Pathophyiology Exam 1

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Match the terms below with the appropriate answer DNA Transcription Ribosomal RNA RNA Transfer RNA

DNA - controls all activity in the cell by coding for every protein in the body Transcription - DNA transfers to RNA in this process Ribosomal RNA - location of protein synthesis RNA - Uracil substituted for Thymine Transfer RNA - brings amino acids to the ribosome for assembly

Aerobic metabolism produces 36 molecules of ATP. Anaerobic metabolism produces 2 molecules of ATP, plus two substances _____ and _____

lactic acid and pyruvic acid

In the respiratory tract of smokers, stratified squamous epithelium (a normal cell type) often replaces ciliated columnar epithelium in response to chronic irritation and inflammation, meaning the protective functions of the cilia are lost. This is an example of a. hyperplasia b. atrophy c. metaplasia d. dysplasia


Which of the following is the term given to the progression and projected outcome of a disease without medical intervention? a. risk factors b. morbidity c. prognosis d. natural history

natural history

A nursing student is scheduled to undergo a clinical exam of his assessment skills under the supervision of the instructor. As a result of this stressor, the student has high serum levels of glucocorticoid hormones such as cortisol. Which of the following statements best captures an aspect of the role of glucocorticoid hormones such as cortisol in the physiological response to stress? a. blood glucose levels are decreased in anticipation of energy expenditure b. attention, arousal, and respiratory rate are decreased in order to prepare for a response c. the immune system is enhanced in response to an impending threat d. osteoblast activity and protein synthesis are suppressed in order to refocus energy

osteoblast activity and protein synthesis are suppressed in order to refocus energy

The gene for right-handedness is dominant over the gene for left-handedness. A young man's father was right-handed. His mother is left-handed and both grandmothers are left-handed. What are the son's chances of being right-handed, and what would his genotype be if he were right-handed based on this Punnett square? a. 25%, Rr b. 25%, rr c. 50% Rr d. 50% rr

50%, Rr

Match the following terms with the appropriate definitions Facilitated diffusion Active transport Osmosis Diffusion

Facilitated diffusion - form of passive transport that moves molecules down a concentration gradient with the help of a carrier protein Active transport - moves molecules against their concentration gradient, requiring ATP Osmosis - movement off water across a semipermeable membrane Diffusion - form of passive transport moving molecules down a concentration gradient across a semipermeable membrane

Match the genetic disorder with its type Marfan syndrome Tay-Sachs disease Fragile X

Marfan syndrome - autosomal dominant Tay-Sachs disease- autosomal recessive Fragile X- X-linked disorder

A nurse is providing care for several patients on a neurologic unit of a hospital. With which of the following patients would the nurse be most justified in predicting a problem with thermoregulation? a. a 45-year-old female with a T8 fracture secondary to a diving accident b. a 22-year-old male with damage to his cerebellum secondary to a motorcycle accident c. a 68-year-old male with end-stage neurosyphilis d. a 66-year-old male with damage to his hypothalamus secondary to a cerebrovascular accident

a 66-year-old male with damage to his hypothalamus secondary to a cerebrovascular accident

Recognizing that falls are a significant source of morbidity among older adults, the manager of a geriatric medical unit is conducting a workshop on fall prevention for the health care team. Which of the following patients would the care providers be MOST LIKELY to anticipate being at high risk for falls? a. an 81-year-old woman with exacerbation of her chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and an increasing shortness of breath b. a 76-year-old woman with diagnosis of Parkinson's disease with multiple medications affecting the CNS and orthostatic hypotension c. an 80-year-old man with benign prostatic hyperplasia and consequent urinary retention d. a 78-year-old woman with arthritis admitted for uncontrollable diabetes mellitus

a 76-year-old woman with diagnosis of Parkinson's disease with multiple medications affecting the CNS and orthostatic hypotension

In contrast to malignancies, benign tumors are characterized by a. infiltration of surrounding tissue b. a fibrous capsule c. metastasis d. poorly differentiated cells

a fibrous capsule

According to Hans Selye, the first stage of the general adaptation syndrome is a. exhaustion b. resistance c. anticipation d. alarm


An 88-year-old resident of a long-term care home has been suffering from a 3-day course of increasing shortness of breath and decreased oxygen saturation. At the hospital, an anterior-posterior chest X-ray and sputum culture and sensitivity has confirmed a diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia, yet the patient's tympanic temperature has not exceeded 99.2F. The health care team would recognize that which of the following phenomena likely underlies this situation? a. the fever is not high enough to indicate an infection in an elderly individual b. an older adult is sometimes incapable of vasodilation c. an older adult is often insensitive to endogenous pyrogens d. an older adult's hypothalamus has diminished thermoregulatory ability

an older adult's hypothalamus has diminished thermoregulatory ability

A nurse is teaching a group of older adults about the value of including certain foods in their diet. The nurse uses the illustration of how foods rich in vitamin C can prevent an apple from turning brown. This is because vitamin C can act as a/an _____, and will _____ a. intracellular accumulation, react nonspecifically with molecules b. oncogene, prevent the occurrence of cell dysplasia c. antioxidant, inhibit the actions of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and help eliminate free radicals d. free radical, prevent the formation of superoxide dismutase

antioxidant, inhibit the actions of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and help eliminate free radicals

In the elderly population, depression is a significant but underestimated health problem. Statistics show that at least 25% of community-dwelling elderly people are believed to have depressive symptoms. Which of the following symptoms are indicative of depression in older adults? Select all that apply a. extreme highs followed by extreme lows b. appetite and weight changes c. fatigue and loss of energy d. sleep disturbances and irritable mood e. difficulty with concentration

appetite and weight changes fatigue and loss of energy sleep disturbances and irritable mood difficulty with concentration

A physiotherapist has established an early mobility regimen for a male, older adult patient who suffered a myocardial infarction 10 days prior. The patient's daughter is adamant that her father would recover more quickly if he were to rest in bed rather than "being pushed into exercising again". The physiotherapist is aware of the benefits of minimizing bed rest and is teaching the daughter the rationale for early mobilization. Which of the following teaching points are accurate? Select all that apply a. as a result of lying flat, the lungs don't expand as much and small areas can collapse b. a bedridden person's heart has a decreased workload, and immobility can cause an increase in blood pressure when your father sits up c. the heart of a person who is always lying down actually has to work harder than when standing up d. the reduced circulation of a bedridden person can cause blood clots to form in the legs e. keeping your father in bed can cause his blood to pool in places where it shouldn't

as a result of lying flat, the lungs don't expand as much and small areas can collapse the heart of a person who is always lying down actually has to work harder than when standing up the reduced circulation of a bedridden person can cause blood clots to form in the legs keeping your father in bed can cause his blood to pool in places where it shouldn't

A nurse who works in neonatal intensive care unit is providing care for an infant who was born at 26 weeks' gestation. Which of the following assessments should be the nurse's highest priority? a. regular measurement of the baby's blood pressure and temperature b. assessment of the child's motor skills and limb range of motion c. assessment of the infant's respiratory status and oxygen saturation levels d. assessment of the child's neurological status

assessment of the infant's respiratory status and oxygen saturation levels

Which of the following statements about cell-to-cell communication is correct? a. endocrine signaling acts on nearby cells b. synaptic signaling occurs only in the heart tissue c. paracrine signaling relies on hormones carried in the bloodstream to cells throughout the body d. autocrine signaling occurs when a cell releases a chemical into the extracellular fluid that affects its own activity

autocrine signaling occurs when a cell releases a chemical into the extracellular fluid that affects its own activity

A child age 26 days is presented to the emergency department of a hospital by her parents following a 2-day fever. Her temperature is 100.9F tympanically. Which of the following sets of diagnostic tests is most clearly indicated? a. abdominal ultrasound b. blood culture and urine for culture and sensitivity and likely spinal tap c. computed tomography (CT) of the head d. electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine levels

blood culture and urine for culture and sensitivity and likely spinal tap

Mary is homozygous for blue eyes, a recessive trait. John is homozygous for brown eyes, a dominant trait. Assuming strict Mendelian single-gene inheritance, what color eyes will their four children have? a. brown b. blue c. some will have blue and some will have brown d. impossible to tell


The family of a 68-year-old man who is in the end stages of small cell lung cancer is distraught at his visible body wasting that has worsened in recent weeks. Which of the following phenomena best accounts for the patient's anorexia and cachexia? a. inadequate cellular metabolism of glucose results from tumor factors b. characteristics of the tumor itself as well as a hypermetabolic state cause cachexia c. inadequate food intake due to symptoms and treatment is the only cause of both muscle and fat wasting d. high fat losses coupled with preservation of muscle mass exaggerate the appearance of wasting

characteristics of the tumor itself as well as a hypermetabolic state cause cachexia

The nucleus _____ that is essential for function and survival of the cell a. transforms cellular energy b. contains the genetic code c. is the site of protein synthesis d. initiates aerobic metabolism

contains the genetic code

The process responsible for generating and conducting membrane potential is a. hormones using a second messenger like cAMP b. osmosis c. neurotransmitter release d. diffusion of current-carrying ions through ion channels

diffusion of current-carrying ions through ion channels

Ischemia with resultant hypoxic cellular injury causes cell damage by a. increasing protein synthesis b. interrupting anaerobic metabolism c. replicating and producing continued injury d. disrupting the sodium/potassium ATPase pump

disrupting the sodium/potassium ATPase pump

Selye suggested that stress could have positive influences on the body, and these periods of positive stress are called a. eustress b. distress c. general adaptation syndrome d. PTSD


Although both grading and staging are methods for classifying cancer and selecting a treatment plan, staging is used to determine the a. number of mitoses b. tissue characteristics c. extent of disease spread (TNM) d. level of differentiation

extent of disease spread (TNM)

A 54-year-old man presents on a hot summer day to the emergency room with a temperature of 101.8F. He asks for a blanket and has shaking chills. The nurse knows that this patient's temperature elevation is likely a. hyperthermia, because it is hot outside b. fever, as the body's set point has been raised c. hyperthermia, as the body's set point has stayed the same d. hypothermia, because of the patient's symptoms

fever, as the body's set point has been raised

A particular disease has a debilitating effect on the ability of sufferers to perform activities of daily living and significantly decreases quality of life. However, few people die as a result of the disease's direct effects. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are living with the disease, but relatively few new cases have been diagnosed in recent years. Which of the following statements best conveys an accurate epidemiological characterization of the disease? a. high mortality, low morbidity, high incidence, low prevalence b. high morbidity, low mortality, high prevalence, low incidence c. high mortality, low morbidity, low incidence, high prevalence d. low mortality, high morbidity, low prevalence, high incidence

high morbidity, low mortality, high prevalence, low incidence

A test is known to give consistent, repeatable results. These results accurately reflect the disease being measured. The test accurately detects positive cases 99.7% of the time, but there are also a high percentage of false positives. Which statement best describes this test? a. low reliability, high validity, high sensitivity, low specificity b. high reliability, high validity, high sensitivity, low specificity c. high reliability, low validity, high sensitivity, low specificity d. high reliability, high validity, high specificity, low sensitivity

high reliability, high validity, high sensitivity, low specificity

Identifying the genetic sex of a child is based on finding intracellular Barr bodies that consist of a. inactive chromatin material b. excess autosomal material c. male-specific chromosomes d. homologous chromosomes

inactive chromatin material

Paraneoplastic syndromes are manifestations of cancer that often result from a. compression of area vessels b. tumor-related tissue necrosis c. radiation and chemotherapy d. inappropriate hormone release from the tumor cells

inappropriate hormone release from the tumor cells

A patient who has been awaiting the results of a bone marrow biopsy for several days is experiencing stress as a result of uncertainty and the possibility that abnormal cell growth may be detected. A physical examination and blood work would most likely yield which of the following results? a. increased GI motility, decreased thyroid-stimulating hormone b. increase blood pressure and heart rate, increased epinephrine and norepinephrine c. increased respiratory rate, increased levels of testosterone d. pupil constriction, increased somatomedin C

increase blood pressure and heart rate, increased epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which manifestation of stress reflects the nonspecific "fight-or-flight" response? a. decreased pupillary light response b. decreased short-term memory c. increased cardiopulmonary rates d. increased GI motility

increased cardiopulmonary rates

A physician is providing care for a patient who developed deep vein thrombosis and a pulmonary embolism following a period of bed rest. Which of the following factors would the physician likely rule out as something that helped cause this sequence of events? a. impaired venous return leading to stasis b. decreased intravascular volume c. compression of blood vessels from the mattress d. increased heart rate

increased heart rate

Which of the following statements about potential teratogens in incorrect? a. the effects of alcohol on a fetus go beyond the first trimester and fetal alcohol syndrome can occur as a result of alcohol anytime during the pregnancy b. radiation can be dangerous to a fetus because it targets rapidly dividing cells c. folic acid deficiencies are associated with a high rate of neural tube defects d. infections rarely cause problems in the developing fetus

infections rarely cause problems in the developing fetus

You are working in the emergency department, and a 35-year-old female motor vehicle accident has experienced blood loss and hypovolemia. Her kidneys were not perfused well following the accident. All of the following would be true EXCEPT a. the patient would have significant vasoconstriction b. sodium and water retention would occur at the level of the kidney c. potassium retention would occur d. renin would be released from the juxtaglomerular cells

potassium retention would occur

Cancer is often the result of the mutation of normal _____ to abnormal _____ and inactivation/mutation of _____ a. oncogenes, proto-oncogenes, tumor-suppressor genes b. proto-oncogenes, oncogenes, tumor-suppressor genes c. proto-suppressor genes, suppressors, oncogenes d. oncogenes, tumor-suppressor genes, proto-oncogenes

proto-oncogenes, oncogenes, tumor-suppressor genes

Which target of both chemotherapy and radiation treatment accounts for adverse as well as therapeutic effects? a. circulating hormone levels b. rapidly proliferating cells c. cell-surface receptors d. blood vessels

rapidly proliferating cells

The patient recently returned from a year of military battle duty and has PTSD. This disorder includes an "intrusion" state that is manifested as a. limited anxiety and safety concerns b. repeated relived memories (flashbacks) and nightmares c. emotional numbing and enhanced coping d. loss of concentration and decreased vigilance

repeated relived memories (flashbacks) and nightmares

A nurse is performing a 5-minute Apgar score on a newborn female, helping to predict if the infant is having difficulty with the transition from intrauterine to extrauterine life. Which of the following are components of the Apgar? Select all that apply a. blood pressure b. pupillary response c. respiratory effort d. color e. heart rate f. muscle tone g. reflex irritability

respiratory effort color heart rate muscle tone reflex irritability

The nurse knows that the aging process causes changes in many body systems. Which of the following accurately describes these changes? Select all that apply a. signs and symptoms of dementia are part of normal aging b. skin becomes thinner and more fragile c. a decrease in bone mass places elderly clients at risk for fractures d. aorta and arteries become stiff, often contributing to hypertension e. there is an increase in vital capacity and an increase in surface area for gas exchange

skin becomes thinner and more fragile a decrease in bone mass places elderly clients at risk for fractures aorta and arteries become stiff, often contributing to hypertension

The educator of a geriatric subacute medical unit in a hospital is orienting new staff and teaching them strategies for communicating with older adults with impaired hearing. Which of the following teaching points is most justifiable? a. increase the volume of your speech as much as possible b. speak slowly and directly to these patients, recognizing that older adults often have difficulty hearing high-pitched tones c. avoid complex or abstract ideas when you're talking. All adults have some level of dementia d. be sure to put all your complex ideas into a brief period of communication to avoid tiring

speak slowly and directly to these patients, recognizing that older adults often have difficulty hearing high-pitched tones

A multidisciplinary health care team operates a program aimed at preventing, identifying, and treating diabetes on a large Native American reservation. Which of the following aspects of the program is classified as secondary prevention? a. administering oral antihyperglycemic medications to patients who have a diagnosis of diabetes b. regularly scheduled wound dressing changes for patients who have foot ulcers secondary to peripheral neuropathy and impaired wound healing c. staffing a booth at a baseball tournament where community residents can have their blood glucose levels checked d. teaching school children how a nutritious, traditional diet can lessen their chances of developing type 2 diabetes

staffing a booth at a baseball tournament where community residents can have their blood glucose levels checked

What topics should health promotion initiatives emphasize if the target audience is adolescents? Select all that apply a. common childhood illnesses b. suicide prevention initiatives c. accident prevention and safe driving practices d. sexually transmitted infections e. substance abuse information f. the importance of good nutrition due to rapid growth spurts

suicide prevention initiatives accident prevention and safe driving practices sexually transmitted infections substance abuse information the importance of good nutrition due to rapid growth spurts

A 20-year-old female has been brought to the emergency department from a rave party where she collapsed on the dance floor. Her accompanying friends acknowledge that the woman took ecstasy early in the evening. Her heart rate is regular at 79 beats per minute and her temperature is 103.6F orally. The emergency team would recognize that which of the following phenomena related to the drug is a likely contributor to the woman's status? a. impaired temperature regulation by the hypothalamus b. increased peripheral vasoconstriction c. the direct pyrogenic effect of ecstasy causing a drug fever d. the woman has developed a major infection

the direct pyrogenic effect of ecstasy causing a drug fever

A 68-year-old male patient with aortic stenosis secondary to calcification of the aortic valve is receiving care. He has a history of ischemic heart disease. Which of the following statements best captures an aspect of this patient's condition? a. the patient has possibly exhibited phosphate retention leading to calcium deposits b. increased calcium intake over time may have contributed to the problem c. Paget disease, cancer with metastases, or excess vitamin D would cause dystrophic calcification d. the patient has possibly had valvular damage as a result of dystrophic calcification after cell injury and death

the patient has possibly had valvular damage as a result of dystrophic calcification after cell injury and death

The process of taking the instructions on mRNA to the ribosomes and assembling new proteins a. transcription b. transfer RNA c. translation d. a codon


A health care professional works in a context where there are large numbers of patients who live with genetic disorders. Which of the following circumstances would be most likely to involve an individual who has a genetic disorder? a. the primordial germ cells of both the individual's parents have undergone necrosis b. the individual's karyotype indicates separate X and Y chromosomes at chromosome 23 c. the individual possesses 22 pairs of autosomes d. two chromosomes of the same number have been inherited from one parent

two chromosomes of the same number have been inherited from one parent

In addition to having a 50% chance of inheriting an autosomal dominant disorder from a heterozygous parent, the following factor(s) can affect the phenotype a. affected X transmission to daughters b. deficiencies in enzyme synthesis c. aneuploidy of genes in all cells d. varied gene penetrance and expressivity

varied gene penetrance and expressivity

A midwife who is providing care for a woman during her first pregnancy is assessing for intrauterine growth retardation during an early prenatal checkup. Which questions below would help assess for IUGR? Select all that apply a. have any of your relatives struggled with post-partum depression? b. what does your diet look like? c. have you used any street drugs like cocaine during your pregnancy? d. has anyone in your family had a baby that weighed greater than 9 lbs? e. are you a smoker?

what does your diet look like? have you used any street drugs like cocaine during your pregnancy? are you a smoker?

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