Operant Conditioning Activity
You receive a kiss for bringing your significant other flowers.
Positive Reinforcement
Refuse to be affectionate toward your partner when they forget your anniversary.
Negative Punishment
Repo man takes a car for failure to make loan payments.
Negative Punishment
You come in late after curfew and your parents take away your car keys.
Negative Punishment
Taking out the garbage to quiet a nagging significant other.
Negative Reinforcement
You put up an umbrella to avoiding getting wet in the rain.
Negative Reinforcement
Eating an entire batch of chocolate cookies in one sitting and feeling sick to my stomach.
Positive Punishment
I run into a pole while texting.
Positive Punishment
Snapping your wrist with a rubber band when you bite your fingernails.
Positive Punishment
Put gas in your car so you can move about town.
Positive Reinforcement