Paediatrics I - Practical images
Bohn's nodules → buccal/ lingual surfaces of palatal ridges or junction of hard + soft palate Dental lamina cysts → bilateral cysts around 1st primary molar region
Bohn's nodules vs. dental lamina cysts
At least one 1st molar must be affected
How can a definitive diagnosis for MIH be made?
A - Ramus of mandible B - Condylar process of mandible C - Body of mandible D - Canal of alveolar neurovascular bundle E - Nasal septum F - Maxillary sinuses G - Hyoid bone H - Cervical spine I - Inferior orbital rim J - EAM K - Coronoid process of mandible L - Maxillary tuberosity M - Hard palate
Label the structures indicated in the following panoramic radiograph
1) Bottle feeding frequently through the day 2) Breastfeeding prior to sleeping
List 2 etiological factors of ECC
1) Oral thrush 2) Muguet
List 2 other names for oral candidiasis
1) Evident tooth decay/ white spots 2) Recent restoration in last 2 years (new patient) or last year (patient with record)
List the 2 disease indicators that automatically indicates a high or extreme caries risk CAMBRA (Ages 0-5)
1) New non-cavitated lesion in enamel (radiographically) 2) New cavities/ lesions into dentin radiographically 3) New white spots on smooth surfaces 4) Existing restoration in last 3 years (new patient) or last year (patient with record)
List the 4 disease indicators that automatically indicates a high or extreme caries risk CAMBRA (Ages 6+)
Mucocele → ventral side of tongue/ lips Ranula → floor of mouth
Mucocele vs. Ranula EXAM QUESTION!!!
10/ 10/ 9/ 7/ 6/ 10/ 6
Outline the Nolla's stage of the teeth in the following image (L → R)
10/ 10/ 9/ 8/ 6/ 10 /7
Outline the Nolla's stage of the teeth in the following image (L → R)
10/ 10/ 9/ missing/ 7/ 10/ 3
Outline the Nolla's stage of the teeth in the following image (L → R)
FALSE - no general pain (slightly tender to touch)
T or F: Eruption cysts are very painful
T or F: Geographic tongue may be painful if the patient eats acidic foods
T or F: In MIH, the amount of enamel is correct however there is an error in calcificaiton
Primate space - space mesial to upper canines/ distal to lower canines
What is indicated in the following image?
Talon's cusps
What is indicated in the following image?
Carabelli's cusp (5th cusp) Primary teeth → maxillary 2nd molars (palatal aspect) Permanent teeth → maxillary 1st molars (palatal aspect)
What is indicated in the following image? Which teeth can this appear?
White spots at the cervical level
What is the 1st clinical sign of early childhood caries (ECC)?
Excisional biopsy
What is the treatment for a mucocele?
Excision of the sublingual gland in hospital with sedation/ general anesthesia
What is the treatment for a ranula?
Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis Oral candidiasis of newborns
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Bohn's nodules
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Dens-in-dente (dens invaginatus)
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Dental lamina cysts
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Dentinogenesis imperfecta
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Early childhood caries (ECC)
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Enamel hypoplasia
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Epstein pearls
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Eruption sequestrum
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Geographic tongue
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Mucocele - located on lips or ventral tongue
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Oral aphthae
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Ranula - located on floor of mouth
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Ulcerative gingivitis (UG)
Which condition is shown in the following image?
Turner's tooth = type of enamel hypoplasia that causes a localized hypoplastic or hypomineralized defect in the crown of a permanent tooth
Which condition is shown in the following image? Define it
Distomolar = supernumerary 4th molar located distally to the 3rd molar
Which condition is shown in the following image? Define it
Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) = clinical hypomineralisation of systemic origin affecting 1 or more 1st permanent molars and any associated incisors
Which condition is shown in the following image? Define it
Paramolar = supernumerary teeth parallel to the 3rd molars
Which condition is shown in the following image? Define it
Erythema multiforme - caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV) or medications
Which condition is shown in the following image? What is it caused by?
Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis - caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV)
Which condition is shown in the following image? What is it caused by?
Riga-Fede disease - sublingual ulceration caused by natal/ neonatal teeth
Which condition is shown in the following image? What is it caused by?
Congenital lip pits - autosomal dominant inheritance
Which condition is shown in the following image? What is the etiology?
Fibroma Treatment: - excisional biopsy
Which condition is shown in the following image? What is the treatment?
Eruption cyst - NO treatment required (can tell parents to massage the area)
Which condition is shown in the following image? What treatment is recommended?
Isolation for anterior teeth
Which isolation pattern is shown in the following image?
Rosetta isolation
Which isolation pattern is shown in the following image?