Physical Science, Chapter 11

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A cheetah can accelerate at up to 6.0 m/s2. How long does it take for a cheetah to speed up from 10.5 m/s to 12.2 m/s?

.28 s

On a bus traveling north at 20.0 m/s, a child stands up and walks toward the back of the bus at 1.3 m/s. What is the child's resultant velocity?

18.7 m/s North

Moving from 0 m/s to 25 m/s in 8.0 s equals an average acceleration of ?

3.1 m/s2

The average speed of a runner who runs 500.0 m in 1.6 minutes is...

312 m/s

A pitcher throws a baseball to home plate, a distance of 60.5 ft. The ball reaches home plate in 0.63 s. What is the velocity of the ball?

96 ft/s toward home plate

Which is an example of balanced forces acting on an object?

A leaf lying on the grass

Which of the following best illustrates balanced forces?

A stretched rubber band being held between two hands

Which of the following requires friction?

All of the above

Which straight-line acceleration indicates an increase in speed?

All of the above

The distance traveled by an object divided by the time it takes to travel that distance is called...

Average speed

If the net force on an object is zero than the object has ?

Balanced forces

In order to determine speed, you must know...

Both time and distance

AN airplane is flying at 635 mi/h at an altitude of 35,000 ft. It is currently over Kansas and is approximately 16 minutes ahead of schedule. What is its velocity?

Can't be determined without further information.

When centripetal acceleration occurs, an object ?

Changes direction

Which is an example of helpful friction?

Come back too me!!!

When velocity changes by the same amount over each time interval, acceleration is...


Displacement must always indicate ?


The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity includes...


Average speed can be represented by the mathematical expression...


A car is parked on a hill. In order to keep the car from rolling downhill, how great must the static friction acting on the car be?

Equal to the force that is pulling the car downhill

The equation for finding average acceleration for straight-line motion is ?

Final velocity - initial velocity/time

On a distance vs. time graph, the line of an object at rest is a...

Flat line with a slope of zero

Friction is defined as the...

Force that opposes motion between two touching surfaces

The force of gravity, the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force are considered....

Fundamental forces.

An object that changes position relative to a reference point is...

In motion

Which of the following speeds is the most accurate?

Incorrect answer: 100 miles per hour

A car moving at an average speed of 55.0 mi/h for 4.25 h has traveled...

Incorrect answer: 13 mi. Possible answer: 233.75

A cyclist is traveling at an initial speed of 10.0 m/s. She accelerates at a rate of 0.500 m/s2. What is her final speed after 9.0 s?

Incorrect answer: 14.5 m/s2

Which of the following statements is true?

Incorrect answer: Friction can exist between two objects even when they are not in contact.

Peter runs in a constant direction on a straight road. The velocity vs. time graph of Peter's motion shows a straight line with a negative slope. What does the line tell you about Peter's speed?

It is decreasing

In order to increase a car's speed, the force pushing if forward must be...

Kinetic friction

Force is a quantity made up of...

Magnitude and direction

When an object slows down, its acceleration is...


What happens when a car slows down and velocity changes?

Negative acceleration

The combination of all of the forces acting on an object is called the...

Net force

Which is an example of static friction?

Pushing a box that is at rest

If the net force acting on a stationary object is zero, then the object will...

Remain at rest

Which is not an example of sliding friction?

Rolling a ball across a desk

How can the friction on a water slide be reduced?

Run a constant stream of water down the slide

On a speed-time graph, a line with a negative slope indicates that the object is ?

Slowing down

When the motion of an object is shown by a straight line on a distance vs. time graph with distance on the y-axis, the slope of the line is the ?


The friction between objects that are stationary is called...

Static friction

On a speed vs. time graph, constant acceleration is represented by a...

Straight line

Net force is...

The combination of all the forces action on an object

On a distance vs. time graph of an object's motion, distance is usually ?

The dependent variable

An object is in motion when...

The object changes position relative to a frame of reference

An object is in motion when...

The object changes position relative to a stationary reference point.

A force is continuously applied to an object, causing it to accelerate. After a period of time, however, the object stops accelerating. What conclusion can be drawn?

The object is experiencing some kind of friction

On a velocity vs. time graph, what shows the value of the acceleration?

The slope of the line

Acceleration is defined as the change in velocity divided by ...


A game of tug-of-war is an example of...

Unbalanced forces

A tug-of-war that results in one team pulling the other across the line is an example of ?

Unbalanced forces

The Of an object consists of its speed and direction...


An object experiencing balanced forces...

has a net force of zero

The SI unit for speed is ?


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