PE Final

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maximum heart rate calculation


dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretches are controlled movements that stretch your muscles out, you don't hold the position.

resting heart rate

Heart rate is the speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per minute

maximum heart rate

Maximum heart rate is the maximum number of beats made by your heart in 1 minute of effort

static stretching

Static stretches are when you stand, sit, or lie down and hold a single position for a period of time.

baseball pete rose

Yes, I believe that Pete Rose should be in the hall of fame. Even though he wasn't a great person, that doesn't mean that his achievements in the baseball community shouldn't be represented. Because of his gambling addiction it affected his team because he tried his best in all of the games which made the team do good in all their seasons. I also believe that especially since now that he has overcome his gambling addiction he should be in the hall of fame now. He didn't do anything bad like take steroids or cheat like other players, but only just gambled.

baseball ba

batting average: hits / at-bats, first 3 decimals = answer

baseball obp

on-base percentage: hits + BBs + HBPs / plate appearances, first 3 decimals = answer

baseball slg%

slugging percentage: 1b x 1, 2b x 2, 3b x 3, hr x 4, add them up / at-bats, first 3 decimals = answer

baseball history

» Bobby Thompson's hit in the final game of the National league pennant is known as "the shot heard around the world" » "father" of baseball? : Alexander Cartwright » Before 1869 most baseball players were amateurs » National league is the oldest » Before World War II Babe Ruth was the most famous name in baseball » In 1947 Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier » In what year did the first team go west of the Mississippi River? : 1958 » The rise of what had the most impact on baseball : TV » The most prominent impact baseball has had our society and culture is the baseball cap » 15 teams in each league

badminton shots

» How do you grip the racket for a forehand? : handshake grip » Where should you place your thumb for the backhand? : On the flat part of the grip » Good players can forehand serve ______________. : both high and deep or low and short » What is a clear shot? : High and deep to the back of the opponent's court. » Where should your drop shot land? : Just barely over the net. The closer the better. » What volleyball hit does the smash look like? : hit (spike) » Describe the drive shot. : Fast and flat, like tennis volleys » What is your main goal when playing badminton? What are you trying to do to your opponent? : The main goal is to hit a shuttlecock across the net to land in your opponent's side without them getting it back to you.

ultimate frisbee skills

» How many basic types or styles of throws are there in Ultimate Frisbee? : 3 » What type of throw was just demonstrated? : Backhand » A Forehand Throw requires you to step across your body : false » The hammer throw has a similar throwing motion to throwing a : football » In Ultimate Frisbee terminology, an Overhead throw is called : hammer » What three joints do you need to be using in a quality backhand throw of a frisbee? : wrist, shoulder, elbow » How many fingers do you want in the inside rim of the frisbee for a Forehand throw? : 2 » The forehand grip should be : firm, without space between the fingers and thumb and frisbee » Your palm should face the sky through the throw : true » The hammer grip is the same as the : forehand

baseball rules

» How many players are on the field at any one time? : 9 » How many strikes means you're out? : 3 » How many balls means you get to walk to 1st base? : 4 » What are other ways of getting out besides striking out? : force out, fly out, ground out » Baseball game can not end in a tie » Tag up : Touching the base after a fly ball is caught before running to the next base » The "Designated Hitter" hits for the : pitcher

ultimate frisbee rules

» How many players does each team get to have on the field at one time? : 7 players » How does the game and a point start? : Throwing the discus to the opposing team » You can take one step with the disc in your hand by pivoting : True, you can pivot on one foot » What does "spirit of the game" mean? : Players call their own fouls and infractions. Players resolve their own disputes without referees. » Ultimate Frisbee is a sport without contact, so : Body contact is forbidden, you cannot hit other players, or defend them too close

baseball positions

» How many players the defense team will have in the field? : 9 » The Pitcher and The Catcher together make up the : Battery » Where does the first baseman stand for the majority of the game? : near first base » How many infielders does the team have? : 4 » Before the pitch, Defensive players must stay in their positional spot : no » How many outfielders do we have in that team? : 3 » How many players will the coach put on the lineup card? : 9 » How many offensive players are on the entire PLAYING FIELD when the bases are loaded? : 4 » What does the term "on deck batter" mean? : The player that is the next batter

football rules

» The game of football is played on a field that is how long? : 100 yards » How many players are on the field for one team at a time during a game? : 11 people » Squad : 53 players » What are the three things that make up a NFL team? : Offense, defense, special team » How many points is a touchdown and extra point worth? : 7 points » What are the two ways an offense can move the ball down the field? : passing and running » How many downs does a team get to gain 10 yards? : 4 downs » Offense must move the ball 10 yards » If the defense stops the offense, what is the offenses options? : Punt or Kick Field Goal » How long is each quarter in football? : 15 minutes

frisbee golf rules

» What is the object of Frisbee/Disc Golf? : to throw your frisbee to the basket with the LEAST amount of throws. » If the frisbee hits the chains, then falls into the basket, is this considered good? : true » How do you get a penalty stroke added to your scorecard? : If your frisbee goes out of bounds » How do you keep score on the score card? : You write the number of throws it took you to get the frisbee inside the basket. » The most important thing when playing frisbee golf is? : Go out there and have fun:)

ultimate frisbee history

» Where did the name Frisbee come from? : a pie shop » What company created the first flying disc? : whammo » What year was the first game played? : 1968 » Whats the name of the governing body for Ultimate? : WFDF » What state started ultimate competitions between schools? : New Jersey

football history

» originated from England (originally called rugby) » no.1 spectator sport » first official game played in New Jersey, 1869 » in 1920, the American Professional Football Association was created and 2 years later it was changed to the National Football League » Green Bay Packers are the oldest team » in 1960, Lamar Hunt created his own football league called the AFL (American Football League) » in 1965, New York Jets rookie quarterback Joe Namath was the highest paying football both in the AFL and NFL » in 1970 AFL and NFL merge together becoming the NFL » NFL --> NFC, AFC, LFC » NFL worth 1.3b

football positions

» the line of scrimmage : The imaginary separation of the offense and defense on the field, as well as the location of the ball before a play begins » 4-3 defensive set up the 3 designates : linebackers » The remaining players on the defense make up the defensive secondary : corner backs and safeties » The total number of players on the defensive side of the ball : 11 » in a 3-4 defense, how many linemen are on the field : 3 » Left tackle, left guard, center, right guard, right tackle, quarterback, wide reciever (2), tight end, running backs (fullback and halfback) » Strong safety, free safety, linebackers (4), cornerback (2), defensive line (4)

badminton rules

» to win a game how many points must you score? : 21 » you must win by 2 points » To score a point the shuttlecock (birdie) must land inside the playing area on your opponents side of the net » What is the main difference in the court size in a single and doubles game? : The court is narrower in a singles game » You must serve the shuttlecock below the waist during the serve » Are you allowed to hit the shuttlecock two times in a row? : No » Are you allowed to hit the shuttlecock with your body?: No » If you win a point your opponent gets the serve : false » How many sets must you win in order to win the game? : 2 out of 3 » If you have a LET (unexpected occurrence) you must replay the point

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