philosophy test two

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what is socrates' view of death?

death is desirable for philosophers because it means time with gods and heroes


first philosopher with whom we have complete writings, but we only really have dialogues on things such as goodness, knowledge, the soul, etc. because that's all he really wrote

for plato, beauty, justice, and wisdom are all examples of what?


what is plato's word for universals, and what is unique about plato's view?

he calls universals forms, and he thinks they're real and unchanging.

why does socrates not admit his own guilt to the athenians

he claims that he hasn't wronged anyone; he would be lying to say that he is guilty

what is the difference between knowledge and opinion

knowledge consists of forms, whereas opinion is what we see/ experience (physical things)

what was plato concerned with in his philosophical project?

metaphysics/reality and ethics/how to live


not being carried away by desires, but preserving a decent indifference towards them

what changes towards the end of the crito?

socrates changes to speaking as laws of athens


something that can be predicated (or serve as a predicate) on many kinds of things

what is socrates' view of suicide?

suicide is wrong because the gods determine the length of a person's life

what is the philosophical school that plato started

the academy

according to socrates, what should someone (or a city like athens) do to silence the critics?

the athenians should make themselves as well behaved as possible

what is the big distinction for plato in the phaedo

the distinction between the soul and body

what is the "highest form" for plato?

the form of the good

if socrates ignores the state, what will he be destroying?

the laws

who examines socrates in the crito?

the laws (he examines himself as the "laws" as a character)

argument for immortality from argument from opposites

the opposite of death is life, and the opposite of life is death. therefore, immortality is possible

what is the central issue of the phaedo

the soul. specifically: -does the soul exist after death? -immortality of the soul?

golden mean

view that every virtue is in the middle of two extremes (courage would be in the middle of coward and overconfidence)

according to socrates in the phaedo, what is a major impediment to philosophy?

bodily needs and pleasures

according to socrates, what is a quiet life?

a quiet life is not bothering with questions about justice and focusing on practical concerns like making money and having a comfortable home

in general, how does aristotle differ from plato?

aristotle is more focused on the observable realm

who wrote dialogues like plato

aristotle, but none of them remain. he wrote works on logic, psychology, ethics, metaphysics, etc.

for socrates, the important thing is not to live, but to live...


central issue of the crito?

will socrates escape prison?

what should philosophers stay away from

wordly things/ bodily pleasures


"soul" in greek

straight translation of hoi pelloi and what does socrates say about them

"the many"; socrates says the hoi pelloi don't listen to reason

how do socrates views compare to christianity?

- socrates says philosophers should desire/not fear death because they will be with wisdom in the afterlife. similarly, christians shouldn't fear death because we will be with God in heaven. -he also says people should not commit suicide because the gods should decide when you die. similarly, christians believe people should not commit suicide because it is God's decision when we die. -christians can also define death as a release of the soul from the body -christians do not believe in immortality - we don't believe we'll be with wisdom in the afterlife- we believe we'll be in heaven where these forms are -believes philosophers can prepare for death by controlling bodily desires, we can try to prepare by making a conscious effort to grow closer to God

what are reasons that crito thinks socrates should escape?

-it's unjust for him to stay in prison -people would think badly of crito -the help would be cheap -it'd be cheap to pay witnesses off -he'd be welcomed -he'd be leaving his children

argument from opposites

1. all things come to be from their opposites 2. If all things come to be from their opposites, then the souls of the living come from the dead 3. Therefore, the souls of the living come from the dead

key issue: how does aristotle relate to plato?

1. aristotle tried to do something different than plato 2. aristotle tried to continue platonic tradition/ refine - aristotle more concerned w/ earthly things

name the types of cause according to aristotle

1. efficient: what made it? 2. material: what is it made of? 3. formal: what form is it? (the fact that it is what it is) 4. final: what is the thing's purpose?

four causes to understand things (aristotle)

1. efficient: what made it? 2. material: what something is made of? 3. formal: what form is it? (the fact that it is what it is) 4. final: what is it for? (purpose)

what does socrates say the benefits of philosophy are

1. philosophers are ready for death 2. they will be with wisdom (forms) in the afterlife 3. prepares you for death by controlling and overcoming bodily desires

why is it unjust for him to escape according to the rule of law (people respect the law bc it's the law)?

1. specific laws on marriage (they claim they brought socrates life/ brought him into the world) 2. laws of education brought him up (raised his mind) 3. he agreed to life under prison if it meant he could keep doing philosophy

what are socrates' definitions of death

1. the release of the soul from the body 2. a freeing and separation of the soul from the body

when is the setting of the Phaedo?

after socrates' death

what is recollection?

all knowledge is recollection, and learning is recollection. if learning is recollection, we must have had knowledge before we were born

why is it inconsistent for socrates to escape death

because socrates hates on people who make decisions based on life or death


created a school called a lyceum

three "eras" of plato's writing

early- the apology; ends inconclusive- aporia middle- the republic, phaedo; more substance, elaborate theory late- the laws; he's more of a realist bc he's an old man, calmed down

examples of forms and their nature?

examples: equality, beauty, justice, wisdom nature: real, unchanging

to whom should we listen, according to socrates in the crito, in making important decisions?


what should a ruler have according to plato

he says a ruler needs knowledge, not opinion. he wants a philosopher king for ideal city, they have to have a knowledge of the forms

if the athenians put socrates to death, who will convict socrates's accusers of depravity and injustice?

he says truth will convict them

what does crito think about socrates' escape

he thinks its just for socrates to escape

with whom does socrates have an imaginary conversation in the crito?

he's speaking to the laws

what is the setting of the crito

he's waiting for the ship to get back for the athenians to execute socrates

in the apology, what universal is socrates trying to find?

holiness (what is holy?)

key emphasis for aristotle:


"unmoved mover"

people think aristotle's god is not christianity's God

according to socrates, what is philosophy?

philosophy is examining oneself and others

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