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Bargaining Strategies - Multi-unit or coordinated

* A company negotiates common subjects such as pay, working hours, and conditions with all the unions representing different employee units and trades at once.

An employee at ta petroleum refinery, Grant is struggling to perform his job duties consistently at the level of performance that is expected of him. About three months ago, Grants' line manager involved HR, who recommended that he attend training seminar and several coaching session focused on improving the areas in with Grant's performance is lacking. However, there has been no marked improvement in Grant's performance since. Which approach would you recommend to improve Grant's performance?

* A performance improvement plan.

There are several steps that take place before the bill is turned into law by the US Congress. Which of the following steps are performed directly after the bill is numbered, referred to a committee, and examined by a committee. Choose two

* A subcommittee listens to the views of experts, officials, supporters, and opponents of the bill. * A subcommittee makes necessary amendments and recommends the bill to a full committee.

Line Managers (Safety)

* Accept ultimate responsibility for the safety of their teams. * Monitors employees' safety habits and recognize and report hazards and accidents.

Mary, a recent psychology graduate, has been offered a counsellor's position at a school. She is apprehensive about accepting the offer because she has limited experience and doesn't know if she can handle the pressures of the job. She explores other opportunities but realizes that she loves helping children and that she could make a difference in their lives, so she accepts the offer. Which stages in career development does Mary apply? Choose four

* Assessment * Commitment *Investigation *Preparation

As an HR professional, you will often conduct various tests to help map the type of resources an organization will need to meet business needs now, as well as in the future what type of internal workforce assessment can you use to do this? Choose three

* Demand analysis *Gap analysis *Supply analysis

As an HR professional part of your role involves managing employee personnel files. What type of information would you include in these files? (choose four)

* Documentation about the employee's current and past work performance. * A copy of of the employee's resume, and work permit, if required. * A copy of employee's salary structure. * Any reports from disciplinary hearings, including written warnings.

The ADDIE (Assessment, Design, Development, implementation, and Evaluation) training development model helps ensure that employee training activities and strategies align with and complement organizational goals. Which steps are involved in the design phase? (choose four)

* Identify necessary content * Choose an instructional designer * Determine training objectives * Identify the target audience

Steps to ensure an effective employee onboarding program. (choose four)

* Include a general introduction to the organization. * Involve multiple staff members. *Extend activities over a long period of time. * Ensure a two-way flow of information.

Which of the following are key elements of corporate governance? (choose two)

* Independence of auditors *Protection of Whistleblowers.

As an HR professional, you're responsible for reviewing and managing the compensation packages and benefits programs your company offers its employees. What are the benefits of benchmarking during this process? (Choose three)

* It helps the organization recruit high-quality candidates. * It helps the organization retain current employees * It shows how to top competitors set up and manage their benefits programs.

Safety- Line Managers

* Monitor employees safety habits and recognize and report hazards and accidents. * Accept ultimate responsibility for the safety of their teams.

To hire the appropriate individual to fill a role, you need to identify the knowledge and skills needed to perform the job effectively. How can you perform a job analysis? (choose three)

* Observe existing employees who are performing the same job function and record your findings. * Ask employees to maintain a diary to track their day-to-day work activities. * Ask managers to complete an open-ended questionnaire related to the position.

Key elements of corporate governance. (choose two)

* Protection of whistleblowers * Independence of auditors

Which of the following actions relate to an organization's responsibilities? (choose two)

* Receiving and managing customer work or service orders. * Creating products or services and delivering them to customers.

Which Strategies help ensure employee involvement? (choose four)

* Redesigning a job to be in line with a company's objectives. * Encouraging employees to contribute suggestions. *Offering employees a work schedule that suits their needs. * Organizing employee teams that are right for the team's activities

Incidents of violence in the workplace can result in negative publicity and significant financial losses to the company. As an HR professional, what can you do to counter workplace violence? Choose three

* Set up mental wellness program to help employees with psychological illnesses and other personal problems. * Impose a zero tolerance policy for weapons in the workplace. * Arrange for company parties and events to be held in alcohol-free locations.

When HR professionals understand risk they're better able to develop business continuity and disaster recovery plans. These plans also go hand-in-hand with clear health and safety policies, security procedures, and risk mitigation insurance. What are the elements of a business continuity plan? (choose four)

* Testing and exercises * Plan development * Recovery strategies * Business impact analysis

You need a good understanding of the current market situation and talent pool availability in order to implement effective workforce planning. What should you consider when examining the labor market? (choose four)

* The current rate of compensation, based on skills and region. * The number of new graduates joining the workforce in the next year. * The current employment and unemployment rate in area and industry. * If new competitors are entering the market.

Which rules apply when an employer forces a lockout? (Choose three)

* The lockout may occur when bargaining is at a standstill. * The lockout solely supports the employer's bargaining position. * The employer must continue to bargain in good faith.

The manufacturing company you work for has recently lost some big clients and sales figures have dropped considerably. You have put together a business case that outlines the change needed to resolve the underlying issue. What elements should you include to help management make an informed decision? (Choose three)

* The scope of the suggested change, including the time and resources required. * An explanation of how the change will address the problem. * A description of what the problem is how it affects the company strategic objectives.

HR professionals need to ensure that appraisals respect employees' rights and adhere to employment legislation. What are some legal considerations when approaching performance appraisals? (choose four)

* Title VII Civil Rights Act *Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines. * Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) * Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)

There are many aspects of an organization's benefits and compensation programs that employees should be kept abreast of. What information must be communicated to employees about benefits and compensation? Choose four

* What happens to benefits upon termination of employment. * The form which benefit surveys are conducted. * The proportion employee pay toward a specific benefit. * When payouts only contain employee contributions.

Your organization developed a new product. What strategies can you use to successfully launch this product in a new market? Choose two

* You perform several beta tests before the full launch. * You coordinate training sessions to prepare employees to cope with change.

Which examples demonstrate appropriate employee involvement strategies? (choose five)

*A comment box located in the reception area allows for employee anonymity. *A committee is established to review all safety procedures. *A company offers varied start and end times for the work day. *A software testing job is divided into two distinct roles. *An employee is asked to take the lead on a special project.

HR professionals are often required to work as a team, in their department, and within the broader organization. As such, it is important to develop good communication skills. Which are features of effective team communication? Choose two

*A positive attitude *Good emotional intelligence skills.

As an HR manager of a software company, you have been tasked with developing a strategic compensation plan for the business. You're busy with the third step of the process, which involves forecasting the compensation market. Which activities should you perform? Choose three

*Analyze current pay rates and business strategies. * Conduct pay surveys to gather data for evaluating and ranking job positions. *Complete a cross-impact analysis to assess the impact of interacting trends on the compensation strategy.

As an HR professional, which strategies can you use to manage employees during the change management process? (choose three)

*Anticipate resistance to change and find ways to deal with it. *Promote employee participation in the change process. *Educate employees about the various aspects of the change.

A well-developed recruitment strategy costs less and provides a greater return on investment than an ineffective and inefficient programs. What factors should you consider when measuring the recruitment and sourcing efforts of your workforce? Choose three

*Average time it takes to recruit for a job opening. * The selection rates and acceptance rate of applicants. * If the company is viewed as a preferred place to work.

What combination of reference checks can you perform to alleviate your concerns about this candidate, and ensure that he is a good fit for the company?

*Complete a drug screening and check employment gaps.

What accounting practices should HR professionals use for tracking and reporting on compensation policies and programs? (choose two)

*Departments are monitored to ensure policy compliance. *Upper management sets budget expectations.

Good onboarding programs provide employee with better understanding of the organization, and foster a sense of belonging. As an HR professional, it's your responsibility to help coordinate onboarding activities. What steps can you take to ensure employee onboarding programs? Choose four

*Ensure a two-way flow of information. *Include a general introduction to the organization. *Extend activities over a long period of time. Involve multiple staff members.

Positive employee relations can be challenging to incorporate into any organization's culture. Which strategies can organizations use to build positive employee relations? (choose four)

*Ensuring employee-management cooperation. *Providing meaningful recognition. *Encouraging employee involvement. *Ensuring continuous communication.

What are some legal considerations when approaching performance appraisals? (choose four)

*Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) *Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) *Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) *Title VII Civil Rights Act

Which of the following statements describe the purpose of organizational branding? (choose two)

*Establishes a unique company identity that consumers can easily recognize. *Brings together an organization's purpose, values, and strengths.

You can use various techniques to ensure that the right knowledge, skills, and abilities can be drawn on when needed to meet key organizational objectives. What are the main types of analysis you can perform to assess the internal workforce? Choose three

*Evaluate the human capital requirement needed to address future organizational objectives. *Examine the movement of staff within the company to determine current organizational needs. *Compare current and future needs to determine limitations.

What factors should you consider when measuring the recruitment and sourcing efforts of your workforce? (choose three)

*If the company is viewed as a preferred place to work. * The selection rates and acceptance rate of applicants. *Average time it takes to recruit for a job opening.

What are the benefits of benchmarking during this process? (Benchmarking-choose three)

*It helps the organization retain current employees. *It helps the organization recruit high-quality candidates. *It shows how top competitors set up and manage their benefits programs.

What are some examples of effective retention strategies? (choose three)

*Offer a competitive benefits package that includes health care and life insurance. *Allow flextime and telecommunicating to provide a healthier work/life balance. * Make improvements based on information gathered from stay interviews.

You work as an HR manager in a construction business. In an effort to bring the company up-to-date with shifting industry regulations, senior executives have made changes to its corporate and contract agreements. Which of the following are key elements of corporate governance? choose two

*Protection of Whistleblowers * Independence of auditors.

What are the elements of an emergency response plan? (choose four)

*Record-keeping *Notification *Procedures and responsibilities *Training

Identify the outcomes of the performance management process. (choose four)

*Remuneration for satisfactory performance in the form of increases or incentives. * Employee advancement recommendations or opportunities for promotion. *Measures that can be undertaken to discipline employees whose performance is inferior. *Plans for employee development as well as for career or succession development.

What responsibilities do employers have when implementing a reduction in force? (choose four)

*Requesting that downsized employees sign an agreement of separation and release from employment. *Making a deliberate effort to bolster morale among the staff who stay behind to help re-establish trust *Offering outplacement services, such as support for writing resumes and getting referrals, to all retrenched or downsized employees. *Establishing a clear channel of communication with employees.

Benefit Regulations- Older Worker's Benefits Protection Act (OWBPA), 1990.

*Requires employers to advise released workers 40 years of age and over to get legal counsel.

As an HR professional what can you do to counter workplace violence? (choose three)

*Set up a mental wellness program to help employees with psychological illnesses and other personal problems * Impose a zero tolerance policy for weapons in the workplace. *Arrange for company parties and events to be held in alcohol-free locations.

A company's compensation strategy determines how it will attract, keep, and encourage its employees, and demonstrate its core objectives, in cost - effective way. Which are the steps involved in the strategic compensation process? Choose three

*Strategically evaluate the compensable factors relevant to the business strategy. * Analyze current pay rates and business strategy. *Consider the requirements of the business strategy.

Which statements about the Mine Safety and Health Administration, or MSHA, are true? (choose three)

*Surface operations are inspected twice a year. *MSHA inspectors do not need a warrant to enter the mine property. *Miners have the right to obtain an inspection of a mine where they believe an imminent danger exists.

Bargaining Strategies - Parallel or pattern

*The union negotiates with one employer at a time, the results of which are used in other negotiations.

The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, or the OFCCP, mandates that certain requirements be adhered to in how the records of job seekers that apply via the internet are retained. Which potential applicants are covered by the OFCCP's internet Application Rule? (choose three)

*Those whom the employer deems potentially suitable for the job vacancy that's being advertised. *Those who demonstrate via the internet or another digital channel that they're interested in applying for a vacancy. *Those who don't exclude themselves from the employer's recruitment and interviewing process and are willing to participate in it.

Your organization has developed a new product. What strategies can you use to successfully launch this product in a new market? (choose two)

*You perform several beta tests before the full launch. * You coordinate training sessions to prepare employees to cope with the change.

A sales position opens at a publishing company on March 31st. Applicants are interviewed three weeks later and the successful candidate is hired on April 30th. She has one-month notice period at her current position, so she remains at her current job for another 31 days and starts her new job on June 1st. What is the time-to-hire for the sales position?

61 Days.

A sales position opens at a publishing company on March 31st. Applicants are interviewed three weeks later and the successful candidate is hired on April 30th. She has a one-month notice period at her current position, so she remains at her current job for another 31 days and starts her new job June 1st. What is the time-to-hire for the sales postion?

61 days

Legislation Benefits- Securities Exchange Act, 1934

A company senior executive invests in the stock market.

Securities Exchange Act of 1934

A company senior executive invests in the stock market.

Bargaining Strategies- Single unit

A small company negotiates a new contract with a union representing electricians.

Legislation Benefits- The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

A soldier gives notice of taking leave to attend combat training.

The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

A soldier gives notice of taking leave to attend combat training.

Line managers

Accept ultimate responsibility for the safety of their teams. Monitor employees' safety habits and recognize and report hazards and accidents.

Your work as an HR professional in a software development company. Over the past two years, the employee turnover of midlevel programmers has increased considerably, which had a negative impact on productivity and client relations. What should you do to improve staff retention?

Align compensation based on what other successful software companies are doing for similar positions.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) 1974

Allows employees to receive financial information about pension and health benefits plan.

Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) , 1974

Allows employees to receive financial information about pensions and health benefits plans.

Benefit Regulations- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 1993

Allows employees unpaid leave to care for a seriously ill spouse, child, or parent.

Pension Protection Act (PPA), 2006

An employee is enrolled in 401 (K) plan without applying.

Legislation Benefits- Pension Protection Act (PPA), 2006

An employee is enrolled in a 401(k) plan without applying.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), 2002

An employee reports suspected unethical and illegal activities within his department.

Legislation Benefits- Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), 2002

An employee reports suspected unethical and illegal activities within this department.

Senior management would like to gather more turnover data including the reasons why employees leave. Which approach should HR implement to uncover this information?

Ask an impartial party to conduct exit interviews at the company.


Assist in coordinating safety programs across various departments.

HR (Safety)

Assist in coordinating safety programs across various departments.

Safety- HR

Assist in coordinating safety programs across various departments.

What is the best way to handle volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA)?

Balance planning with flexibility.

Managers (Safety)

Conduct a needs analysis, set safety goals and policies, and review current performance.

Safety- Managers

Conduct a needs analysis, set safety goals and policies, and review current performance.


Conduct needs analysis, set safety goals and policies, and review current performance.

Its not uncommon for employees or unions to pursue legal action against their employers in a process known as litigation. And as you may know, HR professionals perform a number of tasks during each of the first four steps in the first four steps in the employment litigation process. Of the steps in this process, the first is notification. Which role does HR perform during this step?

Consult with the company's legal counsel

Its not uncommon for employees or unions to pursue legal action against their employers in a process known as litigation. And as you may know. HR professionals perform a number of tasks during each of the first four steps in the employment litigation process. Of the steps in this process, the first is notification. Which role does HR perform during the step?

Consult with the company's legal counsel

Business continuity risks

Deliberate disruptions

Consider a scenario in which a disgruntled employee writes damaging articles about the company where he works in the local newspaper. Which common tort law applies in this instance?

Employee's duty of loyalty

Consider a scenario in which a disgruntle employee writes damaging articles about the company where he works in the local newspaper. Which common law tort applies in this instance?

Employees duty of loyalty

Employee health and safety risks

Ergonomic strains

what are some of the features of an applicant tracking system? (Choose three)

Helps companies easily locate applicants who match specified job criteria. Helps Streamline recruitment, selection, and hiring processes. Records information about each applicants' gender and race.

McClelland's Theory

High performers set achievable goals and address a problem rather than leave the outcome to chance.

Benefit Regulations- Unemployment Compensation Amendments (UCA), 1992.

Imposes a 20% federal income tax withholding requirement on retirement plan proceeds.

Workplace Privacy Risk

Improper work-place monitoring procedures.

Retirement Equity Act (REA) 1984

Lowers age limits for participation and vesting in pension plans.

Retirement Equity Act (REA), 1984

Lowers age limits for participation and vesting in pension plans.

McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

One type of manager believes that people are motivated by basic needs, where others assume people are competitive.

You are conducting PEST analysis to determine the impact of trade restrictions on the organization. Which PEST factor should you focus on?


Liability insurance allows organizations to transfer risk to the insurer at a premium and usually covers both legal costs and any legal payouts if the organization is found liable. Consider the example of a mining company whose share price keeps plummeting. Shareholders are brining a class action suit against the directors, claiming they knew about seismic activity in the working conditions at the mine. Which liability insurance applies in the situation?

Professional liability insurance.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Protect employees from Sex-based pay discrimination. & National origin or religion discrimination, or segregation.

The Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act

Protects employees from Mass Layoffs

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

Protects employees from Unfair Labor Practices.

Equal Employment Opportunity act of 1972

Protects employees from discrimination in local and state employment agencies.

Benefit Regulations- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA), 1996

Protects personal health information from disclosure, destruction, alteration, and loss.

How can an organizations help to ensure employee involvement?

Provide job task variety and autonomy, whether within a team or individually, and provide a suitable work schedule with support for employee suggestions.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Provides dependent children coverage up to age 26.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Provides dependent children coverage up to the age of 26.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Provides employees who have lost health benefits with continuation of their group health plan.

An electronics and IT retailer has decided to open its own call center to support customers instead of outsourcing this service to a third party. What approach should HR take to address the human capital shortfalls that could arise during this strategic implementation?

Recruit new employees who have suitable experience to manage and operate the call center.

Safety Committee

Review safety programs and provides feedback for their improvement.

Safety Committees (Safety)

Review safety programs and provides feedback for their improvement.

Safety- Safety committees

Review safety programs and provides feedback for their improvement.

Herzberg's Motivation - Hygiene Theory

Satisfiers are factors that motivate people and dissatisfiers are factors that demotivate.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)

Saves existing jobs and produces new ones without delay.

What should you do if an employee is providing ambiguous responses?

Seek additional information.

Compliance risks

Sexual Harassment

An employee does not want to provide survivor benefits to his spouse in the event of his death. Identify the benefit regulation that applies.

The Retirement Equity Act (REA) of 1984

Bargaining Strategies- Multi-employer or coalition

The union negotiates with several employers acting jointly in the same industry.

Security risks

Theft of financial assets

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