Peds- EI, Preschool, School Age
Preschool services IEP goals are written for what time period?
10 months
How long are preschool service part B PT sessions?
30 mins
What is the max duration of EI PT sessions?
59 mins
EI goals are written for what time period?
6 months at at time
What is the difference between EI and CPSE/CSE goals?
EI is family centered, CPSE/CSE is educationally based
School age services/CSE covers what grades?
Goals developed for CSE are focused on what?
activity/participation of the ICF to education
What is Early Intervention?
birth to 3 program mandated in all states, part C of IDEA
What is CSE?
committee for special education
What is CPSE?
committee of preschool special education
What is the main goal for school based PTs?
improve patient's access to school spaces and participation in their environment
Where are services provided in EI?
in child's natural environment
In the NICU article, the study found meaningful statistical change in what 3 categgories?
parent education, active intervention, positioning
What is part B of IDEA?
preschool services, ages 3-5
Where are services provided in school age services?