OLS Final Study

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9. According to Kelley's attribution theory, which of the following factors all contribute to internal attribution of someone's behavior? a) Low distinctiveness, low consensus, high consistency b) Low distinctiveness, high consensus, low consistency c) High distinctiveness, low consensus, high consistency d) High distinctiveness, high consensus, low consistency


48. You are working on an international team with Aaron from your facilities in China, Ally from your facilities in Taiwan, and Matt from your facilities in Japan. You would like to get employees at each facility end of year gift to celebrate their performance. Which of the following would be appropriate gift giving etiquette? a) Ally giving her Taiwanese employees hooded green sweatshirts b) Aaron signing a card to his Chinese employees using red ink c) Aaron wrapping gifts to his Chinese employees with red wrapping paper d) Matt sending a dozen white roses to his employee in Japan


52. The credo of Johnson & Johnson is an example of which element of organizational culture? a) Stories b) Rituals c) Values d) Norms


1. The open systems model of organizational behavior assumes that: a) Organizations exist in a vacuum b) Organizations are all aiming to make profits c) Organizations are in continuous interaction with the environment and surroundings d) Organizations operate in discrete intervals


10. Which of the following characterizes individuals with high conscientiousness? a) Cooperative, trusting, and helpful b) Down-to-earth, simple, and narrow interests c) Well organized, self-disciplined, strive for achievement d) Nervous, anxious, and high-strung


12. A personality test yields consistent scores among people who take the test but does not seem to really measure the personality of interest. This test has: a) Low reliability and low validity b) Low reliability and high validity c) High reliability and low validity d) High reliability and high validity


13. Members in a group are fairly cohesive and are developing close interpersonal relationships and a feeling of camaraderie. This group is in the ________ stage of group development. a) Forming b) Storming c) Norming d) Performing


18. As a salesperson, Kiefer has the freedom and discretion to schedule his own work each day and to decide on the sales approach for each customer. Kiefer's job has high: a) Task identity b) Task significance c) Autonomy d) Feedback


23. Social loafing is least likely to occur in a team when: a) The team is large b) Individual output is difficult to identify c) The task is interesting d) Members do not value team membership


25. In 1964 the New York Times reported the case of Kitty Genovese being attacked by a perpetrator. 38 people saw the incident but did not call the police. This is an example of: a) Rational decision making b) Collaborative teamwork c) Diffusion of responsibility d) Escalation of commitment


27. Which of the following are assumptions of rational decision making? a) Clearly defined problem, known options, & time constraint b) Unclear problem, clear preferences, & maximum payoff c) Clearly defined problem, known options, & constant preferences d) Unknown options, no time constraints, & changing preferences


54. On Fridays at Nitro, a software service company, newcomers push beer cart in the building to socialize with employees in other departments. This is an example of which element of organizational culture? a) Stories b) Values c) Rituals d) Language


56. The fundamental tension in designing organizational structure is between____ and ___. a) Workers, resources b) Cost, profit c) Differentiation, integration d) Quality, quantity


6. The following characteristics about the field of organizational behavior are true except: a) Focusing on enhancing individual well-being and organizational effectiveness b) Studying individuals, groups, and organizations c) Using only qualitative research d) Grounded on scientific methods


7. When Jim wrecked the company car this morning, his boss immediately assumed that the accident occurred because Jim was careless in driving; he never considered that the snow storm in the morning could make it difficult to drive. Jim's boss has fallen victim to the perceptual bias of: a) First-impression error b) Halo effect c) Fundamental attribution error d) Self-fulfilling prophecy


8. Robert's boss believes that Robert will become an outstanding salesperson and provides him support in doing the job. Three months later, Robert scored the top in the company's sales record. This is an example of: a) Halo effect b) Similar-to-me effect c) Pygmalion effect d) Golem effect


37. In the Fielder Contingency Theory, which of the following determines leader's control over the situation? a) Leader-member relations b) Task structure c) Leader's position power d) All of the above


3. The Hawthorne studies suggest that: a) Physical working condition had no impact on worker productivity b) Employee productivity and job satisfaction were directly related to the supervision they received c) Human attitudes and motives were important to worker performance d) There is a most effective way to organize every work team, although it will vary among teams


39. According to situational leadership theory, when an employee is willing and able to do the job, the supervisor should use which leadership behavior? a) Participating b) Selling c) Delegating d) Telling


4. IQ test is often used to measure an individual's intelligence. From the viewpoint of scientific research, IQ test scores can be considered as a: a) Proposition b) Hypothesis c) Variable d) Theory


46. According to Hofstede's national culture dimensions, the tendency for people to look after themselves and their immediate family, and to place less emphasis on the needs of the society is known as: a) Power distance b) Uncertainty avoidance c) Individualism d) Femininity


40. In a Wall Street company that sells financial products (e.g., investments, securities), the manager sets challenging goals for employees and tells them exactly what to do to achieve high performance. Employees are highly motivated because they perceive the leader as helping them to attain valued goals. The manager's leadership style is an illustration of: a) Universal trait perspective b) Fielder contingency theory c) Situational leadership d) Path-goal theory


41. Google's Project Oxygen identifies "having a vision" as an important factor for leadership effectiveness. Having a vision is a key characteristic of: a) People oriented leader b) Task oriented leader c) Transactional leader d) Transformational leader


42. Which of the following best describes a grasshopper? a) A pest b) A pet c) A tasty snack d) It depends on national culture


43. Which of the following is an element of national culture? a) Culture is shared by members of a society b) Culture is acquired by learning and experience in that culture c) Culture is cumulative, passed down from one generation to the next d) All of the above


44. Which of the following is not a symbol of the culture of the United States? a) Bald eagle b) Statue of liberty c) Flag of the United States d) Eiffel Tower


45. In the video clip "Dinner" from Joy Luck Club (1993), the Chinese mother proudly serves her best dish, saying that the dish has "no flavor" and is "too bad to eat." This suggests that: a) She has high standards of cooking b) She is not honest about the quality of the dish c) The Chinese people prefer dishes with no flavor d) Humility is a characteristic of Chinese culture


49. It is important to understand the meaning of brands in a foreign culture when marketing products abroad. Which of the following brand is well received by customers in a foreign country? a) Nokia Lumia in Spain b) Ford Pinto in Brazil c) Clairol Mist Stick in Germany d) Nike in China


50. Organizational culture has the following features except: a) Most stable in an organization b) Collective, shared perspective of organizational members c) Shapes members' performance d) Biological based and genetically passed along to members


60. Apple's flat organizational structure is determined by: a) Rapidly changing environment b) Organizational strategy to make unique products c) Highly skilled workers d) All of the above


29. In the "coffee is for closers" video clip from Glengarry Glen Ross, Alec Baldwin, the salesman from downtown, evokes several different sources of power to "motivate" the sales force. Which of the following quotes from him best illustrates reward power? a) "First prize is a Cadillac Eldorado." b) "My watch is worth more than the car you drive." c) "I'm here from downtown. I'm here from Mitch and Murray." d) "I can go on a SIT tonight and make myself $10,000."


31. Which statement best describes the universal trait perspective of leadership? a) Leaders are born b) All great leaders behave the same way c) An effective leader depends on the situation d) An effective leader depends on the followers


55. In the video clip "Checking in at Google" from The Internship (2013), the visitors observe colored bikes, self-driving cars, indoor slide, and free cafeteria at Google's headquarter. These visible elements are ...... of Google's organizational culture. a) Artifacts b) Values c) Norms d) Beliefs


36. Which of the following is the major principle of the Fiedler Contingency Theory? a) Leader effectiveness is determined by the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control b) Leadership effectiveness depends on the match between the leader's style and followers' readiness c) Subordinates will be motivated by the leader only to the extent that they perceive the leader as helping them to attain valued goals d) Leadership effectiveness derives from the leader's ability to inspire followers and initiate change


47. In the Chinese culture, employees address their supervisor by his/her official title and last name. This is an example of: a) High power distance b) Low power distance c) High individualism d) Low femininity


51. Considering organizational culture as an onion with many layers, which of the following elements of organizational culture is the outside layer that is readily visible? a) Artifacts b) Norms c) Beliefs d) Values


11. ____ refers to the beliefs that individuals possess certain characteristics because they belong to a certain group. a) Stereotype b) Similar-to-me effect c) Selective perception d) Halo effect


15. Individuals' perceptions that they have received unfair amounts of work outcomes such as pay, recognition, and promotion. This is called: a) Distributive injustice b) Procedural injustice c) Interpersonal injustice d) Informational injustice


19. Facing the question of whether to steal the drug to save the life of his wife from cancer, Heinz decided not to steal the drug because he might get caught and get himself into trouble. According to Kohlberg's theory of cognitive moral development, this is an example moral thinking at the ____ level. a) Preconventional b) Conventional c) Postconventional d) Relativistic


2. Henry Ford used shadowy henchmen to run a secret police who spied on his employees. He believed the only way to keep his employees working was to maintain this private army. Ford was most likely a: a) Theory X manager b) Theory Y manager c) Theory Z manager d) None of the above


20. The following factors make goals more effective except: a) Extremely challenging goals that are hardly achievable b) Psychological commitment to the goal c) Confidence in one's capacity to achieve the goal d) Feedback on performance toward attaining the goal


22. Time-and-motion studies: a) Identify the best way to perform jobs by streamlining individual movements b) Examine visual perception and performance c) Identify ways to humanize people's jobs d) Focus on improving team coordination


26. When group members are attracted to each other, accept the group's goals, and work together toward meeting them, it may be said that the group has high: a) Cohesiveness b) Role differentiation c) Social facilitation d) Status


28. Jim is doing online shopping for Thanksgiving. He finds a digital camera on sale and the current price is $200 lower than the regular price. What decision making bias should he be aware of? a) Anchoring bias b) Overconfidence bias c) Escalation of commitment d) Framing bias


53. New employees at Nike are told the anecdote of co-founder Bill Bowerman used waffle iron to make the bottom of training shoes. This is an example of which element of organizational culture? a) Story b) Ritual c) Language d) Symbol


16. In a call center at Dell, the manager sets the goal of 90% customer satisfaction for a team of employees. As a result, the team's customer satisfaction increased dramatically. This suggests that: a) Deadline of a goal promotes prioritization of tasks b) Specific, measurable goals produce high performance c) Allowing autonomy on the job increases performance d) Providing rewards that are attractive to workers is essential for motivation


21. Tom arrived late at work today but his coworkers who took the same route did not arrive late. According to the attribution theory, Tom's behavior is of: a) Low distinctiveness b) Low consensus c) High consensus d) High consistency


24. According to Tuckman's stage model of team development, which of the following is not a characteristic of the storming stage: a) Resistance to constraints of the group b) Forming a group identity c) Task and emotional conflicts within group d) Conflict over leadership control


30. You worked very hard on a key report. As a finishing touch, you add some clip art to the document. Your boss loves your work and appreciates it. Therefore, in all future reports you add clip art images. This is an example of what form of learning? a) Classical conditioning b) Operant conditioning c) Observational learning d) Modeling


32. Which of the Big Five personality trait is most helpful for an individual to become a leader (i.e., leader emergence)? a) Agreeableness b) Extraversion c) Openness to experience d) Machiavellians


34. In the Blake & Mouton leadership grid, country club management refers to the leadership approach with _____ concern for production and ____ concern for people. a) Low, low b) Low, high c) High, low d) High, high


38. According to Fiedler Contingency Theory, people-oriented leaders are most effective: a) In favorable situation b) In moderately favorable situation c) In unfavorable situation d) All of the above


5. In an experiment, the researchers manipulate office noise (by looking at high and low levels of noise) and examine its effect on worker stress. The variable "office noise" is called: a) Dependent variable b) Independent variable c) Intrinsic variable d) None of the above


57. UCard is a firm that creates and manufactures greeting cards. In the company, design, manufacture, sales, and human resources are separate areas and workers in each area have clearly defined expertise. This organization has a: a) Simple structure b) Functional structure c) Divisional structure d) Matrix structure


58. iSports is a family-owned startup store that sells a variety of sportswear. As the store owner, Jack directly manages several salespersons. Which of the following statement about iSports is not true: a) The store has a simple structure b) The store has a high level of departmentalization c) The store has a high level of centralization d) The store has low operation cost


59. Which of the following is a characteristic of flat organizations? a) Many levels of authority in the hierarchy b) Flexible to rapidly changing environment c) Amazon is an example of flat organization d) Possibly delayed communication between management and employees


35. Which of the following "bad" leader behaviors occurs most frequently and has the strongest negative impact on employees? a) Over controlling b) Violating social norms c) Poor emotional control d) Poor communication


14. According to Vroom's Expectancy Theory, an individual will have high motivation when he or she has: a) High expectancy, high instrumentality, zero valence b) High expectancy, zero instrumentality, high valence c) Zero expectancy, high instrumentality, high valence d) High expectancy, high instrumentality, high valence


17. According to equity theory, an underpaid person might do which of the following? a) Ask for a pay raise b) Take home office supplies c) Spend less effort at work d) All of the above


33. Which of the Big Five personality trait is least helpful for an individual to be an effective leader? a) Conscientiousness b) Agreeableness c) Extraversion d) Neuroticism


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