Online Health · Environmental Health and Safety · Study Guide

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You and your friend Hanna are excited about a Spring Break trip to the beach.On the first morning at the beach you apply sunblock, Hanna does not bother doing the same thing. When you ask about her decision, she tells you that she never puts on sunblock when coming to the beach because she feels it is a waste of time. Besides, she wants to get a base tan before summer. What advice should you give Hanna about her decision? Check all that apply. "You are increasing your risk for skin cancer." "At least having a base tan will prevent you from further skin damage." "A terrible sunburn can form on your body." "Your skin will age a lot faster than normal." "It is okay if you do not wear sunblock now, but you should put some on this afternoon."

"You are increasing your risk for skin cancer." "A terrible sunburn can form on your body." "Your skin will age a lot faster than normal." (1, 3, & 4, or A, C, & D)

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"In the 1970s, the EPA started phasing out the use of lead in gasoline. By the early 1990s, lead was completely removed from gasoline. Over time, lead samples in gasoline were collected. Also, select people were tested for the presence of lead in their blood. The results from both samples are shown in the following graph." [A graph showcases the correlation between lead used within a 6-month period and blood lead levels. Both decline steeply around 1978, 8 years after lead began to be phased out of gasoline.] ·In 1976, the average blood lead level was about ____ µg/dL. ·The amount of lead used in a 6-month period in 1978 was about ____ tons.

·16 ·85

In 1970, a series of public policies were created to help reduce the effects of air and water pollution on the environment. One policy was the Clean Water Act. "The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters. . . Under the CWA, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has implemented pollution control programs such as setting wastewater standards for industry. We have also set water quality standards for all contaminants in surface waters. The CWA made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained. . . . Point sources are discrete conveyances such as pipes or man-made ditches." - "Summary of the Clean Water Act," US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) According to this passage, which scenario would be in violation of the CWA? ·An oil refinery directly channels chemical wastewater into surrounding man-made ditches. ·Builders construct a landfill that uses liners to reduce wastewater from seeping into the ground. ·A water quality expert at a lake records the level of a toxic chemical below current standards. ·A paper mill factory gets permission to release an approved amount of discharge into a stream.

·An oil refinery directly channels chemical wastewater into surrounding man-made ditches. (1 or A)

The accompanying graph is provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), a global agency. These results illustrate the burden of death caused by environmental pollution. [A bar graph shows the estimated death toll due to air pollution by region in 2012. Western Pacific: approx. 3 million Europe: < 1 million Southeast Asia: approx. 2 million Africa: approx. 1 million Americas: < 1 million] What would you suggest as a strategy to reduce pollution globally? ·Implement policies to reduce fossil fuel emissions around the world. ·Monitor the volume of pollutants released from cars and other vehicles in Africa. ·Create pamphlets about air pollution health effects and distribute them to the Americas. ·Enforce strict regulations by fining industries that release air pollutants in Europe.

·Implement policies to reduce fossil fuel emissions around the world. (1 or A)

Next, Sarah goes onto a skin cancer website and reads this testimony from a young woman named Mia. "I had always loved the sun and the feeling of being tan. I spent most of my teenage years outdoors: playing sports, on the beach, or in a pool. When I was a junior in high school, I bought a beautiful white prom dress. I thought that I would look better in it with tanned skin, so I went to a tanning salon for the first time. It was the first time of many. Throughout high school, I continued to lie out in the sun without any protection, and continued to go to a tanning salon. All of my friends were doing the same thing, and every celebrity and pop star I loved looked thin, beautiful, and tan. When I was 19, I was diagnosed with melanoma. I had to have surgery, and a chunk the size of an egg was removed from my thigh. The doctors also took out nearby lymph nodes to make sure the cancer had not spread. Luckily, my tests came back clear. I thought it was a complete fluke that I had gotten melanoma—who gets cancer at age 19? I was young and stupid, and I thought I was invincible. It would never come back, right? So I didn't change my habits—I still liked having a tan and continued to lie out in the sun without wearing sunscreen. Less than two years later, the cancer came back. The surgeons cut out even more skin, this time almost on my back. Now I had yet another disfiguring scar on my body, all because of my desire to have a tan. A year after that, I had to have more skin cancer removed, this time from my face. Now I have three bad scars, one of which is on my forehead. Not a single one of those scars was worth my desire to do what everyone else was doing and have a tan." -Mia, age 24 What influenced Mia's decisions about sunscreen and sun exposure? Check all that apply. ·Mia chose to get a tan because she thought she looked better with one. ·Mia was unaware that sun exposure causes cancer. ·Most of Mia's friends also went tanning. ·Mia's cancer diagnosis convinced her to stop tanning. ·Many of the celebrities Mia admired had tanned skin. ·Mia did not think that tanning was risky.

·Mia chose to get a tan because she thought she looked better with one. ·Most of Mia's friends also went tanning. ·Many of the celebrities Mia admired had tanned skin. ·Mia did not think that tanning was risky. (1, 3, 5, & 6, or A, C, E, & F)

The local news reports that chemical runoff from a nearby pesticide plant released toxic chemicals into a nearby water source. Many people rely on this source for drinking water. The news station interviews officials from the local health department, who have issued an alert because current water readings have very high concentration levels of contaminants. What short-term symptoms of exposure to pesticides should the health department warn viewers about? ·People may feel nauseous or experience dizziness following exposure to the water. ·People may exhibit symptoms characteristic of damage to the nervous system. ·There is concern that cancer can occur in those who drink the contaminated water. ·Infertility rates may increase within this community affected by the recent release.

·People may feel nauseous or experience dizziness following exposure to the water. (1 or A)

After the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, many public health officials predicted a cholera outbreak would occur. Why did they make this prediction? ·People were drinking contaminated water. ·People were inhaling dust from crumbled buildings. ·People were eating near contaminated dump sites. ·People were boiling their water before use.

·People were drinking contaminated water. (1 or A)

Amalya is concerned about environmental issues in her area. For example, she recently heard something about a problem in her local water supply, but she is not sure what the issue is. What steps can Amalya take to ensure she stays informed about environmental issues? Check all that apply. ·She can pay attention to local news broadcasts when environmental issues are mentioned. ·She can search her local newspaper's website for information about environmental issues. ·She can ask her friends if they know what is going on. ·She can subscribe to e-mails sent by environmental organizations in her area. ·She can pay attention to pollution or water advisories given out by her state's agencies.

·She can pay attention to local news broadcasts when environmental issues are mentioned. ·She can search her local newspaper's website for information about environmental issues. ·She can subscribe to e-mails sent by environmental organizations in her area. ·She can pay attention to pollution or water advisories given out by her state's agencies. (1, 2, 4, & 5, or A, B, D & E, or 'all but option 3')

Which strategy would a global health organization most likely use to reduce health effects from air pollution? ·Suggest technologies that can be adapted worldwide for different uses. ·Monitor respiratory diseases related to air pollution in a small town. ·Provide health guidelines to a certain region suffering from air pollution. ·Work to reduce harmful emissions produced by a local business.

·Suggest technologies that can be adapted worldwide for different uses. (1 or A)

"Although contracting melanoma as a child or teenager is extremely unlikely, skin cancer experts estimate that about two-thirds of a person's risk of melanoma is acquired in the first 15 years of life. This is because young people typically have much higher rates of sun exposure through their activities (swimming, playing sports, etc.) than adults. Reducing sun exposure during childhood and adolescence, even just by using sunscreen, could decrease an individual's lifetime risk of developing skin cancer by up to 78 percent. In a recent study, researchers found that teens had a good understanding about the connection between sun exposure and cancer. Despite this knowledge, just 25 percent of 14-year-olds reported using sunscreen "always" or "almost always." Older teens were even less likely to use sunscreen, and spent more time on average in the sun." What information about sun exposure and cancer risk can Sarah use in her editorial? Check all that apply. ·Teens seem to understand that the sun can cause cancer, but they often fail to protect themselves. ·Teens do not need to use sunscreen as often as adults, because they have little cancer risk at their age. ·Sunscreen is more important for adults than for teens and younger children. ·Most teenagers do not realize that sun exposure can lead to cancer. ·Most lifetime melanoma risk comes from sun exposure when people are young, but teens are less likely to use sunscreen during this time.

·Teens seem to understand that the sun can cause cancer, but they often fail to protect themselves. ·Most lifetime melanoma risk comes from sun exposure when people are young, but teens are less likely to use sunscreen during this time. (1 & 5, or A & E)

"Malignant mesothelioma is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the thin layer of tissue that covers the lung, chest wall, or abdomen. . . . The major cause of malignant mesothelioma is being exposed to asbestos over a period of time. This includes people who were exposed to asbestos in the workplace and their family members. After a person is exposed to asbestos, it usually takes at least 20 years for malignant mesothelioma to form." - "Malignant Mesothelioma," National Cancer Institute Which statement is accurate about malignant mesothelioma? ·Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that typically forms in the heart. ·Only a small number of mesothelioma cases have been caused by exposure to asbestos. ·Mesothelioma develops quickly and can be detected within a few years of exposure. ·The family members of those exposed to asbestos are also at risk for mesothelioma.

·The family members of those exposed to asbestos are also at risk for mesothelioma. (4 or D)

"In the 1970s, the EPA started phasing out the use of lead in gasoline. By the early 1990s, lead was completely removed from gasoline. Over time, lead samples in gasoline were collected. Also, select people were tested for the presence of lead in their blood. The results from both samples are shown in the following graph." [A graph showcases the correlation between lead used within a 6-month period and blood lead levels. Both decline steeply around 1978, 8 years after lead began to be phased out of gasoline.] What can be concluded from this graph? ·Removing lead from gasoline in the 1970s was an ineffective policy regulation. ·There is a correlation between blood lead levels and the use of lead in fuel. ·People should strongly minimize their exposure to lead while filling their gas tanks. ·Running errands without consolidating trips does not affect lead exposure.

·There is a correlation between blood lead levels and the use of lead in fuel. (2 or B)

Which is a long-term effect of sun exposure? ·a bright red rash after sitting in the sun ·a stinging burn that is sensitive to touch ·a change in skin complexion or sallowness ·a cluster of freckles appearing on the skin

·a change in skin complexion or sallowness (3 or C)

Which purchase would cause concern about exposure to lead? ·buying a gallon of paint from the local hardware store ·buying gas for a car or truck over 20 years old ·buying a historic home built in the 1940s ·buying pesticide from the local gardening center

·buying a historic home built in the 1940s (3 or C)

How can Jared most effectively help minimize local environmental health issues within his community? ·by doing research and getting informed about local environmental problems ·by contacting global nonprofits about issues and learning about their services ·by monitoring the use of harmful chemicals among local businesses ·by finding funded research initiatives that monitor pollution-related diseases

·by doing research and getting informed about local environmental problems (1 or A)

How does the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) promote health? ·by cleaning up hazardous materials ·by issuing health guidelines ·by enforcing health policy rules ·by reporting environmental problems

·by issuing health guidelines (2 or B)

Read this US policy on clean water. "The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface water." -Summary of the Clean Water Act, Environmental Protection Agency How can the Clean Water Act best promote health? ·by monitoring a toxic spill that affects a drinking water supply ·by providing pamphlets related to the quality of drinking water ·by carrying out research about the effects of large discharges ·by controlling the amount of water people use in their homes

·by monitoring a toxic spill that affects a drinking water supply (1 or A)

Sort the pollutant into its correct category. INdoor Air Pollutant(s):

·carbon monoxide ·cat litter box ·carpet dust & dirt

Which is a source of water pollution? ·solid waste accumulation at a landfill ·black smoke released from a large truck ·chemical waste discharged from an oil refinery ·particulates released by burning fossil fuels

·chemical waste discharged from an oil refinery (3 or C)

Which is an environmental concern? ·having groundwater affected by a nearby landfill ·taking plastic containers to a recycling facility ·running the dishwasher only when it is full ·treating and processing water for a community

·having groundwater affected by a nearby landfill (1 or A)

Which material is a common indoor air pollutant? ·smog ·natural gas ·vehicle exhaust ·oxygen

·natural gas (2 or B)

Which effects of sun exposure are immediate? Check all that apply. ·rashes ·freckles ·sunburn ·skin aging ·skin cancer

·rashes ·freckles ·sunburn (1, 2, & 3, or A, B, & C)

Zara learns in school how to reduce water pollution. What does she do when she gets home to help with this? Check all that apply. ·reminds her parents not to flush medications down the toilet ·discards used cooking oil in a bag rather than down the drain ·runs the dishwasher when it is only partially full with dirty dishes ·reminds her dad not to toss the old radiator fluid down the storm drain ·asks her mom to use store-bought pesticide spray for their garden

·reminds her parents not to flush medications down the toilet ·discards used cooking oil in a bag rather than down the drain ·reminds her dad not to toss the old radiator fluid down the storm drain (1, 2, & 4, or A, B, & D)

Sarah would like to write a newspaper editorial about the effects of sun exposure. What long-term effects should she include? Check all that apply. ·skin cancer ·wrinkles ·vitamin D exposure ·skin discoloration ·sagging skin ·a healthy glow

·skin cancer ·wrinkles ·skin discoloration ·sagging skin (1, 2, 4, & 5, or A, B, D & E)

Sora lives near a farm that performs aerial pesticide spraying every month. She notices a yellow haze around her home after each spray. What might she do to minimize her risk of pesticide exposure? ·wash vegetables purchased from the supermarket ·select organic produce from the local farmers' market ·take off her shoes at the door before entering her home ·repaint the walls inside her home with lead-free paint.

·take off her shoes at the door before entering her home (3 or C)

The accompanying graph is provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), a global agency. These results illustrate the burden of death caused by environmental pollution. [A bar graph shows the estimated death toll due to air pollution by region in 2012. Western Pacific: approx. 3 million Europe: < 1 million Southeast Asia: approx. 2 million Africa: approx. 1 million Americas: < 1 million] ·The region with the highest number of deaths due to air pollution is ___ _______ _______. ·About 5.5 million people died as a result of air pollution in _________ ____ ___ ___ _______ _______.

·the Western Pacific ·Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific

Which actions contribute to land pollution? Check all that apply. ·throwing trash on the ground ·driving a car around town ·using plug-in air fresheners ·choosing plastic grocery bags ·leaking runoff from farm fertilizers

·throwing trash on the ground ·choosing plastic grocery bags ·leaking runoff from farm fertilizers (1, 2, & 5, or A, B, & E)

Sort the pollutant into its correct category. OUTdoor Air Pollutant(s):

·vehicle exhaust ·waste-incinerator gases ·coal-burning particulates

Which activity is a goal of the World Health Organization (WHO)? ·promoting public health on a local scale ·ensuring that people prepare clean food in their homes ·combating infectious diseases for a small group of people ·working with different governments and worldwide partners

·working with different governments and worldwide partners (4 or D)

After learning about the hazardous effects of land pollution, Nicholas would like to do his part in reducing land pollution. What should he do? ·purchase a case of plastic water bottles ·choose plastic bags at the grocery store ·discard cardboard in trash bins ·wrap gifts with a paper shopping bag

·wrap gifts with a paper shopping bag (4, or D)

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