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2. Describe the paradigm shift in the story of the man on the subway.

A man and his kids got on the Subway. As always, the children were really loud and disrupting the other people on the Subway. The Dad just closed his eyes and did nothing. Once the man told the other man that their Mom had just died. This changed the paradigm shift of the man as now he rethought things differently.

9. Define Proactivity -

Proactivity is being responsible for your own life. Your own behavior is your choice and it is your decision on ow you want to act.

6. How do these principles differ from values?

Values change over time. That is what many people fail to realize sometimes. Sometimes values can be one's opinion too. Principal's is what pushes the values. Values are seen as based of a principle. Principles can be seen as an objective set in stone.

37. What is the Pareto Principle? How does it help us?

This can be also known as the 80/20 rule. This is key in the whole economic/business world. This is an unequal relationship between the inputs and outputs. This can help us because it can guide us on what we should do with our time and how to invest it. This can make us more successful by following this principle.

26. What does Covey mean when he says we sometimes need to "re-script" ourselves?

This has to do with the paradigm shifts. You re-script them and change that paradigm that you had before. Usually in your life you go with the norms and just follow the normal ones.

35. What did E.M. Gray discover was true for successful people, but wasn't true for unsuccessful people?

This is all habit #3, it has it written all over it. E.M. Gray discovered that the successful people in life have the successful habits. These habits are never true for the unsuccessful people, they are not capable of these habits.

27. What is the value of a personal mission statement?

This is describing who you want to become. This is how you see yourself and your own goals. You lead your own life and climb the mountain through your ownself. You are the only one who can write it and live it.

16. How is that related to the "Circle of Influence"?

This is related to the "Circle of Influence" because this is what you can apply immediately to your own life. When you apply this you are trying to make the best for your life in the changes you make.

21. "Begin with the end in mind" means what?

This is talking about the destination point. This is Habit #2 and this is how you develop your own personal mission statement. You want to see the end when it is all said and done. Covey gave the example of seeing your funeral as the end in mind.

38. Covey asks the question, "if you were to fault yourself in one of three areas, which would it be". What does he believe the correct response is? Why?

This is the people who have not gotten their own priorities planted in themselves. Basically not adding habit #2 into full affect. The correct response would be to get it done and see what it is, because you need it in your life.

48. What is meant by the statement P problems are PC opportunities?

This statement means you can build up your own emotional bank account. This will affect your own interdependent production.

46. Describe the 6 major deposits he talks about. What are the stories that Covey uses to illustrate each?

1. Understanding the individual: This means that you take time to seek someone out and understand the person. Covey's friend's son loved baseball. His friend (the father) took him to see every MLB team in the summer when they played. The Dad did not like or care for the MLB, but he cared about his son, so he took him to see the MLB teams. 2. Attend to the little things: This means the little kindnesses that make a difference in life. How you treat yourself is how you need to treat others. Covey took his two sons to see a movie. One son watched the movie while the other son fell asleep. When they got back to the car he put his warm cozy jacket on the boy who was sleeping so he could stay warm. The other boy asked him when they got back if he would do the same for him if he fell asleep. 3. Keep commitments: This means you keep your promises. You man up to what you say and not fall out of things. Covey talked about keeping your promises to others. The person who promise has trust in you with the promises and overtime it can build trust with that person. There was no example story given for this one. You should always keep your promises! 4. Clarify expectations: This means being and knowing what is going on, just like everyone else knows what is going on. The story was the employee asking for the job description from the boss of the company. The boss mentioned to him that he was waiting on the employee. Neither of these two knew what was going on so it caused confusing between the both of them at work. 5. Show personal integrity: This means gaining trust and making positive deposits. The story is about the man who did non-kind things, his son would ask him if he still loved him. The son wanted to make sure his father still loved him, making sure that they were not breaking the basic principles. 6. Apologize sincerely when you make a withdrawal: This means sticking to what you say. If you have to always apologize the same way every time then no people will or should believe you at any time. The story for this one was the two boys that were horse playing around and one of the boys needed in the bathroom. His sister would not let him in the bathroom. The Dad sends the boy to his room after yelling at him. Then the father realized he was wrong because the son was trying to help out. The father then tries to apologize to the son.

1. What does Covey mean when he talks about a "paradigm shift"?

A paradigm shift happens when the paradigms that we have change. In the reading that I did Covey said talked on pages 29-32 on his own personal paradigm shift. He said everything was suddenly different for him. This changed everything for him as he felt, thought, and did things different.

12. Provide 2 ways in which you can be more proactive in your life.

Be Accountable. Be Consistent. Be Focused.

10. Explain what it means to live our lives proactive and not reactive.

Being proactive means to make our own decisions in life, it can be based on our thoughts. Being reactive means making the decisions based on the environment, letting things happen to you. So, live your life proactive.

39. Briefly describe the 6 criteria for Quadrant II organizers.

Coherence- unity and integrity between the vision and mission, the goals and roles. Balance- identify the roles, not neglecting the important areas. Quad 2 focus- a tool that will motivate you to do things People dimension- tool that reflects your own personal values Flexibility- planning tool is the servant Portability- tool that is and should always be portable

34. What does Covey mean when he says, "Manage from the left, Lead from the Right"?

Covey is saying this from what the brain does. The left side of the brain is better will managing and getting things processed all at once. The right side of the brain produces more leadership things and gives you the ability to lead more effectively.

31. What does Covey recommend as our center. Why?

Covey recommends to us that we are principle centered. This is because you want yourself to be away from all the other centers that have an effect on you. When you are principle center everything is balanced and nothing is too overpowered.

22. What does it mean when Covey says that we have, "placed the ladder on the wrong wall"?

Covey says in life we can be caught up in life by all the craziness that goes on. People think they are succeeding in life when they are really not. A man could be putting so much time in at work to be successful but he is not spending time with his own family, therefore he is placing the ladder on the wrong wall.

18. Covey suggests we make promises to ourselves. Why is that important and how does it help us become more effective?

Covey suggest we do this for ourselves so we live up to those promises. This important and makes us more effective in our life because we live up to those promises we make to ourselves. We will find life to be much easier with this in hand.

4. On page 32, Covey says that "being is seeing". What is meant by that statement?

Covey talks about how it is a human dimension. He mentioned how you can not go far to change our being and how we see what we are. The things we see is what we will initially become

15. Explain the difference between the direct, indirect, and no control problems.

Direct problems are the problems we face in life that our directly in our control, because they are related to our behaviors and the habits we have. The indirect problems is something we do not have full control over, because there are other people involved with it. The no control problems are problems that we do not have direct or indirect control over.

29. List each of the centers that Covey provides and give the problem associated with that center. Spouse centeredness - when responsibilities increase and stresses come in the marriage, we tend to revert back to scripts that were given when we were growing up. Typically those scripts are different so that causes conflict.

Family centeredness- no emotional freedom. Power to raise children with welfare in mind. Money centeredness- put family down. Want more and more, all about economic demand. Work centeredness- always working. Sacrifice family, health, love life, etc. Possession centeredness- stuff and objects that we have. Want to always have the best things over others. Pleasure centeredness- talents stay dormant. Have undevelopment in the heart. Not fully there. Friend/enemy centeredness- Focus on only one person at all times. Church centeredness- can not give that one particular person guidance at all Self centeredness- always being about you and no one else. Do not care about others.

36. Briefly describe the 4 generations of Time Management that have emerged over the last several years.

First generation- characterized from notes or checklists. This takes effort and demand on the time and energy. Second generation-characterized by calendars or appointment booklets. Always know what is on schedule Third generation- characterized and reflects time management. Important ideas for the activities you have and how you'll do them. Fourth generation- characterized and focused on the relationships. You want to maintain the P/PC balance.

32. How does Covey suggest we use our "Whole Brain" to construct a personal mission statement?

He suggest that we use two things for the "whole brain", that is our own imagination and our conscience. We have the power for our own self awareness. This will help us create a powerful mission statement

43. How does Covey suggest we approach the task of delegation? Describe his approach.

He suggest this, because it involves others around us. Habit #3 can be seen in this as a public victory. You focus on your own management and the task of delegation is delegating with others. Covey approaches the delegation from the standpoint of your own personal skills. These can be related with management as managerial skills.

11. How was Victor Frankl proactive?

He was a survivor of the Nazi Germany camps. He wrote several books that inspired thousands of people, that is how he was becoming and living proactively. He was a neurologist and wrote the book "Man's search for Meaning."

20. What can you do about it? Are there obstacles keeping you from making that change? What can you do to eliminate those obstacles?

I believe that the obstacles are the worry factor in the problems listed above. I think what I can do to eliminate the problems is just give my best effort. I know if that I give it everything I have that the obstacles should not stand in my way. I believe that giving my best effort will and should see success in the future.

30. What is your center? Why do you believe that? Do you recognize any of the characteristics of other centers in your life? Which ones?

I hate to admit it, but I think that work centeredness is at my center. Last summer I worked over 60 hours a week to pay off my college debt that I owe. I believe this is my center, because I am always working. I currently have three jobs on campus and taking 17 credits with a sport is very time consuming. It is a lot of hard work that goes into it. I can also see church centeredness and pleasure centeredness.

19. In what areas of your life are you spending too much time in your circle of concern and not your circle of influence?

I think sometimes I spend too much time worry about basketball and grades. This would be in my circle of concern, because sometimes in life I do not have control over these things. I can not control the score or win-loss column and sometimes in life I can not control how much teachers grade things.

7. Covey talks about an "inside-out approach to personal and inter-personal effectiveness". What does he mean by that?

I think what Covey is trying to say here is that be proactive in what you do in whatever you do. Make sure you are being effective in what you do. We are responsible for ourselves so it is on us on the approach we take to be effective.

23. What is the difference between leadership and management?

Leadership is individuals who take ownership in doing things. They motivate others and make things better. These people make organizations better by doing what they do best, which is leading themselves and others to success. Management is controlling a particular group. When you manage you want to make sure everything gets done from the goals you have set.

24. Why is leadership so important?

Leadership is so important, because it is depended on. People that are leaders are the ones who stick out above everyone else. In the business world, leadership will either make your company boom or nothing at all if no leadership is found. Leadership is one of the most key things to have in life and will give you the edge in every aspect in life.

3. List some common events in life that can precipitate a paradigm shift?

New Job, Loved ones dying, New Discovery, Having a newborn baby, A promotion in sports or workforce, Moving to a different state (weather, people, etc), New culture.

8. What is self-awareness and how does this separate us from other animals?

Self awareness is the ability to think of your own thought processes. This separates us from animals because you have control over the way you think and act. Your thoughts can become your actions.

28. Why is the "Center of our Circle of Influence" so important?

The "Center of our Circle of Influence" is the basic paradigms. This is the center of our vision and values. You use your own self-awareness to see the values in life. This is important because you need to see the importance in value.

13. Describe the preferred relationship between the "Circle of Concern" and the "Circle of Influence".

The "Circle of Concern" is the circle that you do not want to live in. That is the circle where things are out of your hands. You have no control in this circle. When you look at the "Circle of Influence" you see the things you can control. This is the circle that you want to live your life in. You only want to focus on what is in your reach and what you can control in your own life.

14. Those that work out of a "Circle of Influence" handle their mistakes in what way?

The "Circle of Influence" people handle their mistakes professionally. They know why they made the mistake and they can control and fix the mistake. They won't worry on what is going to happen, rather just fix the problem and get it over with.

17. How is the idea of the "Have's" and the "Be's" related to the "Circle of Concern" and the "Circle of Influence"?

The "have's" and "be's" are related to the "Circle of Concern" and the "Circle of Influence" because if we spend time on the be's with the habits or character, it will lead us down the road to having the "have's" be in the circle of Influence. You do not want them all to be in the "Circle of Concern."

5. The character ethic is based on the idea that there are several basic principles that lead to effective lives. First, how does Covey define the term "principle", and provide examples of these principles.

The Seven Habits are all based on principles according to Covey. A principle is a natural law. Principles bring the maximum long term beneficial results. Some examples in the reading were human assets, financial assets, physical assets, the golden egg example, organization pc, etc.

41. What advantages does Covey see in the 4th generation organizers?

The advantages Covey sees are defining your own mission statement. Everyone has a different mission statement. In the statement you have goals, values, etc. This will help you balance your life in a greater way. These are mostly principle centered and your conscience directs them.

42. Why is delegation such an important task?

The delegation is important because this is how he take down tasks or accomplish objectives. This makes everything more effective in delegation.

45. Describe the notion of the emotional bank account.

The emotional bank account is like the analogy that describes relationships/ P/PC balance for interdependence. The emotion can be seen as trust in relationships as well. In every bank account you have deposits and withdrawals. In the emotional bank account all of your positive behaviors are the deposits. The negative behaviors are seen as the withdrawals. That is what Covey is talking about when he mentions the emotional bank account.

46. Describe the 6 major deposits he talks about. What are the stories that Covey uses to illustrate each?

The emotional bank account is like the analogy that describes relationships/ P/PC balance for interdependence. The emotion can be seen as trust in relationships as well. In every bank account you have deposits and withdrawals. In the emotional bank account all of your positive behaviors are the deposits. The negative behaviors are seen as the withdrawals. That is what Covey is talking about when he mentions the emotional bank account.

40. Describe the 4 roles of the Quadrant II manager.

There are 4 roles in Quad II in the book. Identifying roles- what roles you need to get to success Selecting goals- Picking what to accomplish to be successful Scheduling- scheduling them to when you want to achieve them, you make the time to be successful Daily adapting- adapt or change to the unanticipated events so you can succeed

44. What does it mean when Covey says, "You can't talk your way out of something that you behaved your way into."

There is an example in the book where the Dad was yelling at his sons for horse playing. The one son was trying to get in the bathroom and the sister would not let him in. The boy was trying to get something to stop his brother from bleeding on the face. So, no matter what you say or how you say things. You cannot show your real self without actions. So, as many people know the saying "your actions speak louder than your words." That is what comes to my mind when Covey says the saying "you can't talk your way out of something that you behaved your way into.

47. What is meant by the statement, "It is more noble to give yourself completely to one individual that to labor diligently for the salvation of the masses."

What Covey is meaning by this is devoting the meaningful time to family, loved one, bosses, etc. We could spend hours and hours trying to devote your time to thousands of people that will not matter and will affect the meaningful people in your life. It would take way more time trying to rebuild the relationships you lost towards the family, loved ones, etc. than it would to the thousand-random people you tried to devote your time too. So, what you need to get out of this is not trying to make everyone happy. The only ones that need devoted time are the family and loved ones.

25. What does Covey mean when he says that "things are created twice?"

When Covey is talking about creating things twice it is simple. You first mentally create it and them you physically create it which is the second. If you can not see who you are in this world then you allow the world to shape you.

33. As a future manager, what does Covey recommend about Organizational Mission Statements?

With being a manager aka the big boss, the mission statement should not come straight from you. Everyone on the working team should get input. When everyone gets input things will simply go better.

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