Photosynthesis- Light reaction

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Equation splitting of a water molecule

2H20= 4h+ + 4e- + O2

Formula for photosynthesis

6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Calvin cycle spin

6 spins of cycle creates 1 releaseable glucose 3 spins produces releaseable pgal

What do chlorophyll A and Chlorophyll B do?

Absorb all colors except for green; reflects green


All of the middle tissue of the leaf

Plants that fix carbon trhougb the calvin cycle are.....


What are pgments and what is their function in plants?

Captures light energy used for photosynthesis and are in chloroplast

Step 1 of calvin cycle

Carbon fixation splits into two carbon molecule PGAL


Cells in the leaves that contain chlorophyll; trap light energy and convert it to chemical energy

What pigs are grouped into clusters in the thylakoid membrane?

Chlorophyll A and Chlorophyll B

Name the most important chloroplast pigment and tell the two most important types of this pigment

Chlorophyll and A & B

THe light reactions start when ____ pigments absorb ______.

Chlorophyll and sunlight

What is a photosystem?

Clusters of chlorophyll molecules found in thylakoids

What has to happen to turn PGA into PGAL?

Energy from light reactions

Step 4 of light reactions

Energy from the jumping electrons used to create a hydrogen gradient and synthase relieves the gradient to make ATP.


Found in the vein; transports minerals and water from roots to shoots


Found in the vein; transports sugar & other products of photosynthesis from leaves to other parts of the plant


Gel like solution surronds the thylakoid inside the chloroplast

Flattened sacs in chloroplast that are also known as _______ and are _______ to each other.

Gradient and attached to

Where does calvin cycle occur?

In the stroma of the Chloroplast

Light reactions occur

In the thylakoid embrances

Spongy layer

Irregular shaped cells in lower center of leaf; absorbs gas & some water

Two cycles of cellular respiration?

Light Reactions and Calvin Cycle

What is calvin cycle also called?

Light dependent reaction

What are the chemicals called that pick up the freed electrons from the chlorophyll A molecules and where are they located

NADP+ and end of ETC

Step 5 of light reactions

NADP+ catches electrons as they jump off the end of the ETC and turns into NADPH which takes this energy to the second step.

What would happen if the electrons lost from photosystem 2 weren't replaced

No gradient- not enough power to get through

When does photosynthesis occur?

Only occurs during the day because need sunlight to do photosynthesis


Opening between the guard cells; allows for gas exchange and some water

What are the light reactions of plants and in what organelle do they occur?

Photosynthesis and chloroplast

Name the 2 types of photosystems

Photosystem 1 and photosystem 2

Step 2 of calvin cycle


Step 4 of calvin cycle

Regeneration of starting molecule RUBP

Step 3 of calvin cycle

Release of G3p

Palisade layer

Rows of elongated cells in the upper center of leaf; site of photosynthesis

What are stomata and where are they located?

Small opening in lower epedermis that let in CO2

When light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll a molecules, what happens to its electrons?

Some of its electrons are excited to a higher energy level

Air space

Space in the spongy layer; contain gases

Carbohydrates made from PGAL in the calvin cycle?


Where does calvin cycle occur?

Stroma in the chloroplast

Name 3 environmental factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis

Sun h20 and Humdity

Photosystem 1 chlorophyll molecules also absorb_________ and its electrons eventually combine with ____ to form NADPH.

Sunlight and NADP+


Supply support for the leaf; contain the xylem and the phloem

Guard cells

Surround the stoma; control the opening and closing of the stoma

What is the relationship between wavelength and energy?

THe shorter the wave length, the greater the energy of each photon of light is

What is the visisble spectrum?

The range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that is normally visible from 380 nm to 760 nm

Is the red light reflected or absorbed by an object if the object appears red to your eyes?

The red portion of the light is reflected while all other colors are absorbed and the reflected lights is what you see.

Stroma and Stoma

The stoma is the part on the leaf that allows for gas exchange releasing O2 and taking in CO2. and the stroma is the fluid inside of the chloroplast that contains the enzymes necessary for carbon fixation (the calvin cycle).


Waxy layer on the covering the epidermis; holds in moisture, prevents too much absorption of water

when would plant cells need to close or partially close their stomata? What does this do to CO2 and O2 levels?

When it's hot and dry CO2 and O2 levels are low

Chlorophyll is an example of an _______ pigment in plants


Name the reactants for photosynthesis

carbon dioxide and water

All organisms require _______ to carry out their life functions


Step 2 of light reactions

excited electrons shoot out of ps2 and ps1 and sent down to ETC.

NADP+ electrons loose _______ as they passed through a series of molecules called the ________ chain

hydrogen ions and electron transport


made of glucose

Lower epidermis

outmost tissue on the lower side of the leaf; protects the leaf

Upper epidermis

outmost tissue on the upper side of the leaf; protects the leaf

Two tissues of mesophyll and functions

palisade and spongy layer

once Chlorophyll A molecules electrons are "excited", what do they have enough energy to do?

power pumping H+ into thylaiod membrane


process in which carbon atoms from Co2 are fixed into organic compounds


provides the replacement electrons photosystem when water is split

Step 1 Light reactions

sun light harvested hits ps2,1 and excites electrons in the chlorophyll- sunlight hitting to photosystems

Oxidative phosphoylation

the proccess in which Atp is synthesized during light reactions

Calvin cycle definition

the second set of photosynthetic reactions that uses energy stored in NADPH and ATP to make High energy compounds


thylakoid sacs in chloroplasts

Solar energy

ultimate energy of all life on earth

Step 3 of light reactions

water is split into hydrogens, electrons, oxygen to supply this system. Done by enzyme MN and water splitting supplies MN with electrons- when splits them produces h+


when CO2 comes with RUBP which makes two molecules of PGA

Carbon fixation

when CO2 is incorporated into organic compounds in a process

Name two other accesory pigments and tell what colors it includes. When could you see these colors?

xanthophyll , carotenoids, anthocyanin

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