Old Testament History--Summer: 1 Samuel 1-17 (Scatter Game Style)

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What two animals did David say he had slain while watching his father's sheep (1 Sam 17:34)?

A lion and bear

What did David take with him to fight Goliath (1 Sam 17:40)?

A sling shot

Why did David tell Saul he would be able to slay Goliath (1 Sam 17:36)?

Because Goliath had defied the armies of the living God

Why did Saul threaten to kill Jonathan (1 Sam 14:44)?

Because he had eaten some honey in violation of his father's oath

What tribe was Saul from (1 Sam 9:1)?


To what town did God send Samuel to anoint David (1 Sam 16:1)?


Where was God enthroned in the days of Eli (1 Sam 4:4)?

Between the cherubim on the ark

Samuel warns Israel that if they persist in doing evil what will be the result (1 Sam 12:25)?

Both they and their king would be swept away

What vow did Saul make after Jonathan's victory at Micmash (1 Sam 14:24)?

Cursed is anyone who eats food until Saul was avenged on his enemies

What did David do after he killed Goliath (1 Sam 17:51)?

Cut off his head with his own sword

What did Eli think about Hannah when she was praying (1 Sam 1:13)?


How do the Philistines find Dagon on the morning after they put the ark in the temple of Dagon (1 Sam 5:3)?

Fallen on its face

What guilt offering did the Philistines send back with the ark (1 Sam 6:4)?

Five golden rats and five gold tumors

Where did the evil spirit that tormented Saul come from (1 Sam 16:14)?

From the Lord

What Philistine town was Goliath from (1 Sam 17:4)?


When Saul was ready to turn back from looking for his father's donkeys what did his servant suggest (1 Sam 9:6)?

Going to the man of God to ask him which way they should take

Samuel's mother was (1 Sam 1:20)?


Right before fighting the Philistines near Micmash what did Jonathan do (1 Sam 14:13)?

He climbed a cliff wall using his hands and feet

What was Eli's sin for which he was going to be judged (1 Sam 3:13)

He failed to restrain his sons from doing evil he knew about

Why did Samuel object being sent to anoint one of the sons of Jesse in Bethlehem (1 Sam. 16:2)?

He feared Saul would kill him

What was God's response when Saul failed to carry out the destruction on the Amalekites (1 Sam 15:11)?

He said he was grieved that he had made Saul king

What had the Lord told Samuel the day before his meeting with Saul (1 Sam 9:16)?

He should anoint Saul leader over Israel

What was first noted as unique about Saul (1 Sam 9:2)?

He was a head taller than any of the others

When Samuel told Saul he was the one to whom the desire of Israel was what objection did Saul raise (1 Sam 9:21)?

He was from the tribe of Benjamin the least tribe

Who came with the ark when it was brought from Shiloh down to fight the Philistines at Aphek (1 Sam 4:4)?

Hophni and Phineas

The wife of Phinehas named her son ______ (1 Sam 4:19)?


Jonathan said what would be the sign that the Lord had delivered the Philistines near Micmash into his hands (1 Sam 14:10)?

If they said, "Come up to us"

Where was Samuel lying when God called him (1 Sam 3:4)?

In the temple where the ark of God was

How did the Ark of God make its presence known in the cities of the Philistines?

It brought plague of tumors on the people

The soldiers said Saul would do all of the following for the person who slays Goliath EXCEPT (1 Sam 17:25)

Make him head of the armies of Israel

What courageous thing did Jonathan say to his armor-bearer as they approached the Philistine outpost at Micmash (1 Sam 14:6)?

Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few

What does the Lord delight in more than sacrifices and burnt offerings (1 Sam 15:22)?

Obeying the voice of the Lord

How did the Philistines return the ark to Israel (1 Sam 6:7)?

On a cart pulled by two cows

Samuel said he himself would not sin against the Lord by failing to do what (1 Sam 12:23)?

Praying for them

Who anointed Saul as leader over God's inheritance (1 Sam 10:1)?


Who anointed Saul king over Israel (1 Sam 15:1)?


Who rescued Jonathan from being put to death by his father (1 Sam 14:45)?

Saul's troops

The narrator of the text says that what in their day they called a "prophet" used to be called a _______ (1 Sam 9:9)


What did Hannah promise God if he gave her a son (1 Sam 1:12)?

She no razor would ever come on his head

After Samuel was weaned where did Hannah bring him (1 Sam 1:24)?


Year by year where did Elkanah go to worship and sacrifice to the Lord (1 Sam 1:3)?


What did Eli tell Samuel to say if the Lord came to him a fourth time (1 Sam 3:9)?

Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening

Why were the Philistines fighting each other when Saul attacked (1 Sam 14:21)?

The Hebrew mercenaries in the Philistine army turned on the Philistines

Why was Hannah crying (1 Sam 1:6f)?

The Lord has closed her womb

After the third waking of Samuel what did Eli realize (1 Sam 3:8)?

The Lord was calling the boy

What had departed from Saul (1 Sam 16:14)?

The Spirit of the Lord

What happened after Samuel anointed David with oil (1 Sam 16:13)?

The Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power

Using battle rhetoric to whom did Goliath say he would feed David's flesh (1 Sam 17:44)?

The birds of the air

Ichabod was named with his mother saying (1 Sam 4:21)?

The glory has departed

With what did David come against Goliath (1 Sam 17:45)?

The name of the Lord Almighty

In the days that Samuel served the Lord under Eli what was rare (1 Sam 3:1)?

The word of the Lord and visions

In Samuel's farewell speech what did he identify as Israel's sin once they had entered the land (1 Sam 12:9)?

They forgot the Lord their God

What explanation did Saul give for why his men spared the best of the sheep (1 Sam 15:15)?

They saved them to sacrifice them to the Lord

How did the Philistines describe the God of Israel after the ark was brought down to from Shiloh (1 Sam 4:8)?

This is the God who struck down the Egyptians

How did the Lord tell Samuel to avoid being killed by Saul when he went to anoint the next king of Israel (1 Sam 16:2)?

To take a heifer and say he was going to offer a sacrifice to deceive Saul

What does Samuel, at the conclusion of his farewell speech, exhorts Israel to consider (1 Sam 12:24)?

What great things the Lord has done for you

When exactly did Eli die (1 Sam 4:18)?

When he was told the ark was captured

When David heard Goliath's defiant challenge what did he ask (1 Sam 17:26)?

Who is this Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?

In Samuel's farewell speech to Israel he asks all of the following EXCEPT (1 Sam 12:2f)

Who lamb have I stolen?

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