PE: Topic: Your Health and Wellness

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Explain how hereditary diseases are passed from one generation to another.

Hereditary diseases are passed from one generation to the next through the human gene structure called DNA. Children have very similar gene structures to their parents, so traits, appearance, and diseases are often passed from parents to children.

Heart disease is a hereditary risk factor in Jamal's family. Describe and discuss what kinds of behavioral choices he could make to reduce his risk of developing this disease.

Sedentary lifestyle, drug and alcohol use, tobacco use, and poor diet are factors he can control. Unacceptable examples would include: Heredity, age, or gender.

Identify the characteristics of a physically healthy person.

A physically healthy person eats healthy food, exercises regularly, avoids harmful habits, prevents injuries, and gets adequate rest each day.

Which of the following is a controllable risk factor of infectious diseases? A. drug abuse B. pollution C. air D. heredity

A. drug abuse

Which of the following phrases belong together? A. emotional health : expressing feelings B. physical health : respecting others C. mental health : living in harmony with the environment D. social health : getting adequate sleep

A. emotional health : expressing feelings

Lifestyle diseases are caused by a combination of __________. A. heredity, unhealthy behaviors, and the environment B. lifestyle choices, the environment, and current epidemics C. your habits, your diet, and your friends D. the environment, your history, and current medications taken

A. heredity, unhealthy behaviors, and the environment

Which of these factors does NOT significantly affect our wellness? A. number of siblings B. heredity C. environment D. culture

A. number of siblings

Wellness is a continuum, which means __________. A. personal wellness can vary between very poor and very good B. each of the dimensions of health are interrelated C. people must always cope with low levels of wellness D. wellness can be achieved with concentration

A. personal wellness can vary between very poor and very good

Discuss how seniors can combat health problems they may face. (Site 1)

As bodies age, a lot of shifts are happening to their body. An aged person is very likely to disorders and difficulties with health. The best way to address it is to have a good balanced diet and exercises. The study shows that staying physically fit can help limit or restrict specific disorders, including many cancers, heart disease, and diabetes, and also reduce inflation and enhance mood. Inactivity often brings propelling age, but it doesn't have to. Review with your local churches or temples, senior stations, and shopping plazas for training and coaching plans. Like exercise, your eating practices are frequently not beneficial if you live and eat singly. It's necessary for flourishing aging to eat foods wealthy in nutrients and withdraw the false calories in candy and sweets.

How has the development of technology positively affected our wellness? A. It has provided entertainment in which people are less active. B. It has increased the quality and availability of treatments. C. It has increased the amount of advertising on the Internet. D. Some technology has led to an increase in pollution.

B. It has increased the quality and availability of treatments.

An individual is a fifty-year-old smoker that lives in a highly polluted city, gets no exercise, eats fast food every day, and has a family history of lung cancer. Which of the following is an uncontrollable risk factor? A. diet choice B. heredity C. smoking D. lack of exercise

B. heredity

If someone is predisposed to a disease, they are more likely to contract the disease due to __________. A. lifestyle choices B. heredity C. random chance D. factors other than heredity or lifestyle

B. heredity

Which of the following does NOT contribute to wellness? A. habits B. tendencies C. exercise D. diet

B. tendencies

According to the direct instruction, which of the following is a leading cause of death among young people in the United States? A. Lung disease B. Communicable diseases C. Accidents D. Diabetes

C. Accidents

Someone who promotes health and chooses safe, healthy, and legal behaviors is demonstrating which of the following skills? A. being a critical thinker B. being a problem solver C. being responsible D. being an effective communicator

C. being responsible

Which of the following is NOT an effective way of taking charge of your health and wellness? A. participating in health education programs B. advocating for your health and the health of others C. following the advice of the media D. becoming health literate

C. following the advice of the media

Which of these choices is NOT a cultural influence on our wellness? A. attitude B. behavior C. hereditary diseases D. media

C. hereditary diseases

An advertisement on the radio warning the public against the dangers of smoking is called a __________. A. public service declaration B. public health message C. public service announcement D. public health initiative

C. public service announcement

Mindy is speaking at a community event to help people understand the importance of healthy eating. Which statement BEST describes Mindy's behavior? A. Mindy is leading by example. B. Mindy is living a healthy lifestyle. C. Mindy is actively learning about healthy lifestyles. D. Mindy is acting as a health advocate.

D. Mindy is acting as a health advocate.

How can you increase your awareness of hereditary diseases? A. performing self-checks B. getting screened by a professional C. looking for indicators D. all of the above

D. all of the above

Amanda (age 39) lives a very hectic life that allows for little sleep. She doesn't eat a healthy diet or exercise. She is worried because her mother developed heart disease at the age of 40. What are the uncontrollable risk factors in Amanda's situation? A. environment, stress, lack of sleep B. diet, age, and lack of exercise C. gender, diet, and the environment D. heredity, age, and gender

D. heredity, age, and gender

By definition, a socially healthy person has access to clean water and adequate living space and makes an effort to recycle.


Deaths due to lifestyle diseases have declined since the early 1900s.


Heredity is considered a controllable risk factor.


Making good lifestyle choices will prevent all diseases.


The media's role is primarily entertainment, so it has little effect on our wellness.


If you wanted to improve your health by making better lifestyle choices, what are five choices that you could make?

Getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night; eating a healthy breakfast; maintaining a healthy weight; being active for 30 minutes most days; avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs; managing stress; maintaining positive relationships; practicing safe behaviors, such as safe sex and wearing safety equipment.

Imagine that you are the advocate for a specific health topic and that you want to create a public service announcement to raise awareness in your community. What health topic would you choose and what medium would you use to convey your message?

If I would the advocate for a specific health topic and that I want to create a public service announcement to raise awareness in my community I will raise awareness about social anxiety problems because I know that many teens suffer these and cause them not able to connect with his/her friends and feel lonely and as for the medium I will probably used social media such as Facebook or YouTube etc.

Compare the most likely cause of death for an individual born in 1900 and an individual born in 2006.

In 1900, communicable diseases, like pneumonia, TB, influenza, chicken pox, and polio, were the most common causes of death. In 2006, lifestyle diseases, like cancer, heart disease, and stroke, were the most common causes of death.

How can exposure to air pollution be reduced indoors and outdoors? (Site 1)

Indoor pollution can be reduced by reducing the main causes of this pollution which are: avoid smoking indoor, reducing use of carpeted floors, proper ventilation, keep trash baskets covered, minimizing the use of air-fresheners and irritating perfumes, use exhaust fans. The outdoor pollution can be reduced by minimizing the use of vehicles whose burning fuel contribute a lot to outdoor air pollution, the chimneys of industries and factories should have filters fixed in so that harmful substances may not be exposed to air.

What are three things you could do if you were asked to become an advocate for health and wellness?

Leading by example, volunteering my time, and raising public awareness by creating public service announcements are three things I can do if I were asked to become an advocate for health and wellness.

Compare and contrast mental health and emotional health.

Mental illness is related to a person's ability to deal with the demands of daily life. We all face ups and downs; coping with these fluctuations is a measure of our mental health. Emotional health refers to one's ability to express feelings in an appropriate manner. Emotions are part of being human, but an inability to express them can lead to difficulties in life.

There are six dimensions of health: physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being optimal wellness, how would you rank each of the dimensions as they relate to your life right now, and what steps could you take to improve your overall health?

On a scale of 1-10, I would rank my optimal wellness a 7. Since my husband has become disabled it has taken a toll on my personal health. We do not socialize as much as we used. Physically I am his care taker and this requires a lot of lifting. Mentally and emotionally, sometimes it's just hard being both our strengths. Since I have become quite aware of the affects this is taking my body and soul, I have tried to walk at least two miles a day. I find this gets me out of the house, allows me to clear my head a little bit, enjoying the nature around me and helping my physical health at the same time. The days I am allotted to do this, I find I am a much better me.

Describe the major differences between a person with good wellness and one heading toward premature death.

People with wellness have maintained balance between the six dimensions of health over a long period of time. Everyone has their ups and downs in various parts of their lives, but striving to improve the six dimensions of health at all times is the sign of a person with wellness. On the other hand, when the six dimensions of health are not properly maintained, premature death is often the result.

Explain how poor physical health may affect your social health.

Poor physical health can result in an unhealthy body composition, which in turn, may lower your self-esteem. A low self-esteem makes it more difficult to create healthy social bonds. Poor physical health may also make it more difficult to participate in many social activities.

Define and describe the different types of risk factors.

Risk factors are anything that increase your chances of injury, illness, or health problems. There are two types or risk factors: controllable and uncontrollable. Uncontrollable risk factors are those like age, gender, race, etc., which you cannot change. Controllable risk factors relate to your situation or behavior choices.

A risk factor can be defined as anything that increases the likelihood of injury or disease.


An advocate speaks out in favor of something they believe in.


Cancer and diabetes are two common hereditary diseases.


Heart disease and cancer were two of the most common causes of death in 2006.


Overall health is related to a balance of the six dimensions of health.


Physical health refers to the degree of functionality of a person's body.


Premature death can occur if the dimensions of health are underdeveloped.


Two components of your environment that can affect your wellness are peer influence and role models.


Wellness is a goal for which we all should strive by improving each of the six dimensions of health.


Wellness is achieved when someone is at their best in all 6 dimensions of health.


Discuss the importance of your peer group with regard for striving toward wellness.

We tend to make choices that are similar to those made by the people with whom we spend the most time. If your peer group values and strives for wellness, then you are likely to do the same. Conversely, if your peers have poor wellness, then you may also suffer.

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