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T/F a characteristic that was once an order winner may become an order qualifier.

FALSE Order qualifiers and order winners are shaped by the environment

Budgeting, analysis of investment proposals, and provision of funds are activities associated with the _______ function.

Finance • These are the primary tasks for the finance function.

life-cycle analysis

(Cradle to grave assessment) A process that attempts to identify the effect a product has on resources over its entire lifetime.

Productivity growth can be calculated by

(current productivity - previous productivity) x 100 / (previous productivity)

Maximum allowable cycle time

(daily op. time) ÷ (desired output)

A service blueprint

A special flowchart of a service process that shows which steps have high customer contact


A successful effort to achieve an appropriate size at which the company performs most effectively.

Essential to consider with respect to managing a process to meet demand.

Advertising global economic trends Financial reporting standards Capacity

If one organizations is better able than most to respond to changes in demands or opportunities, we say that organization exhibits higher:


Knowledge skills usually don't include:

Communication Skills • communication skills generally are considered to be people skills.

The process of comparing outputs to previously established standards to determine if corrective action is needed is called:

Controlling • Controls are used to maintain performance.

Design decisions

Decisions related to creating the products and the production system itself

Reverse engineering

Dismantling and inspecting a competitor's product to discover product improvements

Productivity tends to be only a very minor factor in an organization's ability to complete

FALSE An organization's ability to complete is directly affected by its productivity.

T/f Global competition really only applies to multinational organizations.

FALSE Domestic-only organizations experience competition from organizations in other countries.

T/F The use of models will guarantee the best possible decisions.

FALSE Models are useful, but their use does not guarantee the best decisions.

T/F Managers should most often rely on quantitative techniques for important decisions since quantitative approaches result in more accurate decisions.

FALSE Quantitive techniques have limitations. qualitative information must also be considered.

T/F Government statistics are a good source of data about productivity trends in the service sector

FALSE The service sector is often omitted in government statistics.

T/F Global teams provide diversity while eliminating conflicts and miscommunications

FALSE Using global diverse design teams increase the risks of conflicts and miscommunication.

T/F Outsourcing tends to improve quality but at the cost of lowered productivity.

FALSE outsourcing can lead to both quality and productivity improvements.

T/F Service operations require additional inventory because of the unpredictability of consumer demand

FALSE service operations cannot use inventory as a hedge against unpredictable demand.

T/F A systems approach means that we concentrate on efficiency within a subsystem and thereby assure overall efficiency.

FALSE subsystem efficiency doesn't;t necessarily translate into overall efficiency.

Design for production

Important to ensure that the product or service design decisions are feasible.

CIM systems

Links a broad range of manufacturing activities including engineering design, purchasing, order processing, and production planning and control.

farming is an example of

Nonmanufactured goods production. • Farming operations are not manufacturing operations.

research and development (R&D)

Product or process innovations often result from deliberate R&D programs.

competitiveness includes

Productivity Effectiveness Operations Strategy Operations Management


Reduces variety and leads to greater efficiency.

Product design and choice of location are examples of _____ strategic decisions


Business organizations consist of three major functional areas which, ideally:

Support one another. • Finance, Marketing and operations are these major functional areas. In practice there is significant interfacing and collaboration between these areas.

Product design and process selection are examples of _______ decisions.

System Design • These major strategic decisions affect decisions made at lower levels.

Often, the collective success or failure of companies' operations functions will impact the ability of a nation to compete with other nations.

TRUE A nation is often only as competitive as its companies.

T/F Prior to the Industrial Revolution, goods were produced primarily by craftsmen or their apprentices using custom-made parts.

TRUE After the industrial revolution, more standardized approaches became common.

A business that is rated highly by its customers for service quality will tend to be more profitable than a business that is rated poorly.

TRUE Service quality is a powerful tool for improving profitability.

T/F Elton Mayo's Hawthorne experiments were significant contributions to the human relations movement, which emphasized the importance of the human element in job design.

TRUE The Hawthrone experiments revealed that in addition to the physical and technical aspects of work, worker motivation is critical for improving productivity.

Environmental Analysis

The process of assessing and interpreting the information gathered through environmental scanning

Project Processing

Used for work that is non-routine and has a unique set of objectives to be done in a limited timeframe.


a collection of things or persons to be handled together

Balanced Scorecard

a combination of performance measures directed toward the company's long and short term goals and used as the basis for awarding incentive pay

Job Shop

a flexible process structure for products that require different inputs and have different flows through the process

product layout

a layout requiring that production be broken down into relatively simple tasks assigned to workers, who are usually positioned along an assembly line

A house of quality

a means of integrating the voice of the customer into the product or service development process.


a process by which a company compares its performance with that of high-performing organizations


computer aided manufacturing

QFD - Quality Function Deployment

customer requirements to product designs and the capabilities necessary to carry these designs out..

Tactical decisions

decisions about how things will get done

line balancing

goal to reasonably balance work across workstations.

what are the 5 basic process types

job shop batch repetitive continuous project

Product liability

manufacture is liable for any injuries or damages caused by a faulty product because of poor workmanship or design.

Concurrent engineering

people are concerned with manufacturing are actively engaged in a design phase.

balance delay

percentage of idle time of a line

repetitive processing

produce high volumes of standardized goods/ services

continuous processing

raw materials constantly move through specially designed equipment that changes their form to make them more usable for consumption or further manufacturing.

Applied research

research aimed at commercializing basic research.

Operational decisions

short-run decisions to help implement strategies

Modular Design

the creation of an item in self-contained units, or modules, that can be combined or interchanged to create different products • reduces variet

Production Design

the phase of product design concerned with how the product will be produced

postponement tactic

the process of producing, but not quite completing, a product or service, postponing completion until customer preferences or specs. are known


the quantity of goods and services produced from each unit of labor input

Strategic decisions

those that support broad-scope, organizational issues

benefit of using models in decision making

while models are useful for making decisions without confronting the actual situations with all of its complexity, there is the risk that important qualitative information may be overlooked.

system design

• Altering the system capacity • Location of facilities • Selection and acquisition of equipment • physical arrangement of departments.

Balanced scorecard is a useful tool for helping managers translate their strategy into action int he following areas:

• Customer • Financial • Internal Business processes • Learning and growth

How to improve productivity

• Developing productivity measures for all operations • Improving the bottleneck operations • Establishing reasonable goals for improvement • Considering incentives to reward workers.


• Increases the productivity of designers • uses computer graphics • Requires a good database • Some systems permit engineering or cost analysis of proposed design.s

Reasons for poor performance of an organization in a marketplace

• placing too much emphasis on product/ service design and too little on process design. • Failing to take into account customer wants and needs • Putting too much emphasis on short-term financial performance.

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