PHI 2600 Quiz #1

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What is the conclusion in the following argument? "The United States is a democracy. Therefore, more gun control laws should be enacted in the United States because people favor stricter gun control laws."

"...more gun control laws should be enacted in the United States..."

Which of the following expressions would you be most likely to hear from someone who is engaged in doublethink?

"I agree with both sides of the argument."

Which of the following questions would you most likely hear from people in the post conventional stage of moral reasoning when they are confronted with a moral issue in their lives?

"Is someone going to be harmed by my actions?"

Which of the following statements would you most likely hear from a cultural relativist?

"My country right or wrong."

Which of the following questions would you be most likely to hear from someone, in both Kohlberg's and Gilligan's pre-conventional stage of moral reasoning, when they are confronted with a moral issue?

"What's in it for me?"

What is the premise indicator in the following argument? "Discrimination violates the principle of justice. Therefore, affirmative action is wrong because it involves reverse discriminatio


Identify the person who said: " the different voice of women lies the truth of an ethic of care, the tie between relationships and responsibility, and the origins of aggression in the failure to connect."

Carol Gilligan

Identify the person who said: "The elusive mystery women's development lies in its recognition of the continuing importance of attachment in the human life-cycle...while the [masculine] development litany intones the celebration of separation, autonomy, individuation, and natural rights..."

Carol Gilligan

Which aspect of the conscience is emphasized most by Lawrence Kohlberg?


Which of the following is the most often used as an immature defense mechanism?


If you need help writing your essay, you should ask Mary Lou. She's a real saint. You can always count on Mary Lou to come through when someone is in need. Even though she's in danger of flunking out this semester and her health is suffering, she doesn't let that stop her from putting other people's needs before her own. She'll always drop what she's doing to help anyone. At what stage of moral development would Gilligan say Mary Lou is?


Identify the person who said: "Progress through the moral levels and stages is characterized by increasing differentiation and increasing integration and hence is the same kind of progress that scientific theory represents."

Lawrence Kohlberg

Identify the person who said: "The post-conventional stage is characterized by a major thrust toward autonomous moral principles that have validity and application apart from the authority of the groups or people who hold them..."

Lawrence Kohlberg

Which of the following groups is not generally considered a member of the moral community in the United States.

Unborn humans

Ethical theories which place humans at the center of the moral community are known as...


According to Carol Gilligan, most women make decisions based on...

care and relationships

In constructing moral arguments, we should begin by...

compiling a list of premises

A person whose conscience is influenced primarily by conscious moral reasoning is known as a(n)

Autonomous moral agent

Which of the following is the best example of the use of resistance as a defense mechanism?

Avoiding people who have different views than others

Opinions are:

Based on the feeling rather than on reason.

It is morally acceptable for parents to conceive a child in order to obtain blood or organ tissue transplant to save the life of another of their children because parents have a right to make their own decisions about whether or not to conceive one child in order to save another child's life.

Begging the question

People are most likely to use fallacies when...

they are unable to rationally defend their worldviews

Which of the following premises is shared by developmental theorists?

Humans have an innate desire to grow and strive toward the good.

Which of the following people would be most likely to excuse a women's abusive behavior toward her children because of her past history of abuse as a child?

Sigmund Freud

"I shall never stop practicing philosophy and exhorting you and elucidating the truth for everyone that I meet."


"Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process."

Stanley Milgram

"We began by admitting that the fundamental ethical concepts are unanalyzable inasmuch as there is no criterion by which one can test the validity of the judgment in which they occur..."

A.J. Ayer

I don't support the Obama administration's policy on the non-use of nuclear weapons if we are attacked by another nation. As far as I'm concerned it has no validity since they're just a bunch of naive and spineless wimps.

Abusive fallacy

I'm not going to support President Clinton's policy on ending sexual harassment in the workplace because as far as I'm concerned it has no validity. Just look at the way he took advantage of the women who worked for him.

Abusive fallacy

I believe in the Golden Rule. Therefore, I have an inherent duty to do unto others as I would have them do unto me. If I were puzzled by a question on an examination, I would want the person sitting next to me to copy answers from my test. You surely aren't going to fail me simply for obeying the Golden Rule?


"There is one thing a professor can be absolutely certain: almost every student entering the university believes, or says she believes, that truth is relative."

Allan Bloom

Buddhist metaphysics supports which of the following views of reality?

An interconnected web

Abortion is acceptable because it is a woman's constitutional right.

Appeal to tradition

Of course private ownership of property is morally acceptable. It's been fundamental to our American way of life since this country's inception.

Appeal to tradition

"...the human function is the soul's activity that expresses reason."


Identify the person who said: "Nature prepares in us the ground for their [moral virtues] reception, but their compete formation is the product of habit."


Which of the following traits would you most likely find in a self-actualized person?


Which of the following is an example of a non-cognitive ethical theory?


Which of the following factors would a cultural relativist argue is most important to the foundation of our conscience?


Which of the following would be most interested in the question, "Is intuition a reliable source of moral truth?"


My parents used to get into arguments all the time and they ended up getting divorced. Logic reached people how to make arguments. Therefore, if you want a happy marriage, you should stay away from logic.


Which of the following people is the best example of an autonomous moral agent?

Hyun, who looks to reason for moral guidance.

In 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people in a Connecticut elementary school. Which of the following responses to the boy's actions would one most likely hear from a metaphysical determinist?

He should not be held responsible for his actions because he is a product of his genes and his environment.

Which of the following is a criticism of Kohlberg's theory on the stage of moral development?

His research on the stages is misleading because his research was based only on his studies with men.

In defense of his position that black people are innately inferior intellectually to white people, biologist Arthur R. Jensen writes, "No one has yet produced any evidence based on a properly controlled study to show that a representative samples of Negro and while children can be equalized in intellectual ability through statistical control of environment and education."


Which of the following two moral sentiments appear early in childhood?

Indignation and empathy

At which level of thinking would one be most likely to hear the statement "Euthanasia must be immortal because it is illegal"?


I fail to see why hunting should be considered cruel when it gives pleasure to so many people.

Irrelevant conclusion

Which of the following is an example of a prescriptive statement?

It is wrong for the state to execute criminals.

Which of the following statements best describes ecofeminist Karen Warren's view of Western dualism?

It leads to the domination both woman and nature.

Identify the person who said the following: "Judging is not in general simply accepting one of two ready-made alternatives as the right one... It is a comprehensive function, involving our whole nature, by which we direct ourselves and find our way through a hole forest of possibilities."

Mary Midgley

During a junior high health education class on genetics, the teacher asked one of the students to remove his shoes and show the webbing between his toes. Oblivious to the student's obvious embarrassment, she chided him until he finally took off his shoes. In which of James Rest's components of moral behavior was this teacher clearly deficient?

Moral sensitivity

Several years ago, two ten-year-old boys abducted and brutally murdered a two-year-old child. One of the police officers who was interviewed regarded the crime "as symptomatic of a culture that enshrines violence." A second officer disagreed. He felt this was a case of "a couple of bad seeds, of inherit evil." According to the second officer, what was the main factor contributing to the development of the boy's conscience?

Natural endowment

What are two traditional subdivisions of moral philosophy?

Normative ethics and metaethics.

The pampered daughter of a wealthy businessman and a prominent Boston socialite joins the Peace Corps following college and spends one year working with AIDS orphans in a poverty struck area of Africa, This experience deeply upsets her and, to her parent's dismay, leads her to question her childhood values. What, according to Sheila Mullet, is the daughter experiencing?

Ontological shock

Where is Truth to be found in Plato's Allegory of the Cave?

Outside the cave

Identify the person who said the following: "Most human suffering, of which human violation itself is the cause, springs from the action of people whose minds are confused. Confused minds seem to be operative at all levels of contemporary society, from the topmost levels of decision-making to the lowest levels in social hierarchy."

P. Don Premasiri

"This shift in consciousness includes a search for the collective actions that can transform the existing unjust social structures..."

Paulo Freire

Identify the person who said the following: "One of the gravest obstacles to the achievement of liberation is that oppressive reality (worldview) absorbs those within it...To no longer be prey to its force, one must emerge from it and turn on it. This can be done only by means of praxis..."

Paulo Freire

According to psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg,

People at the post-conventional stage of moral development base their moral decisions on universal moral principles.

"...the form of the good is the last thing to be seen, and it is reached only with difficulty. Once one has seen it, however, one must conclude that it is the cause of all that is correct and beautiful in anything..."


Identify the person who said: "The super-ego retains the character of the father, while the more powerful the Oedipus complex was and the more rapidly it succumbed to repression...the stricter will be the domination of the super-ego later on in the form of conscience or perhaps of an unconscious sense of guilt."

Sigmund Freud

"The first rule for seeking truth was to accept nothing as true which I did not clearly recognize to be so."

Rene Descartes

According to the buddhists, this path can guide us to right thinking and moral wisdom.

The Eightfold Path

According to studies of psychopaths and brain-damaged people like Phones P. Gage, which part of the brain plays a key role in moral reasoning?

The frontal lobes

According to Aristotle, what is our most important functions as humans?

The pursuit of the good life.

Where would an empiricist be most likely to look for moral knowledge?

The scientific method

What is it that, by definition, all philosophers love?


Which of the following groups, according to liberation ethicists, have epistemological privilege in American society?

Women of color

According to the Buddhist and the Hindus, conscience is...

a basic law of consciousness

According to sociobiologist, human altruism is oriented toward...

cooperation with the who are most like us

Most American adults base their moral decisions on...

cultural norms and laws

The primary purpose of the Socratic Method is to...

find answers to philosophical questions

In resolving a moral dilemma, we should first...

get our facts straight

Regarding Dr. Jack Kevorkian's impassioned defense of physician-assisted suicide, an emotivist would most likely argue that his position...

is neither right nor wrong but is just an example of his feelings.

One of the primary purposes of moral theory is to...

provide guidance in making real life moral decisions

Metaphysical dualists believe that...

reality is made up of two distinct substances: mind and matter

Marlene often gets angry and storms off in a snit when people question her views on the morality of abortion. Marlene is in all likelihood using...

resistance to avoid analyzing her worldviews

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud identified the conscience with the...


The primary purpose of rhetoric is to...

win an argument through persuasive speech

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