Phlebotomy - Blood Tests: with Tube Colors

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Blood Group & Rh Type

- ABO and Rh - LAV - Immunohematology/ Blood Bank - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Dedicated ("Lav") top or pink top - Special ID Procedure Detection of ABO and Rh antigens on the red blood cells.

Alkaline Phosphatase

- ALP - Gold Tube or Red/Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Centrifuge for complete separation as soon as possible - Fasting 8-12 hrs is required This blood test determines liver function

Alanine Transferase

- ALT - Gold-Top or Red/Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Centrifuge for complete separation as soon as possible and refrigerate Evaluate hepatic disease

Aspartate Transferase

- AST - Red/Gray or Gold Tube - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Centrifuge for complete separation and refrigerate Acute and chronic liver disease


- Acid P'tase - Gold-Tube or Red/Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Centrifuge, Separate, and Freeze serum immediately - Transport Frozen Cancer of the Prostate

Basic Metabolic Panel

- BMP - Red Top - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Separate within 45 mins of venipuncture - Fasting 8-12 hrs is required A designated number of tests covering certain body systems

(Blood) Urea Nitrogen

- BUN - Red/Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Centrifuge for complete separation and Refrigerate Kidney Function

Bilirubin, Total & Direct

- Bili - Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Spin and separate within 45 mins - Wrap in foil to protect from light - Refrigerate Increased with type of jaundice (hepatic or hemolytic)

Order Of Draw - ETS/Syringe with Transfer Device

- Blood Culture Tube - Sodium Citrate Tube (e.g., Light Blue Top: Coagulation). - Serum Tube with/without Clot Activator, with/without gel (e.g., Red, Red/Grey-mottled, or Gold Stopper). - Heparin Tube with/without Gel Plasma Separator (e.g., Green Top). - EDTA Tube with/without Gel Separator (e.g., Lavender, Purple, or White/Pearl Top). - Sodium Fluoride/Potassium Oxalate Glycolytic inhibitor (e.g., Grey Top).

HEMATOLOGY TESTS: Complete Blood Count

- CBC - LAV - Hematology - Invert gently 6-8 times immediately - Includes WBC, RBC, Hgb, Hct, Indices, Platelets and Differential This blood test determines blood disease

Creatine Kinase

- CK - Gold Tube or Red/Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Refrigerated Serum Muscular dystrophy and trauma to skeletal muscle

Creatine Kinase MB

- CK/MB - Gold Tube or Red/Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Refrigerated Serum Organ differentiation and to rule out myocardial infarction

Chromium (no additive)

- CR level - Royal Blue - Chemistry - Metal free, separate and refrigerate immediately Associated with diabetes and aspartame toxicity


- Can be taken during pregnancy - Red Top Tube (non-additive) - Chemistry

Cholesterol, HDL

- Chol - Red/Gray Tube or Gold Tube - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Separate as soon as possible; refrigerate serum Evaluates risk of coronary heart disease


- Creat - Gold Tube or Red/Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Separate as soon as possible; refrigerate serum Kidney Function

Copper (no additive)

- Cu level - Royal Blue - Chemistry - Metal free, separate and transfer to a plastic transport tube immediately Wilson disease or nephritic syndrome


- D-D1 - Light Blue - Coagulation - Invert 3 to 4 times - 1ml frozen citrated plasma from a completely filled Lt Blue tube. - Separate and freeze Plasma immediately in plastic vials. - Transport Frozen DIC and Therombic episodes such as Pulmonary emboli.


- Diff - LAV - Hematology - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Blood smear stained with Wright Stain Classifying Types of Leukocytes

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

- ESR - LAV - Hematology - Invert gently 6-8 times immediately After drawing


- ETOH - Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Use non-alcohol germicidal solution to cleanse skin - Chain of custody required if for legal purposes Intoxication


- FBS - Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Separate from the cells within 1 hr or use gray-top tube Diabetes, Hypoglycemia

Blood Culture Collection Procedure

- Follow normal Identification Protocol; explain collection Procedure. - Identify venipuncture site and release Tourniquet. - Aseptically select and assemble equipment. - Perform friction scrub. - Allow the site to dry. - Remove the flip-off cap and inspect the bottle for visible defects. - Cleanse the Culture Bottle Stoppers while the site is drying. - Mark the minimum and maximum fill on the Culture Bottles. - Reapply the Tourniquet and perform the venipuncture without touching or repalpating the site. - Inoculate the medium as required. - Invert the bottle Several Times. - Clean the Patient's Skin if applicable. - Label the Specimen containers with required Identification Information, including the site of blood - collection. - Dispose of used and contaminated materials. - Thank the Patient, remove Gloves, and Sanitize Hands. - Transport Specimen to the lab as quickly as possible.


- T3, T4, TSH - Red Tube - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Must Be Separated To Plastic Transfer Tubes Hyper - or hypothyroid conditions

Iron & Total Iron Binding Capacity

- TIBC & FE - Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Refrigerated Serum - Separate from cells within 1 hr of collection - Fasting morning specimen is preferred Assist in differential diagnosis of anemia

White Cell Count

- WBC - LAV - Hematology - Invert gently 6 to 8 times immediately after drawing. Infection (viral or bacterial)

Zinc (serum)

- Zn - Royal Blue (no additive) - Chemistry - If serum should be separated within 45 mins and transferred to the plastic transport tube Liver Dysfunction


- iCatt - Red/Gray Tube - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Centrifuge with a cap on; do not pour over - Refrigerate - Place a piece of tape over the top of the tube, write "do not open" Bone cancer, nephritis, multiple myeloma

Acid-Fast Bacillus

-AFB -Green - Microbiology - Invert gently 8 times immediately - ("Green") top tube, Isolator tube, or Gel-Barrier tube. - Special Cleaning for site and tube stopper. Isolate and Identify Mycobacteria


-ANA -Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier tube. - Refrigerated Serum. - Avoid hemolysis and upemia This test determines systemic lupus erythematesus and other. Autoimmune Connective Disease

Antistreptolysin O Test

-ASO -Red - Immunology/Serology - Refrigerate or Freeze Serum if not performed immediately. This blood test determines streptococcul infection.


-BC -Yellow - Microbiology - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Whole Blood inoculated into two blood culture bottles: "Anaerobic" and "one aerobic" from two different sites or ("yellow") tube. - Do Not Refrigerate Isolate and identify potentially Pathogenic organism causing bacteremia or septicemia.

Anti-Rh Antibody Prep

-CMV -Red - Immunohematology/Blood Bank - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Special ID Procedure Administered to Rh-negative mothers to prevent Rh immunization.

Direct Antiglobulin Test

-Coombs Test/Direct -LAV - Immunohematology/Blood Bank - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Dedicated ("Lav") top - Special ID Procedure Detects antibodies attached to the patient's red blood cells.

Antibody Screen

-Coombs Test/Indirect -LAV - Immunohematology/Blood Bank - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Collect whole blood ("Lav") - Special ID Procedure Identifies any atypical antibodies present.

Epstein-Barr virus

-EBV -Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier tube. - Store Serum at 2 to 8 degrees This test determines mononucleosis.

Fibrin Split/Degradation Products

-FSP/FDP - Light Blue - Coagulation - Invert 6 times immediately - Centrifuge for 15 mins, separate and freeze. - Transport Frozen. DIC and Thrombotic episodes, sign of increased rate of fibrin deposition.

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody

-HBsAb -Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier tine, refrigerated serum This test determines of previous infection and immunity by hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

-HBsAg -Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier tube, refrigerated serum This test determines acute or same chronic stage of infection and carrier status of hepatitis B.

Human Immunodeficiency virus

-HIV -Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier tube, refrigerated serum -Do Not ship in glass tube Protect Patient's confidentiality by using a code number in place of patient's name.


-Light Blue - Coagulation - Invert 3 to 4 times - Centrifuge 15 mins, separate and freeze immediately. - Place in plastic vial and transport frozen. To investigate suspected bleeding disorder.

Platelet Count

-PLT. Ct - LAV -Hematology - Invert gently 6 to 8 times immediately after drawing. Bleeding disorders

Prothrombin Time

-PT - Light Blue - Coagulation - Invert 3 to 4 times immediately after draw. - Do Not Centrifuge or Freeze if the sample needs to be transported. Clotting factor deficiency, Monitoring warfarin therapy.

Partial Thromboplastin Time

-PTT - Light Blue - Coagulation - Invert 3 to 4 times immediately after draw. - Do Not Centrifuge or Freeze if the sample needs to be transported. Clotting factor deficiency, Monitoring heparin therapy.

Rheumatoid Factor

-RF -Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier yuve, refrigerated serum - Overnight resting is preferred This blood test determines Arthritic Conditions.

Rapid Plasma Reagin

-RPR -Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier tube - Refrigerated Serum


-Red - Immunohematology/Blood Bank - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Gel-Barrier tube -Separate As Soon As Possible; Refrigerate Serum. Screens donors and blood products for transplant programs.

Cord Blood

-Red - Immunohematology/Blood Bank - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Refrigerate Serum Group and type baby's blood to detect the presence of incompatibilities, or mother for possible Rh immune globulin.

Cold Agglutinins

-Red - Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier tube. Must be kept warm. - Incubate at 37 C and allow it to clot at 37 C before separation store and ship at room temperature. This blood test determines to diagnose viral and a typical pneumonia caused by mycoplusma pneumonia.

Febrile Agglutins

-Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier rube - Random Serum Specimen - Avoid gross hemolysis and lipemia This test determines screens for Salmonella, Tularemia, Rickettsial, and Brucellosis organism antibodies.

Chlamydia Antibodies

-Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier tube. - Refrigerate serum. - Collected using aseptic technique - Centrifuge and Separate serum from clot within 4 hrs of collection. This blood test for trachoma, psittacosis, LGV, and pneumonia.

IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY(Blood Bank) TESTS: Human Leukocyte Antigen

-Typing A&B - HLA-B27 - Yellow - Immunohematology/Blood Bank - Invert gently 8 times immediately - ACD("yellow top") tube; Unopened tube required. - Do Not Freeze or Refrigerate - Ethnic origin must be included. Tested for disease association, matching prior to organ transplantation, platelet transfusion, paternity and forensic evaluation.

Mononucleosis Screen

-monospot -Red -Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier tube, refrigerated serum This test determines infections mononucleosis.

Serum Protein Electrophoresis

- SPEP - Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Refrigerated Serum Abnormal Protein Detection

OTHER CARDS: Glucose Tolerance Test Procedure

- Follow normal Identification protocol, explain collection procedure, and advice patient that water is allowed but drinking other beverages, eating food, smoking, or chewing gum is not allowed through- out the test period. -Draw fasting specimen and check for Glucose. - Ask the patient to collect a fasting urine specimen if urine testing has been requested. - Give patient the determined dose of Glucose Beverage. - Remind the patient to finish the Beverage within 5 Minutes. - Note the Time that the patient finishes the Beverage, start the timing for the test and Calculate the Collection Times for the rest of the Specimens based on this time. - Give a copy of the Collection Times to the patient. - Collect Blood and Urine Specimens (if applicable) as close to the Comp- uted Times as possible. - Label All Specimens with the Exact Time collected and the Time Interval of the test (1/2 hrs, 1hr, etc) in addition to patient Identification Information. - Deliver or send Specimens to the Lab As Soon As Possible (ASAP).

Amylase and Lipase

- Gold Tube or Red/Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Centrifuge, and refrigerate serum - Avoid hemolysis and lipemia Acute Pancreatitis

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

- HCG - Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Refrigerated Serum Pregnancy, Testicular Cancer

Lipoproteins (high and low density)

- HDL & LDL - Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Must Be Fasting a minimum of 12 hrs Evaluate lipid disorders and coronary artery disease risk

C-Reactive Protein

- HS-CRP - Red - Immunology/Serology - Gel-Barrier to be refrigerated Serum. This test determines Chronic Inflammation.

Glycosylated Hemoglobin

- HbA1c - LAV - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately Monitoring diabetes mellitus

Hematocrit, Hemoglobin & Red Cell Count

- Hct, Hgb, RBC - LAV - Hematology - Invert gently 6-8 times immediately - After drawing Anemia


- Hcy - Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Specimens must be centrifuged and separated within 2 hrs of draw Elevated levels indicate increased risk of atherosclerosis

Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

- LAV - Hematology - Invert 6 to 8 times immediately after drawing. Hemoglobinopathies and Thalassemia

Lactic Dehydrogenase

- LD - Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Avoid hemolysis ="do not freeze or refrigerate" Cardiac Injury and other Muscle Damage


- Lanoxin - Red Top Tube (non-additive) - Chemistry Heart Stimulant


- MCV - LAV -Hematology - Invert gently 6 to 8 times immediately after drawing. Indicates mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and volume (MCV)

Magnesium & Phosphorus

- Mg - Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Separate from cells within 45 mins - Maintain specimen at room temperature Mineral Metabolism, Kidney Function

Electrolytes (STAT)

- NA -Green - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - "Avoid Hemolysis" Fluid balance, cardiotoxicity, heart failure, edema


- NH3 - LAV - Chemistry - Invert 8 times immediately - Centrifuge within 15 mins without removing stopper - Separate plasma and freeze in a plastic vial Evaluates liver function. High levels in the blood lead to a problem known as hepatic encephalopathy

Prostate Specific Antigen

- PSA - Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Separate and freeze serum immediately in a plastic vial. - Transport frozen Screen for the presence of Prostate Cancer


- Pb - Royal Blue - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Use of other evacuated tubes or transfer tubes may produce falsely elevated results due to contamination. Lead Toxicity. Can lead to Neurologic Dysfunction and possible Permanent Brain Damage


- Phenytoin - Red Top Tube (non-additive) - Chemistry Treatment of epilepsy


- Pink - Chemistry - Invert 8 times immediately - Refrigerated Serum Hemochromatosis, Iron deficiency

Vitamin B12 and Folate

- Pink - Chemistry - Invert gently 8 times immediately - Centrifuge, separate, and refrigerate - Protect from light Macrocytic anemia

CHEMISTRY TESTS (Drug Monitoring): Amikacin, Gentamycin, Tobramycin & Vancomycin

- Red Top Tube (non-additive) - Chemistry

Carbamazepine (Tegretol)

- Red Top Tube (non-additive) - Chemistry


- Red Top Tube (non-additive) - Chemistry


- Red Top Tube (non-additive) - Chemistry


- Red Tubes - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Draw and process at room temperature - Separate from cells immediately Associated with the immunological disease (i.e., multiple myeloma or rheumatoid arthritis)

Uric Acid

- Red/Gray - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Must Be Separated Within 45 mins - Maintain specimen at room temperature Gout


- Red/Gray Tube or Gold Tube - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Transport in amber plastic tube with amber stopper(if available). Warp in aluminum foil - To protect from Light. Freeze Carotenemia


- Red/Gray or Gold Tube - Chemistry - Invert gently 5 times immediately - Refrigerated system - Clearly noted time drawn Cushing Syndrome

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