Organizing and outlining

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Now that I have informed you about the geography of the Hawaiian Islands, I am going to tell you about the people of the Hawaiian Island is an example of

Guidepost ? Transition ? Thesis statement?

Juan is finishing writing his specific purpose. He brainstorms about his specific purpose and finally settles on three topics he plans on talking about during his speech. What are these three topics called?

Main points

This technique will help make the preparation outline useful

Use of phrase only ? Use of traditional labeling symbols? Avoiding the use of identations?

What is a signpost?

A review in paragraph form ? A summary statement ? A word or phrase that points out where you are in a speech ?

This element of an outline provides the most specific support for a main idea

A sub-sub Point

Organization of content into a coherent presentation is the step following

Analyzing the speech ? Choosing a topic ? Gathering the support information ?

Connecives are designed to help connect parts of your speech to make it easier for your audience to follow your speech. which would be the best example of a connective phrase or statement

Barbara Bush had many accomplishments as first lady? During her lifetime, Barbara Bush made a significant impact on the world as a mother, wife, first lady? Now that you know about the early life of Barbara Bush, lets explore some of the greatest lessons she taught her children

During an introduction a speaker says "I realize that many of us disagree on the use of corpoarl punishment in public schools. I just ask that you listen to my arguments with an open mind" Which aspect of credibility is the speaker attempting to enhance?


What speech format does the following outline represent A) Describe Hiltons life before she was famous B) Describe Hiltons first job as model C) Describe Hiltons transition from model to media

Causal ? Chronological ? Spatial ?

When a speaker gives an information speech about their colleges progress in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, they are using ? pattern of organization


Your preparation outline will not contain

Directions for pronunciation ? The speech title and thesis statement Connectives?

What is a phrase or sentence that serves as a reminder to an audience of what they just heard within the speech

Internal summary

Which of the following is a function of a thesis statement?

It clarifies your perspective about your topic

Joe is beginning to prepare his speech and has constructed a brief outline that sketches out his thesis and main points but does not yet have a fully developed conclusion or transitions. Which type of outline has Joe constructed?

Opening outline ? Working outline ?

What part of an introduction does the following sentence represent? today we're going to examine the video gaming industry by first discussing the history of video games , then by examining the current trends in video gaming, and lastly, by discussing the future of video games


brenda has prepared her speaking outline on a set of six notecards, so she believes she is finished preparing for her speech. You tell her that simply preparing the speaking outline is not enough she needs to practice using her notecoards as well. Why is this the case

She needs to make sure the information on the cards will work as memory cue for her

Your works cited

Should also include sources not orally cited in the speech ? Needs to be written in a professional format, MLA ? Is the first component of a preparation outline

Bobby is creating a speech related to the Hawaiian Island. He plans on talking about each of the islands in order from southeast to northwest. Which speech format is probably the most effective for Bobbys speech?


If a speakers main points are organzied according to location or direction they are following which type of organizational pattern


This organizational pattern allows you to organize main points according to east, west, north, or south


To inform my audience about the life, accomplishments and struggles of Nelson Mandela is an example of what part of an outline?

Specific Purpose

Which speech format does this outline represent A) tell history of dogs B)Explain the dogs advantage C) Describe the dogs pledge to bones


What is a phrase or sentence that indicates that a speaker is moving from one main point in a speech to another main point in a speech?


Content, usually a phrase, that lets listeners know the speaker is done with one idea and ready to move on to another one

Transition ? Internal preview ? Internal summary ?

Your speaking outline should not

contain full sentences

You should not have more than ? main points and not less than ? main points in the body of your speech


As little Albert sits on the roof of his house one day he notices a wolf walking by. Albert yells at the wolf, the wolf replies. What type of attention getting device does this represent

parable or fable

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