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A hollow rod of the protein tubulin in the cytoplasm of all eukaryote cells that make up cilia, flagella, spindle fibers, and other cytoskeletal structures of cells -widest microfilament -requires GDP for energy (Microtubules are attached by dynein that contains ATP's (GDP) that when broken down, creates movement) -also moves chromosomes during cell division


A long cellular appendage specialized for locomotion, formed from a core of nine outer doublet microtubules and two inner single microtubules, ensheathed in an extension of plasma membrane. -cross-linking motor -proteins walking and dragging, one is higher relative to the othrt

nuclear lamina

A netlike array of protein filaments lining the inner surface of the nuclear envelope; it helps maintain the shape of the nucleus.


Found in plant/animal cells. They are little sacs that transport and/or store materials inside the cell & sometimes help these materials cross the cell membrane to enter/exit the cell.

Cell Wall

A Cell Wall is found in Bacteria (prokaryotic cells- no nucleus) and Plant cells (eukaryotic cells- have a nucleus); In plants the cell wall is made of 'cellulose'. The cell wall gives the plant cell structure and protection.


A cell organelle constructed in the nucleolus and functioning as the site of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm; consists of rRNA and protein molecules, which make up two subunits. -travel to rough ER to synthesize proteins .... signal on the protein -prokaryotes - 30s, 60s -eukaryotes - 40s, 60s


A cellular skeleton contained within the cytoplasm and is made out of protein. Both

intermediate filaments

A component of the cytoskeleton that includes all filaments intermediate in size between microtubules and microfilaments -include nuclear microtubules -fibrous proteins always 2 that twist together then twist with 2 more proteins


A small, round cell structure containing enzymes (chemicals) that break down large food particles into smaller ones. This organelle acts like a garbage disposal of the cell.


A specialized structure in the nucleus, formed from various chromosomes and active in the creation of ribosomes

Golgi Apparatus

A system of membranes that modifies, sorts and packages proteins for export by the cell. It acts like the post office of the cell. - glycosylation addition of sugar units of sugar chains -address tags, -cell identity markers glycoproteins and glycolipids blocking active sides

Prokaryotic Cell

A type of cell that does NOT have a nucleus and does not have organelles; Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotic.

Eukaryotic Cell

A type of cell with a nucleus and organelles. It is large and complex. Examples of organisms with these cells are protists, plants, fungi, and animals.


Small cylindrical structures that separate chromosomes in cell division

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

An endomembrane system where lipids are synthesized, calcium levels are regulated, and toxic substances are broken down. -steroid production and detoxification


An organelle found in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs. It absorbs light and uses it to create food for the plant or algae cell.


An organelle in eukaryotic cells (cells with a nucleus- plant or animal cells) that serves as the site of cellular respiration; cellular respiration creates energy for the cell. The mitochondria is like the powerhouse of the cell. -inside space is called matrix, and has DNA for mitochondria -oxidation -energy to make ATP -oxidation releases energy 30-40 % of it is ATP *requires O2

Cell Membrane

Animal and Plant cells have a cell membrane. The cell membrane controls which substances can enter or leave the cell. It protects the cell. It acts as a 'traffic controller' for the cell. The cell membrane is made from a phospholipid bilayer.




Cell organelle that stores materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates. It is large in a plant cell and much smaller in an animal cell.


Double membrane layer that stores and protects DNA ( which contains the instructuions to make proteins ) includes a dense region and are assembled. -during cell division membrane forms vesicles -Controls the cells function, contains the cells DNA. The nucleolus is in the center of the nucleus where ribosomes are assembled., Double membrane layer that stores and protects DNA ( which contains the instructuions to make proteins ) includes a dense region and are assembled.


Fingerlike extensions of plasma membrane of apical epithelial cells, increase surface area, aid in absorbtion, exist on every moist epithelia, but most dense in small intestine and kidney -INCREASES SURFACE AREA TO FACILITATE ABSORPTION OF EXTRACELLULAR MATERIALS

aerobic respiration

Glucose is metabolized within a mitochondria in the presence of oxygen which produces a net of 38 ATP

endomembrane system

Is a series of interacting organelles between the nucleus and the plasma membrane. Its main function is to make lipids, enzymes, and proteins for secretion or insertion into cell membranes. It also destroys toxins, recycles wastes, and has other specialized functions. -Includes the nuclear envelope, ER, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, various vesicles and vacuoles, and the plasma membrane.

What are two major differences between plant cells and animal cells?

Plants cells have 1. chloroplasts 2.a cell wall that gives it a rigid shape & the vacuoles are very large compared to an animal cell which has many small ones. Animal cells have 1.Lysosomes 2. no cell wall (only a cell membrane)


Storage compartments found in plant cells; store fats, pigments, starches

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

System of internal membranes within the cytoplasm. Membranes are rough due to the presence of ribosomes. functions in transport of substances such as proteins within the cytoplasm - where many proteins are assembled and transported around/outside the cell. -disulfide bonds needs enzymes to form it

endosymbiont theory

The theory that mitochondria and plastids, including chloroplasts, originated as prokaryotic cells engulfed by an ancestral eukaryotic cell. The engulfed cell and its host cell then evolved into a single organism. evidence: - that chloroplast and mitochondria divide by themselves -have own DNA which is circular -have their own smaller ribosomes

actin filaments

a thin type of protein filament composed of actin proteins that forms part of the cytoskeleton and supports the plasma membrane and plays a key role in cell strength, shape and movement -thinnest microfilament

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