Pathology - Chapter 6 Urinary System

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In an average person, nephrons filter ____ L of water out of glomerular blood everyday


How much urine will fill the bladder?


To maintain a healthy metabolism, the pH must be kept in the very limited range of

7.35 to 7.45

refers to a rapid deterioration in kidney function that is sufficient to result in the accumulation of nitrogen-containing wastes in the blood and a characteristic odor of urine-like or "fishy" breath

Acute Renal Failure

What is vesicourethral reflux?

Backflow of urine into the ureters

What acts as a reservoir for the urine before it leaves the body?


most commonly originates in the epithelium and is called urothelia carcinoma. Usually seen in men older than age 50 years and is the 4th most common cancer in men

Bladder Carcinoma

An acquired condition that develops when one kidney is forced to perform the function normally carried out by two kidneys

Compensatory Hypertrophy

A rare anomaly that produces a single irregular mass that has no resemblance to renal stucture

Complete fusion

Refers to a situation in which an ectopic kidney lies on the same side as a normal kidney and is very commonly fused with it

Crossed Ectopia

duplex kidney, Common anomaly that may vary from a simple bifid pelvis to a completely double pelvis ureter and ureterovesical orifice. The ureter draining the upper renal segment enters the bladder below the ureter draining the lower renal segment


What term is used to describe a kidney not in the normal area of the abdomen?


Abnormally positioned kidneys

Ectopic Kidney

Severe form of acute parenchymal and perirenal infection with gas forming bacteria that occurs virtually only in diabetic patients and causes an acute necrosis of the entire kidney

Emphysematous pyelonephritis

What is a substance produced by the kidneys that stimulates the rate of production of red blood cells?


Nonsuppurative inflammatory process involving the tufts of capillaries (glomeruli) that filter the blood within the kidney


A tuft of capillaries with very thin walls and a large surface area.


The blood pressure in the glomerulus is ______ than that in the Bowman's Capsule, which surrounds it


What is the name of the most common fusion anomaly of the kidneys?

Horseshoe Kidney

Most common type of fusion anomaly, both kidneys are malrotated, and their lower poles are joined by a band of normal renal parenchyma (isthmus) or connective tissue

Horseshoe kidney

Distention of the pelvis and the calyces of the kidney


Dilation of the ureter


Underdeveloped kidney; miniature replica of a normal kidney with good function and a normal relationship between the amount of parenchyma and the size of of the collecting system

Hypostatic Kidney

Involuntary emptying of the bladder at intervals:


Refers to specialized cells within renal arterioles that secrete renin, an enzyme that acts with one of the plasma proteins to prouce angiotensin.

Juxtaglomelular apparatus

What is another name for a urinary calculi?

Kidney stones

What is important in the production of red blood cells and in the control of blood pressure?


A Complex structure consisting of a descending limb, a loop, and an ascending limb

Loop of Henle

What is a wilms' tumor?


Name the first portion of the kidney to become visible after injection of a contrast agent.


Cystitis can be caused by

Nosocomial infection, bacteria, sexual relations

A true pelvis is aka and occurs more often than an intrathoracic

Pelvic Kidney

thin, transverse membranes, found almost exclusively in males, that cause bladder outlet obstruction and may lead to severe hydronephrosis, hydroureter, and renal damage.

Posterior Urethra Valves

Suppurative inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis caused by pyogenic (pus-forming) bacteria. Affects the interstitial tissue between the tubules Involves only one kidney, is asymptomatic if both kidneys are involved, patchy in distribution CT modality of choice


Most common renal neoplasm, occuring predominantly in patients older than 40 years and often with painless hematuria. Tumor Usually originates in the tubular epithelium of the renal cortex

Renal Cell carcinoma

most common unifocal masses of the kidney; fluid filled and usualy unilocular, although septa sometimes divides the cysts into chambers, which may or may not communicate with each other ultrasound

Renal Cysts

Formation of a clot in the vein that drains blood from the kidneys, ultimately leading to a reduction in the drainage of one or both kidneys and possible migration of the clot to other parts of the body

Renal Vein Thrombosis

What is unilateral renal agenesis?

Solitary kidney

an extra kidney, it is a rare anomaly. It is usually small and rudimentary and possesses a separate pelvis, ureter, and blood supply

Supernumerary kidney

A rare anomaly that may be associated with a variety of other congenital malformations. This results from a failure of the embryonic renal bud or renal vascular system to form.

Unilateral renal agenesis

What is the name for a cystic dilation of the distal ureter near the bladder?


Can lodge in the ureter and cause partial obstruction, resulting in extreme pain that radiates from the area of the kidney to the groin

Urinary Calculi

Name the two most common causes of urinary tract obstruction

Urinary Calculi, Strictures of normal narrowing (UVJ & UPJ), and Ureterocele

Most common abdominal neoplasm of infancy and childhood. The lesion arises from embryonic renal tissue, it may be bilateral, and it tends to become very large and appear as a palpable mass

Wilm's Tumor

What is the name for the most common abdominal neoplasm of infants and children?

Wilms' tumor

If the blood pH is lower than 7.35, it is:

acidic, kidney excretes an acid urine to remove H+

if the pH of the blood is higher that 7.5, it is:

alkaline, kidneys preserves H+ and secretes an alkaline urine

In a horseshoe kidney, the ureters arise from the kidneys ______ instead of medially, and the lower pole calyces point medially rather than laterally


What permits the bladder to expel urine from the body through the urethra?

bladder contractions and relaxations of the sphincter muscles

Where are the openings for the papillae

collecting tubules

The hematogenous spread of tuberculosis may lead to the deveopment of small granulomas scattered on the _______ portion of the kidneys


inflammation of the urinary bladder, most common in women because the urethra is shorter


The imaging criteria for pyeography are the same as for an abdominal radiograph but must include the area from the __________ to the ___________

diaphragm; inferior bladder

The medical term for painfrul urination of


What do nephrons do?

filter waste product from blood, reabsorbs water, and nutrients, from the tubular fluid, and secrete excess substances in the form of urine

What are peristaltic waves?

force urine down ureters into the bladder

A hypoplastic kidney

functions normally

The formation of blood begins in the


The medical term used to describe dilated calyces and renal pelvis is


Term used to described dilation of the ureter


What is another name for renal cell carcinoma?


Kidney above the diaphragm in the thoracic area

intrathoracic kidney

What organ of the body plays an essential role in maintaining the acid-base balance of the blood and body fluids, and also the electrolyte balance?


The urinary system consists of:

kidneys, ureters, and bladder

After passing through the proximal tubule, the fluid passes through the:

loop of Henle

to Void


Calcium can also deposit within the renal parenchyma


The functional unit of the kidney is the:


A decreased GFR results in ________, a smaller-than-normal amount of urine


destructive process involving a varying amount of medullary papillae and the terminal portion of the renal pyramids

papillary necrosis

Name the disease process in which multiple cysts develop and will eventually reduce the kidney parenchyma

polycystic kidney disease

inherited disorder in which multiple cysts of varying size cause lobulated enlargement of the kidneys and progressive renal impairment, which presumable results from cystic compression on nephrons which is in turn causes intrarenal obstruction

polycystic kidney disease

caused by obstruction of urine outflow from both kidneys, most commonly a result of prostatic disease or functional obstruction of the bladder neck.

postrenal failure

blood flow to kidneys is decreased as a result of low blood volume, cardiac failure, or obstruction of both renal arteries

prerenal failure

The initial urine proceeds into the _____ _____ _____, where a large amount of water and virtually all nutrients are reabsorbed into the blood capullaries surrounding the tubules

proximal convoluted tubule

A bacterial inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis is termed


Stone completely fills the renal pelvis blocking flow of urine

staghorn calculus

Excessive blood levels of urea and creatinine in the blood


A cystic dilation of the distal ureter near its insertion into the bladder. Ureter is situated at or near normal position in the bladder usually with stenosis of the urethral orifice and with varying degrees of dilation of the proximal ureter.


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