Phil 6

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All shows that young children will not enjoy are movies that are not animated Disney movies.--FALSE You reversed the subject and predicate, each became its complement and the truth value remained unchanged.

"All animated Disney movies are shows that young children will enjoy."Assume the proposition is FALSE. What is the contraposition of this proposition? What is its truth value?

All non-animals are non-dogs.--TRUE The "All" remained "All", the truth value remained the same, and the subject and predicate were reversed and then each became its complement.

"All dogs are animals."Assume this proposition is TRUE. What is the contraposition of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

All friendly animals are dogs.--UNKNOWN The conserve of an "A" proposition is always unknown. Furthermore, all that changes is that the subject and predicate are reversed.

"All dogs are friendly."Assume this proposition is FALSE. What is the converse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

All homes that are not worth the price being asked are homes that are currently on the market.--UNKNOWN This is an "A" proposition, and the converse is always unknown. Furthermore, when you convert a statement, the quantity and quality always remains the same. Only the subject and predicate are reversed.

"All homes that are currently on the market are homes that are not worth the price being asked."Assume this proposition is TRUE. What is the converse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

No people who are obnoxious are people with friends.--FALSE The "All" became a "No", the predicate became its complement and the truth value remained the same, i.e., a false statement remained false.

"All people who are obnoxious are people without friends."Assume this proposition is FALSE. What is the obverse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

No people who own dogs or cats are people who are more likely to have heart attacks as a result of stress.--TRUE The truth value of the two statements remained the same, the predicate became its complement, and the "All" became a "No".

"All people who own dogs or cats are people who are less likely to have heart attacks as a result of stress."Assume this proposition is TRUE. What is the obverse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

Non Sequitur

"Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of living in a city with a good subway system like the Washington Metro understands how efficient a good public transportation system is. Not only does it clear the streets of congestion, but also it allows both the rich and the poor to arrive at their jobs rested and ready for work. Just think of how much the productivity of the Los Angles worker would improve if they didn't have to fight an hour or more of rush hour traffic before they even began work. Therefore, I urge you all to vote for Assembly Bill 1726, which provides funding for a subway in the greater Los Angles area."

No animal that likes to play in the water is a cat.--FALSE When converting an "E" proposition, the truth value always remains the same. Furthermore, everything else remains the same except that the subject and predicate are reversed.

"No cat is an animal that likes to play in the water."Assume this proposition is FALSE. What is the converse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

No non-rocks are non-dogs.--UNKNOWN The contrapositive of an "E" is always unknown. Further, the subject and predicate are reversed and each became its complement.

"No dog is a rock."Assume the proposition is TRUE. What is the contraposition of this proposition? What is its truth value?

No manufacturers concerned about the environmental damage they are doing are manufacturers of pesticides.--TRUE The converse of an "E" proposition always has the same truth value--true propositions remain true and false propositions remain false. Furthermore, all that changes is that the subject and predicate are reversed.

"No manufacturers of pesticides are concerned about the environmental damage they are doing."Assume this proposition is TRUE. What is the converse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

All paramedics are people able to drive safely at high speeds.--TRUE The quality changed from negative to affirmative and the predicate became the complement.

"No paramedics are people unable to drive safely at high speeds."Assume this proposition is TRUE. What is the obverse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

All typewriters are useless tools in the modern business office.--FALSE The "No" became an "All", "useful" became "useless" and the truth value remained false.

"No typewriters are useful tools in the modern business office."Assume this proposition is FALSE. What is the obverse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

intentional sign

"Smoke" is the sign for smoke.

Some things not worth listening to are not non-CD.--TRUE The truth value remains the same, the subject and predicate are reversed and each became its complement.

"Some CDs are not worth listening to."Assume the proposition is TRUE. What is the contraposition of this proposition? What is its truth value?

Some unannoying birds are birds that are not blackbirds.--UNKNOWN

"Some blackbirds are annoying."Assume the proposition is FALSE. What is the contraposition of this proposition? What is its truth value?

Some unpleasant times are not experiences that are not character building.--FALSE

"Some character building experiences are not pleasant times."Assume the proposition is FALSE. What is the contraposition of this proposition? What is its truth value?

Some computers are worth less than doorstops.--FALSE "Some__ aren't ___" became "Some __ are ___", "worth more than doorstops" became "worth less than doorstops" and the truth value remained unchanged.

"Some computers are not worth more than doorstops."Assume this proposition is FALSE. What is the obverse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

Some football teams are not groups that don't donate money to non-profit organizations.--TRUE The truth value remained the same, an "I" became an "O" and the predicate became its complement.

"Some football teams are groups that donate money to non-profit organizations."Assume this proposition is TRUE. What is the obverse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

Some forest fires are not unfortunate events.--FALSE An "I" became an "O", "fortunate" became "unfortunate" and the truth value remained the same, i.e., a false statement stayed false.

"Some forest fires are fortunate events."Assume this proposition is FALSE. What is the obverse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

Some plants that have no seeds are fruit.--FALSE The converse of an "I" proposition always has the same truth value. Furthermore, everything else remains the same except that the subject and predicate are reversed.

"Some fruits have no seeds."Assume this proposition is FALSE. What is the converse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

Some printers incapable of printing colors are non-ink jet printers.--UNKNOWN The contrapositive of an I is always unknown. Furthermore, the subject and predicate are reversed and each becomes its complement.

"Some ink jet printers are capable of printing colors."Assume the proposition is TRUE. What is the contraposition of this proposition? What is its truth value?

Some females are not mothers.--UNKNOWN The converse of an "O" proposition is always unknown.

"Some mothers are not females."Assume this proposition is FALSE. What is the converse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

Some people that are actively seeking new employment are not people currently on welfare.--UNKNOWN The converse of an "O" proposition is always unknown. Furthermore, all that changes is that the subject and predicate are reversed.

"Some people currently on welfare are not people that are actively seeking new employment."Assume this proposition is TRUE. What is the converse of this proposition? And what is its truth value?

Some people who are very bad at teaching aren't people who are very good at reading "body language".--FALSE

"Some people who are not very good at reading "body language" aren't very good at teaching."Assume the proposition is FALSE. What is the contraposition of this proposition? What is its truth value?


"Well, I guess the paper is graded accurately," said the student, "but a 63 will give me a `C` in the course, and I desperately need a 'B' to get into medical school. I've worked so hard for four years, couldn't you raise the exam grade to a nice, round 80?"


"Well, I guess the paper is graded accurately," said the student, "but a 63 will give me a `C` in the course, and I desperately need a 'B' to get into medical school. I've worked so hard for four years, couldn't you raise the exam grade to a nice, round 80?"

Determine the category for the following definition. "Facade" refers to the exterior face of a building.

(This is a definition by intension or meaning, not by extension or example.) precising?

Determine the category for the following definition. A full house in a poker hand is three of a kind and a pair.

(This is a definition by intension, not by example.)

"All cats are animals that people with allergies should avoid." What is the form of this proposition?


All days that are snowy are days that I like to read. This proposition is


All people who live in glass houses are people who should not throw stones. This proposition is


All people who live near airports in which there are no regulations controlling noise should purchase earplugs. This proposition is

A The crucial word here is "All".

natural sign

All the driftwood in Lake Oroville means that there must have been a lot of flooding last year.

Select the correct Venn Diagram for the following proposition: All Butte College females with a GPA of 3.7 or above are students who will have no difficulty getting into Chico State University.


Select the correct Venn Diagram for the following proposition: All works written by Shakespeare were originally published in German.


Select the correct Venn Diagram for the following proposition: All unicorns are one-horned horse like animals.


*Strawman / Red Herring:

Although physicians and hospital administrators' salaries have increased at twice the rate of inflation, that's no reason to blame them for increase health care costs. The facts of the matter are that the character of health care has fundamentally changed. New surgical techniques enabling the transplanation of hearts and lungs, new kinds of equipment like the CAT scanner and new diagnostic and therapeutic modes that are prolonging the patients' lives with once terminal diseases are the real reason the costs of health care has increased.

"Plant" is primarily


"Ring" is primarily


"A healthy diet includes at least one serving of fruits and vegetables at day.""President Obama is in good health."The italicized pair of words are being used


"Dogs" is a four-letter word. "Cats" is a four-letter word. "Pigs" is a four-letter word. Therefore, all four-letter words refer to animals.


"Nothing that is without a soul and reason can generate of itself anything endowed with life and reason; the world, however, generates beings with soul and reason; therefore the world is itself living and possessed of mind." -Zeno


All people have a natural right to the fruit of their own labor. Therefore it is wrong for government to tax individuals for any reason other than providing for the common defense against criminals from within or aggressor nations from without.


In 1957, among the thirty-three nations that chose not to exercise the death penalty, the number of murders never increased. Thus, capital punishment simply does not appear to serve as a deterrent. -- Normal Mailer.


It is entirely correct. . . to speak of the God of Technology—in the sense that people believe technology works, they rely on it, it makes promises, they are bereft when denied access to it, they are delighted when they are in its presence, for most people it works in mysterious ways, they condemn people who speak against it, they stand in awe of it, and in the born-again mode, they will alter their lifestyles, their schedules, their habits, and their relationships to accommodate it. If this be not a form of religious belief, what is it? -Neil Postman, The End of Education


It is impossible for "matter in motion" by itself to create information. But even evolutionists like Richard Dawkins assume that genes contain information. So where did this come from? The only plausible answer is that some sort of super natural intelligence exists.


Scientists will never succeed in designing a computer that can actually think. Thinking, by its very nature, involves subjectivity. But computers are machines, and machines involve no subjectivity.


The mind directly perceives only ideas. Material objects are not ideas. These facts prove that the mind does not directly perceive material objects.


There are over 250 million people living in the United States because that is what all the standard geography textbooks say and they certainly can't all be wrong about something so simple.


There is no such thing as human nature. If human nature is but partly present in Plato and in Socrates, neither Socrates nor Plato can truly be said to be a man. If, on the other hand, human nature is entirely present in one of them, it cannot be present at all in the other. Since it can be found in them neither partly, nor entirely, it cannot possible be something, it is nothing.


When I got home from school, the lights were on and the phone was ringing. The front door was wide open. There were no signs of any forced entry or burglary. Someone must have left the house in a hurry.


There is wide spread agreement that Plato, Aristotle and Kant are the most original and important philosophers. They all say that the order and beauty of the universe could only be explained by the existence of a supernatural creator. So clearly there must be a God.


A Democrat is someone who wants to turn America into a Socialist state.


Religion is the opium of the masses--Karl Marx


Conversion this operation simply switches the subject and predicate.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: All A are ~ B An logical operation turns it into: All ~B are A What is the name of the operation?

Unknown Consider the following example: "All dogs are animals" is true, but switching the terms gives you "All animals are dogs" which is false. Therefore, the converse of "A" is not logically equivalent.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: All A are ~B A logical operation turns it into: All ~B are A What is the new truth value?

All B are ~A

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: All A are ~B If you applied the logical operation of contraposition to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

False The contrapositive of "A" propositions are logically equivalent.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: All A are ~B If you applied the logical operation of contraposition to this statement, what would be the resulting truth value?

No A are B change the quantity, kept the quality and subject the same and formed the complement of the predicate.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: All A are ~B If you applied the logical operation of obversion to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

False Obverted statements are always logically equivalent.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: All A are ~B If you applied the logical operation of obversion to this statement, what would be the resulting truth value?

All ~B are A switch the subject and predicate and formed the complement of each.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: All ~A are B If you applied the logical operation of contraposition to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

False Contrapositives of "A" are always logically equivalent.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: All ~A are B If you applied the logical operation of contraposition to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

All ~A are ~B The quantity and subject stay the same, the quality changes and the predicate becomes the complement.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: No ~A are B If you applied the logical operation of obversion to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

False All obversions have the same truth value.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: No ~A are B If you applied the logical operation of obversion to this statement, what would be the resulting truth value?

No B are A switch the subject and predicate and formed the complement of both.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: No ~A are ~B If you applied the logical operation of contraposition to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

Unknown There are no double arrows on the chart for the contrapositive of an "E" proposition.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: No ~A are ~B If you applied the logical operation of contraposition to this statement, what would be the resulting truth value?

false Note the double arrows indicating the logical equivalence of converted "I" propositions.

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: Some A are ~B A logical operation turns it into: Some ~B are A What is the new truth value?

Conversion The new proposition simply reverses the subject and predicate terms. And you remembered that the "tilde always sticks with term."

Assume the following proposition is FALSE: Some A are ~B An logical operation turns it into: Some ~B are A What is the name of the operation?

True The obverse of any statement is logically equivalent.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some A are B If you applied the logical operation of obversion to this statement, what would be the resulting truth value?

Unknown The contrapositive of an "I" LACKS the double arrows indicating logical equivalence.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some A are ~ B An logical operation turns it into: Some B are ~A What is the name of the truth value?

No ~B are A You simply reverse the subject and predicate which includes the tildes.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: No A are ~B If you applied the logical operation of conversion to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

True Convert "E" propositions have the same truth value.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: No A are ~B If you applied the logical operation of conversion to this statement, what would be the resulting truth value?

unknown a contraposed "I" truth value is unknown.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some A are B A logical operation turns it into: Some ~B are ~A What is the new truth value?

contraposition the subject and predicates have switched places and a tilde has been added to each.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some A are B An logical operation turns it into: Some ~B are ~A What is the name of the operation?

Some A aren't ~B keep the subject and quantity the same, changed the quality (i.e., "aren't" became "are") and changed the predicate to its complement.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some A are B If you applied the logical operation of obversion to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

contraposition switch the subject and predicate and formed the complement of each.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some A are ~ B An logical operation turns it into: Some B are ~A What is the name of the operation?

Some A are B change the quality, kept the quantity and subject the same, and formed the complement of the predicate.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some A aren't ~B If you applied the logical operation of obversion to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

True The obverse of all propositions are logically equivalent.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some A aren't ~B If you applied the logical operation of obversion to this statement, what would be the resulting truth value?

Obversion keep the quantity and subject the same, changed the quality and formed the complement of the predicate.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some ~A are ~ B A logical operation turns it into: Some ~A aren't B What is the name of the operation?

true Obversion always has the same truth value.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some ~A are ~ B A logical operation turns it into: Some ~A aren't B What is the name of the operation?

true The contrapositive of an "O" always has the same truth value.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some ~A aren't B A logical operation turns it into: Some ~B aren't A What is the new truth value?


Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some ~A aren't B An logical operation turns it into: Some ~B aren't A What is the name of the operation?

Some B aren't ~A switch the subject and predicate and remembered that the tilde sticks to the term.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some ~A aren't B If you applied the logical operation of conversion to this statement, what would be the resulting statement?

Unknown convert "O" LACK the double arrow indicating logical equivalence.

Assume the following proposition is TRUE: Some ~A aren't B If you applied the logical operation of conversion to this statement, what would be the resulting truth value?


Bill cannot have anything insightful to say about race relations in the United States since he is a white male born and educated in Beverly Hills.

Natural sign

Clouds are a sign of rain.

Angels are immaterial substances capable of rational and willful thought.


Critical thinking is the ability to make good judgments in situations in which the best solution or answer is not to be discovered merely by applying a rule or repeating a memorized answer.


Moral freedom consists in our having a will that is habitually disposed by virtue to will as it ought. Virtue. . . is the habitual disposition to desire aright, which means choosing what one needs—the real goods one ought to desire. --Mortimer Adler


Real freedom is not being able to do what you want; it is being able to want what you need.


Unicorns are one-horned, horse-like animals.


"Boutique multiculturalism is the multiculturalism of ethnic restaurants, weekend festivals, and high profile flirtations with 'the other' in the manner satirized by Tom Wolfe under the rubric of 'radical chic.' Boutique multiculturalism is characterized by its superficial or cosmic relationship to the objects of its affection. Boutique multiculturalists admire or appreciate or enjoy or sympathize with or (at the very least) 'recognize the legitimacy of' the traditions of cultures other than their own; but boutique multiculturalists will always stop short of approving other cultures at a point where some value at their center generates an act that offends against the canons of civilized decency as they have been either declared or assumed." --Stanley Fish, Critical Inquiry (Winter 1997)


Liberalism is the theory that it is impossible for a person to be both sincere and mistaken about what is good.


*non sequitur

Did you see that woman wearing a mink coat, driving a BMW and purchasing New York Steaks with Food Stamps! Obviously we ought to get rid of welfare.

non sequitur

Did you see the newspaper article in the New York Times exposing all the fraud, waste and abuse in the Department of Energy? Obviously we ought to shut down this department.

Strawman/red herring

Dr. MacIntyre's proposal that we should screen for the Tay-Saks gene in high risk populations must be rejected out of hand by all right thinking people. What he is really talking about is genetic engineering and what's worse, "high risk populations" is nothing more than a code word for anti-Semitics. Doesn't he understand that Hitler started his campaign against the Jews with the same sort of reasoning!

No teachers who would not hesitate to quite their job if they won the lottery should be hired in the first place. This proposition is

E The crucial word here is "No".

No rainy day is a day when the danger of fire is great. This proposition is

E- The crucial word is "No"

nose counting

Everyone has a different opinion about the morality of abortion. So for anyone to advocate for restrictions on abortion is really nothing more than an attempt to force their own opinions on everyone else.

'Why--damn it--it's medieval,' I exclaimed: for I still had all the chronological snobbery of my period and used the names of earlier periods as terms of abuse. -- C. S. Lewis


Statement to a foreign visitor to the Sacramento Valley a month after the floods of 1997: "Many houses here are in a terrible mess because of the break in the levees and the consequent flooding."


The pipes burst because the water froze.


The reason capital punishment is not an effective deferent is that most murders are "crimes of passion" where the murderer is simply not thinking about the consequences of his or her action.


The reason fish have gills is so that they can get oxygen out of the water.


The reason so many people are calling in sick is that there is a new flu virus going around this year that is especially mean.


The reason that there is more fog in Chico than in Paradise during the winter is because there are no breezes and the moisture collects in the valley.


"Translucent" means that if you hold it up to a strong light then you will be able to see objects, but only indistinctly.


A bork is a middle aged male who flies radio controlled model airplanes.


A scientist is someone like Issac Newton, Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein.


A piece of furniture is something like a chair, bed, table, etc.


ad hominem fallacy

Fred the Fox has recently published an essay arguing that prison guards systematically abuse the rights of prisoners. Of course, there can be absolutely no reason to read Mr. Fox's argument since he was convicted of fifteen counts of robbery and spent ten years in prison himself.

Ad Hominem

Fred: The most practical reason for not smoking marijuana is simply that it's illegal.Sally: Don't talk to me about obeying the law! You rarely drive within the legal speed limit, and you frequently drive with more than the legal limit of alcohol in your system

Ad Hominem

Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy is not worth the paper it's printed on. Nietzsche was an immoral reprobate who went completely insane from syphilis before he died.

Strawman / Red Herring

Fundamentalist: Future generations will view our nation's current position on abortion just like we view the previous century's position on slavery. When will we admit that the unborn have rights too?Feminist: I'm glad you're so concerned about the rights of the unborn. But I understand that you're in favor of ending all federal aid for education. Just think of how many low income students will be denied the right to a good education!


Gentlemen, I am sure that if you think it over you will see that my suggestion has real merit. It is only a suggestion of course, and not an order. As I mentioned at our last conference, I am planning to reorganize the whole business. I still hope, however, that it will not be necessary to curtail the operations of your department.

Place the following terms in order of increasing extension.

Golden Retriever, dog, mammal, living thing, physical object

Some dogs are brown. This proposition is


Some men still play with toys. This proposition is


Some books with interesting titles do not read very well and are boring. This proposition is

I The crucial word here is "Some" and you were not mislead by the "not" which is really part of the predicate


I'm absolutely certain about how fast I was driving, Officer, and it was well below the speed limit. I've had tickets before, and if you give me one now it will cost me over a hundred dollars. And if I have to pay a hundred-dollar fine I won't be able to afford to have my wife operated on—and she's been sick a long time and needs that operation desperately!


I'm sure that all you students will only say good things about me on these student evaluations becasue, remember, I know your handwriting and I'm solely responsbile for assigninf your grade at the end of the semester!


I.R.S. attorney to tax accountant: "I would urge that you stop informing taxpayers of the 'loopholes' we have been discussing. I am confident you will comply, since surely you want to avoid an audit of your last year's return."

Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing extension: personal computer, contains electronic circuitry, IMB Pentium, IBM computer

IBM Pentium, IBM computer, personal computer, contains electronic circuitry

Nose Counting fallacy

If you look around at what's happening in the world you see more and more countries adopting democratic institutions and practices. Obviously, democracy is the best form of government.

A "mammal" is a warm-blooded vertebrate animal.

Intensional--genus and specific difference

For the purpose of purchasing alcoholic beverages, "adult" means that a person is at least 21 years old.


No Fallacy

It would not be a good idea to appoint Pam Peterson to the office of city manager. During the past fifteen years Peterson has managed five different businesses, and all of them declared bankruptcy as a direct result of her inept leadership.

No fallacy

It would not be a good idea to appoint Pam Peterson to the office of city manager. During the past fifteen years Peterson has managed five different businesses, and all of them declared bankruptcy as a direct result of her inept leadership.


Many prisoners have complained that conditions in the county jail are unsanitary. However, these persons are outlaws, so we can safely deny the truth of their charges. Group of answer choices


Memo from the college president to all faculty: "While faculty participation in commencement ceremonies is not required by the contract, let me remind you that students greatly value your participation and that I personally take very seriously the students' point of view in evaluating all promotions."

Strawman/red herring

Mr. Black: Partial birth abortions are not morally distinct from infanticide. Since infanticide is a form of murder which is illegal, partial birth abortions should also be outlawed.Ms. White: I'm glad you're so concerned to protect the "rights" of the unborn. But I understand that you defend the use of nuclear weapons to deter North Korean aggression. But any use of nuclear weapons would kill many more innocent peoples than partial birth abortions.


Mr. Jones, surely you will find me qualified for the open position in your accounting department. I need the money desperately, and if I don't get a job soon I know I'll have a nervous breakdown.

no fallacy

Mr. Smith barely graduated with a business degree from college, earned a D- in his accounting classes and was fired for incompetence at his last two jobs heading up the accounting departments. Therefore, I do not think we should hire him as the Chief Financial Officer for our firm.

ad hominem

Ms. Belford thinks that Robert Crenshaw is one of the finest pianists in the country. But no one with an ounce of sense should take Belford's arguments seriously. That woman has no musical taste whatever and some of her recent reviews in the local paper have been utterly ridiculous.

Strawman / Red Herring:

Ms. Frenway has defended in Congress the government subsidies of passenger trains and subways. Frenway is obviously a socialist at heart. If she had her way, she would probably nationalize all industry and have the government take care of everyone from the cradle to the grave. Doesn't she understand that it is the competition of the free market system that made this country great? Clearly we must vote her out of office.


My client is the sole support of his aged parents. If he is sent to prison it will break their hearts, and they will be left homeless and penniless. You surely cannot find it in your heart to reach any other verdict than "not guilty".

Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: frog, reptile


Select the correct Venn Diagram for the following proposition: No Golden Retrievers are unfriendly dogs.


Select the correct Venn Diagram for the following proposition: No philosopher should ignore Aristotle.


Crime has increased in the city of Chico in the last year. It follows that we ought to abolish the Police Department there.

Non Sequitur

"[No airplane that is capable of flying faster than the speed of sound] is easy to build or fly." The underlined part of this proposition is

None of the above

As Aristotle said, all humans by nature desire knowledge.

None of the above, i.e., propositions which lack an inference

"Some logic classes aren't very fun." The form of this proposition is


Some dogs are not brown. This proposition is


Some instances of capital punishment aren't paradigms of justice. This proposition is


nose counting

Obviously the best way to determine whether the State of California should tighten their regulatory standards for banks and the insurance industry is to put it on an initiative and let everyone vote.


Of course Sally thinks it is wrong to sleep with a man before she's married. But what do you expect, she was raised by "Victorian" parents and attends a fundamentalist church.

non sequitur

Over 50% of the cows in Great Britain were tested for mad cow disease. Of that extremely large sample, almost 90% of the cows had the disease. What better argument can their be for vegetarianism?

No Fallacy

Paul Miller testified under oath that he clearly saw Rich Richards shoot Sally Smith in broad daylight with a .22 caliber pistol at close range. Since Miller has a reputation for always telling the truth and has no personal interest in the case, we may conclude that Richards really did shoot Smith as Miller testified.

Nose counting

People have been debating the immortality of the soul for ages and philosophers don't appear to be reaching any sort of consensus. Obviously, we will never know whether the soul is immortal until we die.

Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing intension: plant, rose, flowering plant, red alba rose, alba rose

Plant, flowering plant, rose, alba rose, red alba rose


Principal to elementary school teachers: Since I have yet to make recommendations to the school board concerning next years teaching appointments, it would be prudent, for new teachers in particular, not to oppose me in my request for new office furniture in the administration building.

no fallacy

Professor Howard Brastoff, the famous astrophysicist, has stated that the so-called Jupiter Effect, the alignment of the nine planets in the solar system, poses no danger for the inhabitants of the Earth. Furthermore no scientists disagree with Brastoff. Accordingly we may conclude that the Jupiter Effect is probably harmless.

ad hominem

Professor Peterson's arguments in favor of the theory of evolution should be ignored. Peterson is a cocaine-snorting sex pervert. He's also a self-proclaimed atheist!

"Multiculturalism" is a hot issue among educators. So is integrating cultural diversity into the curriculum.

Propositions that lack an inference

Anyone who has ever giggled himself into hiccups knows how the initial giddiness turns to annoyance at the body's uncontrollable rebellion--and how, after not very long, annoyance can give way to worry that they may never end. No one knows more about this alarming state of mind than 92-year-old Charles Osborne of Anthon, Iowa. One November day in 1922, on a farm near Union, Nebraska, while helping lift a 350-pound hog, Osborne began to hiccup. He hasn't stopped since. -- Newsweek, Feb. 18, 1985 p 12

Propositions that lack an inference

FBI experts on organized crime are investigating the Hell's Angels and other motorcycle gangs which, in some parts of the country, now rival Mafia families as influential racketeers. The bikers are said to be heavily involved in drug smuggling and gunrunning, as well as extortion, prostitution, and loan-sharking. -- Newsweek Magazine. Group of answer choices

Propositions that lack an inference

Few tricks of the unsophisticated intellect are more curious than the naïve psychology of the businessman, who ascribes his achievements to his own unaided efforts, in bland unconsciousness of a social order without whose continuous support and vigilant protection he would be as a lamb bleating in the desert. -R. H. Tawney

Propositions that lack an inference

Government estimates of the distribution of wealth in the United States in 1972 show that the top fifth owned 76% of the total wealth, the middle three-fifths 23%, while the bottom fifth owned only 0.2%. More recently, it was estimated by the Joint Economics Committee of Congress that the top one-half of one percent of the United States households owned 26.9% of the nation's total wealth.

Propositions that lack an inference

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, and oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty. -- John F. Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural Address.

Propositions that lack an inference

Much harm is done by asserting or denying points irrelevant to religious doctrine as though true religion were committed to them. --Thomas Aquinas

Propositions that lack an inference

No free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people, but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles. -- Article #15 of the Virginia Bill of Rights

Propositions that lack an inference

Since the Industrial Revolution, average standards of life in Western Europe and America seem definitely to have been showing a rising secular trend, tending to outstrip the underdeveloped nations. -- Paul Samuelson, Economics, 7th ed.

Propositions that lack an inference

Since the introduction of slavery in America, there has been a continuous struggle for equality between Blacks and Whites. It was hoped that this struggle would end with the civil rights acts of the 1960's. But it didn't.

Propositions that lack an inference

Song and dancing were parts of the worship of Greek gods. Contests in music and poetry were held at the shrine of Apollo in Delphi. Civic festivals with 'games' were similarly developed, notably the festival of Athena at Athens. And all these contests were means of gaining honor. -- John A. Garraty and Peter Gay, eds., The Columbia History of the World.

Propositions that lack an inference

The great theorist of socialism is Karl Marx. Marx produced his major work on economics almost a century after Adam Smith. In that three-volume work called simply Capital, Marx did not argue that Smith was wrong about the virtues of the free market, the division of labor and industrialization. His fundamental objection was that Smith's picture of industrial capitalism was incomplete.

Propositions that lack an inference

There are over 250 million people living in the United States. Most of the people today live in the South or the West. The mid-West and East Coast have been losing population steadily over the past twenty years.

Propositions that lack an inference

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite."--William Blake

Propositions which lack an inference

While Christians have always believed that God acts in history, at least since the 17th century and the advent of modern science there's been serious disagreement about how God acts, especially when it comes to miracles. Group of answer choices

Propositions which lack an inference


Prosecuting attorney: "Members of the jury-you are all honorable men and women, so you will need little help understanding that the murder of an innocent person is the most horrible, detestable and reprehensible of crimes. And to allow a murderer to escape punishment is only slightly less reprehensible. Therefore you all have a moral duty to find this defendant, Fred Fox, guilty of first degree murder." Group of answer choices

*nose counting

Since the socialist party in the United States has never received more than one percent of the vote in any national election, it is obvious that as a political and economic theory, socialism is intellectually indefensible.

Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing extension: spruce, Sitka spruce, tree, plant

Sitka spruce, spruce, tree, plant

natural sign

Smoke is a sign of fire.

Select the correct Venn Diagram for the following proposition: Some airports are located near lakes.


Select the correct Venn Diagram for the following proposition: Some hockey players are over six feet tall.


Select the correct Venn Diagram for the following proposition: Some unicorns aren't very tall.


Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing extension: Star Trek: The Next Generation, composed of words, science fiction novel, book, novel

Star Trek: The Next Generation, science fiction novel, novel, book, composed of words


Student to teacher: You have to give me a "C" in the course. My father just died of a heart attack last month and my mother just took on a third job to help me get through school. If I don't pass your class, I will not be able to graduate and I am sure it will break my mother's heart, maybe even causing her to have a heart attack!

intentional sign

That pile of stones means that someone has been buried there.

Intentional sign

That sign on the street post means stop.

intentional sign

The "V" shape she is making with her fingers is a sign of victory.

nose counting

The Republicans argue that cutting the deficit will increase confidence and thereby restore economic growth. The Democrats argue that in a deep recession deficits aren't nearly as important as stimulating the economy with government spending to create more jobs. Since Republicans and Democrats will never agree, it is obvious that there is no right answer to these sorts of economic questions.

Ad Hominem

The chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, after hearing extensive testimony from soil scientists, has concluded that the soil depletion problem in our country is reaching a critical stage. Senator Green, however, has been censured by his fellow legislators for inappropriate behavior with one of his staff. So there can be no good reason to worry about the condition of our soil.

Strawman / Red Herring:

The fact that cheap handguns are responsible for the majority of murders in Chicago is hardly a good reason to make them illegal. After all, drunk drivers cause many more deaths than handguns—so does that mean that we ought to make cars illegal?

Intentional sign

The fact that he is wearing black means that he is in mourning.

Natural sign

The fact that the dough didn't stick on the toothpick means that the cake is done baking.

natural sign

The fact that the fetuses of fish and humans look very similar means that they probably share a common ancestor.

natural sign

The fact that the lightning and the thunder are so close together means that the storm is near.

Intentional sign

The funny way their third base coach is moving his arms is a sign that the runner on second is going to steal third base.

Genetic Fallacy

The only reason people believe in God is because they have grown up in families and cultures where such a belief is commonplace and where the understanding of modern science is virtually nil.

intentional sign

The raised middle finger means that he is mad.

Intentional sign

The red flag the referee just dropped means that someone was off-sides.

Natural sign

The redness in her face means that she is getting mad.

Natural sign

The redness in your eyes means that the pollen count must be high.

natural sign

The ring you see around the moon is a sign that a storm is coming.

intentional sign

The ringing of the bell means that church is about to start.

Intentional sign

The ringing of the bell means that it is 11 o'clock.

natural sign

The smoke coming out of your engine means that it is running too rich.

No Fallacy

The vast majority of environmental scientists have all testified before Congress that global warming is a serious problem that can only be avoided by taking strong measures now to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The only people who testified against strong measures where the representatives of business and they presented no empirical data to support their claims. Therefore, it is clear that it is time to act.

no fallacy

The vast majority of environmental scientists have all testified before Congress that global warming is a serious problem that can only be avoided by taking strong measures now to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The only people who testified against strong measures where the representatives of business and they presented no empirical data to support their claims. Therefore, it is clear that it is time to act.


There is a God, for if you don't believe in Him, He'll damn you to Hell.


There is no need to examine Ms. Green's argument in favor of reinstating a military draft. After all, she was never eligible to be drafted during the Viet Nam war and thus she can't possibly know what it feels like to have ones life and career plans destroyed by an induction notice from the Army.

*strawman/ red herring

There is no reason we should give undercover drug-enforcement agents hazard pay. After all, per capita many more New England fishermen die in storms each year than do law enforcement officers.

non sequitur

There is no reason we should give undercover drug-enforcement agents hazard pay. After all, per capita many more New England fishermen die in storms each year than do law enforcement officers.

Nose Counting Fallacy

There is obviously much truth in Rush Limbaugh's criticisms of Obama's health care proposal—after all, he has more listeners than any other talk show host.

nose counting

There must be a God because throughout history and across cultures the vast majority of people have always believed in God.

Genetic Fallacy

Though Richard Dawkins is a professor of zoology at Oxford University, he is also an atheist, so there is no reason that we Christians should waste our time examining his arguments.

Non Sequitur

Three months ago the newspapers all ran reports revealing that the Pentagon spent a hundred dollar each for toilet seats which could have be purchased for fifteen dollars at the local hardware story. Now they are running stories reporting that Pentagon is spending ten dollar apiece for run of the mill nuts and bolts that could be purchased for under a dollar at the local hardware store. Obviously, the Pentagon has outlived its usefulness.

"When you get to the third stop light, turn right.""In American cars the passage rides on the right."The italicized pairs of words are being used



We should reject Mr. Walker's suggestions for increasing the efficiency of our colleges. As a manufacturer he cannot be expected to realize that our aim is to educate the youth, not to make a profit. His recommendations can have no value for us.


Yes, you honor, I know that when my client drove his car through the store window he was doing 45 in a 25-mile-per-hour zone. But if you suspend his license, he'll no longer be able to commute from school to work so he will be unable to continue to support himself and get an education.


You can't believe what Professor Threadbare says about the importance of higher salaries for teachers. As a teacher himself he would naturally be in favor of increasing teachers' pay.


You have all heard Ms. Smith argue that women on average are only paid 68% of what men are paid and that therefore the federal anti-discrimination laws aren't working and need to be rewritten. But I happen to know that she has never earned a college degree. Furthermore, while we are politely listening, her children are in a state subsidized day-care program and she is collecting a monthly welfare check. So why should we take her arguments seriously

"No airplane that is capable of flying faster than the speed of sound is easy to build or fly." What is the subject term in this proposition?

airplane that is capable of flying faster than the speed of sound

Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing extension: tuna, fish, albacore, ocean fish, animal

albacore, tuna, ocean fish, fish, animal

All dogs are mammals.

all S is P aristotelian/traditional Since we know that both dogs and mammals exist, we need to use an Aristotelian interpretation of a universal affirmative (A) proposition.

All books by Plato are written in the form of a dialogue with Socrates as a character.

all S is P aristotelian/traditional Though the predicate term is quite long, this question is diagrammed just like any other universal affirmative in which both the subject and predicate terms are known to exist.

All unicorns are one-horned horse like animals.

all S is P boolean/modern

All palm tress indigenous to the North Pole are evolutionary wonders.

all S is P boolean/modern Palm trees indigenous to the North Pole don't exist, so you quite correctly chose the Boolean interpretation.

All elves are short.

all S is P boolean/modern The proposition in the question is a universal affirmative. And since elves don't both exist, we must adopt a Boolean point of view.

"Key" is primarily


Some [dogs] are brown. The underlined portion of this question is

an undistributed subject- The subject of an "I" proposition is always undistributed.

Bread and wine make for a healthy dinner. That puppy sure looks healthy.


Fred is bald. Those clear cut mountains sure look bald.


Howard sure had a hot hand at the free thrown line. The sauna sure was hot.


That cheese is sharp. That knife is sharp.


The mirror reflects your image clearly. Mother says to an older brother who just hit his sister: "You need to reflect upon what you just did."


The tone of Fred's voice means that he is getting pretty hot. The fact that the rock is setting in the sun means that it is going to get hot.


Winning the lottery sure was a happy turn of events. He sure looks like a happy puppy.


Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing intension: dog, animal, carnivore, golden retriever, mammal

animal, mammal, carnivore, dog, golden retriever

"All cats are animals that people with allergies should avoid." What is the predicate term in this sentence?

animals that people with allergies should avoid

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world. . . It is the opium of the people."


'Communism' means that 'brilliant' invention of Karl Marx and other foolish political visionaries in which the national wealth is supposed to be held in common by the people.


'Theism' means belief in that great Santa Claus in the sky.


A Christian fundamentalist is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.


Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable. -H.L. Mencken.


Philosophers are people with their heads in the clouds.


"All cats are animals that people with allergies should avoid." Which term/terms are distributed in this proposition?


"All cats are animals that people with allergies should avoid." Which term/terms are distributed in this proposition?


A 'philosopher' is one who does philosophy.

circular and/or negative

'Discrete' means the condition of not being indiscrete.

circular or negative

'Efficient' means the condition of not being inefficient.

circular or negative

'Elusory' means elusive.

circular or negative

'Intelligence' means whatever is measured by an IQ test.

circular or negative

A finny animal is an animal with fins.

circular or negative

A painter's easel is an easel used by a painter.

circular or negative

A plumber's helper is a helper used by a plumber.

circular or negative

A theist is anyone who is not an atheist or an agnostic.

circular or negative

An organic substance is any substance that is not inorganic.

circular or negative

Economics is the science that treats the phenomena arising out of the economic activities of men in society. -- J.N. Keynes, Scope and Methods of Political Economy.

circular or negative

The meaning of a word is what is explained by the explanation of the meaning. - Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations No. 60

circular or negative

We see that all men mean by justice that kind of state of character which means people are disposed to do what is just and makes them act justly and wish for what is just. - Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics.

circular or negative

All people who live in glass houses [are] people who should not throw stones. The underlined portion of this question is


All days that are snowy [are] days that I like to read. The underlined portion of this question is

copula- In this sentence the first "are" is part of the subject term.

Some instances of capital punishment aren't [paradigms of justice]. The underlined portion of this question is

distributed predicate- Predicates of "O" propositions are always distributed.

No teachers who would not hesitate to quite their job if they won the lottery [should be hired in the first place]. The underlined portion of this question is

distributed predicate- This is the predicate of an "E" proposition and these are always distributed.

"No airplane that is capable of flying faster than the speed of sound is easy to build or fly." What is the predicate term in this proposition?

easy to build or fly

"The keys are in my coat pocket.""There are three broken keys on my piano."The italicized pair of words are being used


All factories are plants. Make sure you water the plants well before you leave.


Be sure not to rock the boat. There sure are a lots of rocks in your garden.


FDR is the only President to serve four terms. "Form," "content," "valid," and "true" are four crucial terms in logic.


Sally fasts at least once a week. Sally is a very fast runner.


Sally uses a lot of reds and blues in her painting. Fred is a great blues musician.


The Florida Keys are a wonderful place to vacation. The keys are in my coat pocket.


Turn right at the first stop light. Whatever you do, just make sure you do the right thing.


When you are making a map, it is hard to know right where the foothills end and the mountains begin. It is sometimes difficult to know who is right and who is wrong.


When you are making fudge you must be careful not to burn it. I would never vote for politicians who fudge their answers to straight questions.


I find your reasoning impossible to follow. Make sure you follow close behind.

equivocally or analogically

Determine the category for the following definition. "Insect" means a fly, wasp, ant, and so on.

extensional - by subclass

Determine the category for the following definition. "Plant" means something such as a tree, a flower, a vine, or a cactus.

extensional - by subclass

Determine the category for the following definition. Alcoholic beverages are beer, wine, hard liquors and liqueurs.

extensional - by subclass

Determine the category for the following definition. "Purple" means this (as one points to an example).

extensional - demonstrative

Determine the category for the following definition."Knife" means this and this and this (as you point to a number of knives).

extensional - demonstrative

Determine the category for the following definition. "Singer" means someone such as Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, and Judy Collins.

extensional - enumerative

Determine the category for the following definition. "State" means something such as Ohio, Arkansas, Minnesota, and Tennessee.

extensional - enumerative

Determine the category for the following definition."Rationalist Philosopher" means someone such as Descartes, Leibniz, or Spinoza.

extensional - enumerative

Determine the category for the following definition."Fruit" means a peach, pear, apple and so on.


A bore is a person who talks when you want him to listen. - Ambrose Bierce

figurative or obscure

A cynic is a person who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. - Oscar Wilde

figurative or obscure

Alteration is a combination of contradictorily opposed determinations in the existence of one and the same thing. - Immanel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason.

figurative or obscure

Conscience is an inner voice that warns us when someone is looking. - H.L. Mencken.

figurative or obscure

Music is love in search of a word. --Sidney Lanier

figurative or obscure

Robert Frost, the distinguished New England poet, used to define a liberal as someone who refuses to take his own side in an argument. -- "Dreaming of JFK," The Economist, 17 Mar 1984

figurative or obscure

Satire is a kind of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own. - Jonathan Swift

figurative or obscure

A radio is an electronic device consisting of an antenna, variable-frequency oscillator, and mixer circuitry operating in conjunction with RF, IF, and AF amplification stages, the last of which feeds an AF transducer.

figurative or obscure?

'Cause' means something that produces an effect.

good definition ?

Determine the category for the following definition.A "chiliagon" is a plane figure with a thousand sides.

intensional - genus and specific difference

Determine the category for the following definition. A battery is "dead" if and only if a battery tester shows no deflection when connected to the two poles.

intensional - operational

Determine the category for the following definition. A person has an addiction to a drug or an activity if he manifests high anxiety reactions when deprived of the drug or prevented from engaging in the activity.

intensional - operational

Determine the category for the following definition. A substance is "radio-active" if and only if a Geiger counter shows a reading when the probe is placed near the substance.

intensional - operational

Determine the category for the following definition. An object is fluorescent if, when you put it under an ultraviolet lamp, it gives off light, whereas it didn't before.

intensional - operational

Determine the category for the following definition.When cooking pancakes, "hot" means that if you drip water on the griddle it will form little bouncing balls.

intensional - operational

Determine the category for the following definition. For the purpose of voting, "adult" means a person at least 18 years old.

intensional - precising

Determine the category for the following definition. People are legally blind when their uncorrected vision is 20/200 or worse.

intensional - precising

Determine the category for the following definition. In logic, "valid" means that it is impossible for the premises of an argument to be true and the conclusion false.

intensional - stipulative

Determine the category for the following definition.A "footphone" is a small cell phone that is concealed in the sole of a shoe.

intensional - stipulative

Do the following terms have the same extension: 1) blues music; 2) saxophone


Do the following terms have the same extension: 1) dog; 2) mammal


Do the following terms have the same extension: 1) river; 2) flows


Do the following terms have the same extension: 1) Babe Ruth; 2) baseball player


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: United States, Russia


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: flower, rose


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: graduation, party


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: music, saxophone


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: river, moving swiftly


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: spring, flowers


No cats are animals without hair.

no S is P aristotelian/traditional Since we know that both cats and animals without hair exist, we need to adopt an Aristotelian point of view and select the universal negative (E) diagram.

No pills that cure all cancers in 24 hours are cheap.

no S is P Boolean/modern Since pills that cure all cancers in 24 hours do not exist, you're correct to adopt a Boolean point of view.

Freddie the Fox is clearly unqualified to operate the Paradise Day Care Center for young children because a few years ago Freddie was convicted of fifteen counts of child molestation.

no fallacy

No rainy day is a day when the danger of fire [is] great. The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above

Some books with interesting titles do not read very well and [are] boring. The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above- "are" which is underlined. It is not the copula. The real copula is unexpressed and is located between the words "titles" and "do".

Some dogs are [not brown]. The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above- Here "not" is part of the quantifier/qualifer. It is not part of the predicate.

[Some dogs] are brown. The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above- The underlined part is a mish-mash since it includes BOTH the quantifier/qualifier and the subject.

Some instances of capital punishment [aren't paradigms of justice]. The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above- The underlined portion here is a mish-mash of copula, qualifier and predicate.

All days that are [snowy are days that I like to read]. The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above- The underlined portion is a mish-mash of part of the subject, copula and part of the predicate.

All [people who live near airports] in which there are no regulations controlling noise should purchase earplugs. The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above- The underlined portion is only PART of the subject.

All people who live near airports in which there [are] no regulations controlling noise should purchase earplugs. The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above- This "are" is part of the subject. The real copula is implicit and should be placed between "noise" and "should".

No teachers who would [not] hesitate to quite their job if they won the lottery should be hired in the first place. The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above- This "not" is part of the subject.

All people who live in glass houses [are people who should not throw stones.] The underlined portion of this question is

none of the above- "are" is the copula, and hence, not part of the predicate.

"No airplane that [is] capable of flying faster than the speed of sound is easy to build or fly." The underlined part of this proposition is

part of the subjective term

Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing intension: doctor of medicine, person, brain surgeon, professional person, surgeon

person, professional person, doctor of medicine, surgeon, brain surgeon

Place the following terms in order of increasing intension.

physical object, living thing, mammal, dog, Golden Retriever

Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing intension: parallelogram, polygon, square, rectangle, quadrilateral

polygon, quadrilateral, parallelogram, rectangle, square

No rainy day is [a day when the danger of fire is great]. The underlined portion of this question is


Some dogs are [brown]. The underlined portion of this question is


Some books with interesting titles [do not read very well and are boring]. The underlined portion of this question is

predicate- "are" is in the underlined portion. It is not the copula. The real copula is unexpressed and is located between the words "titles" and "do".

Some dogs are not [brown]. The underlined portion of this question is

predicate- Here "not" is part of the quantifier/qualifier.

"[No] airplane that is capable of flying faster than the speed of sound is easy to build or fly." The underlined part of this proposition is


[No] teachers who would not hesitate to quite their job if they won the lottery should be hired in the first place. The underlined portion of this question is


[Some] dogs are not brown. The underlined portion of this question is


[Some] men still play with toys. The underlined portion of this question is


Some books by Aristotle are hard to read.

some S is P This is a particular affirmative (I) proposition.

Some fish are good to eat.

some S is P This is a particular affirmative (I) proposition.

Some fish aren't good to eat.

some S isn't P

Some deep sea oil wells that pose absolutely zero threat to the environment are not located in the Gulf of Mexico.

some S isn't P Though the subject term, "deep sea oil wells that pose absolutely zero threat to the environment" probably do not exist, there is no difference between the Aristotelian and Boolean interpretation when it comes to particular proposition. The reason is simple: we define "some" to mean "at least one." So even though this makes the proposition false, you have nonetheless diagrammed it correctly.

Some elves aren't friendly.

some S isnt P Even though elves don't exist, there is no difference between the Aristotelian and Boolean interpretation for particular propositions.

All [people who live in glass houses] are people who should not throw stones.The underlined portion of this question is


No [rainy day] is a day when the danger of fire is great. The underlined portion of this question is


Some [books with interesting titles] do not read very well and are boring. The underlined portion of this question is

subject- "are" which is really a part of the predicate.

A bicycle is a two wheeled vehicle.

too broad

A house is something built out of wood, stone, bricks, steel, concrete or even bales of hay.

too broad

A jury is a group of people at a criminal or civil trial.

too broad

A liar is someone who makes a false statement.

too broad

A moose is a large animal with horns.

too broad

"The true", to put it very briefly, is only the expedient in the way of our thinking, just as "the right" is only the expedient in the way of our behaving. - William James, "Pragmatism's Conception of Truth"

too broad and/or too narrow

Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. - Percy Bysshe Shelly, The Defense of Poetry.

too broad/too narrow?

A teacher is a person who gives instruction to children.

too broad?

Knowledge is true opinion. - Plato, Theaetetus

too broad?

A raincoat is an outer garment of plastic that repels water.

too narrow

A sculpture is a three-dimensional image made of marble.

too narrow

An ocean fish is a tuna.

too narrow

All days that are snowy are [days that I like to read]. The underlined portion of this question is

undistributed predicate

Some men [still play with toys]. The underlined portion of this question is

undistributed predicate- Predicates of "I" propositions are never distributed.

All people who live near airports in which there are no regulations controlling noise [should purchase earplugs]. The underlined portion of this question is

undistributed predicate- This is the predicate and predicates of "A" propositions are never distributed.

Some [instances of capital punishment] aren't paradigms of justice. The underlined portion of this question is

undistributed subject- Subjects of "O" propositions are never distributed.

Some [men] still play with toys. The underlined portion of this question is

undistributed subject- This is a subject term and subjects of "I" propositions are never distributed.

Fido is an overweight dog. That truck was stopped by the police because it was overweight.


That sure is a tough act to follow. My philosophy course follow my history course.


When you are making a map, it is hard to know right where the foothills end and the mountains begin. Football referees sometimes have a hard time knowing right where to place the ball.


"Happy"is primarily


"Old" is primarily


"Overweight" is primarily


"Cloud" is primarily

vague and ambiguous

"Fast" is primarily

vague and ambiguous

"Right" is primarily

vague and ambiguous


vague and ambiguous

Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing intension: Japanese sports car, vehicle, car, Miata, sports car

vehicle, car, sports car, Japanese sports car, Miata

Select the answer which places the following terms in order of increasing extension: daisy, flower, plant, living thing, yellow daisy

yellow daisy, daisy, flower, plant, living thing

Do the following terms have the same extension: 1) First human on Mars; 2) Second human on Mars.


Do the following terms have the same extension: 1) Hispanic President of the United States; 2) Female President of the United States


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: Elvis Presley, "The King"


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: George Washington, first President of the United States


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: Neil Armstong, first man on the moon


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: female president of the United States, current King of France


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: human, homo sapien


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: primary author of The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson


Specify whether the following terms have the same extension: unicorn, elf


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