Origin, insertion, action, innervation of the upper extremity

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Upper Trap

O- Base of occiput and upper cervical SP's I- Lateral clavicle and acromion I-CN XI, C3-4


O- Coracoid process I- medial shaft of humerus I- musculocutaneous nerve


O- Costoclavicular first rib I- Inferior middle 1/3 of clavicle I- Nerve to Sublavius


O- Infrasoinatus fossa I-Under acromion to greater tubercle I- Suprascapular Nerve

Delt middle

O- Lateral acromion I-Deltoid tuberosity I- Axillary nerve

Delt anterior

O- Lateral clavicle I- Deltoid tuberosity I- Axillary

Delt posterior

O- Lateral scapular spine I- Deltoid tuberosity I- Axillary N

Pec Major clavicular head

O- Medial clavicle I- Lateral bicipital groove I- Medial and lateral pectoral nerve

Lower Trapezius Action

Scapular depression and upward rotation

brachilais insertion

Ulnar Tuberosity

pec minor origin

anterior medial ribs 3-5

Brachilis Origin

anterior shaft of humerus

lateral clavicle

lateral clavicle

flexor digitorum superficialis origin

medial epicondyle radius and ulna

Levator scapula insertion

near superior angle of scapula

Subclavius innervation

nerve to subclavius

flexor carpi ulnaris insertion

pisiform, hook of hamate, base of 5th metacarpal

Rhomboids action

retraction downward rotation assists elevation

serratus anterior origin

ribs 1-8

Middle Trapezius Action

scapular retraction

Pec Major Clavicular action

shlder flexion 0-90 adduction IR rotation horz adduction

Middle Trapezius Insertion

spine of scapula and acromion

Subclavius Origin

1st rib

delt middle action

Abduction and stabilizes head of humerus in the glenoid fossa

Lower Trapezius Insertion

Base of scapular spine

radial nerve innervates

Brachioradialis Triceps Anconeous Supinator

rhomboids origin

C7 Upper to mid thoracic SPs

Middle Trapezius Innervation

CN XI, C3-4

infraspinatus action

ER, horizontal aBduction

Subclavius Insertion

Inferior surface of middle third of clavicle

Palmar base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals

Insertion for Flexor Carpi Radialis

Middle Trapezius origin

Lower cervical; upper thoracic SPs

Lower Trapezius Origin

Middle/lower thoracic SPs

Pec minor

O- Anterior-medial ribs 3-5 I-coracoid process I- medial pec nerve

Teres Minor

O- Axillary border of scapula I- Greater tubercle I- Axillary

Teres Major

O- Axillary border of scapula I- Medial to bicipital groove I- Lower subscapular nerve

Serratus Anterior

O- Lateral upper 8 ribs I- Dives btwn scapula and ribcage to attach to anterior vertebral border of scapula I- Long thoracic N

Lower Trap

O- Lower cervicle; upper thoracic SPs I- Base of scapular spine I- CN XI,C3-4

latissimus dorsi

O- Mid thoracic and lumbar SPs, sacrum, illiac crest, and lower 3 ribs, inferior angle of scapula I-Medial bicipital groove I- Thoracodorsal nerve


O- Supraspinous fossa I- Under acromion greater tubercle I- Suprascapular N


O- Supraspinous fossa I- Under acromion to greater tubercle I- Subscapular N

Levator Scapula (found under trap)

O- Upper Cervical TPs I- Superior angle of scapula I- Dorsal scapular nerve, C3-4

Rhomboids- major and minor (under trap)

O-C7 & upper to mid- thoracic SP I- Near superior angle of scapula I- Dorsal scapular nerve, C3-4

Middle Trap

O-Lower cervicle/ upper thoracic SP I-Spine of the scapula & acromion I-CN XI,C3-4

Upper Trap Origin

Occipital bone, nuchal ligament on upper cervical spinous processes

medial epicondyle and coranoid process

Origin of pronator teres

Upper Trapezius Insertion

Outer third of clavicle, acromion process

flexor carpi radialis insertion

Palmar base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpals

Pectoral Nerve Innervates

Pec major and pec minor

pronator teres action

Pronates the forearm, assists in elbow flexion

pec minor action

Scapular depression, protraction, downward rotation

serratus anterior action

Scapular protraction and upward rotation prevents winging

Supraspinatus Insertion

Under acromion to greater tubercle

Levator Scapula origin

Upper cervicle TPs

Teres major action

adduction, IR extension, hyperextension

Latissimus dorsi action

adducts, extends, and medially rotates humerus

What muscles flex the elbow?

biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, pronator teres

musculocutaneous nerve

coracobrachialis, biceps brachii, brachialis

bicep brachi short head origin

coracoid process

pec minor insertion

coracoid process of scapula

delt anterior, middle, and posterior insertion

deltoid tuberosity

axillary nerve innervates

deltoids and teres minor

levator scapula innervation

dorsal scapular nerve C3-4

Bicep short head action

elbow flexion forearm supination

bicep long head action

elbow flexion forearm supination shoulder flexion

levator scapula action

elevates and downward rotates scapula

Upper Trapezius Action

elevation, upward rotation

Delt posterior action

extension, ER horizontal aBduction

Coracobrachialis action

flexes and adducts arm

flexor digitorum superficialis action

flexes digits 2-5

delt anterior action

flexion IR horz adduction

Pisiform and palmar base of 5th metacarpal

flexor carpi ulnaris insertion

ulnar nerve innervates

flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum profundus

infraspinatus insertion

greater tubercle of humerus

anconeus insertion

inferolateral olecranon

thoracodorsal nerve

innervates latissimus dorsi

lateral bicipital groove

insertion for pec major

radial tuberosity

insertion of bicep long and short heads

radial styloid process of radius

insertion of brachioradialis

palmar middle phalanx 2-5

insertion of flexor digitorum superficilais

midshaft of radius

insertion of pronator teres

medial bicipital groove

insertion of teres major and latissimus dorsi

delt middle origin

lateral acromion

Anconeus Origin

lateral epicondyle of humerus

Deltoid (posterior) origin

lateral scapular spine

serratus anterior innervation

long thoracic nerve

Teres major innervation

lower subscapular nerve

pec major clavicular head origin

medial half of clavicle

pec minor innervation

medial pectoral nerve

Corachobrachialis insertion

medial surface of humerus

flexor digitorum superficialis insertion

middle phalanges of digits 2-5

lateral supracondylar ridge

origin of brachioradialis

coracoid process

origin of coracobrachialis and short head of biceps muscles

medial epicondyle radius and ulna

origin of flexor digitorum superficialis

infraspinatus fossa of scapula

origin of infraspinatus

Axillary border of scapula

origin of teres minor

infraglenoid tubercle

origin of triceps brachii long head

medial epicondyle of humerus

origin of: flexor carpi radialis palmaris longus flexor carpi unlnaris

palmaris longus insertion

palmar fascia

olecranon process

projection at the upper end of the ulna that forms the bony point of the elbow INSERTION for all 3 tricep heads

median nerve innervates

pronator teres flexor carpi radialis palmaris longus flexor digitorum superficialis

anconeus action

protects annular ligament from being pinched during elbow extension

Supraspinatus Action

shoulder abduction stabilizes humerus in glenoid fossa

Pec Major Sternal action

shoulder extension from 180-90 adduction IR horz adduction

greater tubercle

site of the attachment of rotator cuff muscles: Teres minor, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis

Upper Trapezius Innervation

spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), C3, C4

Subclavius action

stabilize clavicle in the sc joint; depresses clavicle; elevate the 1st rib; rotate clavicle as part of scapulohumeral rhythm

Pec Major Sternal origin

sternum and top 6 ribs

subscapular nerve innervates

subscapularis, teres major, infraspinatus

Bicep long head origin

supraglenoid tubercle

suprasoinatus origin

supraspinous fossa

latissimus dorsi origin

thoracic and lumbar SPs sacrum iliac crest lower 3 ribs inf angle of scapula

What muscles extend the elbow?

triceps brachii, anconeus

serratus insertion

vertebral border of scapula

rhomboids insertion

vetebral border of scapula

palmaris longus action

wrist flexion

flexor carpi radialis action

wrist flexion, radial deviation

flexor carpi ulnaris action

wrist flexion, ulnar deviation

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