Maria's argument for abolishing the Immigration Service can't be trusted. After all, Maria is an illegal alien, and if the Immigration Service is abolished, she will never be caught and deported
Argument against the person, circumstantial
Stem cell research clearly immoral because any activity that destroys human beings is immoral.
Begging the question
Jason is a terrible chess player. But every chess player is a human being. Therefore, Jason is a terrible human being.
It would be a mistake to provide new gloves to the school's baseball players. In no time the football players will want new equipment. Then the tennis players will want new courts, the hockey players will want a new arena, the swimmers will want a new pool, and the golfers will want their special course. The costs for these facilities will go through the roof.
Slippery slope
A fallacy that can be detected by merely examining the form of an argument is:
A formal fallacy
The first rule of good behavior is always be yourself. Therefore, professional actors, who adopt the role of someone other than themselves, are behaving improperly.
Michelle said she saw a man get run over by a car while standing on her porch. We can only conclude that her porch was severely damaged.
Nobody has ever proved that the prophecies of Nostradamus are false. Therefore, they must be true.
Appeal to ignorance
Members of the jury, surely defendant Jones is not guilty of kidnapping the little girl. Jones loves children dearly, and during the first ten years of his marriage he prayed every day for a child. Finally, his wife gave birth to a little boy, but then she and the boy were killed in a car accident.
Appeal to pity
After getting settled in your new job, you will want to buy a home in the Woodland district. Woodland is true prestige, and all of our upscale employees live there.
Appeal to the people
Movie star Glitzy Glamour says in magazine ads that Sparkle cosmetics are fabulous. Given Glitzy's incredible popularity, we must conclude that Sparkle cosmetics are indeed fabulous, just as she says.
Appeal to the people
Bill, I saw you at the party the other night. You were with a beautiful redhead. Level with me, are you still cheating on your wife?
Complex question
George likes chocolate truffles, and he also likes Tabasco sauce. Therefore, he would certainly like some chocolate truffles topped with Tabasco sauce
Lake Michigan contains fish. Therefore, every cubic foot of Lake Michigan contains fish.
During the four years that Allison has been president of the Westridge Retirement Club, five members have contracted diabetes. Therefore, to prevent any more cases of this disease we must elect a new president immediately.
False cause
The last three times I invested money in the stock market, stock prices declined. Therefore, to precent further declines, I must stop investing any more money.
False cause
Either enlist in the Marine Corps or you'll. be a baby for the rest of your life. The choice is yours.
False dichotomy
People don't have to go to college to make a lot of money. Look at Richard Branson, Chairman of the Virgin Group. He's a billionaire, yet he was a terrible student, and he dropped out of school when he was sixteen.
Hasty generalization
The FBI and the CIA failed to prevent the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. Therefore, these government agencies should be abolished immediately.
Missing the point
Every thread in this shirt is pure silk. Therefore, this shirt is pure silk.
No fallacy
It would not be a good idea to hire Mr. Larson as a bus driver for the school district. Larson has huge cataracts in both eyes, and he hates children.
No fallacy
New York is located the United States. Therefore, native born New Yorkers are native born Americans
No fallacy
None of Mr. Konrad's friends has ever seen him smoke a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Therefore, probably Mr. Konrad is a nonsmoker.
No fallacy
George argues that prize fighting should be outlawed. But many prize fighters have been great athletes.- Muhammad Ali, Lennox Lewis, Rocky Marciano, and Joe Louis, to name just a few. Clearly George is mistaken.
Red herring
Frank argues that it's not a good idea for underage people to drink alcoholic beverages. Apparently Frank wants everyone to be a teetotaler. Bring back prohibition for good - that's what Frank wants.
Straw man
Religious fanatics are basically crazy because they are deluded. Of course they are deluded because they believe nonsense. And they believe nonsense because they are hopelessly narrow minded. Naturally they are hopelessly narrow because they are basically crazy.
Straw man
Barbara argues that we should develop feel cell cars that run more efficiently with less pollution. But look at what Barbara drives. It's one of those gas guzzling SUVs that pollute like a steam locomotive. Obviously Barbara's argument is worthless.
Tu quoque (you, too)
United States Marshals are allowed to carry loaded guns in the courtroom. But attorneys are officers of the court, no less than U.S. marshals. Therefore, attorneys are allowed to carry loaded guns in the courtroom.
Weak analogy
Which of the following fallacies arises from a statement made by someone other than the arguer?
Professor Smith, of course you agree that all of us deserve an excellent grade in this class. Because if you don't, you'll get rotten evaluations at the end of the semester, and as a result, you may be denied tenure
appeal to force
Professor Stevens, the great English scholar, says Chaucer's Canterbury Tales represents a milestone in the development of the English language. Therefore, the Canterbury Tales must indeed be a milestone, just as he says
no fallacy
Which of the following fallacies always involves two arguers?
Argument against the person
Betty's argument for universal health care is ridiculous. Betty dropped out of school after the seventh grade, and the most responsible job she has ever held is working as a clerk in a grocery store.
Argument against the person, abusive