outcome assessment

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Which of the following foods would make a good choice to include in a precompetition meal?


The level of measurement that, at best, can rank subjects is


Which domain of human experience is most unique to individuals involved in teaching about and assessing physical activity?


Which is an example of an "evaluation"?

recommending that lucy do more sit-ups


reduces stress on the cardiovascular system by minimizing the reduction in blood volume and sweat production.

Physical activity behaviors during childhood are

related to adult physical activity behaviors

When a person unconsciously blocks out a tragic memory is an example of


If an employer continues to complete unfinished responsibilities of employees they will eventually expect their boss to do their job. This is a classic example of _____.

repressionxxx becoming dependent

A somersault is performed in the ________ plane.


The cardinal __________ plane equally divides the body into a left half and a right half.


An axis of the body that passes through the body horizontally from the front to the back is the

sagittal axis

When a responsible party does not perform an act that is identified as his/her duty is

shared negligencexxx malfeasance

Which of the following is referred to as a voluntary muscle?

skeletal muscle

Complex carbohydrates are primarily found in

starchy vegetables and whole grains.

Your Maytag repairman uses his _____ when he correctly surmises the exact location of the problem with your washing machine by the pattern of noise it makes while running.

temporal auditory perception

The standard error of your percent body fat measurement, 15%, is ±3%. Which of the following is true concerning this statement?

the error indicates you should be retestedxxx

The main factor that allows gasses to be transported throughout the body:

the intensity of the exercisexxx the amount of gases being extractedxxx

Athetosis is caused by damage to

the motor (cerebral) cortez (pyramidal tracts)xxx cerebellum

Epidemiology is

the study of incidence, frequency, and distribution of disease

Which of the following statements is true regarding ordinal scale measures?

they indicate rank order

f the three lever systems (i.e., first class, second class, third class), (a) one lever class is unable to increase the output of force, (b) another lever class is unable to multiply the range and speed over which the resistance moves, and (c) one lever class is able to satisfy the characteristics described in (a) and (b) but not both at the same time.

third class, second class, first class

A trunk twist is performed in the ________ plane.


The main energy source for the oxygen system during exercise of 3 hours in length would be


Endurance training results in greater storage of muscle _____.

triglyceridexxx glycogen

A scientist of biomechanics is referred to as a "biomechanist".


The chest is superior to the waist.


Which vitamin is the only one that is assigned hormonal status in its active form?

vitamin D

Which of the following vitamins is NOT a fat soluble vitamin?

vitamin b12

Which of the following are typical of ataxia? Circle all that apply.

-constant flexion in the upper limbs and extension of the fingers, wrist and elbows -forced crossing of legs and scissors gaitxxxxx -result of a lesion -muscle movements -constant flexion in the upper limbs and extension of the fingers, wrist and elbowsxxxx

How many nonessential amino acids are made in the body?


Essential fat in females represents about _____ percent of the body weight


Assuming that 15% body fat is considered ideal for males, how much weight must Shawn lose if he weighs 200 lb and has been measured to be 21% fat?


One pound of body fat is equivalent to approximately _____ calories.


Each gram of carbohydrate contains approximately _____ calories.

4 calories

Stroke volume increases with increasing rates of work up to an exercise intensity of _____% of maximal capacity


If scores were normalized, what T score would be assigned to a score that happened to fall at the mean of its raw score distribution?


One gram of fat yields _____ calories.


At the apex of a vault when the pole has straightened and the athlete for an instant is neither going up nor going down, what happens to the athlete's kinetic energy, the athlete's potential energy, the strain energy contained in the pole, and the force of gravity?


You are using a lever. It is set up so a small force moves a massive resistance. Which of the following also apply in this scenario?


Which of the following statements best reflects the research on fat loading?

Current scientific literature does not support the notion that fat loading will enhance performance.

On a knowledge test, a score of 10 is at the 40th percentile. What does this indicate?

Forty percent of the test scores were at or below 10.

Please match the following tests to the appropriate health or skill-related area (answers can be used multiple times): bioelectrical impedance 1.5 mile run vertical jump t-test stork stand situps hand grip modified sit and reach 50-yard dash

body composition aerobic capacity power agility balance muscular endurance strength flexibility speed

As identified in the book, this law acts as an umbrella that encompasses all of the laws that pertain to public school education of children with disabilities. This law is

P.L.99-457xxxx P.L. 94-142xxx

The measurement of this substance, among numberous others not mentioned in class, is the primary indicator of protein status in the body:

blood lipids

The rocky ledge at Acapulco is approximately 35 m (114.8 ft) from the water. If a cliff diver could step off the ledge and drop to the water without hitting the rocks on the way down, approximately how long would it take the diver to reach the water, and approximately how fast would the diver be traveling when he hit the water?

The diver would take 2 sec to reach the water and would be traveling at 19.6 m/sec (64 ft/sec).xxxx

High-wire artists at the circus frequently use a long pole that curves downward from the point where the artist grips it. The curved pole assists the high-wire artist to balance. Which of the following is least important in terms of assistance the pole provides to the artist?

The huge length of the pole and the slowness of its movement give the artist plenty of time to make corrections in position and maintain her balance on the wire. Without the pole, balancing on the wire would be more difficult.xxxxx

Why are standard scores so important?

They permit scores to be compared more appropriately.

Which of the following is true for a high-calorie diet?

To gain weight wisely, one needs to continue to eat healthful foods but in greater amounts.

If a test of athletic ability has a 0.12 correlation with batting average in baseball players, how well does the test predict batting success?

not very well

A coach can improve a ten-year-old basketball player's self-efficacy in relation to their shooting accuracy by

a and b only

Neurotic and psychotic conditions are basically the same with the main differences being

a and c only


a and c onlyxxx all of the above

This is a civil rights law that states an individual cannot be denied access to anything that is afforded a person who is not disabled.

a and d only P.L. 101-336 and American with Disabilities Act

_____ is characterized by purposeless, involuntary movements in the extremities.

a and d onlyxxxx dyskinesiaxxx

Except for one of the following characteristics, a first class lever can satisfy all the characteristics of second and third class levers. Pick the incorrect characteristic:

a first class lever can increase the output of forcexxxx the force arm is longer than the resistance armxxxx A first class lever can make the force and the resistance travel in the same direction

Joint motion is typically described as taking place around an axis and in

a plane

What domain includes human traits such as feelings or emotions?


A definition of psychosis would include

all of the above

A person with dyslexia

all of the above

Epilepsy and convulsive disorders

all of the above

Psychosomatic disorders

all of the above

Spina Bifida

all of the above

The Rockport 1-Mile Walk Test uses which of the following variables to estimate VO2peak?

all of the above

Treatment for psychosomatic conditions may include

all of the above

Which of the following is/are good strategy(ies) to address the needs of a hyperactive individual?

all of the abovexxx reduce distractions to address their inability to focusxxx none of the above

Malnutrition may exist

all of these choices are correct

Optimal antioxidant nutrients

all of these choices are correct

The classification of the major lipoprotein(s) is/are which of the following:

all of those are major lipoproteins

Joint motion is typically described as taking place in a plane and about

an axis

The greatest increase in cardiac output following a training program is specifically due to

an increase in stroke volume

Muscle fiber hyperplasia refers to:

an increase in the total number of motor units activated for a particular muscle.xxxx increase in the total number of fibers

An eighteen-year-old model has an eating disorder. In an attempt to keep her job she has relied on bulimia (throwing up) for two years to stay skinny for photo shoots. This is an example of a disabling condition that is

b and c only

Identify the most common types of 'generalized' seizures

b and c only -petite mal and grand mal

According to the Prudent Healthy Diet, you should

balance the food you eat with physical activity

In analyzing motion, in addition to frontal, sagittal, and horizontal planes, there are an infinite number of

cardinal planesxx

What are you probably testing if you use a cycle ergometer, step tests, and treadmill tests in your adult fitness testing program?

cardiovascular fitness

Weight-loss drugs

cease to be effective upon cessation of use of the drugs if lifestyle is not changed

Nutrients that the body needs, but cannot produce in adequate quantities are called

essential nutrients

A good coaching technique is to have young athletes copy the technique of their favorite player.


A movement that combines two or more fundamental movements is known as circumflexion


For movement of the shoulder joint to occur in the frontal plane, flexion of the joint actions must take place.


Specific athlete somatotypes (body types) have little effect on sport technique and performance.


The cardinal transverse plane equally divides the body into a left half and a right half.


The only way you can increase the turning effect of torque is to increase the force that you apply.


The term supination refers to the turning of the forearm from the anatomical position toward the body.


To maximize ball spin, a football quarterback should grip the ball closer to the end.


Translation occurs when all parts of an athlete's body rotate the same angle at the same time.


A teeter-totter is an example of a __________ class lever.


A _____ schizophrenic would exhibit behavior that was not age appropriate like baby talk (gibberish), and thumb sucking.


Body mass index (BMI) is most appropriately used

in epidemiological studies

A reduced RER or R value during submaximal exercise (less than 85% aerobic capacity) after several months of training is due to:

increased utilization of free fatty acids

Cardiovascular endurance is

inversely related to mortality rates

All of the following are true physiological functions ehibited by protein EXCEPT

it is the major energy source during exercise

All of the following are true physiological functions enhibited by protein EXCEPT

it is the major energy source during exercise

When a teacher does not perform an act that is identified as his/her duty is

malfeasancexxx nonfeasance

The consumption of individual amino acids

may interfere with the absorption of other essential amino acids

Suppose the researcher wishes to examine training differences between a circuit weight training class and an aerobic dance class on VO2max. The independent variable for this specific research question is

method of training

The three key words to a healthful diet are balance, variety, and


A distribution that has many more high scores than low scores is

negatively skewed

This was the first federal law that mandated that a child with a disability could not be denied a public school education.

none of the above

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