(Phr) Chapter 8: Employee Relations And Engagemen

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Correct answer: Resolving conflict without the expense of a lawsuitArbitration is a dispute resolution method that resolves conflicts without the expense of a lawsuit. There are a variety of different types of arbitration, including voluntary and compulsory. In a voluntary arbitration, both parties agree to submit the conflict to an arbitrator for resolution. Compulsory arbitration can be a contract requirement or may be mandated by a court system as a means of reducing the backlog of civil lawsuits, or by legal statute, as with public employee unions, which are prohibited from striking.

. What is the key goal of arbitration?Resolving conflict without the expense of a lawsuitResolving conflict without involvement by Human ResourcesResolving conflict within the confines of Human ResourcesResolving conflict without speaking to the employee

Correct answer: Schedule the meeting to discuss the accommodationThe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted in 1990 and extended protected-class status to qualified persons with disabilities. The ADA requires covered entities to make reasonable accommodation to develop employment opportunities for qualified persons with disabilities in two areas: Facilities should be accessible to persons with disabilities, and position requirements may be adjusted to accommodate qualified persons with disabilities.The ADA allows that accommodations constituting an undue hardship to the business aren't required and defines undue hardships as an accommodation that places an excessive burden on the employer. The act identifies the factors to be considered in determining whether an accommodation is an undue hardship by looking at the cost, the financial resources of the organization, the size of the organization, and other similar factors.However, even if the employer does not have any funding to provide accommodation, they are still at ADA compliance risk if they fail to engage in a sufficiently interactive process when searching for a reasonable accommodation.

A request to meet and discuss a disability accommodation arrives in the HR office one day. The PHR that receives the letter knows that there isn't any money to provide accommodations. Which of the following is the best course of action?Send a standard form letter denying the requestCall the employee and politely explain that they cannot accept any requests for accommodation due to funding constraintsSkip the meeting but send communication agreeing to approve accommodation requestsSchedule the meeting to discuss the accommodation

Which one of the following guidelines focuses on organizational actions that HR can shape to meet strategic objectives?PlanRuleProcedurePolicy

Correct answer: PolicyA policy is created to give the organization the power to take a certain action. Plans, rules, and procedures are the methods by which polices are carried out.

In January of 2017, the company had 1,000 employees. By December of 2017, the company had 1,200 employees. From January to December, the company experienced 125 employee separations. What is the company's employee turnover rate for 2017?11.36%60.5%42.79%12.5%

Correct answer: 11.36%To calculate employee turnover, divide the number of employees who left the organization from the average number of employees employed by the company (in this case 1100). Then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. 1000+1200=2200/2 (average) = 1100 125/1100= 0.1136 0.1136 *100= 11.36%

Q. How many hours a day may 14- and 15-year-old children work during a school week?3 hours a day2 hours a day4 hours a day6 hours a day

Correct answer: 3 hours a dayThe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) includes regulations for child labor. Children 14 and 15 years of age can work in nonfarming, nonmining, and nonhazardous jobs outside of school hours if they work the following hours:No more than 3 hours a day or 18 hours in a workweekNo more than 8 hours on a nonschool day or 40 hours in a nonschool work week

A stockroom cherry-picker failed, dropping a load of boxes and causing the machine to topple over. Luckily there were no fatalities, but 4 employees were hospitalized and 2 others suffered minor injuries. How long does the employer have to report this accident to OSHA?8 hours12 hours24 hours48 hours

Correct answer: 8 hoursThe Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has established reporting requirements with legally required compliance. One of these requirements is that employers must report fatal accidents or serious injuries resulting in the hospitalization of three or more employees within 8 hours of incident occurrence. OSHA will inspect to determine whether any safety violations contributed to the accident.

Which performance appraisal method uses the behaviorally anchored rating scale?Comparison methodNarrative methodRating methodBehavioral method

Correct answer: Behavioral methodThe behavioral method (BARS) uses a behaviorally anchored rating scale. This method uses the job description to create dimensions that represent the most important requirements of the job. For each dimension, anchor statements are created to represent varying levels of performance behaviors that describe rating numbers on a scale.The comparison method compares the performance of employees with one another. It uses ranking, paired comparison, and forced ranking. Rating methods include rating scales and checklists. The narrative method requires managers to describe the employees' performance and uses critical incident reviews, essay reviews, and field reviews.

Under a common-law system, how are laws established?Based on comprehensive statutes and codes written by a legislative bodyA blend of judicial decisions and legislative body codesBuilt up over time and based on judicial decisionsBy executive order

Correct answer: Built over time and based on judicial decisionsThere are three basic types of legal systems: civil law, common law, and religious law. The U.S. operates under a common-law system. Under this system, legal doctrines are established as a result of legal decisions made by judges and are built up over time. A number of doctrines have implications for employment relationships, the most common of which is the concept of employment-at-will. Other common-law issues that affect employment relationships are respondeat superior, constructive discharge, and defamation

What types of organizations does the Drug-Free Workplace Act apply to?All U.S. businessesBusinesses with federal contracts of $100,000 or moreBusinesses with federal contracts of $50,000 or moreCorporations or employers of 100 or more employees

Correct answer: Businesses with federal contracts of $100,000 or moreThe Drug-Free Workplace Act applies to businesses with federal contracts of $100,000 or more each year. To be in compliance, contractors must develop and publish a written policy, establish an awareness program, notify employees about contract conditions, notify the contracting agency of any violations, establish penalties for any illegal drug convictions, and maintain a drug-free workplace.

Which of the following hazards is listed as OSHA's second priority?Catastrophes and fatal accidentsImminent dangerComplaints and referralsProgrammed high-hazard inspections

Correct answer: Catastrophes and fatal accidentsOSHA has an established hierarchy of situations to give priority to inspection of the most dangerous workplace environments. The priorities OSHA uses in allocating time for inspections is as follows:Imminent danger: There is a reasonable certainty that immediate death or serious injury from existing workplace hazards will occur before normal enforcement procedures can take place.Catastrophes and fatal accidents: Employers must report fatal accidents or serious injuries resulting in the hospitalization of three or more employees within 8 hours. OSHA will inspect to determine whether any safety violations contributed to the accident.Complaints and referrals: Employees may request inspections when they think violations exist that threaten physical harm; OSHA also investigates referrals about hazards from any other source.Programmed high-hazard inspections: Based on statistical analysis, OSHA conducts planned inspections of industries or jobs that have high incident rates for death, injury, and illness.Follow-up inspections: CSHOs follow up on previously issued citations to ensure that the employer has taken action to correct the violation.

Discriminatory discipline, reducing work hours, and discharging employees in response to union activities is an example of:Union blockingIncreasing salaryCoercive conductManager control

Correct answer: Coercive conductIt is illegal and coercive to treat employees negatively for engaging in legal union activities or interest in a union, which is a protected activity. This includes threats, surveillance, interrogations and other unethical behaviors.

Organization X has been informed that a hurricane is heading their way. Organization X should refer to their:Disaster-recovery planContinuity of operations planEmergency-response planSuccession plan

Correct answer: Emergency-response planOrganization X should refer to their emergency-response plan, because this plan is designed to describe how the organization should react to different natural disasters or emergency situations if they occur.A succession plan is designed to identify employees with leadership potential and groom them for senior and executive management positions.A continuity of operations plan is designed to move an organization from the disaster-recovery phase to their original state of operations.The disaster-recovery plan is designed to describe what actions need to be taken once the initial response to the emergency is complete.

Which of the following aids in enterprise risk management (ERM) by communicating the company's legal obligations to employees?Insurance policiesLitigation statisticsEmployee handbooksHR audits

Correct answer: Employee handbooksEmployee handbooks benefit both the organization and the employee in many ways. It can be a great way for an organization to communicate to an employee what the company policies are, covering important information such as sexual harassment, reasonable accommodation, dress code, and leave laws. It should always include information about the company's expectations, what rights the employee has, and what legal obligations the company has to the employees. Some handbooks also provide a short organization history and try to give the new employee a feel for the type of culture and climate to expect at the new workplace.

Which of the following best describes a serious OSHA violation?Evidence supporting intentional violationsExisting hazards that could cause health concernsExisting hazards that could result in deathViolations that pose no threat to safety

Correct answer: Existing hazards that could result in deathOSHA violations are organized into the following categories:Willful: Evidence exists of an intentional violation of the OSH Act or "plain indifference" to its requirements.Serious: Substantial probability of death or serious physical harm exists.Other-than-serious: An existing hazard could have a direct and immediate effect on the safety and health of employees.Repeat: OSHA previously issued citations for substantially similar conditions.Failure to abate: The employer failed to abate a prior violation.De-minimus: Violations exist but have no direct or immediate relationship to safety or health.

If a manager is required to use a bell curve when writing performance appraisals, what comparison method is he using?Forced distributionPaired comparisonRanked performanceRating scale

Correct answer: Forced distribution There are a number of methods for use when evaluating employee performance. Forced distribution is an example of a comparison method. Comparison methods compare the performance of individuals or employees against one another. Forced distribution does this by requiring managers to rank employees according to the bell curve, rating a small group of employees at the high end, a small group at the low end, and the bulk of the employees in the average range.Two other comparison methods are the ranking method and the paired comparison method. In the ranking method, employees are listed in order from the highest to the lowest performer. In the paired comparison method, all employees in the group are compared to one employee at a time.Rating scales are a rating method that attempts to quantify performance. Rating scales may be numeric, with scales of from 3 to 10 ratings to differentiate levels of performance, or may use phrases such as "exceeds expectations," "meets expectations," or "does not meet expectations."

Ken, the HR Manager, overheard a group of employees gossiping at the office water cooler about a sexually suggestive email circulating the company. What action can Ken take to address this and be an agent for positive change?He can find the original sender of the offensive email and immediately terminate his employmentHe can mention this at his monthly HR networking mixer and laugh about itHe can send an email out to all customers apologizing if they may have received the offensive messageHe can update the corporate policies on sexual harassment and the use of office email systems, then request managers train employees about this

Correct answer: He can update the corporate policies on sexual harassment and the use of office email systems, then request managers train employees about thisKen's best course of action is to use his leadership abilities to address the problem head-on by reviewing and updating the company policies. This is a cross-over issue, meaning it violates both the proper use of email communication at work and sexual harassment. This may be a symptom of a bigger problem in the culture of the company. Following the systems approach, Ken then needs to get managers on board to educate their teams about this kind of negative behavior.The other methods will not get the desired results or create change

Josh is uncomfortable with his supervisor massaging his shoulders while he works, but he doesn't speak up because he is worried it will anger the supervisor and he won't be given the promotion he is eligible for. What type of sexual harassment is this an example of?Quid pro quoDisparate impactDisparate treatmentHostile work environment

Correct answer: Hostile work environmentThere are two forms of sexual harassment that must be prevented: quid pro quo and hostile work environment.Quid pro quo: Legal term that means, in Latin, "this for that." Quid pro quo harassment, therefore, occurs when a supervisor or manager asks for sexual favors in return for some type of favorable employment action. Sexual favors is a broad term that covers actions ranging from unwanted touching to more explicit requests.Hostile work environment: Defined by the EEOC as one in which an individual or individuals are subjected to unwelcome verbal or physical conduct "when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment."

A record retention schedule establishes what?How long to keep employees activeHow long to keep employee records on fileHow long to record disciplinary actions for employeesHow long to record the time worked of each employee

Correct answer: How long to keep employee records on fileThe record of retention establishes a set process for storing and retaining certain types of employee records from applications to termination paperwork. This is required by law and must include information about where, how, and why records are stored and when and how they are destroyed.

What hazards are given first priority in OSHA's inspection hierarchy?CatastrophesFatal AccidentsHigh-Hazard InspectionsImminent Danger

Correct answer: Imminent DangerOSHA has an established hierarchy of situations to give priority to inspection of the most dangerous workplace environments. The hierarchy OSHA uses in allocating time for inspections is as follows:Imminent danger: There is a reasonable certainty that immediate death or serious injury from existing workplace hazards will occur before normal enforcement procedures can take place.Catastrophes and fatal accidents: Employers must report fatal accidents or serious injuries resulting in the hospitalization of three or more employees within 8 hours. OSHA will inspect to determine whether any safety violations contributed to the accident.Complaints and referrals: Employees may request inspections when they think violations exist that threaten physical harm; OSHA also investigates referrals about hazards from any other source.Programmed high-hazard inspections: Based on statistical analysis, OSHA conducts planned inspections of industries or jobs that have high incident rates for death, injury, and illness.Follow-up inspections: CSHOs follow up on previously issued citations to ensure that the employer has taken action to correct the violation.

Before an organization can discipline an employee, there must be due process in place. This gives employees an opportunity to explain their side of things before any disciplinary action takes place. HR can facilitate this process by:Explaining to employees they have few rightsSharing the behaviors that are expected of employeesKeeping carefully written documentation of all incidentsCommunicating the threat of punishment

Correct answer: Keeping carefully written documentation of all incidentsHR can ensure that due process takes place in an employee disciplinary hearing by having all documentation in a written and dated format as evidence of employee actions. HR can also remind managers that they can get assistance with explaining corporate policies to employees.

If a union member were passing out information that pointed out the advantages a union would bring to the workforce and countered the information management was providing to employees of the benefits of remaining union-free, what activity would they be performing?PicketingSaltingLeafletingBannering

Correct answer: LeafletingUnions utilize a variety of tactics to organize employees. The following tactics include leafleting, salting, bannering, and picketing.Leafleting is when a union member provides information on the advantages of a union and what it will bring to the workforce and counters the information management provides to employees on the benefits of remaining union-free.Salting refers to the tactic that occurs when a union hires a person to apply for a job at an organization they have targeted. Once hired, the employee acts in much the same way as an inside organizer who was already employed by the company.Bannering occurs when the union places obvious signs (e.g., banners, trucks with union logos, etc.) outside the organization to advertise a message to the public and to employees about the organization's business practices.Picketing occurs when a group of employees patrols the entrance to a business in order to inform customers and the public about disputes or to prevent deliveries to a business that the union is trying to influence in some way.

Sometimes management shuts down operations to keep the union from working. An example is when employees are engaging in a work slowdown. What is this typically called?BoycottLockoutAlly doctrineDouble breasting

Correct answer: LockoutA lockout occurs when management shuts down operations to keep the union from working. This may happen because of work slowdowns where it is costing management more to have employees working slowly and not producing the required productivity than it would be to shut down the operation.Boycotts occur when a union and the employees work together against an employer to make their dissatisfaction with the employer's action known or to try and force the employer into recognizing the union or conceding to their demands. Boycotts can occur in several ways including ally doctrines, alter ego doctrines, double breasting, secondary boycotts, and straight-line operations.

What is the process of setting goals directly between a manager and an employee called?SMARTGOALMBOMBOSS

Correct answer: MBOManagement By Objectives (MBO) creates accountability for a low performing employee to meet certain goals within a reasonable amount of time. The employee sets these goals based on what he and the manager agree are critical to his success on the job. The manager supports the objectives and helps to reduce obstacles from getting in the way.

If an organization uses mitigation to manage a risk, they are:Managing the risk if it occursMinimizing the riskEliminating the riskUsing insurance to cover the risk

Correct answer: Minimizing the riskIf an organization uses mitigation to manage a risk, they are minimizing the risk.Managing organizational risk can be handled in one of four ways: mitigation, acceptance, avoidance, or transfer. These can be described as follows:Mitigation: The company minimizes the risk.Acceptance: The company manages the risk if it occurs.Avoidance: The company eliminates the risk.Transfer: The company uses insurance to cover the risk.

A large tuberculosis outbreak has already caused several of Jim's workers to go out on sick leave. This morning he hears on the news that the CDC predicts the outbreak will soon reach pandemic status. As HR director, which of the following steps should Jim take next?Modify sick leave policies to allow proper recovery time and offer working employees flexible work options like telecommuting or shift workContinue operations as usual and handle employees on a case-by-case basisShut down operations, as pandemic levels warrant a threat to national safetyContinue operations and mandate that all employees seek medical attention at first sign of illness and bar return without physician clearanc

Correct answer: Modify sick leave policies to allow proper recovery time and offer working employees flexible work options like telecommuting or shift workBiological health hazards are a workplace concern that impacts a variety of HR functional areas. These hazards are widely diverse, as they can come from a variety of sources and in a variety of forms. There are some industries, such as health care and food service, that are at higher risk; but risk is present in all industries and across all communities. When a particular disease meets certain criteria pre-established by the CDC, it will be considered to have reached pandemic levels. Generally this means that a disease which has seen a rapid increase in cases among a population spreads to a larger population, generally across countries or continents. It is important for HR professionals to know how to respond when their workforce, and community, are faced with this risk. The CDC encourages employers to prepare guidelines for minimizing face-to-face contact; secure vaccines for employees to prevent outbreaks; modify sick-leave policies to allow ill employees time to recover so they don't spread the disease; use telecommuting, flexible work hours, and work shifts to minimize contact; and establish knowledge-management programs to ensure business continuity during a health crisis. An Excelsior list contains what information about employees in a bargaining unit?Names and employment detailsNames and addressesNames, addresses, and employment detailsNames and consent documentation Correct answer: Names and addressesOnce consent or direction of an NLRB election has been ordered, an employer needs to prepare an Excelsior list. This list contains the names addresses of all employees in the bargaining unit and must be provided to the union within seven days of the election order. In a situation where management is refusing voluntary recognition of a union, who then files an election petition?The NLRBThe unionThe employerThe bargaining unit Correct answer: The unionWhen the union has a sufficient number of signed authorization cards, it's ready to approach the employer with a demand for recognition. An employer may choose to recognize a union voluntarily under some circumstances, but this should be done only after conferring with legal counsel. One way unions may seek voluntary recognition is to approach management with signed authorization cards to have management witness its majority status by accepting the cards.If management refuses to grant voluntary recognition, the union files a petition for an election with the NLRB, along with evidence of employee interest in union representation. The NLRB reviews the petition to determine if it represents an appropriate level of interest in union representation and if signatures on the petition or authorization cards are valid. Vote eligibility can be challenged by the union representative or management up until what point?The votes are countedThe vote is certifiedThe vote is placed in the ballot boxThe voter enters the polling area Correct answer: The vote is placed in the ballot boxA National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election takes place to determine if a majority of employees desire union representation. Between the time that the NLRB decides an election will take place and election day, both the employer and the union are able to present their side to the employees. Once the election day has arrived, any campaigning activities must stop in or around the polling area. While the election is taking place, union or employer representatives have the right to challenge the eligibility of any vote. This can take place at any point up until the vote is placed into the ballot box. During a union campaign, an inside organizer works from within an organization to build support for the union. Who is the inside organizer employed by?The unionBoth the organization/company and the unionA third party campaigning groupThe organization/company Correct answer: The organization/companyUnions use a variety of tactics to organize employees. Inside organization is considered to be the most effective tactic since it works by building trust and support from the inside. An inside organizer is an employee of the target company or organization who uses their influence on co-workers to build support and encourage participation. A related method, salting, occurs when a union hires a person to apply for a job at an organization they have targeted. Once hired, the employee acts in much the same way as an inside organizer who was already employed by the company.

An Excelsior list contains what information about employees in a bargaining unit?Names and employment detailsNames and addressesNames, addresses, and employment detailsNames and consent documentation

Correct answer: Names and addressesOnce consent or direction of an NLRB election has been ordered, an employer needs to prepare an Excelsior list. This list contains the names addresses of all employees in the bargaining unit and must be provided to the union within seven days of the election order.

Which of the following acts requires all needlestick and sharp injuries to be recorded?Needlestick Safety and Prevention ActGenetic Information Nondiscrimination ActFair Labor Standards ActOccupational Safety and Health Act

Correct answer: Needlestick Safety and Prevention ActThe Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act of 2000 mandates that all needlestick and sharp injuries be recorded, requires the involvement of front-line employees in finding safer devices to replace needles and sharps and protects employees who have endured needlestick injuries.The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) mandates that minors between the ages of 16 and 18 may not be employed in jobs considered to be particularly hazardous.The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) prohibits unlawful discrimination against employees based on their genetic information. The request, requirement, or purchase of genetic information by an employer is prohibited under this act.The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), sets and enforces safety standards for workplaces in all industries.

The employment at will doctrine gives employees the right to terminate their employment at any time, leaving a minimum notice of what duration?2 weeks1 week48 hoursNo requirement

Correct answer: No requirementEmployment at will (EAW) was defined in 1884 by Justice Ingersoll as being employment in which "either party may terminate the service, for any cause, good or bad, or without cause, and the other cannot complain in law." This common-law doctrine provides employees with the right to leave a job at any time, with or without notice.

Ergonomics studies workers and the link between their health and what workplace component?Emotional supportBiological hazard exposurePhysical environmentWork-life balance

Correct answer: Physical environmentErgonomics is the study of the physical workplace environment, how it is designed and used, and what impact it has on the people in the environment. A workplace with poor ergonomic design puts its employees at risk of developing a musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). Poor ergonomic design causes the worker to put unnecessary and/or repeated stress on various parts of the body. Common MSDs resulting from this stress include bursitis, carpal tunnel, and tendonitis. Other names that HR professionals may see MSDs referred to as include repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) and cumulative trauma injuries (CTIs).

Midway through his workday, Josh begins to feel feverish and develops severe chills. He tries to fight through the day but ultimately his supervisor determines he is too ill to perform his job duties and sends him home. After visiting his physician, Josh learns that he contracted malaria from an insect bite while on his honeymoon. Does the employer need to record this illness on OSHA reporting forms?No, because malaria isn't a communicable diseaseYes, all potential outbreaks need to be reported to OSHA and also to the CDCYes, because Josh's symptoms first surfaced at workNo, because Josh was exposed outside of the work environment

Correct answer: No, because Josh was exposed outside of the work environmentOSHA regulations require work-related injury and illnesses to be reported using forms 300, 300A, and 301. There are several circumstances in which an employee can be injured or become ill in their workplace when it would not be considered work-related. In Josh's situation, OSHA standard 1904.5(b)(2)(ii) applies. This exemption states that an employer is not required to record injuries and illnesses if the injury or illness involves signs or symptoms that surface at work but result solely from a non-work-related event or exposure that occurs outside the work environment.

Gina just learned that an incident that occurred at her workplace almost two years ago was an unfair labor practice as defined by the National Labor Relations Board. Can Gina still file charges?No, the statute of limitations for ULPs is 12 monthsYes, there is not a statute of limitations for ULPsNo, the statute of limitations for ULPs is 6 monthsYes, the statute of limitations for ULPs is 5 years

Correct answer: No, the statute of limitations for ULPs is 6 monthsWhen an unfair labor practice (ULP) occurs, charges can be filed with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The NLRB provides a form for filing charges (NLRB-501) which can be filed in person, by fax, or by mail to the regional office. ULPs carry a statute of limitations of 6 months from the date of the incident.

Darrin owns a small textile plant and is concerned about the high levels of safety hazards his employees are subject to. He reached out to OSHA and requested consultation services. What costs should Darrin expect to pay for these services?Costs vary based on business sizeNone, workplace health and safety consultations are a free service offered by OSHACosts vary based on consultant's fee schedule2% of last quarter's quarterly payment

Correct answer: None, workplace health and safety consultations are a free service offered by OSHAOSHA exists to ensure a safe and healthy workplace for every individual in the United States workforce. To do this, they must enforce safety standards, conduct inspections, investigate violations, and hold employers accountable for violations. These actions are all done with the best interest of the employee in mind. It is their aim to be proactive before the need to be reactive arises, and they work to include employers in that goal as well. To help employers create a safe and healthy workplace, OSHA provides a wide variety of resources at no cost, many available online at OSHA.gov. Another resource available to employers is the use of a consultant. An OSHA trained consultant will provide services, free of charge, to an employer to help them learn about OSHA standards and which ones apply to their workplace, to involve employees, and also to correct any potential violations without citation. If the employer does not work to resolve the violation, the consultant can refer the violation to an OSHA inspector.

On which OSHA form would you log the work-related injuries and illnesses?OSHA form 300AOSHA form 301OSHA form 301AOSHA form 300

Correct answer: OSHA form 300The OSHA 300 form was developed for the Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses.The OSHA 301 form was developed for the Injury and Illness Incident Report. The OSHA 300A form was developed for the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses. There is no form 301A.

. The occupational safety and health standards were put into effect by:EEOCOSHAMSHADOL

Correct answer: OSHAThe American workplace saw great improvements due to OSHA's definition of occupational safety and health standards. These standards range from those that are job and industry specific to those applying to businesses in many different industries. Some of the standards that are generally applicable include:The General DutyEmergency Action PlansFire Prevention PlansOccupational Noise ExposurePersonal Protective EquipmentSanitationSpecifications for Accident Prevention Signs and TagsPermit Required Confined SpacesControl of Hazardous EnergyMedical Services and First AidGeneral Requirements for All MachinesSelection and Use of Electrical Work PracticesBlood-borne PathogensHazard Communication Standard

With the goal of attracting more employees to membership, a union has set up a picket. What type of picketing is this?Recognitional PicketingInformational PicketingPublicity PicketingOrganizational Picketin

Correct answer: Organizational PicketingA picket occurs when a group of employees patrols the entrance of a business in order to inform customers and/or the public about disputes or to prevent deliveries to a business that a union is trying to influence. Another situation in which picketing can occur is when the union is trying to advise the public that they believe the organization has committed an unfair labor practice.The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recognizes three types of picketing: Organizational, Recognitional, and Informational or Publicity Picketing.Organizational picketing: Occurs when the union wants to attract employees to become members and authorize the union to represent them with the employer.Recognitional picketing: Occurs when the union wants the employer to recognize the union as the employees' representative for collective-bargaining purposes. The NLRA places a limit of 30 days on recognitional picketing, after which a petition for an election must be filed.Informational or publicity picketing: Done to truthfully advise the public that an employer is a union-free workplace.

In order to provide feedback to employees about how well or poorly they are doing; and create plans for development, management will conduct what activity?Performance appraisalStaff meetingDisciplinary hearingLearning session

Correct answer: Performance appraisalA performance appraisal is the first step toward creating a well-performing employee. Usually conducted at regular intervals, this is an evaluation that measures the success of the employee's work against certain organizational objectives. If additional training is needed, this is a good time to identify and secure more learning for the employee.

What tool is used to provide feedback to an employee on how well or how poorly he or she is doing on the job; and create a professional development plan?Job reviewCareer ratingProductivity reportPerformance appraisal

Correct answer: Performance appraisalThe formal performance appraisal is used to outline the areas that an employee can do better, what he or she is doing well, and to identify possible training needs. It is meant as a constructive evaluation to support employee success.

In the case of an employee complaint of a safety hazard filed with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), HR is required to:Provide access to the area to an OSHA officer and any maintenance/safety records related to the problemGive the OSHA officer a tour of the entire facility and access to employee recordsIdentify what employee made the claim and let management handle the problemHire an outside firm to fix the problem only after OSHA has instructed the company to do so

Correct answer: Provide access to the area to an OSHA officer and any maintenance/safety records related to the problemThe human resource director must give the visiting OSHA officer safe access to the area identified in the complaint to inspect and provide corrective directions. All safety records and maintenance reports relating to the hazard in question must also be made available for review. The hazard should be corrected immediately to prevent further safety issues and reports.

Sexual harassment is covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Which legal term refers to when a supervisor or manager asks for sexual favors in return for a favorable employment action?Improper placementFraudHostile work environmentQuid pro quo

Correct answer: Quid pro quoThere are two types of sexual harassment that HR professionals should be aware of: quid pro quo and hostile work environment.Quid pro quo is a Latin term which translates to English as "this for that." Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a supervisor or manager asks for sexual favors in return for some type of favorable employment action. Sexual favors is a broad term that covers actions ranging from unwanted touching to more explicit requests.A hostile work environment has been defined by the EEOC as one in which an individual or individuals are subjected to unwelcome verbal or physical conduct "when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment."

What comparison method can managers use to rate employees from highest to lowest levels of performance?Ranked performanceGraded performanceBell curveHierarchy rating

Correct answer: Ranked performanceThe ranked performance model compares the top performance employees to the lower performing employees. This can help management focus on bringing all employees up to an acceptable level of performance and reward those who exceed expectations.

Which type of picketing is being performed when the union wants the employer to recognize the union as the employees' representative for collective-bargaining purposes?Recognitional picketingOrganizational picketingInformational picketingPublicity picketing

Correct answer: Recognitional picketingA picket occurs when a group of employees patrols the entrance of a business in order to inform customers and/or the public about disputes or to prevent deliveries to a business that a union is trying to influence. Another situation in which picketing can occur is when the union is trying to advise the public that they believe the organization has committed an unfair labor practice.The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recognizes three types of picketing: Organizational, Recognitional, and Informational or Publicity Picketing.Organizational picketing: Occurs when the union wants to attract employees to become members and authorize the union to represent them with the employer.Recognitional picketing: Occurs when the union wants the employer to recognize the union as the employees' representative for collective-bargaining purposes. The NLRA places a limit of 30 days on recognitional picketing, after which a petition for an election must be filed.Informational or publicity picketing: Done to truthfully advise the public that an employer is a union-free workplace.

Sandra is reviewing a termination request submitted to her by a supervisor citing a safety risk. The employee in question recently fainted due to overheating, and although cleared by her physician to return to work, the supervisor is concerned it could happen again. What should Sandra do?Recommend against the termination and try to get the employee reassignedRecommend the termination, as the employee's fainting puts both her and her coworkers at a safety riskRecommend against the termination, as this termination could result in an EEOC suitRecommend the termination. If the employee is overheating, she needs to find a more suitable work environment.

Correct answer: Recommend against the termination, as this termination could result in an EEOC suitThe correct answer is to recommend against the termination. A similar situation took place at one of the Potlatch Corporation paper mills and resulted in an EEOC suit. The employee had fainted during her rest break and said that she was hot and had not eaten. The paper mill's management interpreted ADA regulations to allow the termination of employees who created a direct threat to the safety of themselves or coworkers and terminated her on that basis. The company argued during the trial that the employee's fainting caused her to be a danger to herself and other coworkers, but the jury disagreed and found in favor of the employee.

A business strategy to eliminate a portion of the workforce is called:Re-assignment EventOffboardingWARNReductions in Force

Correct answer: Reductions in ForceIf a company must let go of employees for business reasons, a Reduction in Force (RIF) is the strategy used by HR leadership. This can involve a few employees from each department or an entire section of a business being laid off over time (downsizing).

Which union unfair labor practice would be described as a union refusing to bargain with representatives chosen by the employer to negotiate with the union?Restraint and coercion of employeesEngaging in a prohibited strikeRefusal to bargain in good faithFeatherbedding

Correct answer: Refusal to bargain in good faithIt is illegal for an employer to refuse to bargain in good faith about wages, hours, and other conditions of employment with the representative selected by a majority of the employees in a unit appropriate for collective bargaining. A bargaining representative which seeks to enforce its rights concerning an employer under this section must show that it has been designated by a majority of the employees, that the unit is appropriate, and that there has been both a demand that the employer bargain and a refusal by the employer to do so.

If a disagreement occurs during collective bargaining, which method of resolution should be considered first?ArbitrationMediationCourt injunctionThe grievance procedure from the CBA

Correct answer: The grievance procedure from the CBAA collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is a contract governing the employment relationship for a specified period of time. There are four subject areas which are open for negotiation during the collective bargaining process: mandatory subjects, illegal subjects, voluntary subjects, and reserved-rights doctrine. Should a disagreement arise during these negotiations, the first step to be taken is looking to the grievance process as outlined in the CBA. The CBA will have outlined the grievance process and provided a framework for the parties to follow to resolve any issues.

Employee investigations often land on the desk of human resources. (For example sexual harassment, bullying, etc.) It is important that if an investigation will be carried out by an internal HR officer, that which one of the following rules is applied?Share your expert opinion with others about why things happened. Remain neutral and seek the facts that can be corroborated through documentation and witnessesFocus on the law that was broken and how to protect the companyDecide what is a cultural norm for your company and what to take seriously

Correct answer: Remain neutral and seek the facts that can be corroborated through documentation and witnesses. HR needs to be neutral and refrain from injecting any bias or ideas and should focus on seeking out facts that can be backed up. All information is 100% confidential. It is not human resource's job to inject opinions or ideas about why things have happened, nor is it right to ignore certain behaviors just because they are considered to be acceptable by organizational culture norms. HR should be mindful of employment laws, but not biased in terms of what to protect.

USERRA protects the rights of what group of individuals?Reservists called to active duty in the armed forcesPublic employeesDisabled personsMembers of a protected class

Correct answer: Reservists called to active duty in the armed forcesCongress enacted the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) in 1994 to protect the rights of reservists called to active duty in the armed forces. The act provides reemployment and benefits rights and is administered through the Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS) of the DOL. USERRA applies to all public and private employers in the United States, including the federal government. The DOL issued revised rules for employers that became effective on January 18, 2006. These revisions clarified some of the requirements previously issued.

All of the following types of drug testing are lawful and can be implemented without fear of discrimination except for which?Pre-employment Random Targeted Reasonable-suspicion

Correct answer: TargetedDrug testing must be implemented fairly and consistently. Targeting of a single employee or a specific group of employees is not fair and can put the company at risk of legal charges. Random drug testing, when not done correctly, can also put the company at risk. To prevent this, it must be done on an arbitrary, unscheduled basis, and the use of a computer program to aid in this is highly recommended.

An HR professional is processing a request from an employee representative asking for copies of a 301 incident report. Since the employee was the subject of the report, his representative has a right to the information. But the HR professional knows that there is information that needs to be removed. What information can remain in the report?Any diagrams mapping the injuryThe "Tell us about the case" sectionMedical facility notesIncident details

Correct answer: The "Tell us about the case" sectionEmployers are required to provide employees and employee representatives, former employees, or a personal representative of an employee with information on how to properly report an injury or illness, and they're also required to allow employees or their representatives limited access to the records of injury and illness.When the information must be provided depends on who is requesting it and what they are requesting. If any of the requestors are asking for form 300, it must be provided by the end of the following business day. For form 301, if the employee (or other subject of the report) is the requestor then it must be provided by the end of the next business day. If the requestor is an employee representative, it must be provided within 7 calendar days and all information except for the "Tell us about the case" section must be removed.

Which of the following OSHA health and safety standards is also referred to as "lockout/tagout"?General Requirements for All MachinesSpecifications for Accident Prevention Signs and TagsThe Control of Hazardous EnergyHazard Communication Standard

Correct answer: The Control of Hazardous EnergyOSHA was empowered by the OSH Act to define occupational safety and health standards. There are a wide range of standards, including those that are industry-specific to some that apply to many different workplaces. The control of hazardous energy standard (1910.147) applies to machinery that may start unexpectedly when a guard or other safety device must be removed to perform a service or maintenance process and any part of an employee's body may be subjected to injury in the course of the process. This standard is commonly referred to as the lockout/tagout standard.

Brad's boss was recently in a meeting where the management of a risk had been discussed. He tells Brad that the company has decided to "transfer" the risk; what does this mean?The company will minimize the riskThe company will blame someone elseThe company will eliminate the riskThe company will use insurance to cover the risk

Correct answer: The company will use insurance to cover the riskManaging organizational risk can be handled in one of four ways: mitigation, acceptance, avoidance, or transfer. These can be described as follows:Mitigation: The company minimizes the risk.Acceptance: The company manages the risk if it occurs.Avoidance: The company eliminates the risk.Transfer: The company uses insurance to cover the risk.

When conducting an investigatory interview, which of the following persons should you interview first?The managerThe witnessThe complainantThe accused

Correct answer: The complainantWhen conducting an investigatory interview, always start with the complainant. If there are any additional parties involved or witnesses, this is a good opportunity to gather that information. With all of the interviews, in addition to noting what is said by each party, be sure to note the interviewees' demeanor and openness.

Who is responsible for providing employees with information about OSHA?OSHAThe employeeThe employerSecondary school educators

Correct answer: The employerAs an HR professional it may be hard to believe that anyone in the workforce may not be aware of OSHA or what they do, but for many people that is the reality. For that reason, OSHA has included employee informing as an employer requirement mandated by law. The employer is responsible for informing employees about OSHA, posting the OSHA poster in a prominent location, and making employees aware of the standards that apply in the workplace.

In 1991 the Glass Ceiling Act was signed into law as an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1991. What does the term "glass ceiling" signify?The cost required to obtain education for advancementThe limitations faced by women and minorities when advancing to senior ranks and corporate managementThe requirements of training to advance in a careerThe limitation of significant available positions to move into

Correct answer: The limitations faced by women and minorities when advancing to senior ranks and corporate managementThe term glass ceiling was coined in a 1986 Wall Street Journal article and refers to the limitations faced by women and minorities in senior management positions. The Glass Ceiling Act was introduced in 1991 and established a commission to determine if the glass ceiling existed and to identify barriers to placing women and minorities in senior management positions. The commission conducted a study which identified three barriers that prevented women from advancing to senior levels: societal barriers, internal structural barriers, and governmental barriers.

During a union campaign, an inside organizer works from within an organization to build support for the union. Who is the inside organizer employed by?The unionBoth the organization/company and the unionA third party campaigning groupThe organization/company

Correct answer: The organization/companyUnions use a variety of tactics to organize employees. Inside organization is considered to be the most effective tactic since it works by building trust and support from the inside. An inside organizer is an employee of the target company or organization who uses their influence on co-workers to build support and encourage participation. A related method, salting, occurs when a union hires a person to apply for a job at an organization they have targeted. Once hired, the employee acts in much the same way as an inside organizer who was already employed by the company.

Which of the following best describes the duty of loyalty?The requirement that employees act in their own best interest to protect themselves from discriminatory or criminal actsThe requirement that employees act in the best interest of their employer and not achieve personal gain by soliciting work away from the employerThe requirement that the employee is to act with practical care and skill in the course of performing his or her dutiesThe requirement that employees are to act in accordance with their employer's practical and legal policies, procedures, and rules

Correct answer: The requirement that employees act in the best interest of their employer and not achieve personal gain by soliciting work away from the employerThe duty of loyalty requires that employees act in the best interest of the employer and do not solicit work away from the employer to benefit themselves. Other related common-law doctrines include the duty of diligence, which requires an employee to act with reasonable care and skill in the course of performing work for the employer, and also the duty of obedience which requires employees to act within the authority granted by the employer's policies, procedures, and rules.

Which of the following best describes duty of diligence?The requirement that the employee is to act with practical care and skill in the course of performing his or her dutiesThe requirement that employees act in their own best interests to protect themselves from discriminatory or criminal actsThe requirement that employees are to act in accordance with their employer's practical and legal policies, procedures, and rulesThe requirement that employees act in the best interests of their employer and not achieve personal gain by soliciting work away from the employer

Correct answer: The requirement that the employee is to act with practical care and skill in the course of performing his or her dutiesThree common law doctrines which place responsibilities on employees include:Duty of diligence: Best described as the requirement that the employee is to act with practical care and skill in the course of his or her duties.Duty of obedience: Best described as the requirement that employees are to act in accordance with their employer's practical and legal policies, procedures, and rules.Duty of loyalty: Best described as the requirement that employees act in the best interests of their employer and not achieve personal gain by soliciting work away from the employer.

Which of the following best describes common law doctrines?Rule of law based upon the comprehensive statutes and codes written by a legislative bodyRule of law established partially by judges and partially by statutes and codes from a legislative bodyRule of law is built up case by case, by judgesRule of law is voted upon in a democratic process

Correct answer: The rule of law is built up case by case, by judgesCommon law doctrines are the result of legal decisions made by judges in cases adjudicated over a period of centuries. A number of doctrines have implications for employment relationships, the most common of which is the concept of employment-at-will. Other common law issues that affect employment relationships are respondeat superior, constructive discharge, and defamation.

Organizational culture describes what?The shared values and beliefs in an organizationHow people feel about about an organizationThe level of employee involvement in an organizationThe current financial standings of an organization

Correct answer: The shared values and beliefs in an organizationOrganizational climate and organizational culture are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but there are notable differences between the two.Organizational climate describes how people feel about an organization based on a number of factors, including observable practices and employee perceptions.Organizational culture is based on the values and beliefs shared at all levels and reflected by interactions between employees in the organization as well as with customers and vendors. A good way to remember which definition fits which term is to think of organizational climate as answering "how people feel" and the organizational culture being "why they feel that way."

Which of the following would not be an example of an unlawful strike?The strike supports union unfair labor practicesThe strike supports the no-strike clause in a contractThe strike involves strikers engaging in serious misconductThe strike is in protest of employer unfair labor practices

Correct answer: The strike supports better pay or working conditionsStrikes in support of better pay or working conditions would be considered lawful. Unlawful strikes are characterized as such if they support union unfair labor practices, violate a no-strike clause in the contract, or if the strikers engage in serious misconduct.

In a situation where management is refusing voluntary recognition of a union, who then files an election petition?The NLRBThe unionThe employerThe bargaining unit

Correct answer: The unionWhen the union has a sufficient number of signed authorization cards, it's ready to approach the employer with a demand for recognition. An employer may choose to recognize a union voluntarily under some circumstances, but this should be done only after conferring with legal counsel. One way unions may seek voluntary recognition is to approach management with signed authorization cards to have management witness its majority status by accepting the cards.If management refuses to grant voluntary recognition, the union files a petition for an election with the NLRB, along with evidence of employee interest in union representation. The NLRB reviews the petition to determine if it represents an appropriate level of interest in union representation and if signatures on the petition or authorization cards are valid.

Vote eligibility can be challenged by the union representative or management up until what point?The votes are countedThe vote is certifiedThe vote is placed in the ballot boxThe voter enters the polling area

Correct answer: The vote is placed in the ballot boxA National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election takes place to determine if a majority of employees desire union representation. Between the time that the NLRB decides an election will take place and election day, both the employer and the union are able to present their side to the employees. Once the election day has arrived, any campaigning activities must stop in or around the polling area. While the election is taking place, union or employer representatives have the right to challenge the eligibility of any vote. This can take place at any point up until the vote is placed into the ballot box.

Caregivers are given status as a protected class by what piece of federal legislation?There is not federal legislation covering caregivers as a protected classSOXOSH ActADA

Correct answer: There is not federal legislation covering caregivers as a protected classThere is not a piece of federal legislation that gives caregivers protected class status. However, the EEOC has published a set of guidelines for employers, which advises them about what workplace circumstances could constitute unlawful disparate treatment of caregivers. The guidelines include disparate treatment of female caregivers when compared to male caregivers, stereotyping female caregivers, pregnancy discrimination, discriminating against male caregivers, and discriminating against employees providing care for disabled persons.

Which of the following is not considered an alternative dispute resolution (ADR)?Peer review panelThird-party legal counselMediationArbitration

Correct answer: Third-party legal counselAlternative dispute resolution (ADR) covers a range of methods used to solve disagreements without litigation. These alternatives are often able to resolve problems with less animosity than occurs when a lawsuit is filed, and at far less cost to the parties. Several different ADR methods can be used in resolving disputes before they reach the level of court action, including arbitration, mediation, peer review panels, and constructive confrontation.

Which aspect of collective bargaining requires members of the union to provide financial support to the union?Union security clauseTerms and conditions of employmentNo-lockout clauseDues check-off

Correct answer: Union security clauseThe union security clause requires members to provide financial support to the union.A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is a contract governing the employment relationship for a specified period of time. The clauses contained in the CBA are reflective of the bargaining topics in individual companies. Some commonly found clauses include: Wages, hours, terms, and conditions of employmentUnion security clauseNo strike/no lockout clauseContract administrationDues check-offZipper clause

Under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), an employer must grant a leave of absence for up to what maximum duration?Up to 90 daysUp to 180 daysUp to one yearUp to five years

Correct answer: Up to five yearsThe Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) protects the rights of reservists called to active duty in the armed forces. The act provides reemployment and benefits rights and is administered through the Veterans Employment and Training Service (VETS) of the Department of Labor. USERRA applies to all public and private employers in the United States, including the federal government.Employers must grant a leave of absence for up to 5 years, although there are several exceptions that extend coverage beyond 5 years.

An express contract appealing employment at will intentions can be made in what form?Verbal onlyVerbal or writtenWritten onlyWritten when authorized by a notary

Correct answer: Verbal or writtenThere are several exceptions that can be made to the concept of employment at will. One of these types of exceptions is contract exceptions, either express or implied. An express contract can be a verbal or written agreement in which the parties state exactly what they agree to do. An implied contract can be created by an employer's conduct and need not be specifically stated.

Which of the following best describes a contract bar?When a valid collective bargaining agreement covering a period up to three years exists, it will bar an election for the contract period.If an unfair labor practice charge is pending and is holding up certification, another election will not be allowed by the NLRB.When a valid election has been conducted within the past 12 months, another union cannot petition to represent the same bargaining unit.When an election is prohibited by the NLRB because the bargaining unit is protected by a binding collective-bargaining agreement.

Correct answer: When a valid collective bargaining agreement covering a period up to three years exists, it will bar an election for the contract period.There are some circumstances in which the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) will not allow for elections. These are known as election bars and are listed below:Statutory Bar: When a valid election has been conducted within the past 12 months, another union cannot petition to represent the same bargaining unit.Contract Bar: When a valid collective bargaining agreement covering a period up to three years exists, it will bar an election for the contract period.Blocking Bar: If an unfair labor practice charge is pending and is holding up certification, another election will not be allowed by the NLRB.

Which of the following best describes a hostile work environment?When an individual receives rejection from co-workersWhen employees are asked to do unreasonable tasksWhen an individual is subjected to unwelcome verbal or physical contactWhen employees are required to increase their performance unreasonably

Correct answer: When an individual is subjected to unwelcome verbal or physical contactThere are two types of sexual harassment that HR professionals should be aware of: quid pro quo and hostile work environment.A hostile work environment has been defined by the EEOC as one in which an individual or individuals are subjected to unwelcome verbal or physical conduct "when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment."Quid pro quo is a Latin term which translates to English as "this for that." Quid pro quo harassment occurs when a supervisor or manager asks for sexual favors in return for some type of favorable employment action. Sexual favors is a broad term that covers actions ranging from unwanted touching to more explicit requests.

In which situation does constructive discharge occur?When a supervisor provides constructive criticism to employees to improve performanceWhen an employee provides constructive criticismWhen the employer makes the workplace so hostile the employee resignsWhen employees in the construction field are discharged for the day

Correct answer: When the employer makes the workplace so hostile the employee resignsConstructive discharge occurs when an employer makes the workplace so hostile and inhospitable that an employee resigns. This can have serious implications for organizations, as in many states this gives the employee a cause for legal action against the employer.

Which of the following is not one of the three basic collective-bargaining subjects?Mandatory subjectsPermissive subjectsZipper clauseIllegal issues

Correct answer: Zipper clauseThe subjects open for negotiation during the collective-bargaining process fall into three areas:Mandatory subjects: Compels employers and unions to come to terms on certain contract provisions. These include wages, hours, overtime, paid holidays, seniority arrangements, and the grievance resolution process.Permissive subjects: The union and employer may choose, such as dress codes and the recording of negotiating sessions. Both sides may refuse to bargain on permissive subjects.Illegal issues: These are prohibited by the NLRA and include bargaining for closed-shop security agreements and limiting the concerted activity of the employees and other unlawful behaviors.Zipper clause is not one of the three basic collective-bargaining subjects. A zipper clause is an agreement between parties that the CBA is the entire agreement between them and that anything not in the agreement isn't part of the agreement. The purpose of this clause is to prevent the reopening of negotiations during the term of the contract.

Correct answer: The "Tell us about the case" sectionEmployers are required to provide employees and employee representatives, former employees, or a personal representative of an employee with information on how to properly report an injury or illness, and they're also required to allow employees or their representatives limited access to the records of injury and illness.When the information must be provided depends on who is requesting it and what they are requesting. If any of the requestors are asking for form 300, it must be provided by the end of the following business day. For form 301, if the employee (or other subject of the report) is the requestor then it must be provided by the end of the next business day. If the requestor is an employee representative, it must be provided within 7 calendar days and all information except for the "Tell us about the case" section must be removed.

Q. A PHR is processing a request from an employee representative asking for copies of a 301 incident report. Since the employee was the subject of the report, his representative has a right to the information. But the PHR knows that there is information that needs to be removed. What information can remain in the report?Any diagrams mapping the injuryMedical facility notesThe "Tell us about the case" sectionIncident details

Correct answer: Yes, she was performing work duties. OSHA regulations require work-related injuries and illnesses be reported using forms 300, 300A, and 301. An injury or illness is generally considered to be work-related if it occurred in the workplace or while performing work-related duties off-site. The basic OSHA requirement records any work-related injury or illness that causes death, days away from work, restricted or limited duty, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness.

Q. An employee is tasked with purchasing the cake for the office birthday celebration. While getting out of her car to go into the bakery, she trips and breaks her arm. Is this a work-related injury?No, this task was outside of her usual work dutiesNo, she was off company property at the time of the accidentYes, as the celebration was for a co-workerYes, she was performing work duties

Correct answer: OSHAThe American workplace saw great improvements due to OSHA's definition of occupational safety and health standards. These standards range from those that are job and industry specific to those applying to businesses in many different industries. Some of the standards that are generally applicable include:The General DutyEmergency Action PlansFire Prevention PlansOccupational Noise ExposurePersonal Protective EquipmentSanitationSpecifications for Accident Prevention Signs and TagsPermit Required Confined SpacesControl of Hazardous EnergyMedical Services and First AidGeneral Requirements for All MachinesSelection and Use of Electrical Work PracticesBlood-borne PathogensHazard Communication Standard

Q. The general duty standard, emergency action plans, fire prevention plans, and occupational noise exposure are all standards that were put into effect by:OSHAEEOCMSHADOL

Correct answer: 60The law requires at least 60 days advanced notice to impacted employees and any union representatives. This provides ample time for employees to find other work arrangements.

The WARN Act requires that employers provide how many advanced days notice in the event of a mass layoff or corporate shutdown?30904560

Correct answer: 60

The law requires at least 60 days advanced notice to impacted employees and any union representatives. This provides ample time for employees to find other work arrangements.

Which union campaign tactic would be in use when a union hires an employee to apply for a job in an organization they're targeting?SaltingPicketingBanneringLeafletin

Unions utilize a variety of tactics to organize employees. The following tactics include leafleting, salting, bannering, and picketing.Salting refers to the tactic that occurs when a union hires a person to apply for a job at an organization they have targeted. Once hired, the employee acts in much the same way as an inside organizer who was already employed by the company.Leafleting is when a union member provides information on the advantages of a union and what it will bring to the workforce and counters the information management provides to employees on the benefits of remaining union-free.Bannering occurs when the union places obvious signs (e.g., banners, trucks with union logos, etc.) outside the organization to advertise a message to the public and to employees about the organization's business practices.Picketing occurs when a group of employees patrols the entrance to a business in order to inform customers and the public about disputes or to prevent deliveries to a business that the union is trying to influence in some way.

Correct answer: Grievance procedureA grievance procedure is a process by which employees can confidentially submit notice about a problem in the workplace. This can include conflicts with co-workers, bad management practices, safety hazards, and more. HR can then facilitate corrective actions.

Workplace communication is a vital aspect of running a successful business. HR can facilitate this by offering employees a safe method of addressing problems and complaints they may have. This is called:Grievance procedureComplaint boxEmailIdea exchange

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