Phys 101 exam 2

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Which wave has the largest amplitude?

(The one with the biggest bumps)

What is the charge of iron (Fe) in the compound Fe2O3?


What would be the charge of bromine, Br, in order to satisfy the octet rule?


How many electrons would potassium, K, need to get rid of to satisfy the octet rule?


A sample of radioactive material with a half-life of six hours sits for a day (24 hours). How much of the original radioactive material remains?


A sample of radioactive gas is produced. After 20 minutes, only 1/4 of the original gas remains. What is the half-life of the gas?

10 minutes

The Second Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Increasing Disorder) places limits on the efficiency of energy conversion. Which of the following is allowed?

100% conversion of electricity to ambient temperature thermal energy

In the chemical equation C6H12O6 + 3O2 => 3CO2 + 6H2O, how many oxygen atoms are on the right side of the equation?


Each molecule of methane has the formula CH4. If there are 4,000 carbon atoms present, how many hydrogen atoms will be required to convert all the carbon atoms into methane?


How many hydrogen atoms are in three cis-platin molecules (3PtCl2N2H6)?


The mass of a chlorine atom in atomic mass unites is approximately 35. The atom has

18 neutrons

How many electrons will need to be shared between the two chlorine atoms?


How many electrons would sulfur need to gain to satisfy the octet rule?


How many more electrons does unbound oxygen need to fill its 2nd shell?


Now ask yourself how many potassium (metal) atoms are needed to give all the electrons that one sulfur (nonmetal) atom wants to take


What would be the charge of calcium, Ca, in order to satisfy the octet rule?


How many nonmetal atoms (bromine) are needed to take all the electrons that the metal atoms (calcium) want to give?

2 bromide atoms, 1 calcium atom

Carbon and oxygen react according to the equation: 6O2 + C6 -> 6CO2. If the reactants in the box react completely, which of the pictures below best represents the total products that are formed?

2 oxygen for every carbon, symmetrical (looks like 3 in a row)

Uranium-238 alpha decays, emitting a helium-4 nucleus. What is the mass number of the product?


Which of the following is a correct and balanced equation showing the reaction of calcium and oxygen?

2Ca + O2 = 2CaO

In which of the following processes is the end product more ordered than the reactants? (In which process does entropy decrease in the system?)

2H2 (gas) + O2 (gas) = 2 H2O (gas)

How many electrons does a nitrogen (N) atom "want"?


If the activity of a radioactive substance drops to 1/16 of its initial value in 12 hours, what is its half life?

3 hours

Light travels

3 x 10^8 meters/second

Each orbital can hold two electrons. How many bonding orbitals will there be in a N2 molecule?

3. A triple bond

How many bonds does each carbon have in propanol?


If two nitrogen atoms combine to make N2, how many total electrons need to be shared between the two atoms?


If two nitrogen combine to make an N2 molecule, how many total electrons will be shared?


Suppose the carbon and oxygen react according to the equation: O2 + 2C = 2CO. If you'd started with sixty oxygen molecules (60O2) and sixty carbon (60C), how many carbon monoxide molecules could you make?


To have a "full" shell, most atoms "want" to have how many total electrons in their outermost shell or subshell


Plasma force support

??? Too complicated ???

The diagrams show how a photon can be emitted from three different semiconductors: one red, one yellow, and one blue. Which emits a red photon?

A (the longest distance)

Ionic bond

A bond formed between positive and negative ions that is held together by the electromagnetic force

If you shoot particles at two slits, what will you see on the screen? (Shooting paint balls would be a good example of shooting particles at a screen)

A bunch of dots clustered into two bands directly behind the two slits


A charged atom or molecule. An ion is negatively charged if the atom gained an extra electron or electrons. An ion is positively charged if the atom lost an electron or electrons. The charge of the ion is indicated by a superscript number listed after the element symbol or molecular formula, such as H+ (a hydrogen ion with a positive 1 charge) or CO3^-2 (a carbonate ion with a negative 2 charge)


A chemical that speeds up a reaction without being destroyed or consumed by the reaction


A combination of two or more metals into a single homogeneous substance

Two or more different elements that are chemically combined are always what kind of substance?

A compound

Ionic compound

A compound formed between a metal and nonmetal

Polar covalent bond

A covalent bond between atoms that differ in electronegativity. The shared electrons are pulled closer to the more electronegative atom, making it slightly negative and the other atom slightly positive.

Molecular ion (or polyatomic ion)

A covalently bonded molecular ion is formed when an unstable grouping of atoms adds or loses extra electrons, forming stable but charged compounds. They can form an ionic bond w/ another oppositely charged molecular or metal ion

Potential energy surface

A diagram plotting the total energy of the reactants and products as chemical reaction occurs

Trans-fatty acids

A fatty acid with at least one double bond between the carbon atoms in the carbon chain. Where the double bond occurs, the hydrogen atoms have switched places to be on opposite sides of each other. This removes the kink in the molecule due to the double bond

Unsaturated fatty acids

A fatty acid with fewer than the maximum possible number of H atoms, which means there is at least one double bond between the carbons in the carbon chain

Saturated fatty acids

A fatty acid with the maximum possible number of H atoms, which means there are no double bonds between the carbons in the carbon chain

Covalent bond

A force that holds atoms together to make a molecule in the first place, not a force between molecules

Dipole-dipole interaction

A force that holds molecules together when that molecule has positive and negative ends

Dispersion force

A force that holds molecules together when the molecule is nonpolar

Molecular ion

A group of atoms covalently bound to each other that have a net charge because electrons have been lost or gained in order to form a stable covalent molecule


A large molecule created by reacting three fatty acids with glycerol

What is a material that will flow to assume the shape of its container, but will maintain its volume?

A liquid


A material used to slow down neutrons, which increases the likelihood of the neutron being absorbed by the large nucleus


A material, usually a liquid, in which another material dissolves


A measure of how strongly atoms attract electrons. Electronegativity increases from the left to right across the rows of the periodic table and decreases down a column of the periodic table


A measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons

Electrical conductivity

A measure of the degree to which a substance conducts electricity. It is how easily current can move through a substance

Thermal conductivity

A measure of the degree to which a substance conducts heat. It is how easily heat can move through a substance

The substance that a wave travels through is known as what?

A medium


A mixture containing at least two compounds with at least one o the compounds in liquid form

Polar molecule

A molecule that has an unequal distribution of charge so that one end is positive and the other end is negative. Water is an example of a polar molecule

Fatty acids

A molecule with a long hydrocarbon tail and an acid group - COOH at the other end

A metal can best be described as

A network solid consisting of positively charged atoms in a sea of electron

Which of these statements best describes a metal?

A network solid consisting of positively-charged atoms in a sea of electrons

Transition state

A new complex formed by the addition of energy to excite molecules

Which of the following would best describe the characteristics of the material formed?

A non-conducting material with low melting and boiling points, likely liquid or gas at room temperature

What is a material that doesn't conduct electricity regardless of whether it is in a liquid state or solid state called?

A nonconductor


A particle found in the nucleus - proton or neutron

What is the best description of a photon?

A particle without mass and no charge

Which of these processes is closest to an ideal reversible process?

A pendulum swinging with almost no friction


A positive electron

Irreversible process

A process in which the total amount of disorder in the universe increases

Reversible process

A process in which the total amount of disorder in the universe remains the same


A quantitative measure of disorder. It increases as disorder increases

Law of increasing disorder

A reversible process does not change the total amount of disorder in the universe. An irreversible process increases the total amount of disorder in the universe

N-type semiconductor

A semiconductor with extra electrons in the valence band. It is formed by adding a different semiconductor that has more valence electrons than the host semiconductor to the host semiconductor. Phosphorus can be used to create an N-type semiconductor

P-type semiconductor

A semiconductor with vacancies in the conduction band. It is formed by adding a different semiconductor that has fewer valence electrons than the host semiconductor to the host semiconductor. Aluminum can be used to create a P-type semiconductor

Light from a laser shines on a pair of closely spaced slits and then fall on a screen. No attempt is made to detect the light until it hits the screen. What best represents the resulting image on the screen?

A series of bright and dark bands


A small molecule that contains only three carbons and reacts easily with molecules that belong to the family of organic acids


A small piece of the world around which we draw a mental box and upon which we focus our attention


A substance that is liquid at room temperature and that does not dissolve in water but can dissolve in hydrocarbon liquids


A substance that is solid at room temperature and that does not dissolve in water but can dissolve in hydrocarbon liquids

Atomic mass unit (amu)

A unit to measure mass of very small amounts. 1 amu = 1.66 x 10^-27

A proton has a mass that is ___ than the mass of a neutron

About the same

Black light

Absence of any colors of light

The energy required for a reaction to take place is known as the

Activation energy

Chemical reaction rate

Affected by conditions such as temperature, pressure, and even concentration of molecules

If GaAs forms a semiconductor like Ge, which of the following elements will form a semiconductor like Si?

Al and P


All mechanical waves travel through a medium. When a wave encounters a change in medium, part or all of the wave bounces off the boundary between the two different substances. When a wave bounces off the surface of a new medium, it is reflected

What combinations of atoms make covalent bonds?

All of the atoms are nonmetal

What are compounds between two different metals called?


Which of the following is not why alloys are useful to us today?

Alloys have a higher conductivity rate.

Which of the following describes a wave property, not a wave phenomenon? Select all that apply.

Amplitude, frequency

Octet rule

An atom will most likely form an ion that has the ns^2np^6 configuration of the closed noble gas


An atom with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons

Beta particle

An electron

Which of the following processes is closest to an ideal reversible process?

An ice cube floating in a glass of water at zero degrees

Lithium fluoride does not conduct electricity as a solid, but will conduct if melted or dissolved in water. What kind of material is it?

An ionic material

Molecular orbital

An orbital (standing waves describing the probability of finding an electron) around the two or more nuclei that compose the molecule in question

Atomic orbital

An orbital (standing waves describing the probability of finding an electron) that is associated with a single atomic nucleus


Another name for an ionic compound

Molecules in matter

Are constantly moving about, sometimes colliding with one another. During collisions, molecules exert forces on one another, exchange energy, and change direction

Different kinds of matter

Are made up of different molecules

Opacity and Luster

Are opaque, cannot see through them. They are shiny, high reflectivity, called a metallic luster

What is the relationship between mass and the average speed of the molecules?

As mass increases, the average speed decreases

What is the relationship between temperature and the average speed of the molecules?

As temperature increases, the average speed increases


At least one metal and nonmetal bonded together to form network matter


Atomic mass unit; a measure of mass used for atoms

Number of protons

Atomic number

Number of electrons

Atomic number but only in a neutral atom

Network matter

Atoms are connected together


Attractive interaction between atoms

As the temperature of the water increases from 30*C to 80*C, which of the following is also increasing?

Average kinetic energy of the molecules

When you compare the melting point of the 3 molecules, what do you find? (Butylene molecule can actually form 3 different ways)

B does, the curved ones. Kinks = lower melting point

As a compression elastic wave passes through a medium, how does each piece of the medium move?

Back and forth in a direction parallel to the direction the wave is traveling

Why is cookware (pots and pans) most often made of metal?

Because it is easy to shape into a pan, has a high melting point, and is a good conductor of heat and electricity

In another experiment that provides information about the nature of light, we can shine light on a pair of slits. When very dim light is shone at a pair of closely spaced slits, the pattern shown below develops. Initially, the dots of light appear random, but as they accumulate, a pattern emerges. When you look at the image to the right, why does light passing through two slits produce 5 lines?

Because light is a wave and waves interfere

Why are metals opaque?

Because metals have empty, overlapping orbitals for their electrons that create very closely spaced energy levels

When you hit oobleck (corn starch + water (slime)) with a hammer, why does it act like a solid?

Because the hammer exerts a shear force and only solids can resist shear forces

Why is overheating such a problem for electronics?

Because the hotter a semi-conductor becomes, the better it conducts electricity

What best explains why metals are opaque and shiny?

Because there are so many empty orbitals that the electrons can absorb and emit any frequency of light

A box has a separator between molecules. When does the system have more order

Before the separator is removed

In which kind of radioactive decay would the number of protons in the resulting nucleus be more than in the initial nucleus?

Beta decay


Bonds or molecules having an unequal distribution of charge so that one end is positive and the other end is negative

I change direction when I change what material I am traveling through. What am I?

Both waves and particles do this

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a metal or alloy?


Which of these statements best describes the room temperature characteristics of ionic substances?

Brittle, non-conducting solid with high melting points

Which of the following would best describe the room temperature characteristics of the substance that results from the reaction between magnesium (Mg) and oxygen (O)?

Brittle, transparent, electrically non-conducting solid.

Which of the following would best describe the room-temperature characteristics of an ionic substance?

Brittle, transparent, electrically non-conducting solid.

Which of these equations is balanced correctly?

C + O2 = CO2

What is the formula for Ethene?


What is the chemical formula for acetaldehyde?


Which of the equations below is balanced correctly?

CH4 +2O2 ⇒ CO2 + 2H2O

Which ion would Ca most likely form?


What would be the chemical formula of the ionic compound between calcium and bromine?


What would be the name of this ionic compound?

Calcium bromide


Can be hammered without shattering

Polar molecule

Can result if the dipoles of the individual parts of the molecule add up to create a total dipole for the entire molecule

Satisfy octet rule- Lattice

Carbon atom form single bond w/ 4 neighboring carbon atoms- forms lattice structure that we call a diamond (extremely high melt temp- if you try to melt diamond you are breaking covalent bonds b/t atoms rather than intermolecular forces b/t molecules)

According to Dr. Planck's model, if I want to knock electrons off of a negatively charged electroscope, how would I increase the energy of the light particles?

Change the color to purple, or better yet UV or x-rays

Bonding orbital

Chemical bond can occur with this type of orbital

Pure substances

Chemical matter that have defined and unchanging chemical compositions

What happens to the entropy of the universe as the products are formed in an exothermic chemical reaction?

Chemical potential energy is converted into thermal energy resulting in an increase in entropy

What happens to the entropy of the universe as the products are formed?

Chemical potential energy is converted into thermal energy resulting in an increase in entropy.

Which of these elements from diatomic gases?

Chlorine (C), Nitrogen (N), Hydrogen (H), Oxygen (O)

Which of the following is not used as a measurement technique for identifying chemical substances?

Color spectroscopy

White light

Combination of all colors of light

Salts have which of these properties?

Combination of metal and nonmetal atoms, ionic bonds, transparent


Combining of two smaller nuclei to make a larger nucleus. Energy is released

Tension Forces

Come from pulling on or stretching the object

Compression Forces

Come from pushing on the object

Shear Forces

Come from sliding it in opposite directions on each side or twisting the object

A sound wave is an example of what type of wave?


Gas force support


If you pluck a guitar string, what type of wave does the soundboard produce in the air?


Liquid force support

Compression, tension

Solid force support

Compression, tension, shear

When a material conducts electricity in the solid and liquid forms, what is it called?


Fuel rods

Contain isotopes that undergo fission


Containing multiple substances

A rainbow is an example of a ___ spectrum


Which of the following substances is most likely to be a pure element?


Bonds are localized (I.e. molecules, not network solids, are formed)


What type of bond would exist between the carbon and oxygen?


The bond between two nonmetal atoms

Covalent bond

Quadruple bond

Covalent bond involving four pairs of electrons (8 electrons) shared between two atoms. This type of bond rarely occurs and is most stable among the transition metals

Single bond

Covalent bond involving one pair of electrons (2 electrons) shared between two atoms. It is represented by a single line (-)

Triple bond

Covalent bond involving three pairs of electrons (6 electrons) shared between two atoms. It is represented by a triple line

Double bond

Covalent bond involving two pairs of electrons (four electrons) shared between two atoms. It is represented by a double line (=)

Energy levels are widely spaced

Covalent, ionic

Bonds arise from electrostatic interactions

Covalent, ionic, metallic

Does a double bond between two carbon atoms increase or decrease the number of hydrogen atoms that could bond to carbon in these molecules?


If the average kinetic energy of the water molecules decreases, their temperature will


If the fastest ones leave, the average kinetic energy of all the water molecules left behind will


Would adding another double bond between two carbon atoms increase or decrease the number of hydrogen atoms that are bound to carbon in these molecules?


Chemical equation

Describes chemical reactions

Number of neutrons

Difference of mass number minus atomic number

When sunlight passes through a large opening, such as a door or window, it is concentrated immediately behind the opening. When light passes through a very small opening, such as a pin hole, it spreads out over an area much larger than the size of the opening. This is an example of what?


Waves may be observed to reflect, refract, diffract, and interfere. Two of these behaviors are unique to waves only and two of them may also be observed for particles (or convincingly counterfeited by particles). Which two are wave behavior only?

Diffraction and interference

Ultraviolet light ("black" light)

Dim Light: Electrons knocked off slowly; Bright Light: Electrons knocked off quickly

Visible light

Dim Light: No electrons knocked off; Bright Light: No electrons knocked off


Dipoles are symmetrical, even and opposite, so they cancel out


Dipoles are uneven on the molecule

Entropy is a measure of the ___ of a system


Which appears more chaotic, the gas with the higher temperature or the lower temperature?

Disorder is greater when the temperature is higher

For the Butylene molecule C, what forces would be the largest forces holding one of the molecules to another molecule? (What are the largest intermolecular forces?)

Dispersion forces

Rank the following according to their strength, weakest first, strongest last

Dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, covalent bonding

Quadruple bond

Doesn't really happen- fitting the waves for 8 electrons b/t two atoms creates too much electromagnetic repulsion

Chemical potential energy is one form of internal energy. What is the source of chemical potential energy?

Electrical potential energy of molecules

Intermolecular forces

Electromagnetic forces between individual molecules. These forces are weak when compared to the forces between the individual atoms making up the molecule itself

Metallic bonds

Electrons move freely

Molecular matter

Elements have strong interactions between a set number of the same element so molecules are formed, but there are weak interactions outside the individual molecules


Elements produced in a radioactive decay process. The daughter elements are found on the right side of a nuclear reaction equation


Elements that decay into a different element in a nuclear reaction. The parent elements are found on the left side of a nuclear reaction equation

In a mechanical wave, what is actually traveling from one place to another?


What happens to the energy of the system as this compound is formed?

Energy decreases

In order for an energetically favorable chemical reaction to occur

Energy must decrease as a result of the reaction

Activation energy

Energy that has to be added to start the reaction

A car can't convert all the energy from its fuel to macroscopic kinetic energy. Why?

Entropy would decrease

When two molecules collide, the force each exerts on the other is ___



Everything outside the system


Everything outside what we have defined to be the system

N-type semiconductor

Extra electrons

Which of the following is an example of refraction?

Eyeglasses correcting a person's vision

A very fast reaction has a very high activation energy


Because it is possible to separate the atoms back into different areas, the process is reversible


Dispersion forces are stronger than covalent bonds


Dispersion forces, polar forces, and hydrogen bonding are all types of bonds that hold atoms together to make molecules and compounds


Fatty substances that are solid at room temperature are classified as oils


If a molecular material is solid at room temperature, the high melting and boiling temperatures indicate there must be polar forces holding the molecules together


In the future, engineers will be able to design a car that is 100% efficient


It is impossible to do work and sort the molecules into separate areas


It is possible to predict exactly when a radioactive nucleus will decay


Metals have higher ionization energies than nonmetals do


Mica is a silicate that has strong bonds throughout its entire structure


Molecular orbitals are the same shape as atomic orbitals


Quartz, a mineral with no regular pattern when seen in large quantities, has fibrous layering in its atomic structure


The energies of the orbitals that form when metals interact are very widely spaced in energy


The forces between N2 molecules are very strong


The molecular model cannot explain why the pressure of a gas in a container with fixed volume,s inch as car or bike tires, increases with increasing temperature


The temperature at which a liquid evaporates to form a base is different from the temperature at which the gas condenses to form a liquid


True or false: Current can flow in all directions in an LED


True or false: Molecular ions are poor conductors of electricity in solid and liquid forms


True of false: A valence electron in a nonmetal has a very low ionization energy

False. As you go from left to right across a period, the ionization energy increases. Nonmetals are on the right side of the periodic table, so they have high ionization energies

Are the fastest or slowest molecules more likely to have the energy to "escape" (evaporate) from your finger


Monounsaturated fats

Fats containing fatty acids with a single double bond

Polyunsaturated fats

Fats containing fatty acids with two or more double bonds

Which of the following fatty acids is best for human health?

Fatty acids that have one or more 'bent' cis-double bonds between carbon atoms

It has been harnessed for commercial electricity generation


It involves breaking up large nuclei into smaller ones


In acetaldehyde, how many of each type of bond are there?

Five single, one double, zero triple


Fixed volume, change shape to match container

Gases are



Forces exerted on walls by collisions between molecules

Ionic bonds

Form because the energy of the resulting product is lower in energy and the entropy of the universe increases

Thermal energy

Form of energy that flows or conducts between two objects because they are at different temperatures

What is the energy of a photon related to?


Wave speed =

Frequency x wavelength

Complete conversion of one form of energy to another can occur only in which direction?

From higher to lower organized forms

Advantages for fusion energy production

Fuel inexpensive and readily available, doesn't release greenhouse gases, fuel and byproducts aren't useful in making weapons, no risk of catastrophic nuclear accident, and radioactive byproducts are relatively easy to contain and dispose of

Fission reactor problems

Fuel is relatively expensive and rare, byproducts of the reactor have dangerous radioactivity, danger of fuel being misappropriated for weapons, though very rare, mistakes, accidents, or natural disasters at the reactors can result in serious accidents create dire environmental and health hazards

Fuel for the process is relatively plentiful on earth


It combines small nuclei to make larger ones


It occurs on the sun


Primary process in the most powerful nuclear weapons


Band gap

Gap between the highest energy occupied states and the empty conduction band, gives a semiconductor different properties than a metal

Which of the following set of properties is most likely those associated with methane, a covalently bonded compound?

Gas at room temperature, colorless, does not conduct electricity when solid

Which of these sets of properties is most likely those associated with methane, a covalently bonded compound?

Gas at room temperature, colorless, does not conduct electricity when solid

What best depicts how the temperature of the water varies with time as it changes from ice to liquid to steam?

Going up like stairs

Metals have which of these properties?

Good electrical conductors, malleable, shiny, metals easily form alloys

The motion of molecules

Governed by the laws of motion, force, and conservation

Satisfy octet rule- Sheets

Graphite is 2nd structure formed- carbon atoms arrange in sheets. There are covalent bonds b/t atoms in the same sheet but interaction b/t atoms in diff sheets is v diff. Some electrons are in orbitals that are delocalized on the surface. These electrons form a very weak version of a covalent bond b/t sheets- allows sheets to "slide" past one another and makes graphite useful as a lubricant

What type of energy is the most ordered?

Gravitational potential energy

Order the following substances from lowest to highest density: granite rock, helium gas, and ocean water

Helium gas, ocean water, granite rock

Alpha particle

Helium-4 nucleus

How would you describe the melting point of a substance formed by a molecular ion?


Why is a high temperature required for nuclear fusion to occur?

High temperatures are required to allow the nuclei to have enough kinetic energy to overcome the electromagnetic repulsion and have the strong force attraction take place

Gamma ray

High-energy, high-frequency electromagnetic radiation

Described experiment

Higher frequency light discharged the electroscope

Wave Speed

How fast it is moving (disturbance is moving, not the medium- only changes when a wave passes from one medium into another or when some characteristic of the medium changes)


How long the wave is. Measured from crest to crest or trough to trough, or point on wave to whenever the wave repeats itself at the same point


How many waves occur in a second (count how many crests/troughs pass in a second) ((related to wavelength))

Which of the following is a true statement about melting and boiling points in materials made of covalent molecules?

Hydrogen bonding between molecules increases melting and boiling points

Rule of reaction

If the new molecular orbital is lower in an energy well and overall entropy increases, electrons go to this state and can't get out- thus, a chemical bond is formed. This chemical bond is stable unless energy is added

In a bonding orbital between two atoms, where is the electron density the highest? (Where do you have the highest probability of detecting an electron?)

In between the two atoms

In the early 1800s scientists demonstrated that light was a wave. How do you increase the energy of a wave?

Increasing the amplitude

Dr. Maxwell Planck developed a particle model of light. In his particle model, how do you increase the energy of the photons?

Increasing the frequency

Control rods

Inserted into the reactor to control the rate of reaction

Hydrogen bonds

Interactions between hydrogen atoms bound to oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine atoms bound with oxygen, nitrogen, or other fluorine atoms. Hydrogen bonds are among the strongest of the intermolecular interactions

Chemical bonds

Interactions between the atoms in a single molecule or network matter

Laser light passed through narrowly spaced slits to form a pattern of light and dark spots on a screen


The bond between a metal and a nonmetal

Ionic bond

Which of the following is unimportant in the determining in the characteristics of fatty acids?

Ionic bonds

Bonds are long-range

Ionic, metallic

An ice cube melts in a glass of warm water. This is an example of which type of process?


Pure aluminum metal has a melting temp of 660*C. The process of liquid aluminum freezing to solid aluminum at this temp is ___


Electromagnetic radiation

Is all radiation associated with accelerating electric charges

Electromagnetic radiation when divided into its smallest state and unobserved

Is described by waves- shown in experiments like showing effects of diffraction and interference

Electromagnetic radiation when divided into its smallest state and observed

Is particles- shown in experiments like the photoelectric effect and looking at dim images on a CCD (detector) in a camera

What is the term for two atoms that have the same atomic numbers but different atomic mass numbers?


As you change the frequency what happens to the wave?

It changes width left-to-right

As you increase the amplitude what happens to the wave?

It gets taller up-and-down

As the temperature of a material increases, what happens to the average kinetic energy of the molecules of the material?

It increases

In an irreversible process, what happens to the overall disorder of the universe?

It increases

Objects normally contract when you cool them. As an object contracts, what happens to its density?

It increases

What happens to the wave speed as the tension in the string increases?

It increases

We see a large amount of order in the world around us, from life to currents in the air and ocean. How is this consistent with the law of increasing disorder?

It is because the sun provides additional high-order energy to the world to create this order

Which of the following correctly applies the law of increasing disorder to an air conditioner?

It is true that the heat flow from the cold region to the hotter region increases order, but this is made up for by increasing the disorder of energy from another source

How does a catalyst affect a reaction?

It lowers the activation energy

What would be the chemical formula of the ionic compound between potassium and sulfur?


Which if these is the most ordered form of energy?

Kinetic energy

On average, molecules in the gaseous state are farther apart than those in the solid state. For this reason, the internal electrical potential energy of molecules in the solid is ___ that of molecules in the gaseous state

Less than

When a heavy molecule collides with a lighter molecule, the acceleration of the heavy molecule is ___ that of the lighter molecule

Less than

Continuous spectrum

Light from the sun or a common lightbulb

What does this demonstrate about the behavior of light?

Light has wave properties

When sunlight passes through a large opening, such as a door or window, it makes a bright spot about the size of the opening. When light passes through a very small opening, such as a pin hole, it spreads out over an area much larger Thant he size of the opening. Why does this occur?

Light has wave properties

What does this mean about light?

Light is acting like a particle, not a wave

Discrete spectrum

Light made by passing a current through a low-pressure gassed tube, and then passing it through a prism- spectrum consisting of distinct bars of particular colors

These graphs show energy as a function of time for several different reactions. Which of the reactions shown below would end up absorbing energy from the surroundings?

Line rises a bit and doesn't return below where the energy line is


Liquid mixtures of compounds - one or more compounds are dissolved in another type of compound, such as water

Satisfy octet rule- buckminsterfullerenes (buckyballs)

Looks like a tiny carbon soccer ball. Have a free electron and can therefore conduct electricity- currently used in nanotechnolo

Properties of covalent materials

Low melting point (liquid or gas near room temperature), , insulator, brittle,

Antibonding orbital

Low probability of electrons being between the two atoms

What are some fluids?

Maple syrup, hydrogen gas, liquid nitrogen


Mass divided by its volume (mass per unit volume) - depends on the type of material, not how much is present

Ionic conductors

Materials that are nonconductors (insulators) as solids, but conduct electricity as liquids or when dissolved in water (salt)


Matter has definite shape and volume


Matter that contains multiple substances. These substances can be physically separated into their pure substances


Matter that contains only one kind of atom


Matter that contains two or more kinds of atoms in a fixed and definite proportion

Pure substance

Matter that has a defined, unchanging chemical composition


Matter that is so hot that charged particles making up the material no longer stick together but move independently of each other

At room temperature, liquid water has a density of about 1 g/cm^3, while that of liquid mercury is about 13.6 g/cm^3. What could possibly explain this?

Mercury's molecules have more mass and are larger

Which type of atom has valence electron states high enough in energy that they overlap with the stacked-together molecular orbitals that form the conduction band?


Which type of atom has valence electrons higher in the energy well?


Charge carriers (electrons or ions) are free to move in the solid state


The bond between two metal atoms

Metallic bond

Thermal and electrical conductivity

Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity

Which of the following is a correct comparison of metals and semi-conductors?

Metals' resistance increases when temperature increases while a semi-conductors resistance decreases.

Magnesium chloride forms a solid in which two chloride ions are found for every magnesium ion, but no discrete molecules are observed in the solid. What is the simplest formula for this compound?


Which of the following is an ionic compound?


Bonding molecular orbital

Molecular orbitals that have a high probability of finding electrons between the atoms' nuclei. A bond is likely to form with this orbital

Antibonding molecular orbital

Molecular orbitals that have a low probability of finding electrons between the atoms' nuclei. A bond is unlikely to form with this orbital

In the molecular model of matter, matter is said to consist of tiny units called


How many double bonds exist between carbon atoms in these unsaturated fatty acids?

More than one

Covalently bonded substances

Most are colorless and transparent. Often are very toxic (there are exceptions to both, though)

How does the mass of a proton compare to the mass of an electron?

Much larger than the electron


Neither definite shape or volume- will expand to match both volume and shape of container

What would happen if the electroscope had a positive charge placed upon it (rather than a negative charge) and then visible light and ultraviolet light were shone on the electroscope? (Hint: Think about what happens with electrons in a positively charged object and how that would affect this environment.)

Neither the visible light nor the ultraviolet light would discharge the electroscope

What classification of matter is magnesium chloride?

Network matter

Which of the following tends to have the highest melting and boiling points?

Network matter

Molecular orbitals

New orbitals

Dipole-dipole interactions

Next strongest in intermolecular forces lineup after hydrogen bonds, slightly higher melt/boil temp, polar molecules and ionic materials dissolve better in a polar solvent

Which of the following are most chemically similar to Pd?

Ni and Pt

Are any colors absorbed when light hits a white sheet of paper?


Are the hydrogen atoms still balanced? H2 + O2 -> 2H2O


Consider a refrigerator and its contents to be the system. Warm food is cooled to a lower temperature. Warm water is cooled int ice freezer and eventually frozen to ice. Do these two processes, cooling food and freezing water, increase the entropy inside the refrigerator?


Do all the water molecules on your finger have exactly the same kinetic energy?


If you were to put your hand behind the back of an operation refrigerator, would you feel cold air coming out of the exhaust?


The unbalanced equation is as shown: H2 + O2 -> H2O. Are the oxygen atoms balanced?


The unbalanced equation is as shown: H2 + O2 -> H2O. Could you balance the oxygen atoms by changing H2O to H2O2?


Can sulfur be considered a compound? Why?

No, it is composed of only one type of atom

Atomic matter

Noble gases exist as individual atoms with little or no interaction between the individual atoms themselves

What colors are reflected when white light hits the black interior of a car?


Which type of atom has the highest ionization energy?


The process that produces most of the explosive energy of a hydrogen bomb and that is believed to be responsible for the energy released by the sun is called

Nuclear fusion

Covalent bonds

Occur between two or more nonmetal atoms (BETWEEN)

Atomic orbitals

Occur within a single atom

Suppose Gas 1 is composed of N2 (mass 28) and Gas 2 is composed of O2 (mass 32). Both gases are at the same temperature. Which statement is true concerning the speed of the molecules?

On average, Gas1 molecules are moving faster than Gas 2 molecules

Reversible processes

Only occur in a very narrow set of idealized conditions- common in chemistry, but true reversible processes are not really possible

If I'm sent straight towards a pair of openings that are a bit larger than I am, spaced a bit farther apart than my size, I can only be found directly behind one or the other of the openings.

Only particles do this. You're a particle

If I'm sent straight towards an opening that is a little bigger than I am, I can be found both directly behind the opening, and for a good distance to either side.

Only waves do this. You're a wave.

The various forms of energy can be ranked according to their level of what?


The photoelectric effect shows that light has ___ properties


What will I see in the double-slit experiment if I put some sort of detector at one of the slits that will permit me to see which slit each photon goes through?

Particle pattern

Which of the following is the best general description of the behavior of the liquid water molecules?

Particles in random motion that collide, transfer energy, and exert forces according to the conservation laws and Newton's laws of motion.

What is true regarding red and blue light?

Photons from blue light have more energy


Picture of white light's constituent colors

The ___ of a gas is attributed to collisions of the gas molecules


The modern definition of an element is a substance made up of atoms that all have the same number of what particle?



Pure substances composed of one kind of atom only


Pure substances composed of two or more different kinds of atoms

Atomic matter

Pure substances, such as noble gases (group 8A), that exist as individual atoms with little or no interaction between the individual atoms themselves

Of the following, which has the longest wavelength?

Radio waves

An unstable nucleus which has a tendency to spontaneously change its form with the emission of high-energy particles or photons is said to be


Gamma decay

Radioactive decay process in which a gamma ray is emitted

Alpha decay

Radioactive decay process in which an alpha particle is emitted

Beta decay

Radioactive decay process involving a neutrino and an electron or positron

Which color is reflected when white light hits a red apple?


Which has the longer wavelength? (Red vs Blue)


Man looking at self in mirror


Suppose you are in a room with no windows and no lights on but the door is open. Light from the hall fills most of the room. the light entering the room can best be explained by:


A blue car ___ more blue light than any other color(s)


Light focusing through a lens


Water waves bending as they come to shore


Amplitude of sound waves

Related to how loud sound is- loud sound = higher amp

Fuel rods

Rods of fissile material, usually uranium-235, but plutonium also can be used

Control rods

Rods used in a nuclear reaction to absorb neutrons and slow or stop the fission reactions

Which of the following pairs would you expect to be covalently bonded? (Covalent- closest on periodic table, ionic- farthest)

S and Br (diagonal, big electron difference)

What is the chemical formula for sulfur?


When you compare saturated with unsaturated fatty acids containing the same number of carbon atoms, what is true?

Saturated fatty acids have more hydrogen atoms

Second law of thermodynamics

See law of increasing disorder

Polyatomic ion

See molecular ion


Separation of positive and negative charges due to the polar bond- stronger if charges are separated more

What are the electrons in a covalent bond doing?

Shared between specific pairs of atoms

If you pluck a guitar string, what type of wave are you producing in the string?


Doppler effect

Shift in the frequency of a wave- caused as source of wave moves towards or away from you (closer = higher, further = lower) amount of shift in frequency depends on speed of source

Locate the elements palladium (Pd, atomic #46) and nickel (Ni, atomic #28) on the periodic table. If Pd is combined with Ni, which of the following characteristics will the product show at room temperature?

Shiny, malleable solid

Chemical equation

Shorthand notation for describing a chemical reaction

Amplitude of light (an electromagnetic wave)

Shown by brightness- bright light = higher amp

Potential energy surface

Shows how the energy of the system changes as the chemical reaction occurs

If the two chlorine atoms combine to make Cl2, what type of covalent bond will exist between the atoms?



Slows down he fast neutrons so that they are likely to interact with other nuclei in the fuel


Smaller nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus

In which state of matter does nitrogen keep its shape and volume



Solid matter where the constituent particles are arranged in an orderly, repetitive pattern


Solid mixture of compounds

Which is the best definition of an alloy?

Solid mixture of metals

Blends or composites

Solid mixtures of compounds


Solid mixtures of different metals

Changes of state occur with increasing temperature in which following order?

Solid, liquid, gas, plasma

the gasoline engine of an automobile is considerably less than 100% efficient. This means that not all of the energy int he gasoline is turned into kinetic energy of the car. Which of the following best explains why?

Some of the chemical potential energy in the gasoline engine must become ambient thermal energy if the rest is to supply the kinetic energy of the automobile. This means some energy must be wasted

The gasoline engine of an automobile is considerably less than 100% efficient. This means that not all of the energy in the gasoline is turned into kinetic energy of the car. Which of these statements best explains why?

Some of the chemical potential energy in the gasoline must become ambient thermal energy if the rest is to supply the kinetic energy of the automobile. This means some energy must be wasted

Activation entropy

Sometimes reactions will only take place when the reactants are lined up in a particular orientation

Standing waves

Special type of interference- waves confined to certain boundaries produce interference patterns with waves traveling in opposite directions in the medium (if waves moving to left and right in medium have same amp, they can produce standing waves)


Speed up the rate of the chemical reaction, is a chemical


Splitting apart of a very large nucleus to make two smaller nuclei. Two or more neutrons are released, along with energy

Octet rule

States that atoms lose, gain or share electrons in order to acquire a full set of eight valence electrons

Network matter

Substances where every atom interacts strongly with many of its neighbors. An extended network of linked atoms or ions forms

Molecular matter

Substances where the elements have strong interactions between a set number of elements so molecules are formed, but there are weak interactions outside the individual molecules

Sugar is a covalent molecule that is solid at room temperature and dissolves easily in water. What does this information tell us about the molecule?

Sugar molecules are polar

Here are the common names and contents for a number of common substances. Four are compounds, one is not. Which is not a compound?

Sulfur, consisting of molecules having eight S atoms

If you pluck a guitar string, what type of wave are you producing in the soundboard?


Which of the following substances would you expect to have the highest melting point?

Table salt, which boils at 1413*C

Ionic bonds

Take electrons

As the hot stove delivers additional energy tot he container of water, the temperature of the water remains constant. Why does this happen?

The additional energy is becoming internal electrical potential energy int he water and vapor rather than changing the temperature

If you change how loud a sound wave is, what are you changing?

The amplitude

When the average speed of the molecules increases, what happens to the average force with which the molecules hit the walls of the container?

The average force increases

Which molecule has the highest average kinetic energy?

The average kinetic energies are the same (if they are at the same room temp)

If you increase gas temp but keep volume and # of molecules the same, what happens to the average speed of the molecules?

The average speed increases

When the water begins to boil, he adds some salt. Water molecules have less mass than the sodium atoms in the salt. At any given temperature, how does the behavior of the two compare?

The average speed of the water molecules is higher, but the average kinetic energy is the same.

Compare the density of a ball bearing and a cannonball made of the same material

The ball bearing and cannonball have the same density

If a white light is shone on all three objects, which is going to heat up the most?

The black car interior heats up the most

If light actually were only a wave and I wanted to increase the energy of the light wave so that I had enough energy to knock the electrons free, what would I need to change in order to change the energy?

The brightness


The characteristic of being capable of or producing reflection


The characteristic of substances that allows them to be worked into desired shapes or drawn out into wires. It is the opposite of being brittle

What determines the color of objects?

The color of objects we see is determined by which colors they reflect and absorb. The ones that are not absorbed are reflected into our eyes (tomatoes do not absorb red)


The combination of the system plus surroundings

Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), a common fertilizer, is an ionic ally bonded substance involving two polyatomic ions, ammonium (NH4^4) and nitrate (NO3^-). Ammonium nitrate dissolves in a polar solvent such as water. Which of the following statements best describes what happens when this fertilizer dissolves in water?

The compound breaks up into the two oppositely charged ions. The ions do not break apart


The condition where the forward rate and reverse rate of a chemical equation are the same, so there is no net change in the system. Energy is a minimum and entropy is a maximum

Transition state

The critical point that separates reactants from the products on a potential energy surface


The distance from the maximum point of the wave to the equilibrium point of the wave, and it is related to the energy of the wave

The motion of molecules is governed by which of the following?

The electromagnetic force, conservation of energy, and newton's laws of motion

Band gap

The energy difference between the bottom of the conduction band and the top of the valence band in semiconductors

Activation energy

The energy needed to allow a reaction to occur, break the bonds of the reactants, and allow the product to form

What is the best description of activation energy?

The energy that must be put into a system before a reaction can take place

A glass that contains a mix of ice and water stays at 0*C as long as there is ice left, even when the temperature of the room is much higher than 0*. Why?

The energy transferred from the room is increasing the potential energy of the water molecules

Activation entropy

The entropy associated with the formation of the transition state

When looking at the Brownian motion of dust particles in water, what would be observed if the temperature is increased?

The erratic motion of the dust particles increases.


The form or structure of a material

If you change the wavelength of a sound wave, what else will change?

The frequency

Metallic luster

The high reflectivity or shininess of metals

This plot is a graph of average nucleon mass versus atomic mass for nuclei. What can you determine

The individual proton's and neutron's mass is smallest for atoms with a mass of about 50, and larger for atoms with very small or very big mass

How do the densities of an iron shaving and the entire Pacific Ocean compare?

The iron shaving is denser than the Pacific Ocean

What happens to the average kinetic energy of the water as heat is added to the ice?

The kinetic energy increases

A fast-moving molecule collides with a slow-moving molecule. The slow molecule speeds up while the fast one slows down. The extent to which their speeds change depends on their relative masses. This is an example of ___

The laws of conservation of energy and conservation of momentum

What happens to the valence electrons as the product (MgO) is formed?

The magnesium atoms' valence electrons are effectively transferred to oxygen.

A scientist is investigating how an unknown material responds to mechanical vibrations. During his studies he notes that compression waves travel through the substance, but shear waves do not. What can he conclude from this information?

The material could be a liquid or gas, but is not a solid


The material(s) produced in a chemical reaction, written on the right side of the chemical equation

What happens to the melting temperature as the size of the molecule increases?

The melting temperature increases with size

What happens to the valence electrons as an ionic compound is formed?

The metal atoms' valence electrons are effectively transferred to non-metal.

Why do we say that the evidence for molecules using Brownian motion is indirect?

The molecules are too small to actually be seen with a microscope

Why do nearly all materials increase in density as they change state from a liquid to a solid?

The molecules in a solid are packed closer together

Both fission and fusion can result in a release of energy. Why?

The nuclei of atoms near the middle of the periodic table have the least energy and the nucleons with the smallest mass

The oxidation state of an atom refers to

The number of electrons gained or lost when an ionic bond is formed

What happens to the number of molecular orbitals as the number of atoms that come together increases?

The number of molecular orbitals increases


The number of wavelengths in a particular length such as centimeters or meters (1//wavelength)

What illustration best describes the molecular orbitals in metals?

The one in the single solid block, with electrons seemingly random inside

Which of these is a saturated hydrocarbon?

The one that doesn't have a double or triple bond

For the reactions shown in the graph for the problem above, which reaction releases the most energy?

The one that goes the highest

In the graph, what reaction has the highest activation energy?

The one that goes up the highest and down the lowest

When some Ca(No3)2 dissolves in water, which picture best represents what the solution looks like? (Note, the balls are not meant to indicate charge or lack of charge.)

The one where Ca has separated from No, but N and o atoms are still bonded

Valence shell

The outermost, highest-energy set of orbitals in an atom

What can you conclude about the molecule regarding electronegativity?

The oxygen will be more negative than the carbon


The part of the world we want to isolate and study

When we observe Brownian motion, what do we actually see?

The particles jiggling about

If the light is made extremely dim, what happens to the pattern produced?

The pattern stays basically the same shape, but gets speckled, like it is made up of dots


The percent of energy that is converted into useful energy

A perfume bottle drops and shatters on the floor of a room. (An irreversible process has just occurred- the breaking of the bottle!) You observe that you can smell the perfume throughout the entire room a few seconds later. Which of the following explanations of this observation is correct?

The perfume's odor is caused by its molecules. Molecules of perfume in the liquid are in random motion. When the bottle breaks, the molecules can vaporize and spread throughout the room, mixing with the air in the room. The room with perfume molecules spread around it is more disordered than perfume molecules concentrated in a spot surrounding the broken bottle

If the average force increases, what happens to the pressure?

The pressure increases

diffraction grating

The process by which we can break up light into a spectrum

When you compare the mass of the products to the mass of the reactants in a fission reaction, what do you find?

The reactants have more mass

When you compare the band gap for a red and a blue LED, what is true?

The red LED has the smallest band gap

A window air conditioner is normally placed in a window so the hot air from the black blows outside. What would happen if the air conditioner were placed in the middle of a closed room and turned on?

The room would heat up because all of the energy absorbed by the air conditioner, both thermal and electrical potential, is released back into the room as thermal energy

A refrigerator is normally run with its door closed. What would happen if the refrigerator were placed in the middle of a closed room with its door open and turned on?

The room would heat up because all of the energy absorbed by the refrigerator, both thermal and electrical potential, is released back into the room as thermal energy.


The separation of positive and negative charge in a polar bond or molecule

What happens to the spacing between the energy of one molecular orbital and the next one immediately above or below it as the number of atoms that come together increases?

The spacing between energy levels decreases

Chemical reaction rate

The speed at which the reactants are consumed and the products are formed

Which of the following types of electromagnetic radiation travels at the fastest speed?

The speed is the same for all of these


The starting material(s) of a chemical reaction, written on the left side of the chemical equation

Which of these statements correctly describes the ranges of forces between charged nucleons in nuclear physics? "Short distances" refers to distances about the size of the diameter of a nucleon

The strong interaction is stronger than the electromagnetic interaction at all distances

Hydrogen bonds

The strongest of the intermolecular forces, higher melting/boiling temps


The system and surroundings put together

What happens to the temperature as heat is added when only one state of water is present?

The temperature increases

Why is temperature increasing while nitrogen is melting into a liquid, and then again while it is boiling, wrong?

The temperature should be constant while it is melting and boiling

What does half-life mean?

The time it takes for half of all the radioactive nuclei to decay

A reversible process does what to the total disorder in the universe?

The total disorder does not change

Mass number

The total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus

If you compare metals with ionic compounds, what do they have in common?

Their melting temperatures are similar

Why does the density do this?

There is more mass in a smaller volume, so the density increases

What is the likelihood that the gases would gain the order they had if we left the system alone for a long time?

There is virtually no chance the gases would spontaneously unmix

Which of these is the least ordered?

Thermal energy

Why do natural unsaturated fats have a lower solidification temperature than saturated fats?

They have curved hydrocarbon tails keeping individual molecules farther apart.

What best describes how the oxygen molecules would behave if mixed with water?

They would dissolve poorly or not at all because they are not polar

How do molecules exchange energy?

Through collisions with the walls of the container and with each other

Law of increasing disorder (second law of thermodynamics)

Total amount of disorder in the universe either remains the same (reversible) or increases (irreversible)

Atomic mass or mass number

Total number of nucleons (protons or neutrons) that are found in the nucleus

Use the periodic table to decide if S is a metal or a nonmetal. Do the same for O. If these two form a compound, which of these characteristics will it show at room temperature?

Transparent gas

If two nitrogen atoms combine to make N2, what type of covalent bond exists between them?


A material that is made up of one type of molecule, where each molecule is made of 2 different types of atoms is still a pure substance


Baking soda and vinegar combine to make sodium acetate, carbon dioxide, and water. In this chemical reaction the reaction the reactants are the baking soda and vinegar


Energy and entropy are both involved in chemical reactions


In minerals, the underlying atomic structure gives rise to large-scale properties observable with the naked eye


Metals have a greater tendency than nonmetals to lose electrons


N2 has a triple bond and is a gas at room temperature. The triple bond is a very strong bond


Polar molecules dissolve easily in water


Quartz is a silicate that has strong bonds throughout its entire structure


The average kinetic energy of the molecules is related to the molecules' average speed


The average kinetic energy of the molecules is related to the molecules' mass


The temperature at which ice begins to melt to form a liquid and the liquid begins to freeze to form ice is the same


There are experiments that show that light has particle properties


There are experiments that show that light has wave properties


Unsaturated fats are considered an essential part of a healthy diet


True or false: It is energetically favorable for nonmetals to share electrons

True. Because of their strong attraction for electrons, nonmetals are attracted tot he electrons of other atoms

True or false: Polyatomic ions form crystals

True. Due to the charge on the ions, a network matter structure similar to a basic ionic-bonded structure results

True or false: Nonmetals have a large number of s- and p-type valence electrons relative to metals

True. Nonmetals have between four and seven of these kind of electrons while metals have only one to three

True or false: Nonmetal nuclei have a strong attraction for valence electrons

True. The high ionization energy of nonmetals is evidence for a strong electron-nuclear attraction

True or false: Forming a positive ion with a noble gase configuration (ns^2np^6) from a nonmetal requires a tremendous amount of energy

True. To form a positively charged ion with a noble gas configuration from a nonmetal means that up to seven valence s and p electrons may need to be removed. Since the ionization energy of each valence electron is high, the cost to remove that many would be exorbitant

Now imagine there is a detector at the slits which measures whether the photons travel through one slit or the other. What best represents the image on the screen?

Two narrow bands that are a little wider than the width of each slit

Fish that swim in the cold North Atlantic would have what type of fatty acid in their blood?

Unsaturated acids with lots of double bonds

P-type semiconductor

Vacancies for electrons


Very tiny particles that make up matter


Visible light is absorbed. It is the opposite of being transparent

Which of the following are types of electromagnetic radiation?

Visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, radio waves

Glass molecules have a higher mass than water molecules. Imagine a glass of water where both the glass and the water are at room temperature. Which type of molecules will have the highest average speed?


The interference of light shows that light has ___ properties


What is the term for the width of a wave left to right?


Destructive interference (two waves of the same type)

Waves cancel each other out

Constructive interference (two waves of the same type)

Waves interact to give a larger wave


Waves spread out when they encounter corners or openings such as open doors


Waves that bend *through* a medium- bending process that occurs when a wave travels from one medium to another is called refraction


Ways for the silicate ions to connect

Dispersion forces

Weak intermolecular attractions between nonpolar molecules arising from the formation of temporary dipoles

Dipole-dipole interactions

Weak intermolecular attractions between polar molecules

Dispersion forces

Weakest of all intermolecular forces, but also the most universal. Result of short-lived polarities of nonpolar atoms and molecules due to random fluctuations in electron density around the atoms


When a very large nucleus is bombarded by a slow-moving neutron and split into two smaller nuclei

Single bond

When atoms share a pair of electrons

Double bond

When atoms share two pairs of electrons


When the forward rate of a reaction is equal to the reverse rate of the same reaction


When waves share the same space- different types of waves will not interact with each other

How do semiconductors change with increasing temperatures?

When you heat them up, semiconductors act more like metals

Are oxygen atoms balanced if a 2 is placed in front of water to make the following equation? H2 + O2 -> 2H2O


If the entropy associated with the contents of the refrigerator decreases, would the entropy of the surroundings need to increase in order for the law of increasing disorder to be obeyed?


Is the equation balanced now? 2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O


The hot air increases the temperature of the surroundings. Is this a process that increases the entropy of the kitchen?


The unbalanced equation is as shown: H2 + O2 -> H2O. Are the hydrogen atoms balanced?


In a nuclear power plant, the reaction rate is controlled using control rods to absorb some of the neutrons released by fusion. If you want to keep the reaction rate constant, what conditions do you need to have?

You absorb enough neutrons that for each atom that splits only one neutron splits another atom

If you make a wave very low amplitude and send it through a pair of slits what happens to it?

You still get the whole interference pattern, the wave is just not as big

How many double bonds exist between carbon atoms in these saturated fatty acids?


Nuclear fission is when

a large nucleus breaks apart into smaller pieces

What is the approximate range of the nuclear strong force? (In other words, what is the distance over which the strong force is significant?)

about the size of a nucleus

What happens to the overall entropy in the universe as this compound is formed?

entropy increases

Isotopes of an element are different atoms of the element that

have the same number of protons, but differ in mass number

Electronegativity on periodic table

increases from left to right, decreases from top to bottom (similar to the pattern for ionization energy, if you take out the noble gases)

Ionic compounds are formed between a metal and a


Valence shell

outermost shell of an atom, when a single bond is formed, electrons are in the lowest energy orbital possible

The primary obstacle to controlled fusion reactions as a source of energy is

overcoming the electromagnetic repulsion of particles with like charges

Gamma decay

radioactive decay by emission of a gamma ray

Alpha decay

radioactive decay by emission of an alpha particle

Beta decay

radioactive decay in which an electron is emitted

The process known as nuclear fission is primarily responsible for

the energy produced by a nuclear reactor

The purpose of the control rods in a nuclear fission reactor is

to absorb neutrons, thus limiting the number of nuclei undergoing fission

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