Prophetic

What type of specialized literary formula is "And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai," Numbers 1:1?

Revelatory formula

The purpose of the book of ( ) is to show the sovereignty of God at work in the lives of His people.


The key passage in the book of Ruth is Ruth's statement of unwaveringly love for and loyalty to Naomi. The passage is ( )

Ruth 1:16-17

In Leviticus, and other Old Testament books, the ( ) ordinance reminded Israel that Yahweh was the Creator. It also brought a sense of "timelessness" to the worship of Yahweh and a sense of "holiness" to the human idea of time.


( ) is an example in Judges of how one may waste talent and potential through lack of discipline and spiritual development.


Chapters 1-7 of 1 Samuel focus on the righteous leadership of (___).


What Old Testament person bridges the transition from judges to the first king?


Who appointed David as king after God's rejection of Saul?


According to Deuteronomy, the idea of one ( ) in Israel was symbollically related to the concept of one God.


Chapters 8-15 of 1 Samuel focus on the rejection of disobedient (___).


Who was the first king of the United Hebrew Monarchy?


Who was the first king of the united monarchy of Israel?


What are the names of the three successive kings of the United Hebrew Monarchy?

Saul, David, Solomon

What does the word "Deuteronomy" mean?

Second law

Driven by jealousy and hatred of Joseph, his brothers treat him cruelly by ( ).

Selling him into slavery

The Hebrew title of the book of Psalms is ( ) which means "Book of Praises." The title reflects the reality that much of the material in the book praises God.

Sepher Tehillim

The key word in Joshua chapters 23 and 24 is ( ).


The message of Deuteronomy is the a message about the law and the covenant. It has long been identified by the Jews with the famous ( ) found in Deuteronomy 6:4-9. [This name comes from the first word in the passage which means "hear."]


What figure of speech is "And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth," Gen. 13:16?


The ( ) offering has to do with the removal of sin and was effective for those who had sinned unintentionally.


God probihited Moses from entering the promised land because of what wrong action he did?

Smiting the rock to bring forth water, instead of speaking to the rock as God has commanded

( ) clearly popularized the wisdom tradition of the Hebrews and also served as the model of the sage and scholar for future generations.


What person in the Old Testament is credited with having uttered 3,000 proverbs (hundreds of which are preserved in the book of Proverbs) and 1,005 songs?


Which of David's sons became king and David's successor?


Who does Proverbs state is the primary author in Proverbs 1:1?


Who was the son born to David and Bathsheba, after the death of their first child?


Who was the third king of Israel?


Which of the poetical books was written to teach the beauty and joy of life-long, monogamous, heterosexual, biblical marriage love?

Song of Solomon

The Bible doctrine that there is and can be only one True and Living God is called ( ).

Strict monotheism

A view of the image of God in humans which holds that there is some definite characteristic or quality from God that is within the make up of human beings is known as the ( ) view.


List the three types of parallelism of thought in Hebrew Poetry

Synonymous Antithetic Synthethic

In Judaism today, the Hebrew Scriptures are known as the ( ), an acronym reflecting the three fold division of the Hebrew Bible.


The Old Testament was written by hand, since no modern means of printing the text had been invented. The science of manuscript comparision or lower biblical criticism is called ( ) criticism. The goal of the science is to compare the ancient manuscripts to establish or restore the written text of the Old Testament as close to its first, original reading as humanly possible.


What was the most important religious artifact in Israel?

The Ark of the Covenant

What is the central focus of the books of Samuel and a significant aspect of Old Testament theology in general?

The Davidic Covenant

According to Leviticus, on one day of the year the high priest made sacrifices for the sins of the nation. That day was known as ( ).

The Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur

What body of water did the Israelites cross over to get to the land of Canaan, as recorded in the book of Joshua?

The Jordan River

List the three names for the first five books of the Old Testament/Bible

The Law, Torah, Pentateuch

Ruth was from what group of people?

The Moabites

What group of people came after David to kill him when they heard that he was king?

The Philistines

Job's adversary in the biblical record is referred to in the book of Job as ( ).

The Satan

Around 250 BC, the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into the Greek language. What is the name for the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible?

The Septuagint

The Lord instructed the people to make a box overlaid with gold. It was made of acacia wood and was 2 and 1/2 cubits long and and 1 and 1/2 cubits wide. It was the most significant artifact in Israelite worship. What was it called?

The ark of the covenant

According to the Shema, who had the primary responsibility to teach children about the Lord and His instructions?

The children's parents

The purpose of Genesis is to tell the story of ( ).

The covenant

Although the Pentateuch consists of several books, the authors of the textbook believe that the Pentateuch has one unifying theme. What is the unifying theme of the Pentateuch?

The covenant promise of Yahweh to Abraham

According to Genesis 2, out of what components, elements, or materials did God make man?

The dust on the ground and the breath of life

In connection with the Exodus, what feast was instituted as a reminder of God's mighty act of delieverance?

The feast of Passover

In Israel's perception of herself as the covenant people of God, nothing is more central than ( ).

The land

The authors of the textbook identified three approaches (or schools of thought) with regard to the historical reliability of the Pentateuch. Which approach assumes that the Pentateuch is divinely inspired (has a supernatural origin) and is completely accurate with regards to its historical accounts?

The orthodox or traditional approach

The events of the book of Ruth take place in what period of Bible history?

The period of the Judges

What sign did God give to Noah as a covenant that He would never again destroy the earth with water?

The rainbow

According to Genesis 2, out of what material did God make woman?

The rib or side of man

Which explanation of the route of the Exodus do the authors of the textbook believe best accounts for all of the evidence?

The southern route theory

The three things to be identified by the spies who were sent into Canaan were ( ).

The strength of the inhabitants, the land's produce, and the fortifications of the cities

The central santuary of the Lord in the Old Testament is known as what?

The tabernacle or temple

The purpose of the book of Numbers is to give an account of ( ).

The wanderings of God's covenant people in the wilderness as a divine temporal judgment on their unbelief.

What commandment is the first of the Ten Commandments?

Thou shalt have no other gods before Me

When David was to be judged for his sin of numbering the people, God gave him a choice of judgments. What judgment did David choose?

Three days of pestilence

The first five books of the Bible are sometimes called the ( ), which is derived from the Hebrew word yarah, meaning "to teach."


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