OTP Peeler Test 3

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What is the foundation of wisdom 1:7?

Fear of the Lord

How many should our words be? 10:19; 17:27-28


What are some sins of the tongue that we mention in Proverbs?

Gossip, Lying, Flattery

Who is the virtuous woman contrasted to in the book?


Know the 7 things the Lord hates in 6:16-19

Haughty eyes Lying tongue Hands that shed innocent blood Heart that devises wicked plans Feet that make haste to run to evil False witness who breathes out lies One who sows discord among brothers

Know connections between verses like 18:10-11 and 25:16-17 and 10:31-32.

Safe same as high Excess and become weary Vocabulary link, Same Hebrew word

What is the point of saying the man is not at home 7:19? Compare 5:21

She thinks if her husband is not home, No one will catch them; except God always does

How would Proverbs be defined?

Short memorable statements which try to distill the essence of truth on a particular subject

What is some advice Proverbs gives on the subject of friends? Not in test

18:24 Friend closer than a brother 17:17 A friend loves at all times 27:6 Faithful are wounds of a friend 27:17 Iron sharpens iron 25:17 Do not wear out a friend 17:9 gossip separates close friends

How is sheol pictured in 1:12?

A monster waiting to consume all

What is the Arian controversy? How does it tie with Proverbs? Where is a passage that shows that Jesus is eternal? What do we mean by personification and how does it apply to sections like 1:20-33 and 8:22-31?

A popular presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt Whether or not Jesus is created or if he is eternal Jn. 1:1-3; Col. 1:15-17; Rev. 5:13-14 Ties with Prov- Prov. 8:22-31- talking about Jesus Giving of life to inanimate objects; wisdom is personified as first of God's creation

Where is the house of the adulteress built?

A way to sheol

What is said about the price or value of the virtuous woman?

Above rubies

What are some bad consequences caused by the hothead? Who does he hurt the most? How is the righteous called to respond to him?

Acts foolishly, stirs up strife He is his own worst enemy Avoid associations with him

What creature is given as an example of hard work in 6:6-11?


What is the point of 1:8-19? How is the benefit from listening to mother and father described in 1:8-19?

Avoid evil men Verses 8-9: Graceful wreath to head, ornaments to neck

What are the promises given about wealth in 3:9-10? are material promises connected to faithfulness to God?

Barns filled with plenty and vats with new wine. Yes, 2 Cor. 9:6-11 Honor the Lord with all your wealth, God will take care of us and will provide for us

How is the ultimate bitterness of the adulteress described 5:4?

Bitter as Wormwood Sharp as a two edged sword

Know Proverbs 31:30 and the deceitfulness of beauty and the emphasis on the fear of the Lord

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised

What is the significance of the word "commandment" in 6:20, 23 and "law" in 6:20, 23; 7:2?

Commandment: mitsphah Law: torah Giving God's instructions

What one word most often describes the consequences of sexual immortality in Proverbs 7?


What are some common words or common themes describing the evil man in 12-15 and the evil woman in 2:16-22?

Deliver, leaves, paths

How is the woman dressed?

Dressed as a harlot

How are the lips of the adulteress described in 5:3?

Drip honey, smoother than oil

What is the significance of the world exhilarated in 5:19-20?

Effects of love are better than wine The sexual relationship in marriage gives the same and even better delight as wine

7:12 Where is the woman pictured as being?

Everywhere, in the streets at every corner

What attribute is connected with humility?

Fear of the Lord

Are the Proverbs ironclad rules? Are they true 100% of the time?

General truths, not meant to apply to every situation No. Based more on the path of blessing

What are some benefits of Proverbs from 1:2-6?

Gives Insight and discretion to the naives and inexperienced

What are some proper uses of wealth?

Giving to the poor Honoring God

What/who is our ultimate ground or trust?


Know about 1 Kings 4:29-34 and how wisdom existed in other nations

God is the source of Solomon's wisdom; other people making observations on life like proverbs. Not exclusive possession of God's people

How does God view pride? What is contrasted with pride in 3:7? Not in test

God resists the proud. Being wise in your own eyes contrasted with fear of the Lord.

How is God portrayed in Proverbs?

He is Creator- 3:19-20; 8:22-31; 14:31; 16:4; 17:5; 20:12; 22:2; 29:13 He is sovereign- 16:1, 9, 33; 19:21; 20:24; 21:1, 30-31 He is all-knowing- 15:3, 11 Protector of the poor- 14:31; 15:25; 17:5; 22: 22-23; 23:10-11 Blesses man for righteousness and punishes Him for wickedness- 12:2; 16:7; 19:17; 25:21-22; 28:25; 29:25-26

Where is 3:11-12 quoted in the NT?

Hebrews 12:5-6

What price does the young man pay for listening to her?

His life

What are the themes that we constantly encounter in Proverbs 1-9?

I. Listen to parents II. Pursue wisdom III. Avoid evil company or men IV. Avoid the seducing women

What situation is it from which the son is told to deliver himself in 6:1-15?

If you have given a pledge to pay for someone else's expenses

What promise is made to the one who is diligently seeks wisdom?

If you seek it you will find it. It will protect and guard you.

Where is wisdom in 1:20-33? What is the point of wisdom being in public places in 1:20-21?

In public places. Wisdom is not hidden and available to us

How does the law and wisdom literature teach? How does is differ from the law and the prophets?

Law and wisdom- God communicates through observation and experience Law and prophets- This is what the Lord says(Direct revelation from God)

What is the difference between how these various genres approach a subject like adultery?

Law- says don't do it and gives penalty Wisdom- illustrates the consequences based on experience

What are some things that can lead to poverty in Proverbs?

Laziness Loving pleasure

What are some things that Proverbs warns can make us poor?

Laziness Loving pleasure Assuming financial responsibility for another Debt

What does Proverbs say about laziness and hard work? Give a specific or two

Laziness leads to poverty Value hard work

What is the point of the same verbs being used in 1:11, 18?

Les talionis

What are some things that Proverbs says about pride? Not in test

Lord hates it. Pride is the very definition of evil Riches can lead to pride. Pride leads to dishonor Pride blinds a person

What is the antidote to sexual immortality in 5:15-20?

Marriage Fidelity, married to faithfulness

Are sexual relationships viewed as inherently sinful in the Bible?


Can you trust a gossip 11:12-13?


Is poverty always the poor person's fault?


Is the power of the tongue always portrayed negatively in Proverbs?


Are Proverbs limited to the book of Proverbs?

No, they are scattered throughout the Bible. Ex: Judges 8:2, 21; Ps. 37:16; Mt. 23:12

Is Proverbs too secular?

No, all wisdom viewed as from God

Was Solomon the other writer of Proverbs? Was Proverbs in its final form at the time of his death?

No, no

Is Proverbs closely connected with OT history? Do they mention Abraham, Moses, David and the role they played in the nation?

No, they don't mention the covenants.

Do proverbs teach with "Thus says the Lord"? How do they teach?

No. From experience

Does Proverbs promise too much?

No. It presents the innocent suffering as a possibility. "Better that" statements imply a choice between wealth and godliness

9:12 Who bears the greatest consequences or rewards for our actions?


What is the significance of the fact she has offered peace offerings? 7:14

Peace offerings were only offering worshiper ate a part of. Sacrificed to God yet she has no problem using them in morality. Used these holy offerings to seduce a man

What is the cost of rejecting wisdom? How does wisdom respond to one who rejects her voice?

Pictured as mocking and laughing at one who experiences calamity. She will reject us if we reject wisdom

What is the very definition of sin in 8:13?


Where does pride lead? Humility? What are the consequences of these attitudes?

Pride leads to sin and dishonor. Humility leads to honor

What is the difference between lower and higher wisdom?

Proverbial(lower)- short sayings, most of the proverbs Speculative(higher)- essays on the meaning of life and the problem of suffering

What is the point of 9:3,14 that wisdom calls from the high places?

Reference to temple

Wealth: Are there advantages to wealth? Dangers? What are they?

Rich Get away with things poor man wouldn't Dangers- Forget your need of God

What did we say about the connection between Proverbs 31 and the book of Ruth?

Ruth comes after Proverbs in Hebrew canon; maybe meant to be a living illustration of the virtuous woman

Where are some places in the OT in which the Hebrew word for "wisdom" is used?

Skill, doing things Ex. 28:3; Ex 31:3,6(building the tabernacle); 1 Chron. 22:15(building the temple); Ps. 107:27(those who control ships)

Who do we associate wisdom literature with most frequently?


Who are the different authors?

Solomon Words of the wise Agur Lemuel

Know about various types of parallelism

Synonymous- says basically the same line Ps. 30:3 Antithetical- contrast Prov. 12:2

9:7-9 What is one thing that distinguished the scoffer from the wise man?

The ability to take reproof

How did we define the wisdom taught in Proverbs?

The ability to wisely navigate through the minefields of life

Know how Proverbs 31:10-31 is an example of the type of wisdom the whole book has encouraged.

The book has shown the alternatives between a good wife and a poor one. The book has stressed the importance of proper family relationships. Proverbs had extolled the virtue of herd work and the folly of laziness. Proverbs emphasizes choosing our word carefully. This book has stressed care for the poor and this woman exemplifies such care. Proverbs stresses the importance of humility and the dangers of pride. Wisdom is more valuable than jewels and brings great material gain. The fear of the Lord is central to Proverbs and it is central to this woman's character.

What in Proverbs 5:21 is given as a deterrent to sin?

The fact that God sees

What have we stated as the theme of proverbs?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Who is hurt from the destructive actions of the violent young men in 1:18-19?


How is the evil person's desire to do evil described in 4:16?

They cannot sleep unless he's done evil

What does immortality cost according to 5:7-14?

Time, money, health, reputation

What are some difficulties in understanding Proverbs 10-31?

Translation is very difficult at times There is little context to help determine the meaning

2:1-11 What are illustrations given about how we should seek wisdom?

Treasure, silver and gold

Know Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 7 what time of day is it?

Twilight, evening, darkness, middle of the night

What is the contrast between the upright and the wicked and their destinies in 2:21-22 and what Psalm does it tie with?

Upright live in land Wicked cut off Psalm 3

What image is used in 5:15 to describe the beauty of marital fidelity?

Water from your own well

What does the phrase "tree of life" refer to in Proverbs? What books do we usually associate this with?

Way of life and blessing Genesis and Revelation

What is the point of verbs "cry" and "lift your voice" in 2:3?

We must look for wisdom like it looks for us.

What are some things more valuable than riches?

Wisdom Good wife

How precious or valuable is wealth according to 3:13-18? Is long life connected to wisdom in Proverbs?

Wisdom more valuable than silver and gold and most precious jewels Yes

What are some comparisons and contrasts between 9:1-6 and 9:13-18?

Wisdom's appeal vs. 1-6 "Whoever is naïve, let him turn in here." Tops of the heights Appeal: Forsake your folly Result: Life Folly's appeal vs. 13-18 "Whoever is naïve, let him turn in here" By the high place Appeal: Stolen water is sweet Result: Death

Was lusting in the heart forbidden in the OT(6:25)?

Yes, Job 31:1

Who is the giver of wisdom? Was this a common view in the ANE?

Yes, all wisdom is from God

Do even the topical Proverbs show some signs of careful placement? What words connect 26:1-12 and 26:13-16 together?

Yes; fool and sluggard

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