Parenting unit 2

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Attachment revisited ( preschoolers)

- have a secure version of this boosts self esteem, independence, leadership skills, problem- solving abilities

supporting children

- 60% young children in childcare. provided enrichment and helps working parents - should have developmentally approriate and planned activities and include peer interactions

feeding and breastfeeding

- 75% have been given this at some point - 80% hispanic and latina mothers do this - should commit to 4-6 months - gives antibodies for immunity - introduce some solids after 6 months - reduces incidences of obesist and diabetes - reduces mother's risk of breast cancer, diabetes and heart disease. help mom lose weight faster -bonding opportunity - don't do it if you could transmit an infection - should do it only for one's one bio child - do every 2-4 hours

parenting and brain development

- adequate care, stimulation, nurture, interaction, and nutrition helps

How is self-regulation important?

- allows for complexity, connectivsim, and information processing to occur on a regulated manner( - can help deter instant gratification - are the beginnings of long range planning capabilities and support socially acceptable behavior

Milestones in Toddlers

- avoidance of eye contact, stranger anxiety, running, and falling, short attention span, pointing, inability to share, parallel play, language acquisition growing but not understandable. self feeding. vocabulary bursts. clear memory. - gross motor: running, throwing balls. more fine motor skills

competent eating for middle childhood

- be flexible, comfortable, positive with food intake - internally regulated - family eating supports structure and planned meals - normal eating behavior

structure and nurture in middle childhood

- better at internalizing structure -support child's interests and respect that they are gaining more influence from thier peer group. model good behavior. communicate appropriately and respectfully

emotional aspects

- can be amazing or negative - skin to skin contact, physical affection and eye contact can facilitate emotional bonding - bonding between parents and child prevents later difficulties - some mothers have emotional letdown following birth (hormonal) -subsequent births tend to be less rose- colored

How are books and reading important for preschoolers?

- can improve vocabularies, can foster imagination and interest in new topics. parent has the opportunity to role model being a reader, can expand cognitive skills, can teach prosocial lessons.

The birthing experience

- current practice supports father involvement - lactation specialists often consulted - labor rooms used to promote family cohesiveness

peer groups in middle childhood

- develop companionship, transmit info, create testing group for what behaviors are appropriate, teach rules and logical consequences, promote gender development, teach self- concept.

what changes lead to maturity in middle childhood?

- developing a positive work ethic - mastering mental and social skills for handling school -gaining age appropriate responsibility -should take pride at gaining skills and completing a job well-done

Gender roles

- differ from culture to culture, tend to be learned through parent interpretations of sex and sexuality, shaped in the preschool years through reinforcement

How to encourage positive gender- role development

- encourage involvement in gender nonstereotypical toys and games. provide models of adults in nontraditional roles. toys should be diverse.

what are some challenges associated with ART?

- expensive - grief if technique fails - physically demanding - the difficulty involved means parents are more likely to invest in their child

preparation for birth

- fathers should learn how to help during childbirth - take an infant cpr class - choose a pediatrician - visit hospital in advance and create a birthing plan

heininke's framework

- focused on the impacts between parental characteristics and family support on parenting quality - 3 factors: parent adaptation competetnce, capacity for positive and sustained relationships and self development

how to support good conceptions of sexuality in preschoolers

- give age appropriate explainations, but also convey a good emotional attitude. don't give the impresion that a topic is taboo. establish a trusting relationship with open communication

encouraging age appropriate responsibility

- give simple choices, encourage using words, understand child, identify clearly appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, talk out a problem rather than solving it for a child, dont use shame and guilt, allow for mistakes

sleep-related infant deaths

- hard mattress no toys. sleep on back - daily supervised tunny time to strengthen back and neck - no bedsharing but can and should sleep in same room

creating a safe and respectful school environment

- help children become computer literate/ maintain cyber safety ( take pre-emptive steps)- develop relationship of trust - regulations for how much screen time a child has - know how to deal with child accidentally seeing something bad - teach netiquette - teach support of cyber bullying victims, not supporting the perpetrator

factors that influenced how distressed someone is about a miscarriage

- infertility and ART - planned pregnancy? - was loss recent? - was there a medical explanation?

Parenthood and Marital Satisfaction

- initial decrease in marital satisfaction after child birth continues to drop into lowest point in middle childhood. as children move towards teen years, this increases.

preparation for conception

- involves both parents - fathers: avoid lead, drugs, alchohol , radiations, pesticides, enviro chemicals - mothers: weaned off meds that are dangerous to baby and stop birth control pills well in advance. get anxiety and depression under control

what contributes to childhood obesity?

- lack of nutrition knowledge, not paying attention to child's weight, skipping family meals, chaotic eting schedules, food ads, exposure to fast food

contributing factors to postpartum depression

- lack of social support and lack of sleep - violence and stress during pregnancy - preterm birth - birth of multiple kids - fertility treatment - complications during pregnancy - abusive relationships

why might there be some decreases in marital satisfaction following having a child?

- might relate to developmental role as a whole - pre-baby problems magnified after birth - extra stress if child is difficult or parent is poorly bonded to child

How to help school children develop a healthy sense of self

- must appropriately explore personality strengths, and weaknesses - parents and teachers can counterbalance negative peer evaluations

qualities of nuclear families

- parental dyad is a subsystem - can also have a triad subsystem -families affected by family of origin - families strive for differentiation, want to be unique from other families

What influences aggression in childhood

- parents who are aggressive - modeling aggression in TV and movies -can send mixed messages for spanking - can avoid this by ensuring that children are being rewarded and modeled good prosocial behaviors

How to help your child develop strength through adversity

- process of investing effort is good for developing and perservering - don't overprotect your children, appropriate stressors can lead to good outcomes if they know that they have emotional support and people love them as a person. - allow for freedom in safe limits

historical underpinnings of adoption

- secret in victorian england. orphans were cheap labor. - 1854-1929 oprhan trains brought children to " better futures" but depended on the goodwill of those the kids ended up with - 1930-1950. matched adoptive child with parent closely in bio characteristics. Hid bio parent.

genetic counseling

- should have risks of pregnancy assessed before conception - genetic carrier screening is a great way to test your DNA and see what you risk passing on

sleep wake cycle of infants

- sleep around 17 hours a day - sleep usually interuppted only for feeding - longer periods waking in 3rd month - by age 2, sleep around 10-14 hours a day - don't fall asleep while nursing baby as this could be dangerous

what kind of psychological problems can orphans have?

- staying in crowed orphanages can be an issues - child might have been exposed to prenatal drugs or have a hidden medical issue

parents of school- age children should expect them to be able to

- take more responsibility for themselves - engage in more assignments without adult supervision - increase info processing skills -refine social skills

effects of union instability or disruptions ( such as divorce)

- their children are unstable in later relationships - parental discord also harms children's future relationships

How does a preschooler's skills of motion, communication, and interaction expanding, change the way they relate to the world?

- they engage in more interactive rather than parallel play -they learn through modeling and observation to increase social skills

what are ways that preschoolers conceptualize gender

- they have rigid stereotypes about what it means to be a man or woman. typically use physical features to determine this. Are taught and reinforced through same-sex peers, toys, and activities meant through activities intended for only one gender

How to help your child develop a good work ethic

- they should be rewarded for a job well done - learn to accept you wont be the best at everything - awknowledge the effort invested - don't say well done if it isn't well done. - don't try to live through your child and be overly competitive

adjusting to pregnancy

- validates sexual ability - changes body image - shifting emotions - childhood memories revived. - fear of econ consequencies - fear of the unknown - largely positive if planned and first child - shifting expectations of what the family roles will be

how should one plan for a family?

- visit your gyno 3 months prior to conception -attend a well baby clinic to learn how to prepare -take parenting and birthing classes

the impacts of school in middle childhood

- whether or not a child believes they have skills and abilities needed to succeed will influence them later on -teachers and parents should emphasize school as a safe and privledged place for exploration -places of civic engagement - parents should provide support

grief in preschool children

- young children often don't understand the finality of death - allow questions, keep in mind cognitive abilities and be honest

maternal health

-perinatology( feild of maternal- fetal medicine). can treat conditions while fetus is in uterus - women of better ses tend to seek out more education - nutrition critical- include folic acid to reduce risk of spinal bifida. - avoid teratogens - if medical conditions ( like diatbetes) put you at risk during pregnancy, stay monitored

Two aspects of a temper tantrum( not sequential always)

1) intense frustration( throwing things, yelling) 2) seeking comfort ( whimpering and sadness)

How to deal with temper tantrums

1) parents should match where child is emotionally 2) don't interupt child or try to console them when they are angry as this makes things worse 3) often will deflate quickly 4) happens often when overstimulated and overtired 5) try to anticipate child's needs and recognize that this will get better as they learn self-regulation

how should interactions between parents and children change as they become preschoolers?

1) should have more of an emphasis on allowing autonomy 2)more verbal direction and reasoning. more verbal interactions with the child in general

Stages of attachment

1) undiscriminating social responsiveness( 2-3 months of age. orientation to all humans as seen by visual tracking 2) Discriminating social responsiveness ( 4-5 months) recognize familiar people and smile at them. anxiety with unfamiliar people 3) Active proximity seeking- seek phys proximity with familiar people at 7 months. crawls towards loved ones 4) Goal-corrected partnership ( age 3) child predicts caregiver behavior and adjusts own to remain close to them

postpartum depression

15 % tend to experience - family members need to step in. if mother can't react to child's needs might lead to failure to thrive - symptoms include withdrawl, lack of joy, mood swings, fatigue, lack of desire to care for infant - sleep deprivation and lack of social support can contribute - treat with antidepressants and therapy - stress and violence during pregancy contibutes

what does a typical progression of language development look like?

18 months, 2 word combos, by age 3, basic language ability


18-30 months. Usually completed by 36 months. child learns cues and parent helps provide support and some teaching. use positive reinforcement and encouragement. avoid shame.

play as a learning opportunity

3 year olds- solitary play. don't like sharing. 4 year olds - more creative and imaginative and play with others. gross and some fine motor capabilities 5 year olds- small groups. complex play like making block towers and pretend play

unintended preganancy

50% of pregancies in US unplanned. - tough for people who are early in relationships - pregnancy happens to others but not to them - the child a couple births together will always connect them even if they don't stay together

reccomendations for breastfeeding?

6 months can do solid food but should supplement for one year. ( american academy of pediatrics) world health organization recommends supplementing for up to 2 years.

when is the best time to parent a teenager?

Before they become a teenager ( the best time to build appropriate values, norms, work ethic, ect is middle childhood)

preschool programs

Educational programs for 3- to 5-year-olds. 2-3 hours

The united Nations sustainable developmental goals state that children should have their development supported in these 5 targeted areas

Health, nutrition, education, child protection, and social protection

Rainbow baby

Healthy baby born after a miscarriage

social referencing

Infants look to parent's faces to obtain informational cues. For example, you should should remain calm if your kid falls and gets hurt, because they're looking for you to see how they should react. the more calm you can be the better

what schemas go along with attachment for infants?

Is my caregiver available? Am I worthy of my caregiver's attention? This impacts a child's sense of self-worth and their future relationships. also linked to consumer behavior and political persuasion.

what does the trust of an infant parallel?

It parallels their development of secure attachment

insecure-avoidant ( A-classification)and culture

Japanese, Asian, German babies tend to have more of this, but on the whole, most babies tend to have a secure attachment

PURPLE- an acronym that describes the characteristics of crying in infants

P- peak of crying, Unexpected crying, R- resists soothing, P- pain like face , L-long lasting, E-evening

Historic research into play as a learning opportunity

Parten's stages of play: unoccupied play, solitary play, onlooker play, parallel play, associative play and cooperative play. younger children play independently and older cooperate more

Charlotte Mason

Promoted and trained parents on homeschooling as a supplement for public schools that might not have completely fulfilled the needs of a child

what comes first, receptive or expressive speech?


The overall message of Belsky's work says who is responsible for the outcome of the child?


How do children in middle childhood develop a self concept?

They tend to use social comparison, feedback provided by peer group, past experiences. - use downward social comparisons to protect self image and make themselves feel better

developmental plasticity

a given geneotype can be expressed in different ways in response to environmental factors

insecure-avoidant attachment

a pattern of attachment in which an infant avoids connection with the caregiver, as when the infant seems not to care about the caregiver's presence, departure, or return

postpartum psychosis

a rare and severe form of depression that occurs in women just after giving birth and includes delusional thinking and hallucinations. might even attempt infant homicide if having a delusion that the child is evil

infant-directed speech

a type of speech directed toward infants, characterized by short, simple sentences. higher pitched and elongated. Gets baby attention and is good for them. Not baby talk

receptive language

ability to comprehend speech

what are some alternative routes to parenthood?

adoption, fertility drugs, gestational surrogacy ( where both father and mother have their own embryo while another woman does the work of carrying their genetic baby) donor for egg, sperm, or maternal mitochonria

role strain

adults attempt to succeed at competeing social roles. For example, parents must be breadwinners, parents, home mangaer, married partner, ect. This can lead to a lot of pressure and marital dissatisfaction.

what does it mean to have an open or semi-open adoption?

an open adoption includes info and records being shared between parties and the possibility of contacting birth parents. a semi open adoption has record but removes possibility of contact.

parents of more securely attached infants

are more sensitive, more likely to hold their infants, less intrusive, less tense and less irritable. Children are less likely to cry and tantrum as toddlers a well.

What is the toddler stage marked by

assertions of autonomy from parents and testing limits. usually occurs about 18 months on


attraction to someone based on psychological bonding. child behaves in ways that suggest they want to be near caregivers

ways to look out for the safety of your infant

avoid choking hazards, use car seats properly, supervise your child, don't have pacifier necklaces because they are a strangulation hazard. put babies to sleep on their backs

how to promote good sleep habits for preschoolers

avoid rough and tumble play beforehand. baths, reading stories to soothe. planned ignorance- don't reenter childs room after putting them to bed. bed sharing is undesirable for this age group. keep routine positive,child should not be crying. comfort children if there are nightmares, reassure they are not real and avoid exposure to stim that would eveoke them.

milestones of infants

babbling and language development. crying to cooing to jargon. often times first word in first year. gross motor skills like grabbing. teething. establishing a sleep pattern. more mobile.

insecure-resistant attachment

baby seeks closeness to parent, reluctant to explore the room. hides from stranger. seek contact with mother upon return but also show signs of rejecting her. grow up to be angrier kids

serve and return

back-and-forth interactions between children and caregivers that involve an infant reaching out for interaction and the caregiver responding appropriately. babies use tiny signals, cries and body language to communicate back. This appropriate stimulation leads to brain stimulation an growth

fetal origins of adult disease

barker hypothesis- included the concept of genetic plasticity- the idea that a given genotype can be expressed in different ways in response to enviro factors - mothers can influence child's later health by being poorly nourished - mothers who are underweight and poor tend to have intrauterine conditions that result in low birth weight or prematurity- this fetus gets good at conserving calories. can become overweight later -mothers with high BMI put child at risk for type 2 diabetes

toxic parenting during preschool years

belittling, mocking, sarcasm, discounting the child. this is especially bad during this time as this age sets the stage for self esteem later on

the preconception medical

both parents should be tested for stis and parents from different blood groups should be testted for Rhesus incompatibility ( can affect pregnancy). should both stop smoking

newborn care

breastfeed on demand, skin to skin, sleep in same room.

milestones of newborns

breathing, adjusting to light and sound, vision. grasping, adjusting to sounds. early reflexes include grasping and rooting, sucking, morrow (startle). stepping reflex.


broad aspects of sexual interests, attitudes, and activities that are an expression of a person's total being

how to spot an exceptionally bright preschooler

by 3 to 4 years tend to be highly inquistitve, interest in books, technologically competent, debates, reasons, argues, fearful of what they don't understand, bossy, creative, manipulative, perfectionistic.

miscarriage screening

can determine is a pregnancy was lost due to genetic abnormalities, a more than 1/2 misscarriage in the first trimester are

kinship care

care provided by a family member

infant loss

carrying a baby virtually to term and then facing a stillborn delivery - leads to guilt, anxiety, depression, and grief - encouraged to name child and go through cultural burial rites - see the baby, even if it is distressing. get hand and footprints - get counseling

issues with toileting in preschool

changes in the family, fatigue, excitement, anxiety, illness, being too invested in play. not a problem until school age.

belsky's hierarchy of influence

context influences parent well being which influences parent behavior, where personal qualities of a parent can buffer against stress and avoid negatively impacting the characteristics of a child

waldorf approach

child has multiple intelligences, person consists of body, soul and spirit. critical thinking and empathetic understanding. spirituality emphasized

What are some general characteristics of preschoolers?

child is more interactive? integrated into the family, there is more self-regulation, curiosity, rate of development slower than youth. very inquisitive and excited to learn

what age range is know as preschoolers?

children ages 3-5

what age range is considered school age?

children ages 6-12. this is where focus is less on survival needs and more on social, cognitive, and emotional development. Lots of tasks during this period build self-esteem and self concept

reggio emilia

children need to be actively engaged with their learning. need to touch, look listen, ect. self expression and socializing.

reactive attachment disorder in children

children who are traumatized, neglected or abused have this. have either inhibited or disinhibited attachments

zuo yue zi

chinese ritual post partum, women have to stay in the house and eat a special diet

Belsky's ideas of what makes a good parent

competent personality, good impulse control, feel satisfied and secure in their lives

Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder

condition in which a child shows no inhibitions whatsoever in approaching adults. violates personal boundaries

why is kangaroo care important?

contributes to higher survival rates for preterm babies, helps tune in to heart rate and breathing of mother, fosters attatchment

communication and language for infants

crying to indicate desire to be held, then cooing, then babbling, than jargoning ( sounds like real language). then receptive, then expressive language.

parenting exceptionally bright preschoolers

deeply curious, adult like language, think deeply, asynchronous with other's their age. gain skills faster than most.

What does appropriate engagement look like for an infant?

do skin to skin contact, breastfeeding, create an enriched environment. talk, sing and read.

preimplantation screening

done during in vitro fertilization in order to avoid passing on a bad condition

childbirth education

doula will care for mother and emotionally support but not medically trained. coach father on how to be supportive. often teach classes

why are some parents delaying having children?

econ concerns, concerns over getting education first, stabilizing marital union, ect


emphasizes independence, developmental appropriateness, breaking up complex tasks into simple steps ( small children can only follow one small concrete command at a time)

Physical characteristics of school age children

enjoys group games and activities, gender differences in physical abilities, hand-eye coordination, high energy level, some body changes, permanent teeth.

How to care for a child who is transracially adopted?

ensure that child has access to diversity in the community. support their strengthening of their ethnic and racial identity.

psychosocial development of preschoolers

expanding awareness of self, others, and things, gaining independence and some displays of self-control and self efficacy, learning through trial and error, highly curious, social and creative

true or false, attatchment is one-sided?

false, it also involves the parent

psychosocial factors in deciding to become a parent

feelings of generativity, wanting to secure a relationship, wanting to be needed, want to have someone to love.

why might a person choose to adopt?

fetility issues, religious calling, altruism, fear of passing on genetic issues, same sex couple.

Galinsky's 7 skills for preschoolers

focus and self control, perspective taking, communicating, making connections, critical thinking, taking on challenges, self directed learning

foster parenting

foster parents are often encouraged to adopt their foster child. they are given a stipend to provide for the child and put through screening.

families and work institute

founded by Galinsky. works on family and work relationship and child development. looks at lifecycle changes and ecological approaches to determine factors that improve both workplaces and family life.

respectful parenting of preschoolers

gain child's full attention when talking, communicate respectfully, no character assasination, separate behavior from child, get down at eye level, redirect behavior and provide alternatives

what are some benefits of children being exposed to non-traditional gender models?

girls are more likely to seek employment. higher levels of social competence for both genders.

what are qualities of good childcare centers?

good health and safety, safe play, nutrition, adequate and qualified staff, emotional climate, respect for child's needs, program has developmentally appropriate activities. good relationship with nonparents and kids. little difference between parental and nonparental care as long as the program quality is good.

How to include structure in a preschooler's life

have appropriate rules. non-negotiable rules should not be overly restrictive or harsh, they should mainly be about safty and promoting well- being

what are some ways to aid preschooler's language development

have child in a language enriched environment the more words children are exposed to per day, the better off they are in terms of processing speed - be engaged and attentive, use wider ranges of words - take turns talking with your child - introduce new words and reinforce them, especially in associative contexts. eg. talk about the names of the animals when you're at the zoo

programs for the gifted and talented

help provide extra challenges within preschool for this child

how to do tummy time?

helps them strengthen core, back, and neck muscles. play with them on their tummy and make it fun.


hostile action meant to elicit fear. mild aggression in preschoolers part of normal development. can help with discovering and setting personal boundaries.

children who are more likely to be rejected tend to be:

hostile and aggressive, immature, impulsive, different in apperance, insensitive to others( adults should teach social skills)

Non parental childcare

in 48% of all married couples, both parents are employed outside the home, so this is common

Reactive Attachment Disorder

in children, a pattern of inhibited, withdrawn behavior toward adult caregivers. restricted positive affect

Beginning Socialization

in preschool years this truly begins. some formal lessons but also modeling. learn prosocial behaviors, altruism and empathy.

how expensive is it to raise a child?

in the us, 1/4 total lifetime income goes to that child. expenses related to child rearing also have to do with the potential loss of income while staying home to raise a child.

Insufficient care for children

includes inadequate caregiving environments, and possible abuse. contributes to a lack of secure attachments

General developmental characteristics of school-age children

increasing independence, more sensitive to criticism, enjoys some privacy, more critical of adults, more peer-oriented

how does language become a tool in the preschool years?

it provides an means for socializing and for personal expression. can understand and communicate through symbols.

what are some ways to buffer the effects of role strain?

join a support group of peers. This provides a means for social networking, support, and can lead to improved marital satisfaction.

introducing solid foods

introduced at 6 months. older toddlers can feed self. be sensitive to child's fullness cues.

what are some ways to reduce danger for toddlers?

keep dangerous objects out of the way, lock up cleaning products, child gates, cap electrical outlets. watch water. be careful with heating devices

how to promote health and safety for preschoolers

keep supervised, keep up on immunizations, be careful with water, protect against poison substances, avoid loose strings and unlatched windows.

safety and health for middle childhood

keep up with vaccinations, take care of young permanent teeth, play outside ( outside light and outside enviro helps prevent myopia). avoid accidents, wear helmets. lock up your weapons. be aware of head trauma in sports

disorganized/ atypical attachment

lack coherence, display contradictory patterns. often comes from abuse and child being afraid of parent.

How to promote multilingualism in toddler

language should be separated by person or place

cognitive development of preschoolers

learn to classify groups and things, expanding vocabulary, improving memory and recall, build mental database of information about the world, egocentrism, animism, self-centeredness and concrete thinking

liscensure and accreditation of childcare centers

licence- meets local and state requirements. this is mandatory. heavy safety emphasis . accredidation-stringent national standards and is voluntary

Interests of school age children

likes jokes and collecting. likes video and computer games. likes adventure stories, movies, and biographies. likes creative endeavors, likes sports

social/mental characteristics of school age children

likes to interact with same sex peers, likes light competition, curious about the world, has close friendships

the most intellectual gains from preschool programs are towards which class?

low income families, because the home environment can be impovershed

structural factors in deciding to become a parent

marital status, having a job


meeting the psychosocial and physical needs of children

children with successful attachments

more curious in enviro and are better at problem solving, perservering, coping with change and failure, have loving relationships, have healthy self esteem.

descriptions of cognitive development in preschoolers

more significant thought processes at age 3, better memory, intuitive thinking, jumping to conclusions, sorting tasks, have trouble adopting other points of view (egocentric) relaity defined by sensory info, especially physical apprearence. concetrate on only one aspect of something at a time ( eg color but not shape). don't understand reversal. think inanimate objects are alive. solitary play with private speech. think nickles are worth than dimes because they are bigger

how to start weaning?

need to have them sit upright, hold head steady, transfer food from front of mouth through back of mouth and to swallow. start with easy to digest foods, introduce one food at a time. no cows milk until after one. Don't eat honey until a year.

sleep patterns

newborns: sleep interrupted only long enough to feed 3-4 months: longer periods of wakefullness, sleep more at night than during the day

Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder

no inhibitions with unfamiliar adults. more appropriate behavior with normal caregivers. aberrant social behaviors

securely attatched babies

not overly animated when mom returns. source of comfort when reuniting, base for exploring the room.


occurs during first 20 weeks. occurs in 10-15% of all pregnancies - risk increases with age of mother. 1/2 due to gene issues

developmental trauma disorder

occurs when children are exposed to multiple complex traumas

international adoption

often challenging and it can be difficult to get medical records. Sometimes records of children with special needs are falsified.

timing of parenthood

older women - higer rate misscarriage, often give birth to those with genetic issues such as downs syndrome older men- more mutations, many harmless, often cause neuro disorders - couples should be financially, emotionally, and educationally stable

what can contribute to sleep resistance?

parent can interpret meaningless sleeping whimpers to mean a child is in distress and children end up expecting to fall asleep with parents rocking them all the time.

evolving personal concepts for parenthood

parenting is a means for personal growth and adaptability

gender equal parenting roles

parenting now more shared and is less segregated in terms of the mother being the caregiver. women performing more of the child care can experience greater role strain.

what are millennial expectations of parenting responsibilities?

parenting responsibilities should be shared between both partners, but in reality women still do more child- rearing

what should you make a point to talk about with your school aged child?

peer pressure, sexuality, dangers of drugs and alchohol

examples of non-negotiable rules that are appropriate for preschoolers?

play in the street, not outside ( defines what is an isn't acceptable)

programs for exceptional children

preschool for children with special needs

Specialized curriculum programs

preschools with a particular curriculum and philosophy

compensatory programs

programs like head start that are good for disadvantaged families to help with language and cognitve abilities and provide nutrition resources and have family involvement.

meal times for preschoolers

provide early exposure to healthy foods, provide several exposures to increase familiarity. teach table manners, eat same food as others. eat enough protien. dont eat on the run, dont use food as a reward.

what are important nutrition considerations for toddlers?

provide enough protein, iron, vitamin d.

How to promote good cognitive development in toddlers

provide interactions and experiences. play peek a boo for object permanence. play equipment, sensory experiences, using social interactions. Be encouraging and make those experiences rewarding.

family childcare

provides care by a non relative in a private home

How can you praise sparingly but authentically for preschoolers

put emphasis on effort rather than results. don't use empty praise. pair encouragement with reinforcement. expose children to disapointment.

safe sleeping

put to sleep on back, hard mattresses. no toys, no loose bedding, avoid baby necklaces, bibs, pacifiers, clips. should have one peice clothing, swaddle blankets, and sleep sacks. share caregiver bedroom for the first 6 months to one year.

parenting begets parenting

quality of infant parent interaction will impact how the baby will grow up and nurture their own children. this is especially true of mothers. maltreated toddlers at risk for insecure attatchments.

what are reasons for becoming a parent?

reasons are personal and unique, however, most are psychosocial in nature and reflect a desire to give love and affection, take pleasure in child rearing and have generativity. may also be influenced by religious beliefs and desire to carry on family names. also conformity to peers, altruistic desire to care. desire to be needed by someone. way to relive own childhood. may also provide false hope of saving a marriage

post partum needs for mothers

recovery, sleep, meals, breastfeeding, emotional support, returning to work

belsky's process model

refers to the reciprical influences between parents, their children, and a given context. there are 3 sets of influences.

what subcortical brain responses from infants lay the framework for allowing the infant to interact with the environment?

reflexes such as sucking

transracial adoption

removed the secrecy surrounding adoptions and encouraged multicultural competancy

family patterns ( family systems theory)

roles taught to children, ways family members communicate with each other, and the rules promoted by the family.

what are aspects of self- regulation?

self-control: the ability to delay gratification, waiting for an appropriate time or place, depending on the circumstance

women who have a partner who is undermining in regards to parenting roles,

she will experience a sense of negative adaptation and concern over whether or not this behavior is reflective of waning romantic interest

opportunities for play for toddlers

simple toys are great that encourage visual and tactile exploration. no sharp edges and no small parts. no cords or strings

structural factors in evaluating whether or not to become parents

single mothers have more financial hardship, might have to sacrifice education for child, carries burden of entire household. parents must choose between family care of child and expensive daycare.

how can parents meet needs of newborns

skin to skin contact for attatchment and cuing in to breathing and heart rate. helps their physiology develop. talk to baby. respond to crying. holding. meet phys needs.

Physical development of preschoolers

small appetite, slower rate of growth, running and climbing is mastered, high energy level, fine motor skills emerge, all primary teeth erupt

physical maturation of middle childhood

some children enter puberty around this time. Be careful not to overtrain child in sports

prenatal screenings and diagnostic tests

sonogram - determines sex, fetal age and early test for abnormalities 3-d ultrasounds are more detailed and help with diagnoses

what are some possible benefits of co-sleeping?

soothing baby, makes breastfeeding easier, may prevent sids

Normal conditions in infancy that look like causes for concern

spitting up and vomiting, sneezing and hiccuping, early mustard yellow stool, diaper rashes, craddle cap, heat rash. rashes on breasts for mom. obstructed tear ducts for babies.

second parent adoption and kinship adoption

stepparents adopt child for legal reasons or to demonstrate a greater integration of the family. grandparents adopt grandchildren. adults can be adopted for inheritance or emotional reasons.

how to appropriately enact structure and nurture for preschoolers

structure should be pre-emptively in place, admister calmly and lovingly, and use positive reinforncement nurture should include encouraging expression and supporting child's self concept

mirror neurons

support sensorimotor associative learning, benefit from socialization experiences. Aids in observation of community

Infants- how to meet needs?

talk and reading. be there to comfort them. allow baby to explore. introduce some solids.

how to assist language aquistition in toddlers

talk to babies and infants, allow them to respond. Sing, read, exposure to other language in a way that's consistent. avoid too much baby talk

how do negotiable rules end up being helpful for preschoolers?

teach child how to think and use discussion as a means of conflict resolution

the real benefits of solid food for babies?

teach the baby to overcome their gaga reflex and swallow solid food


the ability of the child to manage certain tasks independently and age appropritately


the ability to order items along a quantitative dimension, such as length or weight


the ability to start managing emotions age appropriately

expressive language

the ability to use sounds, signs, or symbols to communicate meaning

gender identity

the knowledge that humans are inherently male or female

delaying gratification

the marshmallow test and the number of children who fail it show how difficult it is for a young child to delay gratification

what are the 3 sets of influences according to belsky?

the personal and psychological resources of the parents ( MOST IMPORTANT), the characteristics of the child, and contextual sources of stress and support


the process by which a caregiver provides the needed comfort or distraction to help a child reduce his or her distress

nuclear family

the smallest family unit within an extended family structure or system


the stage of development that begins at birth and lasts between 18 and 24 months. this stage is marked with active learning about the environment

how can the simple act of holding a baby promote brain growth?

the stimulation from feeling being held is touch, looking into a child's eyes provides visual stimulation, and soothing talking provides appropriate auditory stimulation.

how do insecure-avoidant attachment babies react when reunited?

they avoid having emotional reaction and ignore parents

couples who are mutually supportive and have a strong relationship before the birth of their child....

they will experience good parenting outcomes

prenatal development

this is a critical period of human development. enviro factors can hugely affect child. this is the shortest phase of the human lifespan, about 280 days and is the most rapid period of growth and development

goodness of fit

this is the match between the child and adult's temperment. Parents should adjust to parent their child's unique temperment.

how to meet toddler needs

toys- blocks, unique materials, peek a boo. scaffolding

How to promote language development for babies

turn taking in conversations, use gestures and expressions. Narrate tasks to help them learn their vocabulary. Reading stories

family of creation

union of individuals with the intent of caring for a family. goal is to provide physical and emotional shelter to members. pool econ resources, place of trust, intimacy and authenticity

la cuarentena

women in latin countries " positive quarentines" for 40 days where women get to rest and get help.

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