PFW 100 Final Zeniseck

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List early detection tools for cancer.

-know cancer's warning signals -practice self exams -have regular cancer-related check ups

Identify the three stages of the stress response. Explain what happens to the body during each stage.

1. Alarm reaction: fight or flight. Ex) Almost being in a car accident, heart rate increases, respiration, perspiration. 2. Resistance: body tries to cope with the fight or flight reaction through organ systems. 3. Exhaustion: resistance eventually fails and signs of alarm reappear. Disease and disability can result.

Explain the purpose of the BMI and identify healthy BMIs vs those associated with health problems.

1. BMI: weight in pounds divided by height in inches squared multiplied by 703 (this measure is not appropriate for athletes or body builders). 2. A BMI of 25-30 is considered overweight. 3. A BMI over 30 is considered obese. 4. Healthy BMI is 19-24.9.

Explain how exercise helps in weight management

1. Burns calories 2. Prevents loss of lean muscle 3. Decreases abdominal fat 4. Natural appetite suppressor 5. May lower your set point 6. Improves self-esteem

List the six major nutrients and describe their main function in the body

1. Carbohydrates: main source of energy and are stores as glycogen. Provides 4 calories per gram. 2. Protein: builds and repairs tissues, maintains chemical balance, regulates formation of hormones, antibodies and enzymes. 4 calories per gram. 3. Fats: provide energy and fat-soluble vitamins needed for growth and healthy skin/hormone regulation. Provides 9 calories per gram. 4. Vitamins: necessary for metabolic function. 5. Minerals: critical to enzyme function in the body. 6. Water: most important nutrient because it serves as the medium in which the other nutrients are transported.

Type D personality

1. Distressed personality with negative emotions. 2. Tends to be depressed, anxious, and insecure. 3. Exercise, relaxation, and healthy diet can help.

List 5 stress management techniques.

1. Exercise 2. Relaxation techniques 3. Lifestyle changes 4. Reframing 5. Laughter and humor

Identify and explain the three major components of effective lifetime weight management.

1. Food management - balanced diets. 2. Emotional management - delay, distract, distance. 3. Exercise management.

Describe 6 harmful effects of too much stress.

1. Hypertension 2. Stroke 3. CVD 4. Ulcers 5. Migraine/tension headaches 6. Addiction

Identify the six secondary heart disease risk factors (all considered controllable)

1. Individual response to stress. 2. Emotional behavior (anger and hostility). 3. Excessive alcohol (and drugs). 4. Metabolic syndrome 5. C-reactive protein 6. Homocysteine

Identify the two most important keys to preventing lower back pain.

1. Maintaining strong abdominal muscles and back flexibility. 2. Know what muscle group is weak and which is strong. If back is strong and abs are weak, strengthen abs and stretch back.

Identify healthy recommendations for individuals who are trying to gain weight.

1. Mix beans, nuts, cheese, peas, or lean meats into casseroles, side dishes and pastas. 2. Combine yogurt, fruit, wheat germ, peanut butter, and ice into a blender to make a shake or smoothie. 3. Spread peanut butter on bananas, apples, toast, or bagels. 4. Replace sodas with fruit juices or skim milk. 5. Replace cookies and doughnuts with nuts, raisins, dried fruits, bran muffins, yogurt, puddings, and fruit. 6. Replace hamburgers and fries with thick-crust vegetable topped pizza. 7. Prepare hot cereals with milk instead of water; add nuts, peanut butter, fruit, and wheat germ. 8. Top cold cereal with bananas or raisins 9. Eat hearty soups. 10. Add garbanzo beans, seeds, tuna, croutons, cottage cheese, and lean meats to salads.

Type B personality

1. Procrastinate, weight gain, creative, laid back, no worries. 2. Take the good and reduce putting off responsibilities.

Type A personality

1. Stressed, hurried, organized, on time. 2. Body produces an extra amount of stress hormones. 3. Take the positive qualities and reduce anger/hostility.

List five primary risk factors for preventable cancers and the associated guidelines for reducing cancer risk.

1. Tobacco 2. Sun exposure 3. Diet 4. Inactivity 5. Obesity

Explain how perception and control are involved in stress.

1. Whether a particular stressor causes a negative reaction depends on whether the person perceives that stressor as being negative. 2. Some people's problems are related to faulty perceptions. 3. Control is a major factor. The perception of not having control is very stressful. 4. People who handle stress best tend to control their lives and look for active solutions to the problems and circumstances of their lives.

Identify the early warning signs of malignant melanoma (ABCDE).

A - Asymmetry B - Border, uneven C - Color D - Diameter, more than 1/4 of an inch is dangerous E - Evolving, changing

Identify recommendations for safe exercise in hot weather.

Avoid heat to prevent hyperthermia. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise. Wear loose and light colored clothes, avoid vinyl or rubber clothing, acclimate to warmer weather, and stop at the first sign of heat illness.

Identify the effects of regular physical activity on the aging process.

Balance training to reduce fear of falling. Target heart rate is a lot lower. Inactivity contributes to physiological decline and up to 50% of decline is related to a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise slows the aging process and helps prevent onset of osteoporosis, heart disease, some cancers, stroke, etc.


Binge eating large quantities of food and purging.


Blood pressure over 140/90


Blood pressure range is between 120/80-139/89.


Body weight in excess of recommended range for good health.

Acute stress

Body's response to imminent danger - most common type.

Identify cancer's 7 warning signals (CAUTION)

C - Change in bladder habits A - A sore that does not heal U - Unusual bleeding or discharge T - Thickening or lump I - Indigestion or difficulty swallowing O - Obvious change in mole or wart N - Nagging cough or hoarseness

Identify four common muscle imbalances and the injuries that may be caused by each imbalance.

Calf/shin - shin splints, Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis. Quadriceps/hamstrings (front/back of thigh). Erector spinae/abdominals (lower back/stomach) - prevents lower back problems. Pectorals/rhomboids (chest/upper back).

Chronic stress

Caused by prolonged physical or emotional stress, more than can be coped with.

Differentiate between complex and simple carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates: potatoes, rice, whole grains, beans, vegetables. Should make up 30-55% of daily calories. Simple carbohydrates: soft drinks, cakes, cookies, ice cream, candy. Should make up less than 10% of daily calories.

Type C personality

Control - internal control of self Choices - lifestyle choices that enhance health, you always have a choice on how you react to life Commitment - to meaningful life involvement Challenge - an opportunity rather than a treat Connectedness - network of social support, helping and being helped by others

Identify the ten primary heart disease risk factors.

Controllable: 1. inactivity 2. high blood pressure 3. high blood lipids 4. cigarette smoking 5. obesity 6. diabetes Uncontrollable: 7. family history 8. male gender (postmenopausal women) 9. ethnicity 10. age

Identify four lifestyle changes to reduce CVD risk.

Exercise Diet/maintain a healthy weight Avoid tobacco products Alcohol in moderation

Discuss the role of physical activity in Type II diabetes prevention and treatment.

Exercise helps prevent and lower your risk of Type II diabetes.


Factor causing stress.

Distinguish a healthy weight loss/gain program from a fad/diet program.

Fad diets are usually detrimental to the dieter. If it seems to good to be true, it usually is. Healthy weight loss: 1. should use real, regular food. 2. should allow a slow weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week. 3. should encourage the reduction of fat and sugar in the diet. 4. should encourage safe and personalized exercise. 5. should not promise a quick fix or an easy answer. 6. should teach lifelong skills that allow for some flexibility in eating and exercise patterns. 7. should make social eating and eating out possible. 8. should allow for basic caloric needs - never under 1200 calories per day for women and 1500 calories per day for men. 9. should not be too costly. 10. should teach techniques to maintain positive behavior.

Explain the roles of HDL and LDL cholesterols in heart health.

HDL = good cholesterol that removes cholesterol from plaque. LDL = bad cholesterol that adds cholesterol to plaque.

Compare and contrast men and women's responses to exercise.

Health benefits will be the same. Fat loss, decreased exercise heart rates, increased bone density, and rates of improvement in maximal oxygen uptake.

Identify the health benefits of fiver and list good sources of fiber.

Health benefits: lowers bad cholesterol, keeps you regular, may protect against cancers, nutrient dense. Good sources of fiber: black peans, peas, almonds, berries, brown rice.

Identify recommendations for safe exercise in cold weather.

Layer clothing but avoid overheating. Avoid overexposure (hypothermia), protect exposed body parts. Work with the wind, exercise with caution.

Normal blood pressure range

Less than 119/79 (gold standard: 115/76)

Identify the physiological differences in men and women's exercise performance levels.

Men and women respond equally to training/exercise. Men are stronger because they have testosterone and they can gain more muscle mass. Men have larger hearts and lungs for a greater oxygen intake. Women have wider set hips which creates a less efficient running form.

Proper posture when standing

Minimize stress on the back by putting one foot on a low stool and frequently shift weight from one leg to another.


Negative stress, refers to unpleasant or harmful stress (flunking an exam, break up in a relationship)


No sweating, dry skin, very hot/high temperature, bright red skin, unresponsiveness. Call 911 or transport immediately, this is a life threatening condition; cool body quickly, treat for shock.


Nonspecific response to the human organism to any demand made upon it.

Discuss the role of physical activity in CVD prevention and treatment.

Obesity, Triglycerides, diabetes, and cholesterol are positively affected by exercise.

Discriminate between healthy and unhealthy fats and oils.

Omega 3's: inhibits atherosclerosis in coronary arteries and can reduce the blood cholesterol levels. Healthiest. Monosaturated fats: come from plants and can decrease total cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats: come mostly from plant foods, healthy to consume. Saturated fats: have primarily animal origin and have a strong link to heart disease and stroke. Transfats: the result of hydrogen of unsaturated fats. More harmful than saturated fats.

List the four main reasons preventable injuries occur and identify causation factors within each reason.

Overuse: need time to recover between workouts, avoid overtraining, take a rest day, get proper sleep, alternate between impact and non-impact days. Footwear: shoes start to lose shock absorption after 400-500 miles. Kinetic chain - everything is connected from the tip of your toes to the top of your head and anything that is not proper in the chain will cause problems to the rest of the body. Weakness/inflexibility: muscle imbalance, stretch tight muscles and strengthen weaker ones. Mechanical problems: different gait styles, body mechanics, proper form, structural weaknesses.

List and explain the general recommendations for treatment of common injuries (PRICE)

P - Protect R - Rest I - Ice C - Compress E - Elevate (raise above level of heart) Goal: reduce swelling so healing can begin. Call doctor if the injury seems serious, can't bear any weight, or something looks anatomically out of place.

Heat cramps

Painful muscle spasms and direct pressure/stretching.


Positive stress, refers to happy, pleasant events (holidays, getting married)

Heat exhaustion

Profuse sweating, cold skin, flu-like symptoms, dizziness, rapid pulse, shallow breathing, headache. Get out of the heat, force fluids, refer to a physician.

Understand how cholesterol ratios are determined and what the scores indicate. Identify cholesterol readings that indicates healthy versus high blood cholesterol levels.

Ratio of total cholesterol to HDL is a better indicator of risk. Desired target is 4.1 or less.


Rigid dieting, excessive exercise, and energy.

Proper posture when sitting

Sit close to work and keep hips and knees at a 90º angle. Head should be positions in line with shoulder, and your chin should be parallel to the floor. Computer should be a little below eye level.

Proper posture when sleeping

Sleep in fetal position with pillow in between legs.

Binge eating

Sometimes called compulsive eating, the most common eating disorder. Eating an amount of food much larger than most people would eat in a similar period and accompanied by a sense of lack of control or a feeling that one can't stop eating.


Specifically having an excessive accumulation of body fat.

Optimal stress

Stress is intense enough to motivate and physically prepare us to perform well, but not enough to cause harm (giving athletes a competitive edge)

List recommendations for prevention of different skin cancers.

UV radiation causes overexposure. Plan activities during morning and evening. Use sunscreen, wear protective clothing, avoid tanning, protect children from the sun, use screenings and prevention techniques, do self-exams and see healthcare provider.

Identify appropriate recommendations for exercise during pregnancy, including contraindicated exercises.

Use rate of perceived exertion scale. ACOB guides during pregnancy and postpartum. Inactive women should be evaluated before exercise. Avoid exercise in supine position after the first trimester. Do not restrict calorie intake. Avoid motionless standing and ballistic movements. Rise gradually from the floor to avoid a sudden drop in blood pressure.

Identify a risky waist-to-hip ratio and a high-risk waist circumference for men and women.

Waist-to-hip ratio Women - should be below .8. Men - should be below .95. Waist circumference Women - below 35 inches. Men - below 40 inches.

Properly order and explain the three vital components of rehabilitation needed to resume activity safely without injury.

Work on range of motion, then strength. Move the injured part as early as possible within a pain-free range to regain flexibility. After obtaining 80% pain-free range of motion, begin to build strength.

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