PCSI - Small European Countries

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There may be new elections

Following a vote of no confidence:

400 years

For about _____ Montenegro was part of the Ottoman Empire

High levels of social trust

For democracy to operate successfully the public needs to exhibit:


In European parliamentary democracies _______ representation is form were common [except for the UK] than in the USA case.


In Malta voter turn out is very strong; ________ in the last election.

The prime Minister

In Slovakia the head of government is:

The government

In a parliamentary democracy nearly all bill proposals come from:

Elected by the people

In a presidential democracy the president is:

Labour Party

Malta's party for social democracy:

Communist government forced fake political participation and fake elections, the lesson mini took from this is that elections don't matter.

Many eastern European countries are now democracies, but political participation is very weak. What historical legacy of communism seems to cause this?


Robert Dahl says that no democracy is perfect so he uses a different word to describe imperfect democracy


Liechtenstein's Landtag has ______ members of parliament elected from the upper country

Four capital cities

Luxenberg city is one of the ________ of the European union.

The Christian social people's party

Luxenberg has seven political parties, the largest is:


Luxenberg is located in western Europe between Germany, Belgium, and _______.


Luxenberg is located in western Europe between Germany, France and _____.

Minister of State

The title of the head of government in Monaco?

Democratic party

2019 is a political crisis year and Albania. The members of the ________ and the socialist movement for integration have all resigned their seats in parliament.


After almost a century of almost constant war with France, this country finally wins, in 1815, the contest and creates almost a century of peace in Europe?


Although this may be their second language about 88% of Maltese say they can speak:

270,000 BCE

Anthropologists have found human-made tools dating back to _______ in Slovakia

Elected by party-list proportional

Half of the 28 seats in the general counsel are elected from the seven parishes [to each], and the other half are:

Elected by the national Council

How is the speaker of the national Council of Slovakia chosen?


How many seats in Malta's House of Representatives ?


How many seats in Monaco's national Council?

Choose to vote for as many as four candidates

If you are a Slovakian voter in the elections for national Council you may:

The Prague Spring

In 1968 Czechoslovakia tried to become a democracy and break away from the domination of the Soviet union. This event was called:

The Soviet union and the Warsaw Pact invaded the country and crushed the rebellion.

In 1968 Czechoslovakia tried to become a democracy and break away from the domination of the Soviet union. What happened?

the European Union

In 2004 Malta joined:


In both World War I and World War II ______ violated Luxembourg's neutrality.

Fire the Prime Minister at any time

In most parliamentary democracy is the parliament may:

Separated into two different countries: the Czech republic and Slovakia

In the 1993 velvet divorce:

Appoint the Prime Minister

In the mixed presidential Dash parliamentary democracy one of the main powers of the president is the power to:


It wasn't until _____ that woman in once was Canton or given the right to vote at the local-level

Very amusingly, criticized all sides - the Soviet union, China, the United States, Yugoslavia, and NATO

Leaving the Soviet Union's sphere of influence meant that radio Albania:


Lichtenstein is a small principality located between Switzerland and ________.


Liechtenstein wrote a new constitution in:

Appoints the Prime Minister

One of the main powers of the president in Montenegro is:

May propose referendums

One of the main powers of the president in Montenegro is:

Serbians would say that Croatians are over-represented

One of the problems with the government of Bosnia-Herzegovina's representation of the three major nationalities, Serbian, Croatian, and Bosniak is that:

Through off communism and became a democracy again

Perhaps miraculously in 1989 Czechoslovakia:


San Marino has many, many political parties so they always form party coalitions to run for office. Which was the winning coalition in the 2016 election?


San Marino is entirely surrounded by:


San Marino was founded in _____.


Slovakia became a member of the European Union and of ______ in 2004

The symbolic head of state with very little power

Some parliamentary democracy is have a president as well as a Prime Minister, in this case is the president is:

The symbolic head of state with very little power

Some parliamentary democracy is that our constitutional monarchies; the monarch is:

Christian Democratic Party

Swiss party of Catholics:

A neutral country

The 1867 second Treaty of London made Luxenberg:


The Alliance of Independent Social Democrats of Bosnia-Herzegovina is the second largest, and is associated with which nationality?


The Party of Democratic Action of Bosnia-Herzegovina is the largest, and is associated with which nationality?

Eastern Orthodox

The Serbian population of Bosnia-Herzegovina are predominantly:

Speaker of the national Council

The Slovakian ______ represents the foreign policy interests of the Slovak Republic:

1 year

The Swiss "president" serves how long in office?


The Third Wave of democracy begins when ______ throws off military rule and become democratic again in 1967.


The ________ appoints the Prime Minister in Albania.


The collapse of the Roman Empire was brought by invasions of ______ tribes.

The grand and general counsel

The door heads of state of San Marino, the captain's Regent, our elected by:


The first real election in Albania without election fraud was in:

Prime Minister

The head of government for Luxenberg is:

The independents

The junior partner in Liechtenstein's coalition government:

Democratic party of socialists

The largest party in the Montenegrin Parliament:

Democrats for Andorra

The largest political party in Andorra:


The name of Liechtenstein's Parliament:

The High Representative

The outside representative of the Peace Implementation Council, who can remove Bosnia-Herzegovina officials who violate the terms of the peace accord:

The government

The people of Eastern Europe still think _______ should control the national economy.

Dark Ages

The period of time after the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Renaissance, a time of political and economic chaos in Europe were sometimes called

Clearly not associated with the government

The pluralist system of interest groups advocates many competing interest groups who are:

It consists of three people, one from each major nationality

The presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina is unusual in that:

Iron Curtain

The start division of Europe into two, almost, warring camps 1947 to 1989?


There are _______ Deputies in Luxenberg's chamber of deputies.

Absolute monarchy

Until 1911 what was Monaco's form of government?

Initiate legislation

Usually constitutional monarchs have no power, but prince Hans-Adam II has the right to:


Which modern European state was not once part of the Roman empire?

all of these (freedom to join organizations, the right to vote, alternative (other than just the government) sources of information, freedom of expression

Which of the following are among the eight institutional guarantees needed to operate a polyarchy?

The right to bear arms

Which of the following are not among the eight institutional guarantees needed to operate a polyarchy?


Which of the following countries became democracies in the first wave of democracy?

Collapsed into authoritarian rule

While a large number of new democracies were created in the second wave's decolonization, many of them ______ in the 1970s and 1980s.

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