Physical Science

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The entropy of a system is a measure of its


Suppose there were molecules that had no attraction whatsoever for one another. A collection of such molecules would form a


Ice floats in water because

its density is less than that of water.

Of the substances below, the one with the highest specific heat is


A sample of a gas is expanded to twice its original volume while its temperature is held constant. Relative to their original average energy, the new average energy of the molecules is

the same.

The wavelength of a sound wave is not related to its


The primary coil of a transformer is connected to a source of alternating current of voltage V. The voltage of the secondary current is

Any of these choices could be correct, depending on the ratio of turns in the transformer coils.

The pressure at the bottom of a barrel filled with liquid does not depend on the

Area of the liquid surface.

When a magnetized iron bar is strongly heated, its magnetic field

Becomes weaker.

A drawing of the field lines of a magnetic field provides information on

Both the direction and the strength of the field.

Heat transfer in a vacuum

Can take place only by radiation.

When a sound wave goes from air into water, the quantity that remains unchanged is its


Heat transfer by conduction occurs

In liquids, solids and gases.

When a liquid freezes to become a solid

It gives off heat.

When a liquid becomes a vapor

It must absorb heat.

When heat is added to a body of matter, the resulting temperature increase does not depend upon

Its shape.

The first law of thermodynamics is the same as the

Law of conservation of energy.

You are looking at the bottom of a lake 1.2 m deep from a boat. To you the lake seems to be:

Less than 1.2 M deep.

In order for an object to sink when placed in water, the object's average density must be

More than that of water.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Moving electrons constitute electric currents.

The "heat death" of the universe refers to a possible (although improbable) future in which all of its molecules are

Moving with the same average speed.

The current with which a transformer is used

Must be ac.

Superconductivity occurs in certain substances

Only at very low temperatures.

Heat transfer by convection occurs

Only in liquids and gases.

In a transverse wave, the individual particles of the medium move

Perpendicular to the direction of travel.

Which one of the following effects does not occur in all types of wave?


A molecule that has lost an electron becomes a

Positive ion.

A kilowatt hour is a unit of


Which of the following statements is not true?

Protons and electrons have equal masses.

Light of which of the following colors has the longest wavelength?


Sound waves travel fastest in


A magnet attracts

Some substances and repels others.

The higher the frequency of a wave

The shorter its wavelength.

An absolute temperature of 100 K is the same as a Celsius temperature of


At which of the following Celsius temperatures will a Fahrenheit thermometer show the same reading in degrees?


Molecular motion in a gas is the minimum possible at

0 K.

The specific heat of water is 4.2 kJ/kg°C. The heat needed to warm 8 kg of water from 20°C to 70°C is

1680 KJ

The current in a 24-W, 12-V light bulb is

2 A

The density of brass is 8 × 103 kg/m3. The volume occupied by 320 g of brass is

38 cm3

The primary coil of a transformer has 200 turns and its secondary coil has 40 turns. If the current in the secondary coil is 25 A, the current in the primary coil is

5 A.

A temperature of 20°C is the same as


A magnet does not exert a force on

A stationary electric charge.

The properties of several different materials are being compared. If the samples all have the same volume, the one with the greatest mass also has the greatest


Which of the following quantities is independent of the size and shape of an object composed of a given material?


The maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine

Depends on the intake temperature.

A current is flowing south along a power line. Neglecting the earth's field, the direction of the magnetic field under the power line is


Atoms and molecules are normally

Electrically neutral.

When waves go from one place to another, they carry


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