Pakaian/Baju (Clothes)_Yr 3
Dia memakai topi dan jas.
He wears hat and suit.
Dia memakai kemeja putih dan celana jins.
He wears white shirt and jeans.
Dia memakai sweter kuning dan celana jins.
He wears yellow sweater and jeans.
Sepatunya kebesaan untuk dia.
Her shoes are too big for her.
Baju olahraganya pas untuk dia.
Her sport clothes is fit for her.
Berapa umur kamu?
How old are you?
Saya dari Brasil.
I'm from Brazil.
Saya kelas 3.
I'm in Year 3.
Umur saya tujuh tahun.
I'm seven years old.
Satu celana pendek abu-abu.
One grey shorts.
Kaos kaki abu-abu, putih dan hitam.
grey, white and black socks.
Itu sepatu sandal coklat.
That is brown shoes/sandal.
Ada enam pasang sepatu sandal.
There are six pairs of sandals (shoes)
Ada sepuluh topi.
There are ten hats.
Ada sepuluh dasi.
There are ten ties.
Dora memakai kaos merah muda dan celana pendek oranye.
Dora wears pink t-shirt and orange shorts.
lima anak memakai baju tidur.
Five kids wearing pajamas.
kemeja hijau.
Green shirt
Celana panjangnya kekecilan untuk dia.
His trousers are too short for him.
Apa kabar?
How are you?
Ada berapa baju?
How many clothes are there?
Dia memakai baju adat India.
She wears Indian Traditional clothes.
Dia memakai baju terusan biru dan topi kuning.
She wears blue dress and yellow hat.
Ada delapan pasang sandal.
There are eight pairs of slippers.
Ada delapan baju olahraga.
There are eight sport clothes.
Ada dua belas tas.
There are twelve bags.
Ada dua kaos.
There are two t-shirt
Mereka memakai baju adat Korea.
They wear Korean Traditional clothes.
Mereka memakai baju tidur.
They wear pajamas.
Mereka memakai seragam sekolah.
They wear school uniform.
Mereka memakai baju olahraga.
They wear sport clothes.
Mereka memakai baju renang.
They wear swimsuit.
Mereka memakai baju adat.
They wear traditional clothes.
Rok ini kekecilan untuk dia
This hat is too small for her.
Tiga pasang kaos kaki.
Three pairs of socks
Kamu kelas berapa?
What class are you in?
Kamu suka memakai baju apa?
What clothes do you like to wear?
Apa warnanya?
What color is it?
Apa itu?
What is that?
Apa ini?
What is this?
Siapa nama kamu?
What is your name?
Kamu dari mana?
Where are you from?
Kamu sekolah di mana?
Where do you go to school?
Kamu tinggal di mana?
Where do you live?
kaos merah
red t-shirt