Patient Care RadReview Easy
1 and 2 only
A radiographer should recognize that gerontologic patients often have undergone physical changes that include loss of 1. Muscle mass 2. Bone calcium 3. Mental alertness
Steam sterilization
An autoclave is used for
Millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)
Blood pressure is measured in units of
The portion of a hypodermic needle that attaches to the syringe is termed its
1 and 2 only
Which of the following is (are) symptom(s) of shock? 1. Pallor and weakness 2. Increased pulse 3. Fever
Aneurysm clips
A MRI procedure is contraindicated for a patient who has
Stimulate defecation
A cathartic is used to
1 and 2 only
A diabetic patient who has prepared for a fasting radiographic examination is susceptible to a hypoglycemic reaction. This is characterized by 1. shaking and nervousness. 2. cold, clammy skin. 3. cyanosis.
1 and 3 only
A diabetic patient who has taken insulin while preparing for a fasting radiologic examination is susceptible to a hypoglycemic reaction. This is characterized by 1. Fatigue 2. Cyanosis 3. Restlessness
Increase urine output
A diuretic is used to
Generic name
A drug's chemical name is called its
1, 2 and 3
A minor reaction to the IV administration of a contrast agent can include 1. A few hives 2. Nausea 3. A flushed face
Infection acquired in a hospital
A nosocomial infection is a(n)
A patient developed hives several minutes after injection of an iodinated contrast agent. What type of drug should be readily available?
Dorsal recumbent with feet elevated
A patient experiencing an episode of syncope should be placed in which of the following positions?
Orthostatic hypotension
A patient who has been recumbent for some time and gets up quickly may suffer from light-headedness or feel faint. This is referred to as
Profuse sweating
A patient who is diaphoretic is experiencing
A patient whose systolic blood pressure is consistently greater than 140 mm Hg usually is considered
3 only
A patient with an upper respiratory tract infection is transported to the radiology department for a chest examination. Who should be masked? 1. Technologist 2. Transporter 3. Patient
An infusion
A quantity of medication introduced intravenously over a period of time is termed
Report this directly to the ARRT
A radiographer has recently joined your staff. You are aware that this individual has had her ARRT certification revoked. Realizing that your state requires certification, you speak to a supervisor about the matter. Your supervisor replies that he knows but made an exception "because we are so short staffed." You should
Invasion of privacy
A radiographer who discloses confidential information to unauthorized individuals may be found guilty of
Invasion of privacy
A radiographer who discloses confidential patient information to unauthorized individuals can be found guilty of
A radiographer who tells the patient that he or she will have to repeat this uncomfortable examination if the patient does not try harder to cooperate can be accused of
1, 2 and 3
A radiologic technologist can be found guilty of a tort in which of the following situations? 1. Failure to shield a patient of childbearing age from unnecessary radiation 2. Performing an examination on a patient who has refused the examination 3. Performing an examination on the wrong patient
A signed consent form is necessary prior to performing all the following procedures except
A vial
A small container holding several doses of medication is termed
Ewing sarcoma
A type of cancerous bone tumor occurring in children and young adults and arising from bone marrow is
A vasodilator would most likely be used for
Accidental injection of medication or contrast medium into tissues around a vein is termed
Patients under MRSA precautions require a negative-pressure room
According to the CDC, all the following precaution guidelines are true except
Administration of contrast agents for radiographic demonstration of the spinal canal is performed by which of the following parenteral routes?
1 and 2 only
Adverse reactions to high osmolality water-soluble contrast media that are classified as mild, include 1. Nausea 2. Pallor 3. Dyspnea
1, 2 and 3
All drug packages must provide certain information required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Some of the information that must be provided includes 1. the generic name. 2. contraindications. 3. the usual dose.
All the following are central venous lines except
Review any institutional records
All the following are part of the Patient's Bill of Rights except the right to...
The right to order an x-ray procedure
All the following are part of the patient's bill of rights except
Keep a narrow base of support
All the following are rules of good body mechanics except
Keep hands and forearms higher than elbows
All the following rules regarding proper hand washing technique are correct except
None of the above; they are all true (Oxygen is classified as a drug and must be prescribe by a physician, the rate of delivery and mode of delivery must be part of a physician order for oxygen & oxygen may be ordered as continuously or as needed (PRN))
All the following statements regarding oxygen delivery are true except
Breaking the ARRT Rules of Ethics
An RT (ARRT) is the supervising manager of a short-staffed imaging facility in a State having legislation that requires professional certification. A job applicant arrives whose ARRT certification has lapsed. The manager hires him to fill a 20-hour position doing chest and extremity radiography. The supervisor is guilty of...
An acute reaction caused by ingestion or injection of a sensitizing agent describes
An animal host of an infectious organism that transmits the infection via a bite or sting is a
Physician intervention
An iatrogenic infection is one caused by
An illness of unknown or obscure cause is said to be
An intrathecal injection is associated with which of he following examinations?
1, 2 and 3
Anaphylactic shock manifests early symptoms that include 1. Dysphagia 2. Itching of palms and soles 3. Constriction of the throat
Allergic shock
Anaphylaxis is the term used to describe
As health care professionals aspire to design their actions to always benefit their patients, to only bring about good for their patients, they are aspiring to what moral principle?
Right main stem bronchus
Aspirated foreign bodies in older children and adults are most likely to lodge in the
1 and 2 only
Before bringing each patient into the radiographer room, the radiographer should 1. Clean the x-ray table and change the pillowcase 2. Assemble the accessories needed for the exam 3. Warm the x-ray tube anode
1 and 3 only
Blood pressure may be expressed as 120/95. What does 95 represent? 1. The phase of relaxation of the cardiac muscle tissue 2. The phase of contraction of the cardiac muscle tissue 3. A higher-than-average diastolic pressure
1, 2 and 3
Body substances and fluids that are considered infectious or potentially infectious include 1. Feces 2. Breast milk 3. Wound drainage
1, 2 and 3
Body substances and fluids that are considered infectious or potentially infectious include 1. Sputum 2. Synovial fluid 3. Cerebrospinal fluid
1 and 2 only
Bone densitometry is often performed to 1. Measure degree of bone (de) mineralization 2. Evaluate the results of osteoporosis treatment/therapy 3. Evaluate the condition of soft tissue adjacent to bone
2 and 3 only
Chemical substances that are used to kill pathogenic bacteria, especially on hard surfaces, are called 1. Antiseptics 2. Germicides 3. Disinfectants
1 only
Chest drainage systems should always be kept 1. Below the level of the patient's chest 2. Above the patient's chest 3. At the level of the patient's diaphragm
Do not recap needle, dispose of entire syringe
Contaminated needles are disposed of in special containers in which of the following ways?
1 and 2 only
Diseases that require contact precautions include 1. MRSA 2. Clostridium difficile (C. diff) 3. TB
1, 2 and 3
Diseases that require droplet precautions include 1. Rubella 2. Mumps 3. Influenza
1, 2 and 3
Diseases whose mode of transmission is through the air include 1. TB 2. Mumps 3. Rubella
1 only
Drugs that may be used to prolong blood clotting time include 1. Heparin 2. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 3. Lidocaine
Protected from injury
During a grand mal seizure, the patient should be
2 and 3 only
During atrial systole, blood flows into the 1. Right ventricle via the mitral valve 2. Left ventricle via the bicuspid valve 3. Right ventricle via the tricuspid valve
The brachial artery is temporarily collapsed
During measurement of blood pressure, which of the following occurs as the radiographer controls arterial tension with the sphygmomanometer?
A tick
Each of the following is an example of a fomite except
Each lung is enclosed in peritoneum
Each of the following statements regarding respiratory structures is true except
1 and 2 only
Examples of means by which infectious microorganisms can be transmitted via direct contact include 1. A fomite 2. A vector 3. Nasal or oral secretions
2 and 3 only
Examples of nasogastric (NG) tubes include 1. Swan-Ganz 2. Salem-sump 3. Levin
Contrast medium is injected into surrounding tissue
Extravasation occurs when
2 and 3 only
Facsimile transmission of health information is 1. Not permitted 2. Permitted for urgently needed patient care 3. Permitted for third-party payer hospitalization certification
2 and 3 only
Federal regulations regarding infection control in the workplace, as amended by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), make which of the following requirements? 1. Hepatitis B immunizations must be made available to all hospital employees. 2. Puncture-proof containers must be provided for all used needles. 3. Follow-up care must be provided to any staff accidentally exposed to blood splash/needle stick.
1 and 2 only
Fluids and medications are administered to patients intravenously for which of the following reasons? 1. To promote rapid response 2. To administer parental nutrition 3. To achieve a local effect
The patient's birth date
For medicolegal reasons, radiographic images are required to include all the following information except
1, 2 and 3
For which of the following can a radiographer be found liable for a negligent tort? 1. Radiographer images the wrong forearm. 2. Patient is injured while being positioned on the x-ray table. 3. Radiographer fails to question patient about possible pregnancy before performing x-ray examination.
1 and 2 only
Forms of intentional misconduct include 1. Slander 2. Invasion of privacy 3. Negligence
Thyroid overactivity
Graves disease is associated with
1 and 3 only
Guidelines for cleaning contaminated objects or surfaces include which of the following? 1. Clean from the least contaminated to the most contaminated areas. 2. Clean in a circular motion, starting from the center and working outward. 3. Clean from the top down.
Tissue drainage of wounds or postoperative drainage
Hemovac or Penrose drains are used for
Hirschsprung disease, or congenital megacolon, is related to which of the following age groups?
2 and 3 only
Honor code violations that can prevent a radiography student from meeting ARRT certification requirements include 1. Failing one or more courses in the radiography program 2. Being suspended from the radiography program 3. Being dismissed/expelled from a radiography program
Hospitals and other health care providers must ensure patient confidentiality in compliance with which of the following legislation?
Hypochlorite bleach (Clorox) and Lysol are examples of
If a radiographer performed a lumbar spine examination on a patient who was supposed to have an elbow examination, which of the following charges may be brought against the radiographer?
1 and 2 only
If an emergency trauma patient experiences hemorrhaging from a leg injury, the radiographer should 1. Apply pressure to the bleeding site 2. Call the ED for assistance 3. Apply a pressure bandage and complete the examination
1 only
If extravasation occurs during an IV injection of contrast media, correct treatment includes which of the following? 1. Apply pressure to the vein until bleeding stops. 2. Remove the needle and locate a sturdier vein immediately. 3. Lower arm below heart level.
1, 2 and 3
Improper support of a patient's fractured lower leg (tibia/fibula) while performing radiography could result in 1. Movement of fracture fragments 2. Tearing of soft tissue, nerves and blood vessels 3. Initiation of muscle spasm
In classifying IV contrast agents, the total number of dissolved particles in solution per kilogram of water defines
In her studies on death and dying, Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross described the first stage of the grieving process as
8 - 25 mg/100 mL
In reviewing a patient's blood chemistry, which of the following blood urea nitrogen (BUN) ranges is considered normal?
2 only
In the blood pressure reading 145/75 mmHg, what does 145 represent? 1. The phase of relaxation of the cardiac muscle tissue 2. The phase of contraction of the cardiac muscle tissue 3. A higher-than-average diastolic pressure
2, 3, 1
In what order should the following examinations be performed on the same patient? 1. UGI 2. IVU 3. BE
2 and 3 only
In which of the following situations should a radiographer wear protective eye gear (goggles)? 1. When performing an UGI radiographic exam 2. When assisting the radiologist during an angiogram 3. When assisting the radiologist in a biopsy/aspiration procedure
Incubation period
In which stage of infection do the infective microbes begin to multiply?
1, 2 and 3
Indirect modes of disease transmission include 1. Airborne 2. Fomite 3. Vector
1, 2 and 3
Instruments required to assess vital signs include 1. A stethoscope 2. A sphygmomanometer 3. A watch with a second hand
Ipecac is a medication used to induce vomiting and is classified as a(n)
Explain the clinical history to the technologist and stress that he is uncomfortable sending a suboptimal study.
Joseph Luckett Jr, is a competent second-year student. He has been imaging patients under indirect supervision for most of the day. All CR images are viewed at the workstation on the computer monitor, before being sent to the radiologist. After taking posteroanterior (PA) and lateral chest projections on a patient with a positive purified protein derivative (PPD) test, Joseph notices that he has "clipped" the apices on the PA projection. As per the policy of the department and program, he must consult with a technologist before repeating any images. The technologist takes a quick glance at his image and says, "It looks fine. Send it." "But what about the apices?" Joseph asks. He knows that imaging the apices is extremely important in suspected cases of TB. The technologist does not take a second look. "That's okay. It's just a routine. Send it." What is the most appropriate immediate action for Joseph to take?
Spinal injury
Logrolling is a method of moving patients having suspected
A vector
Lyme disease is caused by bacteria carried by deer ticks. The tick bite may cause fever, fatigue, and other associated symptoms. This is an example of transmission of an infection by
1 and 2 only
Maslow's hierarchy of basic human needs includes which of the following? 1. Self-esteem 2. Love and belongingness 3. Death with dignity
Disease phase
Of the four stages of infection, which is the stage during which the infection is most communicable?
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Patients are instructed to remove all jewelry, hair clips, metal prostheses, coins and credit cards before entering the room for an examination in
1 and 2 only
Patients' rights include which of the following? 1. The right to refuse treatment 2. The right to confidentiality 3. The right to possess his or her radiographs
1 only
Physical changes characteristic of gerontologic patients usually include 1. Loss of bone calcium 2. Loss of hearing 3. Loss of mental alertness
3 only
Possible side effects of an iodinated contrast medium that is administered intravenously include all the following except 1. A warm, flushed feeling 2. Altered taste 3. Rash and hives
In contact with the floor or other horizontal surface
Proper body mechanics includes a wide base of support. The base of support is the portion of the body
1, 2 and 3
Radiographers should wear gloves when they might come in contact with 1. Wounds 2. Mucous membrane 3. Body fluids containing blood
Health-care institution
Radiographs are the property of the
Rapid onset of severe respiratory or cardiovascular symptoms after ingestion or injection of a drug, vaccine, contrast agent, or food or after an insect bite best describes
1 and 2 only
Skin discoloration owing to cyanosis may be observed in the 1. Gums 2. Earlobes 3. Corneas
Patient's father
Some patients, such as infants and children, are unable to maintain the necessary radiographic position without assistance. If mechanical restraining devices cannot be used, which of the following should be requested or permitted to hold the patient?
1, 2 and 3
Some proteins in latex can produce mild to severe allergic reactions. Medical equipment that could contain latex includes 1. Tourniquets 2. Enema tips 3. Catheters
Sterile technique is required when contrast agents are administered
1.5 inches superior to the xiphoid tip
Sternal compressions during CPR are made with the heels of the hands located about
1, 2 and 3
Symptoms associated with a mild to moderate allergic reaction to contrast media include 1. Sneezing 2. Hoarseness 3. Wheezing
1, 2 and 3
Symptoms of impending diabetic coma include 1. Increased urination 2. Sweet-smelling breath 3. Extreme thirst
1, 2 and 3
Symptoms of inadequate oxygen supply include 1. dyspnea. 2. cyanosis. 3. retraction of intercostal spaces.
Medical asepsis
Techniques that function to reduce the spread of microbes are termed
2 and 3 only
The ARRT rules of ethics are 1. Aspirational 2. Mandatory 3. Minimally acceptable standards
Standard precautions
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that health care workers protect themselves and their patients from blood and body fluid contamination by using
The Heimlich maneuver is used if a patient is
The complete killing of all microorganisms is termed
An atrial septal defect
The condition that results from a persistent fetal foramen ovale is
The contraction and expansion of arterial walls in accordance with forceful contraction and relaxation of the heart are called
1, 2 and 3
The cycle of infection includes which of the following components? 1. Reservoir of infection 2. Susceptible host 3. Means of transmission
1, 2 and 3
The decision as to whether to deliver ionic or nonionic contrast medium should include a preliminary patient history including, but not limited to 1. Patient age 2. History of respiratory disease 3. History of cardiac disease
The smaller its diameter
The higher the gauge number of an intravenous (IV) needle
1, 2 and 3
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may be transmitted 1. By sharing contaminated needles 2. From mother to child during birth 3. By intimate contact with body fluids
The infection streptococcal pharyngitis ("strep throat") is caused by a
The inhalation of liquid or solid particles into the nose, throat or lungs is referred to as
The thing speaks for itself
The legal doctrine res ipsa locquitur means which of the following?
Let the master answer
The legal doctrine respondeat superior means which of the following?
1, 2 and 3
The legal document or individual authorized to make an individual's health care decisions, should the individual be unable to make them for himself or herself, is the 1. advance health care directive 2. living will 3. health care proxy
Retrograde studies do not demonstrate function
The major difference between excretory and retrograde urography is that
The mechanical device used to correct an ineffectual cardiac rhythm is a
The medical abbreviation meaning "every hour" is
The medical abbreviation meaning "three times a day"
The medical term for hives is
The medical term for nosebleed is
The medical term used to describe the vomiting of blood is
The moral principle that describes the radiographer's aspiration to do no harm or to allow no act that might cause harm to the patient is termed
Nasal cannula
The most commonly used method of low-flow oxygen delivery is the
Urinary tract
The most frequent site of hospital-acquired infection is the
12 - 20 breaths/min
The normal average rate of respiration for a health adult patient is
The practice that is used to retard the growth of pathogenic bacteria is termed
1 only
The radiographer must perform which of the following procedures prior to entering a contact isolation room with a mobile x-ray unit? 1. Put on gown and gloves only 2. Put on gown, gloves, mask and cap 3. Clean the mobile x-ray unit
The radiographic accessory used to measure the thickness of body parts in order to determine optimum selection of exposure factors is the
1 and 2 only
The risk of inoculation with HIV is considered high for which of the following entry sites? 1. Broken skin 2. Perinatal exposure 3. Accidental needle stick
1 and 2 only
The risk of inoculation with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is considered high for the following 1. Broken skin 2. Shared needles 3. Conjunctiva
Abnormal development of tissue
The term dysplasia refers to
The term used to describe expectoration of blood from the bronchi is
Respiratory isolation
The type of isolation practiced to prevent the spread of infectious agents in aerosol form is
The type of shock often associated with pulmonary embolism or myocardial infarction is classified as
To "excuse" suboptimal images, a radiographer makes a note on the exam requisition claiming that the patient "was uncooperative." That radiographer can legally be found guilty of
Push the object
To reduce the back strain that can result from moving heavy objects, the radiographer should
Respiratory pathway obstruction above the larynx
Tracheotomy is an effective technique most commonly used to restore breathing when there is
Unlawful touching of a person without his or her consent is termed
Verbal disclosure of confidential information that is detrimental to the patient is referred to as
Immediately stop the procedure and inform the radiologist and the referring physician of the patient's request
What is the appropriate action if a patient has signed consent for a procedure but, once on the radiographic table, refuses the procedure?
Apply pressure to the vein until bleeding stops
What is the first treatment for extravasation of contrast media during an IV injection?
What is the needle angle usually recommended for intramuscular drug injection?
1 only
What should you do if you discover while taking patient history that the patient scheduled for an intravenous urogram (IVU) takes metformin hydrochloride daily but has no evidence of AKI and with eGFR ≥30 mL/l.732? 1. Proceed with the examination if kidney function is normal. 2. Instruct the patient to withhold the metformin for 48 hours after the examination. 3. Reschedule the examination until the patient has been off metformin for 48 hours.
Airborne precautions
What type of precautions prevent the spread of infectious agents in droplet form?
What type of shock results from loss of blood?
Heparin lock
What venous device can be used for a patient requiring IV injections at frequent or regular intervals?
Remove clothing from the uninjured arm first
When a patient with an arm injury needs help in undressing, the radiographer should
18 - 20 inches above the level of the vein
When caring for a patient with an IV line, the radiographer should keep the medication
1 and 2 only
When caring for the elderly, it is important to remember that, as one ages, there is often a decrease in 1. Reaction time 2. Strength 3. Long-term memory
Objective signs
When interviewing a patient, what is it that the health care professional can observe?
By a route other than orally
When medications are administered parenterally, they are given
2 and 3 only
When radiographing the elderly, it is helpful to 1. Move quickly 2. Address them by their full name 3. Give straightforward instructions
1 and 3 only
When radiographing young children, it is helpful to 1. Let them bring a toy 2. Tell them it will not hurt 3. Be cheerful and unhurried
0.06 - 1.5 mg/100 mL
When reviewing patient blood chemistry levels, what is considered the normal creatinine range?
Between the draped patient and the instrument table
Where is the "sterile corridor" located?
Superficial arteries
Which blood vessels are best suited for determination of pulse rate?
Which ethical principle is related to sincerity and truthfulness?
1 and 2 only
Which of the following blood chemistry levels must the radiographer check prior to excretory urography? 1. Creatinine 2. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 3. Red blood cells (RBCs)
Systolic pressure lower than 60 mm Hg
Which of the following blood pressure measurements might indicate shock?
1 and 2 only
Which of the following can be transmitted via infected blood? 1. HBV 2. AIDS 3. TB
Which of the following conditions describes a patient who is unable to breathe easily while in the recumbent position?
100 mm Hg
Which of the following diastolic pressure readings might indicate hypertension?
Combats bacterial growth
Which of the following effects does an antibiotic have on the body?
1, 2 and 3
Which of the following factors can contribute to hypertension? 1. Obesity 2. Smoking 3. Stress
1 and 2 only
Which of the following interventional procedures can be used to increase the diameter of a stenosed vessel? 1. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) 2. Stent placement 3. Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line)
1 and 2 only
Which of the following involve(s) intentional misconduct? 1. Invasion of privacy 2. False imprisonment 3. Patient sustaining injury from a fall while left unattended
1 and 2 only
Which of the following is (are) characteristic(s) of anemia? 1. Decreased number of circulating red blood cells 2. Decreased hemoglobin 3. Hematuria
Pulmonary embolism
Which of the following is a condition in which an occluded blood vessel stops blood flow to a portion of the lungs?
Which of the following is a vasopressor and may be used for an anaphylactic reaction or a cardiac arrest?
Persons in sterile dress should pass each other face to face
Which of the following is a violation of correct sterile technique?
"I have several other patients, so please change quickly."
Which of the following is an inappropriate manner of speaking to a patient?
Heparin lock
Which of the following is another name for an intermittent injection port?
Contributory negligence
Which of the following legal phrases defines a circumstance in which both the health care provider's and the patient's actions contributed to an injurious outcome?
2 and 3 only
Which of the following medical equipment is used to determine blood pressure? 1. Pulse oximeter 2. Stethoscope 3. Sphygmomanometer
1 and 2 only
Which of the following medication routes refers to the term parental? 1. Subcutaneous 2. Intramuscular 3. Oral
Which of the following medications commonly found on emergency carts functions to raise blood pressure?
1, 2 and 3
Which of the following must be included in a patient's medical record or chart? 1. Diagnostic and therapeutic orders 2. Medical history 3. Informed consent
Which of the following pathologic conditions would require a decrease in exposure factors?
2 only
Which of the following patient rights is violated by discussing privileged patient information with an individual who is not involved with the patient's care? 1. The right to considerate and respectful care 2. The right to privacy 3. The right to continuity of care
1 and 2 only
Which of the following sites are commonly used for an intravenous injection? 1. Antecubital vein 2. Basilic vein 3. Popliteal vein
1 and 2 only
Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding a two-member team performing mobile radiography on a patient with MRSA precautions? 1. One radiographer remains "clean"—that is, he or she has no physical contact with the patient. 2. The radiographer who positions the mobile unit also makes the exposure. 3. The radiographer who positions the cassette also retrieves the cassette and removes it from its plastic protective cover.
1, 2 and 3
Which of the following statements is (are) true regarding the proper care of a patient with a tracheostomy? 1. Employ sterile technique if you must touch a tracheostomy for any reason. 2. Before you suction a tracheostomy, the patient should be well aerated. 3. Never suction for longer than 15 seconds, permitting the patient to rest in between.
The patient's stronger side should be closer to the x-ray table
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to assisting a patient from a wheelchair to an x-ray table?
1 and 2 only
Which of the following statements regarding the human gonadal cells is (are) true? 1. The female oogonia reproduce only during fetal life 2. The male spermatogonia reproduce continuously 3. Both male and female stem cells reproduce only during fetal life
Which of the following terms refers to the period between conception and birth?
A post-pubertal adolescent
Which of the following women is likely to have the most homogeneous glandular breast tissue?
1 only
Which of the following would be useful for an examination of a patient suffering from Parkinson's disease? 1. Short exposure time 2. High ratio grid 3. Compensating filtration
Systolic pressure
While measuring blood pressure, the first pulse that is heard is recorded as the
IV catheter
While performing mobile radiography on a patient, you note that the requisition is for a chest image to check placement of a Swan-Ganz catheter. A Swan-Ganz catheter is a(n)
1 and 3 only
With a patient suffering abdominal pain, it is frequently helpful to 1. Elevate the head slightly with a pillow 2. Perform the examination in the Trendelenburg position 3. Place a support under the knees
Check with referring physician
You are working in the outpatient department and receive a patient who is complaining of pain in the right hip joint; however, the requisition asks for a left femur examination. What should you do?
Begin external chest compressions at a rate of at least 100 compressions/min
You have encountered a person who is apparently unconscious. Although you open his airway, there is no rise and fall of the chest, and you can hear no breath sounds. You should
Check with the referring physician
You receive a patient who is complaining of pain in the area of the left fourth and fifth metatarsals; however, the requisition asks for a left ankle examination. What should you do?
1 and 2 only
You receive an ambulatory patient for a GI series. As the patient is being seated on the x-ray table, he tells you he feels faint. You should 1. Lay the patient down on the x-ray table 2. Elevate the patient's legs or place the table slightly Trendelenburg 3. Leave quickly and call for help
difficulty in breathing precipitated by stress and causing bronchospasm best describes