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According to Little's Law, which of the following ratios is used to find throughput rate?

Inventory /Flow time

Using the assembly-line balancing procedure, which of the following is the theoretical minimum number of workstations if the task times for the six tasks that make up the job are 4, 6, 7, 2, 6, and 5 minutes, and the cycle time is 10 minutes?


Using the assembly-line balancing procedure, which of the following is the required cycle time in minutes per unit if the daily production time is 480 minutes and the required daily output is 50 units?


Which of these expressions is Little's Law?

All of the above

A firm will work with a customer to design the product, and then make it from purchased materials, parts, and components. This firm is called:

An assemble to order firm

Which of the following basic types of process structures is one which equipment or work processes are arranged according to the progressive steps by which the product is made?

Assembly Line

A point where inventory is positioned to allow the production process to operate independently of the customer order delivery

Customer order decoupling point

Which of the following is not a step in developing a manufacturing cell layout?

Disposing of left-over machinery and outsourcing ungrouped processes

The placement of which of the following is not determined by production process organization decisions?

Emergency Exit

A firm that designs and builds products from scratch according to customer specifications would have this type of production environment.


Which of the following is not considered a major work flow structure?


A firm fills its customer's orders from finished goods inventory. It is a:

Make to stock firm

This is a production layout where similar products are made. Typically, it is scheduled on an as-needed basis in response to current customer demand.

Manufacturing cell

The relationship between how different layout structures are best suited depending on volume and product variety characteristics is depicted using this type of graph.

Product-process matrix

Which of the following is not a basic type of process structure?

Product-process matrix

When balancing an assembly line, which of the following is not a way to reduce the longest task time below the required workstation cycle time?

Speed up the assembly line transfer mechanism

According to Little's Law, which of the following can be used to estimate work-in-process inventory?

Throughput rate times Flow time

The closer the customer is to the customer order decoupling point the more quickly the customer receives the product.


The term "assembly line" refers to progressive assembly linked by some material handling device.


The volume requirements for the product are one determinant of the choice of which process structure to select.


You have just determined the actual number of workstations that will be used on an assembly line to be 6 using the assembly-line balancing procedure. The cycle time of the line is 5 minutes and the sum of all that tasks required on the line is 25 minutes. Which of the following is the correct value for the resulting line's efficiency?

[25 / (6 x 5)] = 0.833

A firm that makes predesigned products directly to fill customer orders has this type of production environment.


A difference between project and continuous flow categories of process flow structures is which two of the following?

the size and bulk of the product

Which of the following basic types of process structures is one which similar equipment or functions are grouped together?


Which of the following is a basic type of process structure?


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