pharm EAQ 1

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In which stage of Piaget's theory of growth and development does an infant develop an action pattern to deal with the environment?


During which week of pregnancy does placental development occur?


Which hormone increases the rate of protein synthesis?


Which individual is coping with issues concerning dependence versus independence?


Which instruction would the nurse include in a health practices teaching plan for a female client with a history of recurrent urinary tract infections?

wear cotton underwear or lingerie

For which reason would the nurse encourage a client to void during the first stage of labor?

A full bladder may inhibit the progress of labor.

Which information is true regarding cognitive changes of a teenager?

A teenager considers an infinite variety of causes and solutions.

Which statement is true regarding the physical development of a preschooler?

Preschoolers grow 6.2 to 7.5 cm per year.

Which concept about older adults is essential for the nurse to remember when working with these clients?

Staying healthy promotes a quality retirement.

Which behavior would the nurse identify as the Moro reflex response?

Abduction and then adduction of the arms

Which characteristics observed in a 5-year-old child are considered age-appropriate? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Ability to swim and skate Interest in trying new foods Ability to draw triangles and diamonds

When assessing a client who gave birth 1 day ago, the nurse finds the fundus is firm at 1 fingerbreadth below the umbilicus and the perineal pad is saturated with lochia rubra. Which is the nurse's next action?

Asking the client when she last changed the perineal pad

Aging has little effect on which process?

Capacity to handle life's stresses

Which fine motor skill would the nurse anticipate when assessing a 15-month-old client during a health maintenance visit?

Holding cubes in one hand without assistance

A client has been diagnosed with cholelithiasis. Which fact about the condition would the nurse recall when assessing this client for risk factors?

Individuals who are obese are more prone to this condition than those who are thin.

According to Erikson's theory, in which stage would the nurse expect a preschooler to start to pretend?

Initiative versus guilt stage

The nurse teaches a new mother how to position her newborn during feedings. Which is the best way to evaluate if the teaching is effective?

Observe the mother feeding the infant.

Which type of rehabilitation is an essential component to a client's recovery from Guillain-Barré syndrome?


An older client with a history of congestive heart failure expresses concern about potential exposure to tuberculosis (TB) from his or her roommate at the extended care facility. The roommate coughs a great deal and sometimes spits up blood. Which is the primary reason that the nurse pursues more information about the roommate?

TB adversely affects older adults with chronic illness.

When palpating a client's fundus on the second postpartum day, the nurse determines that it is above the umbilicus and displaced to the right. Which conclusion is supported by this finding?

The bladder has become distended.

Which stage of Kohlberg's theory can be seen in an individual seeking to modify a law if it is not fair to a particular group?

Universal ethical principle orientation

Which of these stages is followed by the society-maintaining orientation, according to the Kohlberg's theory?

good boy-nice girl orientation

Which self-care skill would the nurse expect a 4-year-old child to be capable of performing?

putting on and buttoning shirt

Which term would the nurse use when describing the physical growth that occurs during the toddler years?


Arrange the stages of the menstrual cycle in sequential order.

1. follicular phase 2.ovulation 3.follicular involution 4. feedback mechanism

A patient is given an intravenous drug. What is the bioavailability of the drug in this patient?


Which age range is classified as the toddler years?

12 to 36 months

How many days is the neonatal period?


Which is the average height of a 4-year-old child?

3 feet, 4.5 inches (103 cm)

According to Freud's developmental theory, which age is considered the phallic stage?


How many words would the nurse expect the 3-year-old child to acquire each day?

5 to 6

The nurse knows that jaundice first becomes visible in a newborn when serum bilirubin reaches which level?

5 to 7 mg/dL (85.5-119.7 µmol/L)

The nurse is using Piaget's theory to assess the cognitive development in a child. Which age most likely correlates a child who has reached a developmental milestone grasping the concept of conservation of numbers for the first time?

5 years

Which range of heart rate is acceptable for a preschooler?

80 to 110

The nurse is differentiating between cephalhematoma and caput succedaneum. Which finding is unique to caput succedaneum?

Edema that crosses the suture line

Which is a primary focus of teaching for a pregnant adolescent at her first prenatal clinic visit?

Encouraging her to continue regularly scheduled prenatal care

Which are the characteristics of reactions associated with immunizations for a 2-month-old infant?

Local or systemic and usually mild

Which intervention reflects the nurse's approach of "family as a context"?

Trying to meet the client's comfort

Which education would the nurse provide the parent of a preschool-age child about how preschoolers view death?

a form of sleep

Which belief would the nurse expect a preschooler to hold regarding the concept of death?

a temporary condition

A client tells the nurse, "I keep reverting to my old habit of drinking soda, although I have stopped drinking as much." Which stage of health behavior change has the client reached?

action phase

Which hormone influences kidney function?


The nurse prepares to give a drug that will prevent receptor activation. Which term would describe this drug?


Which term refers to the Cowper gland?

bulbourethral gland

Which collecting structure is located at the end of the renal papilla?


The nurse is helping a client maintain and regain health, manage his or her disease and symptoms, and attain a maximal level of function and independence through the healing process. Which role is the nurse playing?


Which activities would the nurse suggest for a 6-year-old boy who is hospitalized with an exacerbation of nephritic syndrome?

checkers, simple card games, crayons

The nurse is gathering a client's health history. Which information would the nurse classify as biographical information? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

clients age type of insurance occupation status

Which finding in older adult clients is associated with aging?

decrease in height

Although the newborn was just cleaned and examined, the mother notes a red rash consisting of small papules on the face, chest, and back of the newborn. Which condition would the nurse recognize?

erythema toxicum

Which individual completes the developmental questionnaire for an infant using the Developmental (ASQ-3) screening?


The parents of a preschooler tell the nurse that they try to inculcate good eating habits by asking the child to be at the table until the "plate is clean." Which condition is the child at risk for?

poor eating habitts

On a routine prenatal visit, which is the sign or symptom that a healthy primigravida at 20 weeks' gestation will most likely report for the first time?


Which immediate action would the nurse take if a client in the active phase of labor says, "I feel all wet. I think I wet myself."?

inspect her perineum

A drug administered by which route requires the most immediate evaluation of therapeutic effect?


Which of these questions is included on the CAGE screening test for alcoholism?

"Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?"

The clinic nurse is teaching an adolescent about lifestyle modifications to prevent hyperlipidemia. Which statement by the adolescent indicates a need for further teaching?

"I'll start eating more red meat."

Which of these clients seen at a health fair will be most at risk for hypertension?

62-year-old African American man

From which client would the nurse expect dramatic physical growth and marked development?

9 month old infant

The nurse performs a gross motor skills assessment on an infant. Which age should the infant obtain the ability to crawl?

9 months

Which characteristic would the nurse anticipate in an infant born at 32 weeks' gestation?

Barely visible areolae and nipples

Which pain scale is used to measure the intensity of pain in preschoolers?

FACES scale

Which topic would the nurse include in a teaching session for the parents of a 13-month-old child?

Gradual weaning from the bottle

Where would the fundal height be located in a pregnant client at 16 weeks' gestation?

Half the distance to the umbilicus

Which statement best indicates that the nurse understands the meaning of pharmacokinetics?

It explains how drugs are absorbed and distributed

Which hormone is crucial for ovulation and complete maturation of the ovarian follicles?


Which method of contraception may provide adolescents with the longest duration of protection?

Levonorgestrel intrauterine system

The nurse reads that the half-life of the medication being administered is 12 hours. Which interpretation should guide the nurse's care of this patient?

This medication will be 50% eliminated in 12 hours

Which would the nurse expect to observe in a healthy newborn's cord vessels?

Three vessels: one vein and two arteries

Which type of lochia would the visiting nurse expect to observe on a client's pad on the fourth day after a vaginal delivery?

moderate rubra

The nurse teaches a pregnant client regarding the necessity for a folic acid supplement. Folic acid taken in the first trimester of pregnancy helps reduce the risk for which neonatal disorder?

neural tube defects

A pregnant client asks how smoking will affect her baby. Which information about cigarette smoking will influence the nurse's response?

The resulting vasoconstriction affects both fetal and maternal blood vessels.

Which concept would the nurse consider when caring for school-aged children who are obese?

There are familial influences on childhood eating habits.

Which bursae are between the client's elbow and the skin?


What would the nurse ask the mother of a child who goes to the bathroom almost every hour at school?

"Has your child been going to the bathroom often at home?"

After the birth of a neonate, a parent asks, "What is that white substance over the baby's body?" How would the nurse respond?

"It's expected, and it's called vernix caseosa."

The mother of an adolescent asks the nurse, "Which is the best way to remove a tick from the skin?" Which is the best response by the nurse?

"Remove the tick carefully with tweezers."

A child watches an older sibling playing with a ball but makes no effort to participate in the play. Which social character is the child exhibiting?

onlooker play

A 9-month-old infant appears well nourished, alert, and happy. Using Freud's psychosexual stages of development, the nurse determines that the infant is in which stage?

oral sensory stage

Which age correlates with pubertal growth spurt peak in males?

14 years

Which tissue connects the client's tibia to the femur at the knee joint?


Which factor contraindicates sexual intercourse during pregnancy?

Premature rupture of membranes

Which education would the nurse provide parents about the side effects of the Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) vaccine?

low grade fever

Which gross motor skill is found in children between 2 to 4 months of age?

The child can bear weight on forearms when prone.

Which gross motor skill would be observed in children between 8 and 10 months old?

The child can creep on his or her hands and knees.

Which description of family-centered care is correct?

A collaborative plan of care is developed to achieve optimal health.

Which characteristics would a slow-to-warm up child display? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Adapts slowly with frequent communication Reacts with mild but passive resistance to novelty Reacts negatively and with mild intensity to new stimuli

Which auditory test is appropriate for infants?

Behavioral audiometry

While obtaining the client's health history, which factor would the nurse identify that predisposes the client to type 2 diabetes?

Being 20 pounds (9 kg) overweightBeing 20 pounds (9 kg) overweight

Which information would the nurse provide to the breast-feeding client asking how human milk compares with cow's milk?

Fat in human milk is easier to digest and absorb than the fat in cow's milk.

Which behaviors would the nurse anticipate when conducting a developmental assessment for a newborn? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Sucking on a pacifier Grasping a parent's finger Swallowing while breast-feeding Rooting when the cheek is stroked

Which internal variable influences health beliefs and practices?

intellectual background

A young pregnant adolescent is diagnosed as having bacterial vaginosis. Which complications related to bacterial vaginosis may occur? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

preterm labor/birth intramniotic infection postpartum endometritis

According to Piaget's theory, which of these statements about the period of concrete operations is true?

A child is able to describe a process without actually doing it.

Which conditions are risk factors that may place infants at a higher risk for developing jaundice? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

infection prematurity breast feeding maternal diabetes

The nurse is teaching the parents of an 18-month-old child the procedure for instilling eardrops. How would this procedure be done?

By pulling the pinna down and back to straighten the auditory canal before instillation of the drops

A prenatal client's vaginal mucosa is noted to have a purplish discoloration. Which sign would be documented in the client's clinical record?


Which relationship is the most important to the formation of personality?

Parent-child relationships

Which of these statements about pregnancy in the adolescent population are true? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

Pregnant adolescents often seek out less prenatal care Adolescent mothers need competent daycare for their infants. Infants of adolescent mothers are at increased risk for prematurity.

The nurse at a community health care center focuses on providing primary preventive care. Which is the focus of primary preventive care?

Promoting health in healthy individuals

Which is the most important nursing intervention when working with an older adult client?

Reinforcing the client's strengths and promoting reminiscing

Which part of the upper respiratory system is involved in equalizing the pressure within the middle ear while swallowing?

eustachian tubes

An adolescent who has just been found to have type 1 diabetes asks the nurse about exercise. Which is the best response by the nurse?

extra snacks are needed before exercise

Which intrinsic factor is associated with the fall of an older adult?

lack of exercise

Which are barrier methods of contraception? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

lea's shield diaphragm condom

The nurse is teaching a child with asthma breathing exercises using techniques in play situation, and the child performs a repeat demonstration for the nurse. Which technique indicates the child needs further teaching?

moving a cotton ball when inhaling

A primigravida in the first trimester tells the nurse that she has heard that hormones play an important role in pregnancy. Which hormone would the nurse tell the client maintains pregnancy?


Which physiological body functions decrease in response to certain pubertal changes? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

pulse rate basal heat production

Which stage of development classifies boys and girls as differing very little in terms of size?

school-age (6-12)

Which stage of Kohlberg's theory explains the influence of moral values on an individual's thought?

society-maintaining orientation

Which conditions pose the greatest risk for injury for an adolescent? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct.

substance abuse motor vehicle accidents

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