Org Behavior Chapter 12

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Vroom and Yetton Model: Leaders making either individual or group decisions can choose from 4 different decision-making styles:

-Autocratic: the leader makes the decision without input from subordinates -Consultative: Subordinates have some input, but the leader makes the decision -Group: the group makes the decision; the leader is just another group member -Delegated: the leader makes subordinates solely responsible for making the decisions

Path-Goal Theory: 4 types of behavior that leaders can engage in to motivate subordinates (1)

-Directive behavior - (similar to initiating structure) lets subordinates know what tasks need to be performed and how they should be performed -Supportive behavior - (similar to consideration) lets subordinates know their leader cares about their well-being and is looking out for them

Vroom and Yetton Model: Advantages of employee participation

-Ensures that subordinates will accept a decision that affects them or requires their support -Makes subordinates more willing to share with the leader important info that the leader lacks to better decisions are made -Helps foster subordinates' skills and capabilities and the result is higher performance and job satisfaction

2 most important characteristics of leadership

-Exerting influence -Helping a group or organization achieve its goals

Traditional Relationship

-Leader relies on their formal authority and position in the organization to influence the subordinate, and the subordinate is expected to perform their job in an acceptable manner and to follow rules and the directives of the leader -Subordinate has less freedom -Impersonal, distant, or cold relationship between the leader and subordinate -Subordinates who develop this kind of relationship with their leader are said to be in the out-group

Situational Characteristics: 3 of them

-Leader-Member Relations -Task Structure -Position Power

The Contingency Model: Leadership

-Leadership styles are relatively fixed or enduring -Leaders must be assigned to situations in which they will be effective; situation must also be changed to fit the leader -Another alternative would be for the organization to improve the favorability of the situation by giving the leader the formal authority to make decisions about pay raises, bonuses, and promotions for subordinates; increase their power position

The Contingency Model

-Octant I, II, III = favorable for leading -Octant IV, V, VI, and VII = moderately favorable for leading -Octant VIII = very unfavorable for leading Task-oriented leaders are most effective in situations that are very favorable or very unfavorable Relationship-oriented leaders are most effective in moderately favorable situations

Path-Goal Theory: 4 types of behavior that leaders can engage in to motivate subordinates (2)

-Participative behavior - enables subordinates to be involved in making decisions that affect them -Achievement-oriented behavior - pushes subordinates to do their best. Such behavior includes setting difficult goals for followers, expecting high performance, and expressing confidence in their abilities

Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership

-Path-goal theory describes how leaders can motivate their followers to perform at high levels and can keep them satisfied -Vroom & Yetton model deals with a specific aspect of leadership: the extent to which leaders should involve their subordinates in decision making -Leader-member exchange theory takes into account the fact that leaders often do not treat each of their subordinates equally but instead develop different kinds of relationships with different subordinates

Situational Characteristics

-Situations vary in their "favorability" for leading - the extent to which the situation allows the leader to easily guide and channel subordinate behavior in the direction of high performance and goal attainment -Favorable for leading - easier for a leader to exert influence over subordinates than when it is unfavorable

Gender and Leadership (1)

-Stereotype - women are supportive, nurturing, and usually skilled at maintaining good interpersonal relations with coworkers -Reality - (DIFFERENT) women tend to lead in a more democratic style Tend to involve their subordinates in decision making and seek their subordinates' input on a variety of matters

Leader Mood

-Subordinates prefer to work for upbeat leaders than those who are downbeat A leader's level of emotional intelligence may also contribute to leader effectiveness -Emotional intelligence may help leaders develop a collective vision shared throughout the organization and energize all managers and subordinates to enthusiastically work toward achieving it

Vroom and Yetton Model: Disadvantages of employee participation

-Takes longer for decisions to be made -Subordinates may disagree among themselves/question the way other are preforming their jobs

Early Approaches to Leadership

-The Leader Trait Approach -The Leader Behavior Approach

Leader develops a special relationship with the subordinate

-beneficial for both -Leader spend a lot of time with the subordinate, who is given latitude and freedom to use their own judgement on the job -Subordinates tend to be satisfied and to perform at a high level -Subordinates who develop this special kind of relationship with their leader are said to be in the in-group

Leader-member exchange theory: 2 general kinds of relationships develop

-leader develops a special relationship with the subordinate -traditional relationship

What does Vroom & Yetten suggest?

-that leaders need to focus on what outcomes motivate their followers and then to distribute those outcomes to subordinates when they attain their work goals and perform at high levels -Suggests the need to tailor leadership styles to the characteristics of subordinates and the situation -focuses on how much leaders should allow subordinates to participate in decision making, which depends on the characteristics of the decision making situation and of subordinates

Path-Goal Theory: 3 Guidelines to Follow

1. Determine what outcomes subordinates are trying to obtain in the workplace 2. Reward subordinates for performing at high levels or achieving their work goals by giving them desired outcomes 3. Make sure the subordinates believe they can obtain their work goals and perform at high levels

Recognizing that effectiveness is determined by both

1. The specific characteristics of individuals 2. The particular situations in which they find themselves

Transformational leadership (2)

1. Transformational leaders increase subordinates' awareness of the importance of their tasks and the importance of performing them well. 2. Transformational leaders make subordinates aware of their needs for personal growth, development, and accomplishment. 3. Transformational leaders motivate their subordinates to work for the good of the organization rather than exclusively for their own personal gain or benefit

Why are women more democratic than men?

1. Women's interpersonal skills tend to be better than men's 2. Women in leadership positions encounter more resistance from subordinates than men in leadership positions

What is Missing in the Trait and Behavior Approaches? BEHAVIOR APPROACH

Behavior Approach: Premise - effective leaders perform certain behaviors, which may include consideration, initiating structure, reward behavior, and punishing behavior Drawbacks - the relationship between these behaviors and subordinate performance and satisfaction is not necessarily clear-cut. The behavior approach ignores the situation in which leadership takes place

Both consideration and initiating structure are complementary but independent behaviors

Complementary - leaders can engage in both Independent - knowing the extent to which a leader engages in consideration says nothing about the extent to which they engage in initiating structure, and vice versa

The Leader Trait Approach: Traits (2)

Energy/Activity Levels - a high energy level helps a leader deal with the many demands or activities encountered day to day Tolerance for stress - promotes a leader's ability to deal with the uncertainty or ambiguity inherent in any complex decision-making situation Integrity and Honesty - an indicator that a leader will behave ethically at all times and is worthy of followers' trust and confidence Emotional maturity - a sign that a leader is not overly self-centered, can control their feelings, and can accept criticism

The Leader Behavior Approach

Focuses on what effective leader do* -Focuses on the specific behavior performed by effective leaders: Consideration & Initiating Structure

The Leader Trait Approach

Focuses on what effective leaders are like* -Early studies of leadership sought to identify enduring personal traits that distinguish leaders from followers, and effective from ineffective leaders -For some traits, it is not clear what comes first: being in a leadership position or possessing the trait in action

The Romance of Leadership

Followers often want to believe leaders have the ability to raise performance and make a difference, and so they attribute qualities or powers to them they really don't possess

Formal vs. Informal Leaders

Formal Leaders: a member of an organization who is given authority by the organization to influence other organizational members to achieve organizational goals Informal leaders: an organizational member with no formal authority to influence others who nevertheless is able to exert considerable influence because of special skills or talents

The Leader Trait Approach: Traits (1)

Intelligence - helps a leader solve complex problems Task-relevant knowledge - ensures that a leader knows what has to be done, how it should be done, and what resources are required for a group and organization to achieve its goals Dominance - an individual's needs to exert influence and control over others, helps a leader channel followers' efforts and abilities toward achieving group and organizational goals Self-confidence - helps a leader influence followers and motivates followers to persevere in the face of obstacles and difficulties

Measuring Leader Behaviors

Leadership behavior Description Questionnaire - asks a leader's subordinates to indicate the extent to which their leader or supervisor engages in a number of different consideration and initiating-structure behaviors Leadership opinion questionnaire - completed by leaders themselves, asks leaders to indicate which of a variety of consideration and initiating-structure behaviors they think result in good leadership Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid & Hersey and Blanchard's Model seek to measure the extent to which leaders are concerned about people (consideration) or production (initiating structure)

The Contingency Model: Relationship-oriented

Nature of Leader - wants to be liked by and to get along well with subordinates. First priority - developing good relationships with subordinates. Second Priority - getting the job done Situations in which style is more effective: moderately favorable for leading (octants IV, V, VI, and VII)

The Contingency Model: Task-oriented

Nature of leader - wants subordinates to perform at a high level and accomplish all assigned tasks. First priority - getting the job done. Second priority - developing good relationships with subordinates Situations in which style is more effective: very favorable or very unfavorable for leading (octants I, II, III, and VIII)

The Behavior Approach: Leader Reward and Punishing Behavior

Reinforcements and punishments Leader Reward Behavior: a leader's positive reinforcement of subordinates' desirable behavior Leader Punishing Behavior: a leader's negative response to subordinates' undesired behavior

Least-Preferred Co-Employees Scale: Relationship & Task Oriented Leaders

Relationship-oriented leaders (High LPC Leaders) - described their last preferred co-employee in relatively positive terms and were able to say some good things about the person they had the most difficulty working with Task-oriented leaders (Low LPC Leaders) - described their least preferred co-employee negatively

2 distinct leader styles; leaders are characterized by one or the other: 1. Relationship-oriented leaders

Relationship-oriented leaders: -Want to be liked by and get along well with their subordinates -First priority is to develop good working relationships with their followers -Second priority is to make sure that the job is done (task accomplishment)

Gender and Leadership (2)

Stereotype - men tend to be task-oriented Reality - (SAME) men do not engage in more initiating structure just as women do not engage in more consideration

2 distinct leader styles; leaders are characterized by one or the other: 2. Task-oriented leaders

Task-oriented leaders: -Want their subordinates to perform at a high level and accomplish all their assigned tasks to the best of their abilities -First priority is task accomplishment and pushing subordinates to make sure that the job gets done -Having good relationships with subordinates = second priority

Ethical Leadership

The issue of establishing trust between leaders and subordinates is a central concept in ethical leadership Trust: the willingness of one person or group to have faith or confidence in the goodwill of another person, even though this puts them at risk

What is Missing in the Trait and Behavior Approaches? TRAIT APPROACH

Trait Approach: Premise - effective leaders possess certain qualities or traits that help a group or an organization achieve its goals Drawbacks - some effective leaders do not possess all of these traits, and some leaders who possess these traits are not effective. The approach ignores the situation in which leadership takes place

Vroom and Yetton Model

a model that describes the different ways in which leaders can make decisions and guides leaders in determining the extent to which subordinates should participate in decision making

Least-Preferred Co-Employees Scale

a questionnaire that measures leader style by scoring leaders' responses to questions about the co-employee with whom they have the most difficulty working

Charismatic Leaders

a self-confident, enthusiastic leader able to win followers' respect and support for their vision of how good things could be -Clearly communicate their vision to their followers, and their excitement and enthusiasm induces their followers to enthusiastically support this vision

Path-Goal Theory

a theory that describes how leaders can motivate their followers to achieve group and organizational goals and the kinds of behaviors leaders can engage in to motivate followers

Leader-member exchange theory

a theory that describes the different kinds of relationships that may develop between a leader and a follower and what the leader and the follower give to and receive back from the relationship -Focuses on the "leader-follower dyad" - relationship between the leader and a specific subordinate -Proposes that each leader-subordinate dyad develops a unique relationship that stems from the unfolding interactions between the leader and subordinate


an individual able to influence group or organizational members to help the group or organization achieve its goals

Developmental Consideration

behavior by a leader that is supportive and encouraging toward followers and gives them opportunities to develop and grow on the job, such as by acquiring new skills and capabilities


behavior indicating that a leader trusts, respects, and values good relationships with their followers -A leader who engages in consideration also shows followers that they care about their well-being and are concerned about how they feel and what they think

Initiating Structure

behaviors that a leader engages in to make sure that work gets done and subordinates perform their jobs acceptably -Assigning individual tasks to followers, planning ahead, setting goals, deciding which team members should perform which tasks, and pushing subordinates to get their tasks accomplished

Transformational leadership (1)

leadership that inspires followers to trust the leader, perform behaviors that contribute to the achievement of organizational goals, and perform at high levels -Transformative leaders are charismatic leaders

Transactional leadership

leadership that motivates followers by exchanging rewards for high performance and noticing and reprimanding subordinates for mistakes and substandard performance

Leadership Substitute

something that acts in place of a formal leader and makes leadership unnecessary

Leadership Neutralizer

something that prevents a leader from having any influence and negates a leader's efforts -The leader has little or no effect on performance, and there is nothing to take the leader's place -Characteristics of the subordinate, the work, the group, and the organization can all serve as potential neutralizers of leadership

Position Power

the amount of formal authority a leader has -A situation is more favorable for leading when position power is high


the exercise by one member of a group or organization over other members to help the group or organization achieve its goals

"Leader Effectiveness"

the extent to which a leader actually does help a group or organization achieve its goals -Effective - helps achieve goals -Ineffective - doesn't help achieve goals

Task Structure

the extent to which the work to be performed by a group is clearly defined -The higher the level of task structure, the more favorable the leadership situation

Leader-Member Relations

the relationships between a leader and their followers Good = followers appreciate, trust, and feel a certain degree of loyalty toward their leader, and situation is favorable for leading Poor = followers dislike or distrust their leader and the situation is unfavorable for leading

Contingency theory of leadership

the theory that leader effectiveness is determined by both the personal characteristics of leaders and by the situations in which leaders find themselves

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