Outdoor Education

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Unethical ways to transport harvested deer

Unethical ways to transport your harvested deer are strapped on top of the roof of your car, skinned in the back of a pick up or with the head tied on the front bumper.

Which direction to point a gun when loading or unloading

While safely loading or unloading a firearm, you should always point the muzzle in a safe direction

The field carry that provides the best muzzle control

two-handed carry.

What should be worn at all times

An approved fall-arrest system (5-point safety harness) should be worn at all times while climbing into a tree stand and hunting from a tree stand.

What is a bag limit

Bag limit is the largest number of game animals that can be legally harvested.

Where should firearms be stored?

Firearms should be stored unloaded, lightly-oiled in a locked location and separate from ammunition.

What's good marksmanship?

Good marksmanship is hitting the spot where you are aiming on your target again and again.

What is the most ethical way to transport a harvested deer?

The most ethical way to transport a harvested deer is legally quartered, packed in an ice chest with the proper tag included.

What can a Texas Game Warden do

A Texas Game Warden can inspect private property for suspected violations of hunting and fishing laws and regulations.

What laws do responsible and ethical hunters do

A responsible and ethical hunter follows all game laws and regulations.

What is a safe to way to transport a firearm

A safe way to transport a firearm is unloaded, action open, in a case, with ammunition stored separately.

What is ethical behavior?

According to Aldo Leopold, the 'father of wildlife management,' ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching, even when doing the wrong thing is legal.

What is carrying capcity

Carrying capacity is the largest number of animals that the habitat can support.

What are common causes of hunting accidents?

Common causes of a hunting incident are hunter judgment mistake, safety rule violation and lack of control and practice.

What causes meat to spoil?

Heat, dirt and moisture causes meat to spoil.

What to do when crossing a fence while hunting

If crossing a fence while hunting alone, you should unload, place the firearm on the ground, muzzle covered, pointed away from you on the other side of the fence, and then cross.

What to do if there is an animal behind the one you're hunting

If there is another animal behind the one you are hunting, the ethical thing to do is wait for the animals to move apart so the one you want is alone and gives you a clear, safe and ethical shot.

What does a responsible hunter ask for

Responsible hunters ask for permission from landowners before hunting on their land.

What is the safest clothing choice for hunting

The safest and most important clothing choice for hunting is hunter orange, blaze orange and daylight fluorescent orange, NOT camouflage.

Why should you know where the vital organs are on an animal?

Understanding where the vital organs are located inside the animal you are hunting will help you aim at the right spot to shoot at for a quick, clean and ethical kill.

How to approach a downward deer?

When approaching a downed deer or other large animal after your shot, you should approach cautiously from behind, stop a short distance away and watch the chest cavity for any breathing movement.

What to do when hunting with a group of people

When hunters are walking in a group, the most important thing for each hunter to do is to keep their muzzles pointed in a safe direction and pointed away from each other.

What to do when tagging a deer

When tagging a white-tailed deer you must cut out the correct month and day markings on the tag, use a pen to write the name of the property and the county where you are hunting and complete the Harvest Log for White-tailed Deer found on the back of the license.

The most effective shot angle

When using a firearm or a bow, a broadside shot is the most effective shot angle on deer, antelope and other large game animals.

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