Organizational Structure w/in School District

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Below Local Board of Education; hired by and serves at the pleasure of the local school board, hires district-level instructional staff (directors of curriculum or special education), admin staff ( head of human resources), & building principals, can mandate schools use a particular approach to teaching a particular subject, set the tone at the district level


Below Superintendent Duties include: instructional leadership, community relationships, supervision of staff, teacher performance & selection, students, building and grounds, provisions, administration of the attendance office, & budgets. Usually in charge of hiring teachers; set the tone for at the school level


Below principals; required to be credentialed


Can veto school legislation; have become much more active in setting educational policy than perhaps ever before

Dept. Heads & Team Leaders

Communication and coordination role for their grade level or team, Meet w/ principal from time to time & bring information back to their departments

State Legislature

Generally responsible for creating, operating, managing, & maintaining state school systems. The legislators are the state policy makers for education.

State Board of Education - Regulatory & Advisory Functions

Has the authority to establish rules and regulations that limit and permit action. Can only offer suggestions & indicate preference for action

School Support Staff

Include the school Secretary and custodians

School District or Local Educational Agency (LEA)

Made up of community members who are either elected or appointed to their positions; have the authority to tax the community to raise funds for schools & develop the school district budget, set class sizes; may promote specific programs or features of instruction.

Powers & Duties of School Boards

Obtain revenue, Maintain schools, Purchase sites & build buildings, Purchase materials & supplies, Organize & provide programs of study, Employ necessary workers & regulate their services, Admit & assign pupils to schools & control their conduct

Assistant Principals

Shares the tasks of the principal

State Dept. of Education/ State Education Agency (SEA)

The agency at the state level that makes educational policy; exams for prospective teachers; interact w/federal education establishment to receive funds, establish guidelines consistent with federal policy, and monitor local districts for compliance with federal regulations.

Instructional Specialists

The master teachers who are specialists

Chief State School Officer

The principal advisers to governors about education issues, help formulate and carry out education policy at the state level, use power of their office to build public support for various education initiatives, 36/50 states appointed by governor, 14 elected

Local Board of Education

Top of Hierarchy, elect superintendent, in charge of carrying out state requirements

Central Office Staff

Works with superintendent to carry out the district's program of education

Innovations in School Organizations

Year round school, later start time for high schoolers, four day weeks, staggered start times, feeder school alignment

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