philosophy (review 1)

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What does "episteme" mean for Aristotle?

"Episteme" means "To go down the road until its end"

What are the five main types of knowledge?

- Sensation - Memory - experience - Art - Science

What is it that enables us to truly teach? In other words, what must one know in order to fully teach? What is it that the wise man knows that enables him to teach more than everybody else?

A teacher knows a cause that enables him to teach. If you know the first cause, it enables you to teach.

1. What does Reichmann say will be the focus of our investigation in this book? In other words, what kinds of activities?

Activities that set humans apart from other living things.

Why does Aristotle place them in the order that he does?

Aristotle place that in that order to show the natural road to knowledge and the steps of wisdom

We read Aristotle's "Proemium to Wisdom". Why did we look into what wisdom is?

In General wisdom is a theoretical, most liberal and most universal knowledge.

Philosophy begins in wonder, but in the end, what is philosophy? In other words, what happens when someone comes to the end of that "road"?

In the end philosophy we are: "Reasoning out knowledge of the first cause of all."

(Allegory of the Cave) Who wrote it?


(Apology) Who wrote the Apology?


What does Augros point to as the real source of the five denials.

Scientific materialism

Who was the first philosopher?

Thales miletus

What is the traditional division of philosophy? What does each part study?

Theoretical -for its own sake Practical-for the sake of doing Logic-the tool for philosophy

How does Aristotle show that wisdom is a knowledge of first causes?

by given example of a - Person A knows the way things are and why - Person B knows the facts and the cause - Person C knows the cause of the cause - Person D knows the first cause

What is the difference between "said of all" and "cause of all"?

the "cause of all" cannot be applied to what is "said of all" Ex: the sun is the caused of all the warmup (cause of all ). the table is made by the carpenter (said of all)

1. It was pointed out that for Aristotle, philosophy was called a "methodos." What does that mean?

- "Meth" means "after or following" - "Odos" means "Road" - "Methodos" Knowledge that follow some kind of road with order.

1. You should be able to give at least one reason why one should come into philosophy from its natural beginnings.

- Because that way you will have a better understanding of wisdom - Because you will have an orderly approach to philosophy Because you will be helped in the whole of philosophy

1. Why do the chained prisoners not really know what they are looking at on the cave wall?

- Because they do not know the cause

1. What are the different meanings of "before"?

- Before is the beginning of everything else but not is not after anything.

1. What is education not for Plato? What is education for Plato? How does the Allegory of the cave illustrate this view?

- Education is not about putting knowledge in someone. - It is about leading people to understand the facts. It is about moving from effects to cause. Going deeper in knowledge you already have.

What is the difference between experience and art? Which is more wisdom? Why?

- Experience is more knowledge about the singular and Art is more knowledge about the universal. Most of the time Art is more wisdom than Experience, because Art knows the causes of and "why something is so."

1. What are the two ways in which philosophy can be possessed?

- First you have to know the process, the road, the order. - The you have to go down the road.

1. When we speak of theoretical philosophy, what does the Greek word "theoretical" mean?

- For its own sake

1. What are some things we can learn from the Apology concerning Socrates' understanding of the human person?

- Human being are more than just a body - Human being ae body and soul, but the soul is more important than the body.

What does Aristotle mean by memory? By experience? By art? By science?

- Memory is the second level of knowledge. Memory is remembering what you sensed - Experience is the third level of knowledge: it is the collection of many memories of the same sort of things. - Art (4th level of knowledge): it is the ability to see the common thing from your experience. The ability to see an individual fall in the same category of the universal. The knowledge for the sake of doing - Science (5th level of knowledge): it is any knowledge for the sake of just knowing

1. What are the three main orders that comprise the natural road?

- Order in different kind of knowledge - Order in which different things are known. Ordering in which one and the same thing is known

1. Give examples of these orders or how they play out in our knowledge or in our coming to know things.

- Order in different kind of knowledge: memory, experience, art and science - Order in which different things are known: we know the effects before the causes. we know things we can sense before things we cannot sense. - Ordering in which one and the same thing is known: we know things in a confused way before distinctly.

(How should the philosopher love wisdom) 1. How should the philosopher love wisdom?

- Philosopher should love wisdom for his Own sake. - Someone who love wisdom more than anything for its own sake. - as the end or goal of his life

1. What do we learn about philosophy? what is the life of a philosopher which Socrates claims to have lived?

- Philosophy is all about examination: - Examination of our believes, of what we think or don't think, examination of everything

Who was the first person to coin the term? What was the occasion for the invention of the word?

- Pythagoreous - He invents the word "philosopher" to stop people calling him "wise man" because he believed that only God is wise so he preferred that people called him instead a lover of wisdom "philosopher".

Sensation, memory, and experience are a knowledge of what? Art and science are a knowledge of what? In other words, what are the two main divisions of human knowledge?

- Sensation, memory, and experience: knowledge of the fact, they know that something is so but do not know the reason why it is so. - Art and science: knowledge of the fact and reason of the fact. Knowledge of why something is

What is the difference between a singular and a universal? Give examples

- Singular : specific on his own -Universal :common to many

1. What is the general context for the Allegory of the Cave? In other words, of what book is it a part, and what is its purpose in that book?

- The Allegory of the cave is part of the Book the "The Republic" (book 7) and it talks about justice. - It is also about of how to educate a person to be a philosopher.

1. What are two of the accusations brought against Socrates?

- The general accusation /The old accusation: study things on the sky and below the earth; make the worse argument the stronger argument - The Recent accusation: he corrupts the youth and he is an atheist (a man who does not believe in gods)

(What is a philosopher?) what is the origin of the term philosopher? What does it mean?

- The term philosopher has its origin from the Greek word 'philosophy': philo ("love") and Sophia ("wisdom") - Philosopher mean "lover of Wisdom."

What are the six attributes of the wise man?

- The wise man knows all things as far as possible - The wise man knows all things difficult to know - The wise man is more certain - The wise man is more able to teach - The wise man has knowledge that is more for its own sake - The wise man rules, direct others.

1. What are the two senses of being a "man"? Which is Socrates more concerned about?

- the 2 senses of being a man are human being, and the ethical definition of man. - Socrates is more concerned about the ethical definition of man because a real man is the one who is convince of what is true, believe in justice. stand up for what is true no matter what is the condition he is in: a real man is courageous.

In the Allegory of the cave, who is truly wise? So, what is wisdom according to the Allegory of the Cave?

- the wiser is the one who escaped the cave to discover where the light comes from. - the wisdom is a constant wandering of thing we want to know just for the sake of knowing.

How does Aristotle show that wisdom is a knowledge of causes?

By comparing the five different kinds of knowledge , by using a comparative argument. He shows that wisdom is the highest kind of knowledge of all other knowledge

ho is the father of modern philosophy?


What does the "rough, steep, upward path" represent?


From what language does the word philosopher come from?


What is it that we know which enables us to know all things in some way? What is it that the wise man knows that allows him to know absolutely all things in some way?

He knows the most universal.

What is the difference between them?

Metaphysics- The study of what is really real Epistemology-The study of knowledge Ethics- The study of values in human behavior or the study of moral problems.

What is the modern division of philosophy? What does each of these parts study?

Metaphysics-studies nature of reality Epistemology-the nature of knowledge Ethics-the good

1. What are the two main divisions of this text? How are each of these subdivided?

Natural beginnings and reason

1. What is wonder?

Natural desire of what and why.

1. How should one come into philosophy?

One should come into philosophy from its natural beginning through the use of reason.

1. What is the difference between the philosophical method of investigating these activities and the "scientific" method?

Philosophical method- is the feature of something, nature of something (its more complete) Scientific method- is just a feature and its quantitative things *if something cannot be quantified it does not exist. Philosophical method- Can you really say how bad someone did something?

(Reichmann Chapter 1) 1. What value is there in philosophizing, according to Reichmann?

Philosophizing may provide a kind of whetstone by which the mins is "sharpened" but beyond this admittedly useful function, which it shares with jigsaw and crossword puzzles, it has little else to recommend it.

(Robert Augros's "Does science say that human existence is pointless?") 1. What is Robert Augros's main conclusion or thesis in his article, "Does science say that human existence is pointless?" What are the five denials? What are the three ways in which William Provine's denials might be thought to be scientific according to Augros?

Scientific materialism says that human existence is pointless...not science. 5 Denials: God doesn't exist, no free will, no purpose, no ethics, and no immortality. 3 Ways in which William denials might be thought to be scientific are: there is Science experiment which proved that God does not exist?, necessary background assumptions? there is no evidence from within scientific to back up?

1. Are these two methods necessarily opposed? Why or why not?

They are not opposed because one of them focuses on the quantitative features of things. The other focuses on the nature of things. Only science is limited

(Questions on reading "Coming into Philosophy") 1. Why is it important to consider how one should come into philosophy?

To have better understanding of philosophy, to have orderly approach to philosophy, and to have help in the whole of philosophy because you begin like a seed.

What do we learn about wisdom from the Apology? In other words, according to the Apology, what two things does wisdom seem to involve?

Virtue and Courage

What is the main reason why wisdom is theoretical or looking knowledge?

Wisdom is a theoretical knowledge because it was made of wonder, natural desire to know the cause.

(Aristotle's Proemium to Wisdom) What is wisdom according to the Proemium to Wisdom? In other words, what is the main conclusion to this reading on wisdom?

Wisdom is the knowledge of the first beginning and the causes of all things.

1. Do we have a desire just to live?

Yes, a desire to live well.

What is a road?

a road is reasoning

What does it mean that wisdom is most liberal, not a human possession and that it's divine knowledge

a.) Not a human possession because it is about the 1st cause, GOD. b.) Wisdom is most liberal because you know a cause not for knowing other cause but just because of the sake of knowing that cause.

Why is philosophy a methodos?

because philosophy is a work of reason, and to reason we have a road to follow, There is a before and an After.

What does the darkness in the cave represent?


What are the three parts or kinds of philosophy?

metaphysics, epistemology and ethics.

1. What are the two natural beginnings in our desire?


What is it that we wonder about?

we wander about every thing.

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