organizational Communication

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The cost of clothing has increased due to outsourcing.


Theory and research suggest that decision making is a perfectly rational process of information search and decision choice.


Very few organizational communication scholars have objected to the container metaphor, which explains how communication occurs within organizations.


Workplace bullying does not have much effect on its victims.


If Seth offers to cook dinner for Magnolia because he realizes that she is stressed about an exam she hasn't had time to study for, he is providing

Instrumental support

Ability to cope with uncertainty is a source of power in organizations.


According to the prescriptive approach to culture, successful companies can be identified in terms of their cultures.


Because they are often unaware of the organizational context in which stress occurs, friends and family members are less able to provide effective informational support.


Blake and Mouton suggest that all managers should adopt a team management approach.


Deal and Kennedy argued that business success could be enhanced through the development of a "strong" culture.


It is impossible to fulfill one's higher order needs without taking care of other's lower order needs.


Organizations advocating a trait approach to leadership often use personality tests to select people for leadership roles.


Organizations should be as complicated as the problem they seek to address.


Organizing is influenced by the physical site in which it occurs.


Participation in decision making can help reduce job-related burnout.


Perceived conflict involves at least one of the parties in the conflict realizing his/her goals are incompatible with the other party's goals.


Role-related information encompasses the information, skills, procedures, and rules that an individual must grasp to perform on the job


Simple control involves direct and authoritarian exertion of control in the workplace.


The Hawthorne Studies were motivated by the classical approach to organizing and led to the human relations approach to organizing.


Human relations principles argue that....

satisfaction of higher-order needs leads directly to job satisfaction. productivity leads directly to satisfaction of higher -order needs. satisfaction of higher-order needs leads directly to productivity.

Of the three strategies used for exerting control in organizations, the one characterized by directly exerting authoritarian control is

simple control.

When an organization tried to influence the adaptation of individuals, the process of ____________ is occurring.


If a newcomer tries to see how far he or she can deviate from an organizational rule and observe the subsequent reaction, the _____________ information seeking tactic is being used.

testing limits

Jacob has been hinting that he loves to bowl and would like to join the company bowling team in order to get to know his new coworkers. He is probably using which one of the following information seeking tactics?

testing limits indirect questions in-group surveillance

Allie works for a large manufacturing firm and enjoys the feeling of being a "cog" in the machine and being able to leave work behind when she leaves the plant. When she is forced to participate in a new workplace democracy program, she thinks, "If this is democracy, how come they can make me go to these meetings?" What paradox of participation does Allie illustrate?

the paradox of power

Social constructionists argue that reality is an objective thing.


Supervisors are likely to provide emotional support.


According to McGregor, which of the following characterizes the assumptions of a Theory X manager?

All answers are correct

Although terrorism has existed for many centuries, its effectiveness is enhanced today because of

All answers are correct

Systems theory originated with the study of


This way of framing conflict involves how disputants see the other parties in the conflict.

Characterization framing

An arbitrator facilitates a dispute but holds no decision power.


Communication in classical organizations tends to flow horizontally through the hierarchy.


Critical theorists do not consider organizations to be sites of domination.


During a crisis, unequivocal messages should always be communicated.


Even though Lily realizes she is a new employee, she decides that she deserves an extra coffee break and will go ahead and take one and see if anything negative happens. This is an example of the information seeking tactic of surveillance.


Groupthink refers to a mode of thinking where a group is more concerned with high quality decision making than cohesiveness.


Improvisational knowledge is typically stored in Instruction Manuals.


In a hegemonic relationship, the controlled group accepts, but does not actively participate in, the control process.


Janelle just received word that she has progressed through the probationary period of her new job and she will now be compensated and considered a "regular" employee. Janelle is entering the encounter phase of socialization.


Mentoring relationships are of little value to minorities and women.


Organizations today rarely follow Taylor's ideas about fitting the job to the individual.


The United States is an outlier from its traditional competitors in which demographic way?

Its population is stagnant. It is struggling to create enough jobs for a growing immigrant population Its population is shrinking

Communication is enacted at which phase in the conflict process?

Manifest conflict

A business practice associated with globalization involves business moving manufacturing and service centers to countries where labor is cheap. This practice is commonly known as


Apologizing for mistakes the organization has made is likely to occur during which stage of a crisis?

Postcrisis stage

The ultimate goal of the critical model is emancipation.


Theory X and Theory Y involve all assumptions that managers hold about workers.


Georgette has always thought she and Ted had the perfect marriage. Every time they disagree, she pushes for her side, and he wants her happy, so she always gets her way. Georgette uses a _____________ style of conflict resolution and Ted uses a _______________ style.


The "match" of the leadership style to the characteristics of the situation is addressed in which of the following theories?

contigency theory of leadership

The level of prejudice and discrimination in an organization represents which dimension for describing a multicultural organization?

cultural bias

Jude is the owner of an up-scale restaurant. Jude did not hire Kim because he believed that his customers would prefer to be served by a man. Jude has just engaged in


According to Weick, the primary goal of organizations is to

establish network roles reduce uncertainty. gain feedback.

Approaching organizations culture with the idea that there may be multiple manifestations of culture that are difficult to interpret represents which perspective of culture?


Susan works as a firefighter in a male-dominated organization. She is often sexually harassed on the job by her male coworkers. When asked about the appropriateness of this behavior, Susan sighs, "Boys will be boys. What can I do about it, anyway?" According to the critical approach, Susan is

hegemonically contributing to the control of the patriarchal organizational power structure.

The belief that many government officials had that levees in New Orleans would protect it from the devastating flood waters of Hurricane Katrina represent which symptoms of groupthink.

illusion of invulnerability

Which of the following is not a tactic used by newcomers to seek information?

in-group relationships

What are the three key components of Putnam and Poole's definition of conflict?

incompatible goals, interdependence, and interaction

Ford Motor Company's interactions with a wide range of customers is an example of which of the following flows of communication

institutional positioning

Although she couldn't tell a woofer from a tweeter, Jill had a great deal of power at Hear It Hear Stereo Shop because her family had owned the business for many years. What type of authority does Jill hold?

legitimate power legal power rational power

To deal with the negative consequences of affirmative action programs, it is recommended that organization also incorporate which criteria for hiring and promotion?


The direction of communication in a human resources organization is


In order to fulfill the requirements of her new job, Jade must attend a seminar on desk-top publishing. Through this seminar, she will learn _____________ information.


Josh is a nurse at a hospital in Ames, Iowa. He is working on a patient who appears to be suffering from flu-like symptoms from a bacterial infection. Yolanda is a scientist for the Center for Disease Control. She has been studying bacteria samples that were found in Ames which appear to be traces of a biological terrorist weapon that creates the flu-like symptoms Josh has been observing in his patient. The difficulty of getting Yolanda and Josh to exchange helpful information through the work of the Department of Homeland Security is really a problem of _______, according to the text.

organizational communication

The container metaphor points out that

organizational communication occurs within the container of an organization

Fayol's Theory of Classical Management is a prescriptive theory because it

prescribes the way an organization ought to run. explains how components in an organization influence each other. describes the way an organization actually functions.

Mosha realizes that he is coming dangerously close to burning out on his job as a CPA for a large manufacturing company because of the conflicting demands of his job. Consequently, he has asked his supervisor to provide a specif job description and have a meeting to formulate specific job-related goals. This behavior is an example of which of the following coping strategies?

problem-centered coping

Horace manages a fast food restaurant and never worries too much about treating his employees well, because he knows the local high school is full of students willing to work for minimum wage. What principle of the "machine metaphor" does Horace's attitude exemplify?


Open systems are characterized by ____________, or the ability to sustain themselves and grow.

requisite variety participation negative entropy

Reactions to organizational change by lower level employees that interfere with change implementation processes are called


Anware was recently hired at Acme Motors because the company had been criticized for treating Muslim customers poorly. He was selected to be the "spokesperson" to the Muslim community. He has been feeling very isolated in this role. He is suffering the effects of


A solution-oriented path of small-group decision making does not involve any activity related to problem definition or analysis.


The managerial strategy for communicating about change where the management focuses on fundamental issues related to change success and allows employees the creative freedom to explore various possibilities is

underscore and explore

The Theory of Scientific Management sought to eliminate

uneven work and systematic soldiering.

Joan has a conversation with her supervisor, Judy. She asks Judy about a rumor that the nursing home is about to be sold to a new company. Judy knows the rumor is true, but tells Joan that as upper management has said, there are no plans for the home to be sold at this time. Which strategy for communicating about change is Judy using?

withhold and uphold

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