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Which of the following pairs of sentences have the same deep structure?

"Her birthday is in two weeks" and "In two weeks, it will be her birthday."

Ami wants to buy a new Jeep but has not saved enough money. Her ego would say:

"If you spend less on clothes and restaurants it will only take a few months to save the down payment."

You are asked to participate in an experiment that attempts to replicate the work of Hermann Ebbinghaus. What might the researcher instruct you to do?

"Listen to these letters: JID, PAZ, YOX, KEP. Now repeat them."

Your uncle tells you about an interesting magazine article explaining that humans use only 10 percent of their brains. As a student of psychology, your response should be:

"That's a common belief, but research shows that almost all of the brain is continually active."

Imagine a split-brain patient is focusing his vision at the very center of a computer screen. For a brief moment, the word BOOK flashes on the left side of the screen while the word STORE flashes simultaneously on the right side of the screen. The patient is immediately asked to report what he saw on the screen. According to Gazzaniga's research, what should we predict the patient will say?


Which of the following correlation coefficients represents the strongest correlation between two variables?


Which of the following most clearly demonstrates an epigenetic effect?

A mother who smokes during her pregnancy gives birth to a child with a low birth weight.

Which is the best example of negative punishment?

A teenager is not allowed to go to a party because she skipped school.

Which of the following examples best captures the concept of sleep debt?

After staying awake for 48 hours, you will sleep longer than normal when you finally go to sleep.

Which of the following situations best exemplifies the use of the availability heuristic?

Aiko tells her friend that a certain restaurant has poor service because she was once served the wrong order there.

Why does everything appear gray in very low light?

Because only our rods work well in low light, and they are achromatic.

Which of the following situations represents an effect of confirmation bias?

Becky underestimated her political opponent's popularity because Becky mostly read news coverage that was in her favor.

Mike is talking to his infant using singsong, high-pitched speech and slow, exaggerated pronunciation. What effect will this have on his infant?

Both A and B; this type of "baby talk" encourages language development.

What type of behavior would Freud expect from a woman with a strong superego and a weak id?

Compliance with rules and a tendency to feel guilt and shame

A doctor needs a brain imaging technique that shows brain structure but not brain function. Which technique should the doctor choose?

Computed tomography (CT)

Psychoanalysis emphasizes which of the following techniques for studying individuals?

Discussing personal experiences

Which of the following investigations in F&M Psychology labs does not represent the descriptive method of scientific inquiry?

Dr. Josh Rottman is using lab experiments to test adults' moral behaviors.

Which is the best critique of the accuracy of flashbulb memory?

Flashbulb memories may suffer from over-rehearsal as they are frequently retold.

Which is NOT associated with lack of sleep? (Choose the false item.)

Going a night without sleep is associated with the experience of hallucinations the following day.

On an empathy questionnaire, Group 1 had a mean score of 117 with a standard deviation of 14. Group 2 had a mean score of 96 with a standard deviation of 23. Therefore, _______ scored higher on average and their scores were _______ spread out than scores from _______.

Group 1; less; Group 2

James is deciding where to attend college. He narrows it down to four schools, after careful research. However, the decision is made quickly when James arrives at the first school for a campus visit. He immediately falls in love with the place; it just fits! He cancels his remaining campus visits. How would Daniel Kahneman describe James' school choice?

James based it on System 1 thinking.

In which of the following scenarios would you be MOST likely to succumb to a false alarm in signal detection?

Listening for the sound of unknown creatures while you are walking alone in the woods at night

What do studies of maternal nurturing behavior in rats suggest about humans?

Maternal neglect early in life may have lasting impacts on a person's ability to cope with life's challenges.

We do not readily perceive our blind spot or have a noticeable "hole" in our vision as we look around. This fact illustrates the following important aspect of visual perception:

Our brains fill in gaps left by incomplete sensory input.

In class, we discussed Dan Schacter's recent proposal about the purpose of memory. Which of the following is NOT part of his research and proposal?

Our memories are like a video recording that help us pick out important details.

Adults are far more capable than babies in many ways. However, when it comes to language, young babies may have a certain advantage. What can babies do that adults cannot?

Perceive all of the possible phonemes in a given language.

Dania witnessed a violent attack near her apartment two years ago. Images from the attack still intrude on her mind, especially when she is alone. Which of the "seven sins of memory" does this best represent?


During a recent exam, Josh copied an answer from a neighbor. When he admitted this to a friend, Josh added, "Everyone does that once in a while. I'm just leveling the playing field, making it more fair." Based on Freud's ideas, which of the following defense mechanisms was Josh employing?


An instructor reads aloud a list of vocabulary terms her students should memorize for their biology exam. The students are busy doing a lab and can't write anything down; they need to rely on memory. Several minutes later, the instructor asks a student to recite the vocabulary terms back to her. Which terms will this student most likely recall from the list?

Since there was a delay in asking for the terms, the student will remember those at the beginning of the list, showing a primacy effect.

A researcher is designing an experiment intended to study the effects of the background noise on reading comprehension. Which of the following factors would be best characterized as an independent variable in such an experiment?

The amount of sound in settings where test subjects are asked to read

Which of the following statements, if true, would most seriously challenge the conclusion that a new treatment is effective?

There is reason to believe that the placebo contains a substance that might tend to weaken performance.

Which is the best example of what William James meant when he described human consciousness as "unified"?

We are not very good at multitasking, especially complex tasks.

Which of the following strings of information would be the easiest to chunk, and thus encode?


You can pay attention to all of the options below. However, the idea of an "attentional spotlight" most directly enables you to direct attention to

a particular part of the visual field.

Nate believes that if he bounces the basketball exactly three times before trying a free-throw shot, he will be more likely to make the shot. B.F. Skinner would characterize Nate's belief as _____.

a superstition

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, a best-selling book about neurological disorders, describes a man with damage to the association cortex who literally mistook his wife for a hat. Just by looking, he could not tell his wife and his hat apart, but he could as soon as his wife spoke. The disturbance of this patient is

an agnosia.

A neuron with _______ would be expected to have the slowest-moving action potential.

an unmyelinated, thin axon

Initially making a low offer in order to get a bargain on a second-hand item is an example of the

anchoring effect.

You are a participant in a study we discussed in class this week. You are wearing a heavy, weighted backpack. An experimenter points to an orange flag in the distance and says you'll need to jog there in a moment. But first, she asks you to guess how far away the flag is. Compared to someone wearing a light backpack in the same experiment, you _____.

are more likely to judge that the flag is farther away (a greater distance).

Because your eyes are a few centimeters apart, your brain can use the visual clue called _____ to determine whether objects are near or far away.

binocular disparity

Imagine you are a student of Edward Titchener's in the late 1800s. You likely are being trained to

carefully examine your own internal experiences.

The voltage difference across a neuron's membrane

changes frequently.

One of the reasons why Weber's law is valuable to psychologists is because it allows us to

compare the relative sensitivity of different sensory modalities (e.g., vision, hearing, olfaction).

You used to love bananas. But a few years ago, you ate a banana in the morning, and an hour or so later you came down with a nasty stomach bug. You have found bananas totally unappealing ever since. This is an example of learned taste aversion, a form of classical conditioning. In this scenario, the banana is the ____.

conditioned stimulus

The corpus callosum is critical to brain operation by

connecting the left and right hemispheres.

An unethical experimenter wants to test the relationship between discomfort and aggression. On an exceptionally hot day, she secretly turns off the air conditioning in one dorm and leaves it on in another, then has her research assistants count occurrences of verbal aggression in common areas of the buildings. Students in the air-conditioned dorm would be the _______, and students in the overheated dorm would be the _______.

control group; experimental group

Barry's tendency to _______ best reflects a low degree of self-efficacy.

decline challenging projects that his supervisor offers to him at work

The easy problem of consciousness can be solved by

defining different conscious experiences in terms of different brain states.

The key purpose of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to

determine whether a proposed study is ethical.

After getting criticized at work, a mother yells at her preschooler for spilling milk. This illustrates


If you were an artist drawing a cityscape, you would apply the linear perspective depth cue by

drawing the streets converging with the edges of buildings at the horizon.

Given their psychological interests and beliefs, a proponent of functionalism would most likely be found where?

elementary school, working to understand why certain teaching methods work better than others.

In the hollow mask illusion, the brain uses

experience with faces to decide that the image is "sticking out" (convex).

A worker with an _______ locus of control is likely to attribute failure at a given task to _______.

external; bad luck

Assertiveness, talkativeness, enthusiasm, and excitement-seeking are most closely related to


Rats that are first given a few hours simply to explore a maze will later solve that maze ____ than rats without the prior exploration time, due to ____.

faster; latent learning

You are completing some difficult math homework problems. To motivate yourself to keep going, you promise yourself a small piece of candy for every 5 problems you complete. You are using a _______ reinforcement schedule.

fixed ratio

A researcher would most likely use _______ to investigate which brain areas are active during speech?

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)

The ability of a language to produce an infinite number of sentences is called _______ capacity.


Even though your body changes and you develop new physical and behavioral characteristics, your _______ never changes.


For the first few nights after you purchased a clock, you had trouble sleeping because the ticking of the second hand disturbed you. Now you do not notice the sound of the second hand at all. This is an example of


Dr. Casler shows pictures to Baby Sasha, one at a time. The pictures are all of different cars. Due to _____, we predict that Baby Sasha's looking times to the car pictures will _____ over time.

habituation; decrease

At seven years of age, Ying Yue is learning to type on a computer keyboard. According to the work of Fitts and Posner (1967), the cognitive phase of Ying Yue's skill acquisition is best characterized when she

has to pause to find each individual letter on the keyboard.

After observing baby Yvonne's responses to novel stimuli, a psychologist described her as being low reactive. Based on that characterization, if Yvonne takes a five-factor personality test when she is 20 years old, she will most likely rate

high on the extraversion scale.

Dr. Fallon is testing a new drug designed to increase appetite in underweight patients. She decides to use a single-blind design to test it out because she

hopes to eliminate placebo effects as a confound.

An individual whose electroencephalogram registers significant numbers of delta waves is most likely

in stage 3 sleep.

Hyperpolarizing a neuron _______ its polarity, making it _______ likely to fire.

increases; less

A researcher presents his participant with a series of musical tones at different intervals and volumes. After every presentation of a musical sound, he asks the participant to fully describe her internal experiences, a method known as


Imagine your professor asks you to conduct an experiment. You have to increase the intensity of a light several times and determine the smallest change in the intensity of light that your friend can detect. You are measuring your friend's

just noticeable difference (JND).

Karii is experiencing the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon when she:

knows something but is not able to articulate it.

Students who are given unsolvable problems eventually give up and make only token attempts to solve new problems, even if the new problems can be solved easily. This behavior is most likely due to

learned helplessness.

You decide to memorize the last names of the players on your school's basketball team by using the method of loci. To do this, you will

link each player's name with a different part of your home, beginning with the front door.

After reading a few paragraphs of an article, you stop to think about what you have read. You take a few notes, consider the author's arguments, and relate it to your own experiences. By doing so, you are trying to put the material into your _______ memory.


Babies who respond to strange smells and unfamiliar toys with calm interest are considered _______ reactive and are more likely to be _______ as adults.

low; extraverted and calm

A college professor is trying out two different study-skill strategies in her students to figure out which strategy is superior. She tosses a coin to decide which type of training each student will get. The professor does this to

make it less likely that there will be pre-existing differences between the groups.

Matthew is taking a hearing test. On several trials, a sound is played through the headphones, but Matthew does not detect its presence. According to signal detection theory, we would call these particular trials ____.


In general, the slower a subject's reaction time is in a cognitive psychology experiment, the

more mental processing is required for the subject to respond.

If you are awake and concentrating on a task while an EEG machine is recording your brain activity, the EEG should record

mostly beta waves

In an experiment, a loud buzzer is turned off every fifth time a rat presses a button. This represents both _______ reinforcement and a _______ schedule of reinforcement.

negative; fixed ratio

A researcher was hoping data from his depression questionnaire would have a normal distribution. However, the median and mode are both quite a bit higher than the mean. This means his data are

negatively skewed.

Which person is most likely to study the brain activities that underlie human behavior?


Andre was unable to make a paper airplane until he watched his cousin Miriam make a few. Now Andre can fold his own paper airplanes. This is an example of

observational learning.

In a typical controlled experiment designed to test the effects of a new drug, _______ will be administered to the _______ group.

only the placebo; control

You and your roommate have a pet mouse. You decide to teach it to wave a toothpick like a conductor's baton. You will need to follow the principles of ____.

operant conditioning

You are reading about a set of identical twins, where only one of the twins developed schizophrenia; the other twin remained symptom-free throughout life. Three of the factors below all could explain the difference. Which factor below is unlikely to have played a role in the twins' difference?

order of birth.

Learned behavior is less prone to extinction if it is conditioned by _______ reinforcement.


Following a head injury, Miranda experienced a dramatic personality change. She now gambles heavily, swears and yells at work, and has difficulty planning ahead. She most likely experienced damage to her

prefrontal cortex.

Each morning, your aunt likes to write down her dreams, because she believes her dreams give her insight into herself and issues that are on her mind. For instance, once she had a dream that gave her an idea for dealing with a tough co-worker. Your aunt's beliefs sound most in line with the ____ theory of dreaming.

problem solving

A researcher is keenly interested in recording observable behavior in her test subjects, but she has no interest in studying what goes on inside the subjects' brains to make them behave as they do. This researcher is apparently a proponent of

radical behaviorism.

The simplest way to maintain information in short-term memory is to repeat the information in a process called


An actor has just learned a new monologue for an upcoming play. He discovers he is now having trouble recalling a different, older monologue he had memorized a month ago. This demonstrates

retroactive interference.

Obed is looking everywhere for his sunglasses. His girlfriend is amused as she points out that they're on his head! The fact that Obed couldn't feel his sunglasses is best explained by a process known as

sensory adaptation

A researcher would be most likely to find a negative correlation between _______ and _______.

shyness; party attendance

Dr. Merril studies the inconsistency of personality. She is interested in how "personality" frequently changes across different contexts. Dr. Merril most likely is a proponent of ___ in the study of personality.


As a child, Adrienne received a burn from a campfire and subsequently developed a fear of open flames. As she got older, the fear gradually faded until Adrienne had all but forgotten it. In her late teens, Adrienne was invited to a party at a neighbor's house. As she walked into the backyard, she noticed flames roaring up from a fire pit, and she felt fearful. This behavior is an example of

spontaneous recovery.

Ever since little Ryan was bitten by a gray cat, he cries when he sees any gray cat. One day, he sees a gray squirrel scamper across his front yard and he begins crying. Ryan's behavior illustrates

stimulus generalization.

A _______ is a physical event that a sensory receptor cell might detect, whereas a _______ is the final interpretation of that physical event.

stimulus; perception

The process of reuptake removes neurotransmitter molecules from

synaptic clefts.

You are reading a story about a woman who sees sounds as colors. She doesn't just hear auditory information; she also sees it visually. This is an example of ___.


For classical conditioning to occur, during the acquisition period ____.

the CS needs to come before the US

When research subjects are being studied, they tend to act somewhat different from normal. Researchers refer to this as _____.

the Hawthorne Effect

An important principle to remember when studying psychology is that

the act of learning changes the physical structure of the brain.

In a survey, more college students indicated that they would enroll in a particular chemistry course when they were told that 80 percent of students passed it last year than when they were told that 20 percent of students failed it last year. The results of the survey best illustrate

the framing effect.

Imagine you have designed a psychological test to measure creativity. Your test is considered a reliable tool based on whether

the same subjects would score consistently over time.

Given what you know about how the brain works, you should predict that a disproportionately large portion of the somatosensory area of the human cortex is devoted to the _________.


The fact that we perceive clear, individual words in our native language (instead of a constant stream of uninterrupted sound) reveals:

top-down processing

The development of modern personality theory has involved a shift in focus from _______ to _______.

types; traits

The Tuskegee syphilis study raised serious concerns about ethical research because the researchers

withheld information from test subjects about their condition.

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