Party Realignment

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How often are party realignments supposed to occur

36 years

what social movement drove the realignment of 1896


what are they key difference between red states and blue states

red= republican (rural party); blue= democratic (urban party)

what new major party emerged in 1860?

republican party

What is a party realignment

shift of some group from one party to another. It is durable ----- or When large numbers within particular social groups switch from one major party to the other

what issue drove the realignment of 1860


what is a secular realignment

slow-- southern whites arounf 1968

what social movement caused the party realignment of 1968

civil rights

what event drove the party realignment of 1932

great depression; new deal- pro-labor policy/ maintaining relationship with southern democrats

who became president after 1824 election


who won the most electoral votes in the 1824 presidential election

Andrew jackson

who was William Jennings Bryan

democratic presidential candidate; brought populism to democratic party// scopes monkey trial- argued against teaching evolution

what is a critical realignment

sudden rapid movement of party allegiance

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