physics 1-12

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what does 1 nm equal to in m




cross sectional area

A in resistance equation inversely related to R bc incr in A means incr # pathways thru resistor called conduction pathways

forced frequency

A incr, in early identical to swings natural freq

whats L in a string

L= λ/2, 2λ/2, 3λ/2

if an object turns without changing its speed what kind of F is acting on it

a net force perp to objects motion must have been acting on it

if two waves perfectly not out of phase??

A of resulting wave is difference of A of interfering waves

if two waves are perfectly in phase,???

A of resulting wave is equal to sum of A of interfering waves

PE stored in capacitor?

U= 1/2 CV^2

total internal energy equation

U= Q-W

how are change in U and W related?

U=W=Fdcos0= F x r x1= (k Q q)r/ r ^2= kQq/r d=distance that sep 2 charges and assumes F and displacement vectors are parallel

for constant acceleration, what is average velocity equation?

V AVG= (VF+VI)/2

voltage provided by cell is equal to? including int resistance

V= E cell - I rint Ecell= emf of cell I=current thru cell

electrical potential (V) equation

V= U/q= (kQq/r)/q= kQ/r

electrical pot equation containing cos 0 and dipole

V= kqd/ r^2 cos0= kp/ r^2cos0


a numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation.

electromotive force

aka emf/E voltage described when no charge moving btwn 2 term at diff pot values not actually a force 1V= 1J/ C

observation bias

aka hawthorne effect behavior of participants altered bc theyre being studied

absolute pressure

aka hydrostatic pressure total P exerted on an object that is submerged in a fluid

dielectric materials

aka insulation ex- air, glass, plastic, ceramic put in between plates of capacitor incr C by factor of k (dielectric constant) vacuum= k of 1 air=k of slightly more than 1 glass= k of 4.7 rubber= k of 7

coulomb's law definition

aka inverse of square of distance between them if d x 2--> square is d x 4 magnitude of Fe between two charges


aka isochoric volume held constant and work done by or on system is 0

whats a harmonic

aka n # 1/2 λs supported by a string


aka validity ability of instrument to measure true value

resistor in series

all I pass thru each R when 1 path for I to take, I will be some at every point in line

circular polarized light

all light rays have electric fields with equal intensity but constantly rotating direction expose unpolarized light to special pigment/ filters

electrical PE (U)

dep on relative position of 1 charge w/ respect to another charge amt of work necessary to bring charge from infinetely far away to that pt in electric field surr Q

xray diffraction

band of light rays to create model of molecules protein crystallography

why is the speed of the blood in the aorta much higher than speed of blood thru cap bed?

bc cross sec area of all capillaries added together is much greater than cross sec area of aorta

at constant velocity, what is force of air resistance equal to?

bc no net force, it is equal to force of gravity

E released in both fusion and fission why?

bc nuclei formed are moe stable than starting nuclei

when is the electric field 0?

bc two charges are same fields exerted by each charge at midpoint will cancel out and there will be no E


bending of light as it passes from 1 medium to another and changes speed

when n1>n2

bends away from normal

electrolytic conductance

dep on strength of solution measured via placing soluition as resister in circuit measure changes in voltage

electric field (E) equation

E= Fe/q= kQ.r^2 Fe= magn force felt by test charge q= test charge k= electrostatic constant r^2= distance between charges

gravitational PE

depends on objects position with respect to some level identified as datum

process functions

describe pathway from 1 equil o another


high f sound waves outside range of human hearing transmitter generates wave, which reflects off object and returns to transmitter (also the receiver)

when is voltage negative?

high potential to low potential bc q=+ Wab also neg which means U decr

do fluids have higher or lower speeds thru narrow tubes


photons of UV light have ____ E and _____ wavelength than visible light

higher E lower wavelength

shock wave

highly condensed wave front


hold charge at particular voltage ex- defib

definition of horizontal velocity

horizontal displacement divided by time

when horizontal pipe has variable cross sec area, water will flow the fastest and hydrostatic pressure will have its lowest value where ???

horizontal valye is narrowest

displacement in waves

how far a particular pt on wave is from equil position vector quantity

thermal expansion

how substance changes in length or volume as a function of change in temp


ideal absorbed of all of λ of light, appear completely black if at lower temp than surroundings

internal validity

identification of causality in a study between the IV and DV variables

case control

identify # subjects with/without particular outcome and then look backwards to assess how many subjects in each group had exposure to particular risk factor ex- 100 patients with lung cancer and 100 patients without are assessed for smoking history

how does a capacitor behave after voltage source has been removed from a circuit

if C discharges, then provides current in opp direction of initial current

how does dielectric affect charge

if capacitor isolated, stored charge remains constant bc no addition source of charge if in a circuit, stored charge incr

how does dielectric affect voltage

if capactor isolated then V will decr when k added if its in a circuit its V will remain constant bc dictated by voltage source

invalid data leads to???


spherical abberation

blurring of periphery of image as result of inadequate reflection of parallel beams at edge of mirror or inadequate reflection of parallel beams at edge of lens

statistic level

number of microstates increases, PE of molecule distributed over the larger number of microstates inc entropy

gamma decay affect on change in z and a

o for z 0 for a


object aborbs all colors of light except red. red object under green illumination appears black bc all green

if o is - mirror

object behind mirror rare

if o is + mirror

object in front of mirror

o is - lens

object on opp side of lens from light source(rare)

what is linear motion

object's velocity and accl are along line of motion so pathway of moving objects continues along straight line

0th law of thermo

objects are in thermal equilibrium when they are the same temp dont experience net exchange of heat energy


obligation to act in patients best interest


obligation to avoid treatment/ intervention in which harmful outweighs benefits

Hill's criteria

components of observed relationship that incr likelihood of causality in relationship aka correlation

r and f are - lens

concave (diverging lens)

what type of lens is convex mirror

concave lens

if velocity is slope, how determine if its zero acceleration?

if constant slope, then constant velocity and 0 accleration

resisotrs in parallel

if every R in parallel, then V drop across pathway alone must be equivalent toV of source

when light beam's frequency is above threshold freq...?

light becomes of greater I so produces a larger current

rectinlinear propagation

lights travels thru homogenous medium and travels in straight line

categorical variable

limited, fixed, # variables ex- state of residence, SES

equipotential lines

line on which potential at every pt is same potential diff between any 2 points on this line=0 concentric circles around Q

surface tension

liquid forms thin but strong layerlike a skin at liquids surface results from cohesion

minima in slit lens system

location of dark fringe

radio waves present on electromagnetic spectrum

long λ, low E, low f

when air resistance is a factor, ball with greater mass will have______ flight time and ______ maximum height

longer flight time and greater maximum height compared to smaller object with less mass air resistance acts against motion based on size and shape but heavier ball will resist change in inertia most


longitudinal wave s, l and gas but not in vacuum

convex mirror

look from outside spehere c and r are behind mirror aka diverging mirror bc parallel light incident rays diverge after they reflect f always negative (focal length)

F g perpendicular equation


what is normal force on object due to inclined plane



p better conductors of electricity # that characterizes iuntrinsic resistance to current flow si unit= ohm x meter


p (rho) p=m/v kg/m^3 /g/mL /g/cm^3

torque on a dipole in an electric field eqn

p= magnitude of dipole moment E= magnitude of uniform ext electric field 0= angle dipole moment makes w/ electric field

resistance equation

p=resistivity' L=length A= cross sec area

conservative forces

path indep. and dont dissipate E, only have PE associated w./ them ex- gravitational and electrostatic

state functions

pathway indep and are not themselves defined by process

forced oscillation

periodically varying F applied to system, system driven at freq= freq of F

during uniform circular motion, how are velocity and accleration vectors compared in position to each other?



process by which energy is transferred from 1 system to another measure of energy transfer


process of energy transfer between 2 objects at diff temps that occurs until 2 objects come into thermal equil and reach same temp


rebounding of incident light waves at boundary of medium waves that aren't absorbed in 2nd medium vs they bounce off boundary and travel back thru 1st medium


reciprocal of resistance si units= siemens (S) S/m for conductivity


refers to a connectin, direct relationship, inverse relationship or otherwise between the data

clinical significance

refers to the usefullness or importance of experimental findings to patient care or patient outcomes


reflected light in front of mirror but image appears behind it light only appears to be coming from position of image bu doesn't actually converge there

when object at F of convering mirror, reflected rays are ??and image is at ??

reflected rays are parallel and image is at infinity


refract light

when n2 >n1 ??

refracted light bends to normal bends to normal bc sin 02> sin 01 so 02> 01

what does bernoullis equation described

relationship between height, pressure and flow sum of static and dynamic pressure will be constant between any two points in closed system


reliability ability to read consistently/ narrow range

Ohm's law

represents voltage drop twn 2 points in circuit v=ir for a given R, V is directly prop to I


req active circuit use magn props of current carrying wire measure voltage drop across 2 points wired in parallel minimize impact on rest of circuit infinite resistance


resist movement of charge not easily distrubuted chrage over surface and wont transfer charge to neutral object weel electrons in these linked w/ their nuclei ex- nonmentals dielectric materials in capacitors isolating electrost exp from environ to prevent grounding


species absorb high freq light and then returns to its ground state each step has less E than absorbed light and within visible range of electromag spectrum small changes such as prot/depot, oxidation state changes or changes to bond order cause dramatic changes

when light is refracted, what changes

speed changes and wavelength but not frequency


spreading out of light as it passes thru narrow opening

electromagnetic spectrum

transverse waves perp to dir of propagation electric field oscillates up and down page magnetic field oscillates into and out of page

real lenses and equation

trhichkness cannot be neglected n= index of refraction of lens material

constant speed cannot tell you the direction of an object, true or false?


true or false (coefficient of static friction is never less than coefficient of kinetic friction


true or false, if an increase in speed occurs, an object experiences acceleration



true population variablilitymeasurement error or non-normal distribution

if person a weigs twice as much as person b, the force of air resistance on person a is??

twice as much as person b

units of power

watts= J/s

traveling wave

wave moving toward fixed end

what does length of medium dictate?


as light travels from one medium to another, what changes

wavelength freq and period

rate of nuclear decay

wavelength symbol= decay constant n= # radioactive nuclei that have not decayed yet in a sample

constructive interference

waves in phase x added A= sum of A of 2 waves

destructive interference

waves out of phase x counteract A= diff between A ex- noise cancelling headphones ( prod out of phase to cancel out)

if a frequency produced that is not equzl to natural freq,

then no increase in wagve A associated with resonating objects

paramagnetic material

weakly magnetisized in presence of external magnetic field align magn dipoles of material w/ ext magn field when removed, thermal E of indiv atoms will cause indiv magn dipoles to reorient randomly ex- gold, Al, Cu

on v vs. t graph, when is 0 acceleration occur?

when + to - or when minima or maxima occurs


sound waves above 20 Hz


sound waves below 20 Hz

what is net force on block while it is sliding?

Fnet= mgsin0-ukmgcos0

concave mirror

inside sphere to its surface c and r in freont of mirror converging mirror- parallel incident light rays converge after they reflect f= always + (focal length)

uniform circular motion

instant velocity vector always tangent to circ path, tendecny to break out of its circ path and move in line along tangent,

thin film interference

interference pattern bc liught waves reflecting off external surface of film interfere with light wave, reflect off internal surface of film ex- soap bubbles in parking lot

multiple slit

interference= displacements of waves added together constructive--> bright fringes (maxima)

for horizontal flow theres an _______ relationship between P and speed


relationship between r and pressure gradiet is? poiseuille's law

inverse exponential to 4th power

relationship between resistance and total cross sec area

inverse relatinship

how is electric field related to distance

inversely square relationship

if -m mirror


m is - lens

inverted i

real image

light actually converges at position of image ability to project onto screen

how to determine area under a curve of a graph?

multiply x and y axes together

example of process functions

work and heat

IV what axis on graph

x axis

what is displacement when avg velocity directly in middle of initial vel and final vel


DV what axis on graph

y axis

exponential decay graph

y axis= ln ( n/n0) x axis= time

can an object accelerate and have constant speed at the same time

yes because change in direction will result in change in velocity and may or may not result in change of speed, aka centripetal accleration

should a voltmeter and ammeter be placed in same circuit?

yes, they are designed to have minimium impact on circuit, thus can be used together

what does p stand for in pKa

- log Ka

what does p stand for in pH

- log [H+]

harmonic in closed pipe

# 1/4 λ supported by pipe


# of wavelengths passing a fixed pt/second units= Hz= cycles/second

when I increases... affect number of protons?

# protons/ unit time increases

Determination of direction from component vectors


1 newton equals

(1kg x m)/ s^2

what are the units of k in coulombs law

(N x m^2)/ C^2

if q are like charges then U is ?


when work is done BY system (ex- gas expansion), work is said to be + or -??


when gas compressed, + or - work on gas?

+ work done ON gas

B neg affect on change in z and a

+1 for z 0 for a

if q are unlike charges then U is ?


when work is done ON system (ex- gas compression), work is said to be + or -??


B pos affect on change in z and a`

-1 for z 0 for a

electron capture affect on change in z and a

-1 for z 0 for a

alpha decay affect on change in z and a

-2 for z -4 for A

What is the sin30


gravitational force everywhere inside a uniformly dense sphere or ring due to that sphere or ring is _____


what is ideal resistance of ammeter?


what is ideal resistance of ohmmeter


direction of B if q moving antiparallel or parallel

0 bc sin 180 and sin 0

law of reflection pic


total internal reflection

02=90 all light incident on boundary is reflected back into original material when any 0i > 0c

What is sin90






whats n in a vaccuum


what does 1 Pa equal?

1 Pa=1 N/m^2

what does 1 tesla (T) equal to?

1 T= 1 N xs/ m x c 1 T= 10^4 gauss

what does 1 volt (V)=?

1 Volt= 1 J x C

what is the specific heat of water

1 cal/ (g x K)

what is the smallest sound humans can hear

1 x 10^-12 W/ m^2

1 uF=??? F

1 x 10^-6 F

ray diagram for lensto determine where image is

1, ray parallel to axis--> refracts thru focal pt of front face of lens 2. ray thru/forward focal pt before reaching lens 3. ray to center of lens--> continue straight thru with no refraction



ray diagram for mirror rules

1. ray parallel to axis--> reflect back thru focal pt 2. ray thru focal pt--> reflect back parallel to axis 3. ray to center of mirror--> reflect back at some angle relative to normal

what does 1.013 x10^5 Pa equal?

1.013 x10^5 Pa= 760 torr= 760mmHg=1atm

whats n in water


1ev equal to what in J

1.602 x10^-19 J

what is the sin 30


red is what wavelength on spectrium


1 lb equal to what in newtons

1lb= 4.45N





n=2 in a string

1st overtone of 2nd harmonic 1/2 λ and twice for 1st harmonic


1x 10^-12F

parallel plate capacitor

2 electrically neutral metal plates connected to voltage sources + builds up on 1 plate conn to - on lower pot plate

electric dipoles

2 equal and opp charges sep d (distance) from each other can be transient or permanent looks like barbell

thin spherical lens

2 focal points, 1 on each side, each in this case so just 1 f


2 types: metallic and electrolytic reciprocal of resistance

1 inch equal to what in cm?


what is the audible sound range

20 Hz--> 20,000 Hz

whats λ in a string

2L/n n= harmonic

what does 1 debeye equal?

3.34 x 10^-30 C x m

which two angles result in same range R

30 and 60

1 liter equal to what in ounces

33.8 oz

what is the speed of air at 20 degree C

343 m/s

what does 98.6F equal to in Celsius


what does 100.4F equal to in Celsius


what is the speed of light

3x 10^8 m/s

whats the area of a circle

4 pi r^2

1st harmonic in closed pipe, n=1

4 λl

3rd harmonic in closed pipe, n=3

4/3 λl λ= 4L/n



visible light is what range


what angle results in greatest horizontal displacement?

45 because horiz displacement relies on both measurements



permitivvity of free space

8.85 x 10^-12 C^2/ N xm^2

in order to maximize height h, angle 0 should be?


What angle gives the greatest torque and what lever length gives greatest torque

90 Whatever is longest length

amount of charge in 1 mole electrons

96,485 C/mole e-

What is centripetal accl equation equal to?

A= v^2/r

If two springs are placed parallel to each other, what is spring constant of two spring

Add the spring constants together or multiply By 2!


Application of force at some distance from the fulcrum. This actually generates rotational motion not the mere application of force itself

If centripetal force rehired is greater than gravity where does orbiting object move? Less than gravity?

Away from planet of greater If less object falls toward planet

beta positive decay

B+ decary, aka positron emission decay of pronto into neutron emission of positron and neutrino

what is the net force on a block when it is sliding down a plane? focus of frictional forces

Fnet= mgsin0-ukmgcos0

intensity equation with sound level

B= sound level units in decibels Io= intensity of hearing

center of curvature

C pt on optical axis located at distance=radius of curvature from vertex of mirror

units of dipole moment

C x m

when Po= P atm then P gauge equals?

Pgauge= P-Po=pgz

What direction does a negative torque go


Which direction does a positive torque go

Counter clockwise

capacitors in series

Cs decr as more capacitors added incr d means C decr total votlage is sum of indiv voltages

what is the energy formula

Ffr x d = 1/2mv^2

What happens to the frictional force if angle of incline increases?


Effort distsnce

Determined work input of simple machine

Lever arm

Distance between applied force and fulcrum

WhT is lever arm in torque defined as

Distance from point of rotation to where force acts at 90

Load distance

Distance over which load acts determined work output of simple machine

uniform electric field equation w/ V and d



Fg, measure of grav force on an object's mass, newtons

Fg= ? buoyancy equation

Fg=pVg p=density

in an inclined plane, whats the normal force equal too?


When does translational equilibrium occur

Exists only when vector sum of all the forces acting on an object is 0. This object experiences constant velocity(constant speed and constant direction)

Newton's third law

F ab = -F ab, law of action and reaction; to every action, there's always an opposed but equal reaction

how to organize forces to know if a block is moving?

F down plane will overcome static frictional force so fdown=mgsin0 is larger than usmgcos0

u_k (coefficient of static friction)

F friction/ F normal

Newton's first law

F net= m x a=0, body either at rest or in motion with constant velocity will remain that way unless net force acted upon it aka law of inertia

Newton's second law

F net=m x a, object of mass m will accl when vector sum of forces results in same nonzero resultant force vector, note the net force and accl vector necessarily pt in same direction

What's force equation in centripetal accl problem?


Mechanical advantage

Factor by which simple machine multiples input force to accomplish work Makes it easier to accomplish given amt of work bc input force necessary to accomplish work is reduced Distance thru which reduced input force must be applied is increased

Fe=? using q and E

Fe= q x E

What is rotational motion

Force applied against object in such a way as to cause the object to rotate around a fixed pivot point aka fulcrum

Linear motion

Free fall and motion in which the velocity and acceleration vectors are parallel or anti parallel

how are intensity and distance from source related

I = 1/ d^2

how are intensity and amplitude related

I = A^2

junction rule= kirchoff

I into junction= I leaving junction

current equation

I= Q/ change in t Q= amt charge

mnemonic for real/upright images

IR and UV inverted images are real upright images are virtual

If dec mass of planet M then what happens to time required to make 1 orbit

Increases time


Input force of simple machine

maximum KE of ejected electrons equation

K max= hf- W W= work functuin

If mass accl downward, mg is greater than t by amount ma so equation to find tension in rope is

Mg= t +ma

Circular motion

Motion having radial and tangential dimensions, when uniform only centripetal force acting on it

Projectile motion

Motion that contains both x and y components, neglible air resistance, only force is gravity

If spring cut in half to make 2 new springs what is new spring constant

Multiple origin k by 2

Does changing length of spring affect hookes law


Does radius of planet affect gravitational force or orbit of satellite


Does radius of planet affect its gravitational force or orbit of satellite ?

No no affect

units for bernoullis equation

Nxm/m^3= J/m^3

Isochoric process

One in which has system undergoes no change in volume so no work performed If change in v is 0 years hold n area under curve is 0


Output force of simple machine, acts over load distance

gauge pressure

P in car/tire diff between absolute P inside tire and atmospheric P outside tire amt P in closed space above and beyond atmosp P

absolute pressure equation

P= absolute pressure Po= incident/ambient pressure @surface p(rho)= density g=accl z= depth of object

pressure (P)=


power equation using v i r


elastic PE

PE in a compressed spring

si unit of viscosity is?

Pa x s= Nxs/m^2

What is the orientation of the displacement and force vectors in uniform circles motion?

Perpendicular so no work done

what charge determines the electric field

Q but the q!

poiseuille's law

Q= flow rate( volume flowing per time) r=radius of tube change in p= pressure gradient n (eta)= viscosity of lfuid L= length of pipe aka rate of laminar flow


Ratio of machines work output to work input when no conservative forces are taken into account

voltage in parallel

Rp always decr as more R added


SG= p/(1g/cm^3)

what changes air resistance?

SURFACE area not mass hence why an elephant is greater affect by feather

If speed of object did not change but still turning in a circle, what is net forces direction compared to its motion

Since speed didn't change there's no work done on object which means there's no net force in direction of displacement A turn represents accl do requires s net force which is perpendicular st all times

period equation

T= 1/f

Torque equation

T= r x f= rFsin()

In uniform circular motion what direction does the instantaneous velocity vector point


Torque equilibrium definition

Torque about any point on object o any point in space must be 0

Kinematics equation (no displacement)

V=vi+ at

Kinematics equation (no time)

V^2= vi^2+ 2ax

What does mechanical advantage compare

Value of forces

what equation can we use for range in the horizontal velocity


What is different between static and dynamic equilibrium properies


work involving P and V changes

W= P x (change in)V

work function equation

W= h x ft

When does rotational equilibrium occur

When vector sum of all torques acting on an object is 0

X component vector equation


Kinematics equation (no final velocity )

X=vi t x (at^2/2)

Kinematics equation (no accl.)


Y component vector equation


Are the sum of forces proportional to acceleration of a system

Yes when system not in equilibrium

single slit equation

a= width of slit 0= angle between line from center of lens to dark fringe and axis of lens n= # of fringe wavelength= wavelength of incident wave

whats formula for accl of circle


external validity

ability of a study to be generalized to population it describes

electron capture

absorb e- from inner shell that combines with proton in nucleus to form neutron

type 1 error

accept incorrect rejection of null hypothesis aka report diff when 2 population when 1 actually doesnt exist alpha

how does acceleration due to gravity affect freq?

accl sets the frequency of a simple pendulum, and so it determines the response time to equilibrate an inverted pendulum

on a d vs t graph, what does constant slope or no change in velocity mean?

accl is 0

what sets the frequency of a simple pendulum

accleration due to gravity

what is slope of v vs t graph

accleration, multiply units together

absorption spectra

affected by small changes in molecular structure


aka attenuation decr A bc of applied/nonconservative F nonconserv forces affect this no effect on f so pitch wont change

arithmetic mean

aka average, most affected by outliers

dielectrics in isolated capacitors

aka charged capacitor disconnected from any circuit V decr bc dielectric material shields opp charge from each other therefore incr C by factor of dielectric constant

alpha decay

alpha particle, 4/2 alpha, 4/2 He

what angle results in greatest vertical displacement?

always be 0 as object returns to the starting point, exp greatest vertical distance

how does dielectric affect capacitance

always incr

nuclear binding E

amt E that's released when nucleons (protons and neutrons) bind together

specific heat

amt energy necessary to raise 1g of substance by 1 degree Celsius/K

half life event

amt time required for hjalf same of radioactive nuclei to decary


animal emitting sound is both source and detector

given an electric dipole, the electric potential is 0 at?

anywhere on perpendicular bisector of dipole axis and at infinity


appears most often may be multiple or 0 in a set

loop rule

around closed circuit loop sum of voltage sources= sum of voltage/potential drops aka conserve of E J/C V source= V drop

how are time t and angle 0 related?

as 0 increases, t increases

dose response curve

as IV incr, proportional incr in response

single slit

as slit narrows, light spreads out more lens placed between narrow slit and screen alternate bright and dark fringes

kirchoff's law

at any pt/ junction in circuit, sum of currents directed into that pt= sum of currents directed away conserve of electrical charge

diamagnetic material

atoms w/ no unpaired electrons no net magnetic field slightly repelled w/ magnet weakly antimagnetic ex- wood, plastic, glass, H20 and skin


attractice force that molecule of liquid feels toward molecules of some other substance ex- water droplets on windshield


attractive force that molecule of liquid feels toward other molecules of same liquid occurs within molecules with same properties

instant acceleration

average accl as change in time approaches 0


average rate of E transfer/ area across surface that is perp to wave units=watts/ m^2

standing waves

both ends of strings are fixed traveling waves excited in string interference between travel and reflected wave so wave form opposes stationary only apparent movement of string is fluctuation or amplitude at fixed points along length of string pipe opens at one end and closed at another support stand waves but closed end counters node and open end contains antinode

how are gravitational force and intertia related to mass?

both proportional

how is the pitch of sound controlled

by varying tension of cords perception of f of sound

secondary batteries

can be recharged via external voltage applied to drive current to + end of 2 battery aka acts as galvanic (voltaic) cell when discharges and electrolytic when recharges

Linear speed

changes relative to cross sec area linear displacement of fluid particles in given amt of time incr w/ decr cross sec area

cross sectional

categorize patients into diff groups at single pt in time

resonance frequencies

caused by vibrations

when does voltage of cell = to its emf?

cell mot driving any current, switch in open position and int resistance is 0

equilibrium position

central pt where waves oscillate from position

pascal's principle definition

change in P transmitted undiminished to every portion of fluid and to walls containing vessel

For an acceleration to occur, what must happen?

change in direction or change in magnitude

whats formula for slope on a graph?

change in y axis/ change in x axis

dependent events

changes depending on outcomes of other events

direct current

charge flows in 1 direction

law of conservation of charge

charge neither created nor destroyed


charges distributed evenly on surface transfer/transport electric charges nuclei w/ seq of electrons move rapidly thru material and loosen associated w. positive charges ex- metals ionic, electrolyte soultions

magnetic forces

charges dont sense their own fields, they sense field established by some ext charge/collect of charges

closed loop

circ system nonconstant flow rate resulting from values, gravity, phys props of vessels and mech of heaty measures as pulse

closed pipe

closed at 1 end and ope at other (antinodes) ex- clarinet, brass harmonic = # 1/4 λ supported by pipe odd number of harmonics f= nv/ 4L λ= 4L/n


conductive materials that offer R between 2 extremes

1st law of thermo

conservation of mech energy energy never created nor destroyed but rather transferred from one form to another

as I moves thru set of resistors, voltage drops some amt in each R, I is ????


if acceleration is constant, what's happening to velocity?

constantly changing

constructive interference in multiple slit

constructive--> bright fringes (maxima)

white light

contains all colors in equal intensity color seen is dep on color reflected


control for diff between subject groups in biomed research

what type of lens does a far-sighted person need?

convergent lenses move the image nearer to the lens of the eye

additional E from photon can be converted to excess??

converted to excess KE during photoelectric effect

what type of lens is concave mirro

convex lens

which produce virtual images

convex lens and plane mirrors

u_s (coefficient of static friction)


magnetic field

created by any moving charge si unit= tesla ex- electron thru space or current thru conductive material

out of phase

crest of wave and trough of another coincide phase diff=1/2 wave (wavelength/2) or 180 ( 1 cycle=1 wavelength = 360)

what is a vector times vector quantity?

cross product

when light beams freq is above threshold f, magnitude of resulting current is proporational to?

current and amplitude

current in nuclear phenonmena

current= charge flow/unit time


curved surface in which liquid crawls up the side of the container a small amount forms when adhesive forces are greater than cohesive forces

focal length

d between F (focal pt) and mirror

equation to find d when know a and t


what equation is used to solve for d when constant accleration

d=1/2at^2+ v0t d=1/2at^2 and if no initial accl then v0t--> 0

multiple slit equation

d=distance between 2 slits 0= angle between line drawn from midpt between 2 slits of dark fringe and normal n= # fringe wavelength= wavelength of incident wave

destructive interference in multiple slit

dark fringes are minima

beta negative decay

decay of neutron into proton with emission of electron and antineutrino

when 2 like charges move apart/ 2 opp move toward each other, U ?


what happens to Fn when incline plane angle increases?

decreases because gravity component into plane decreases so force friction decreases

how does air resistance affect a projectile

decreases max height and shortens range decreases trip upward but increases trip downwards

electric field lines

defn- imaginery lines represent how + q move thru Q charge drawn in direction of actual electric field vectors and indicate relative strength of E

voltage equation

delta V= Vb-Va= Wab/q Wab= work needed to move q thru electric field from pt a to pt b

how does friction oppose motion?

frictional force opposes motion of object to which it is applied relative to motion of object that applies the force

right hand rule 2nd

determine direction of magn F on moving charge rt thumb= dir of velocity/dir of movement fingers= dir of force vector for + charge back of hand= dir of force vector for - charge aka backhand neg person palm- force on + charge, high five positve person

Doppler ultrasound

determine flow of blood within body by detecting and shift associated with movement to or away from receiver

pitot tube

device that measures static pressure during flow to calculate speed

Doppler effect

diff between actual f and perceived F if source and deterctor move to each other f'> f

maximum KE in nuclear pheno

diff between hf and hft aka work function

mass defecet

diff between mass of unbounded nucleon and mass of bonded nucleons within nucleus unbounded constituents have more E and so more mass than bonded constituents amt of mass converted to E during nuclear fusion

interquartile range

diff between value of 3rd quartile and 1st quartile used to det outliers

if one object is heavier than another, will there be a difference in force or acceleration?

diff in force= increases because more inertia but acceleration remains the same

longitudinal waves

dir of particle oscillation is parallel tp propagation/movement of waves sound person move piston back and dorth to cause air mol to osciallate thru compression and rarefraction(decompression) slinky

transverse waves

dir of particle oscillation is perp tp propagation/movement of waves, wave in a stadium= move perp to dir by sitting up and down electromagn waves visible light, microwaves, xray attach to fix pt then shake arm up and down particles oscillate to dir of E transfer E delivered in dir of wave travel

relationship between cross sec area and force in pascal's principle

direct if work (force) doubles, so does cross sec area

right hand rule vector

direction of resultant when vectors multiplied

what seperates white light into its component colors

dispersion- light thru prism diffraction-thru diffraction grating that sep colors by their wavelength refraction-light dispersion as diff colors refracted at slightly diff angles in film

chromatic abberation

dispersive effect within spherical lens light dispersed within glass lens leads to form a rainbow halo at edge of lens

electrostat force is inversely related to?


what is the area under the v vs t graph?


what is needed to stop a vehicle

distance and time

I= mirror

distance between image and mirror

o= mirror

distance between object and mirror


distance from maximum of wave to next maximum

radius of curvature

distance from vertex of mirror r

sonic boom

high P then very low P heard when object traveling at or faster than speed of sound

what type of lens does a near-sighted person need?

divergent lenses move the image farther to the lens of the eye

what is the area under a curve if y-axis i velocity and x-axis is time

divide them so velocity/ time= displacement

independent events

doesnot change based on outcomes of other events


doesnt req active circuit, can give false reading or damaged if active own battery of known voltage function as ammeteres thru another pt in circuit

what is a vector times scalar quantity?

dot product

terminal velocity

drag force will eventuallybe equal in magnitude to the weight of the object and the object will fall with constant velocity according to newtons first law

energy of photon equation

e= energy of photon h= plank's constant (6.626x 10^-34) f= freq of light

whats the fundamental unit of charge

e=1.60 x 10^-19 C coulombs

electrostat force is directed related to?

each other

detection bias

educated pros using knowledge in consistent way

metallic conductance

electrical conductors free flow of electric charge metal atoms lose 1 or more outer electrons low IEs free to move around good electrical/thermal conductors metallic bonds equal distribution of charge density of free electrons across all of neutral atoms w/ metallic mass

Bohr model

electron energy levels stable and discrete, correspond to orbital absorb photon of light--> electrons jump from lower electrons to higher E orbit freq absorbed is same as energy, diff between orbits

if f > ft

eletrons ejected, max KE

plane polarized light

emit electric field in 2d electric fields of all waves oriented in some direction electric field vectors parallel B magnetic field vectors parallel

polarized light

emit electric fields only in 2D

gamma decay

emits gamma ray which converts high energy nucleus --> more stable nucleus


energy associated w/ given object's position in space or other intrinsic properties of the system


energy of motion related to speed not velocity

positive controls

ensure change in dep variable

Reversible process

equil processes that can go back and forth

perpendicular bisector of dipole

equipotential line to be aware of is plane that lies halfway between +q and -q -angle between this plane and dipole axis is 90 cos90=0 so electric potential at any point along plane is 0

confounding bias

error during analysis

open systems

exchange both energy and matter with their surr

closed system

exchange energy but not matter with surr

dipole place in electric field and allowed to equilibrate how would dipole react if direction of electric field is reversed?

experiences no rotational or linear movement


exposure (IV) must occur before outcome (DV)

frequency in closed pipe

f= nv/ 4L

open pipe frequency

f= nv/2L

what does f equal in a string

f= nv/2L

plane mirror

flat reflective surface neither converge nor diverge light rays remain parallel after reflection always prod virtual image bc no convergence image appears at same distance behind mirror as object is in front of it aka spherical mirrors with infinite radius of curvature infinitely large focal distance 1/o +1/i=0 or i=-o

alternating current AC

flow changes direction


flow of + charge btwn 2 points at diff electrical potential connections by conductor even though only neg charges moving aka I SI unit=ampere (1A=1C/1s) runs lower electrical potential to higher dir of I oriented in which + flows high to low

does electron lose or gain energy to be moved farther away from + Q

gain energy

why does an object resonate

force frequency equals natural (resonant) frequency A of osciallation increases

what is static friction

force that opposes movement of objects, between stationary object and surface upon which it rests

what is kinetic friction

force thats present between sliding object and surface over which the object slides ex- tires on ice

backwards convex meniscus

forms when cohesive forces> greater than adhesive forces


freq of periodic F=natural resonant freq of system, A @ maximum

what is the center of mass for a uniform object?

geometric center of the object

temperature and its relationship to resistance

greater R as temp incr incr thermal oscillation of atoms in conducive materials incr R to electron flow some materials don't follow this= glass, Si pure, most semi-conductors


ground or 0PE

what is acceleration of object down inclined plane


bright fringes are located??

halfway in between dark fringes

definition of dot product

have a magnitude proportional to cosine of angle between Q and R

what happens during a phase change?

heat energy causes chanhes in particles' potential energy and energy distribution/entropy NOT KE NO CHANGE IN TEMP

I is + lens

image opposite side of lens from light source (real)

I is - lens

image same side of lens as light (virtual)

venturi effect

in a closed system, theres a direct relationsgip between cross-sec A and P exerted on walls of tube

L (length)

in resistnace equation resistance dire3cted prop to L longer resistance= e travel greater distance linear ration

systematic error

inaccurate tool intro bias imprecise tool will still introduce error


include everything that is not part of system

type 2 error

incorrectly fail to reject null hypothesis report no diff between two populations when 1 actually exists B

when L increases does the period incr or decr


what would increase the velocity of object at bottom of ramp

incr height but not the angle 0

what would increase the net acceleration of mass m down the frictionless inclined plane

increase angle

how does f appear on electromagnetic spectrum

increase toward gamma rays but decreases to radio waves

if freq of applied F= natural freq of system then A of oscillation ______?


what happens to horizontal velocity as object slides down inclined plane


when 2 like charges move toward each other/or when 2 opp charges move apart, U ?


as f increases what happens to E

increases as well

aas angle 0 increases from 0 to 90, the range R....?

increases to a maximum of 45 then decreases

how does λ affect electromagnetic spectrum

increases toward radio waves but decreases to gamma rays

what does work depend on in voltage equation

indep of pathway taken, W only dep on potential @ 2 points

accl of a projectile is ____ of its mass


is the period of a simple pendulum is dependent or independent of the mass?


what explains why 2 objects of diff masses fall at same rate


what is ideal resistance of voltmeter?


continuous variable

infinite # possible value ex- amt weight lost, % improvement

when electrons falls from high E to low e... to higher E orbit?

it emits photon of same freq as energy between diff orbits

dead sea phenomenon of buoyancy

it has a lot of salt, about 35% more than ocean thus very dense and humans can float on top

how does bulk modulus change as go from g to liquid to solid

it increases

how does intensity of a sound change as distance from source doubles

it is 1/4 as intense

if the slope of a d vs t graph is not changing, just a straight line, what can we expect about our acceleration ?

its 0 because v is constant

what is not dependent on how much time it takes to stop a heavytruck

its stopping time is independent of mass and surface area of contact with road

when does maximum static frictional force occur at

just before block begins to move

coulomb's constant

k aka 1/ 4Pi E0

dielectrics in circuit capacitors

k placed in charged capacitor w/ circuit V constant bc equal to voltage source incr C, dielectric incr Q by cacpitor by factor of k (dielectric) incr C from incr in stored charge

coulomb's law (Fe)

k= coulomb's constant q1 and q2= magn of 2 charges r= distance between charges

if block slides down inclined plane at constant velocity, what does this mean?

kinetic frictional force on block is equal to force down inclined plane

hypothesis tests

known distributoin to det whether a hypothesis of no diff aka null can be rejected


lack of knowledge about which arm of the research study is better for the subject


large nucleus splits into smaller nucleu, incr nuclear mass

r and f are + lens

lens convex (converging)

gamma rays

less than 1-^-2nm

statistical significance

low likelihood of experimental findings being due to chance

low f means ____ for pitch?

low pitch

nonionic solution conductivity always lower or higher than ionic


fundamental frequency

lowest f, longest λ of standing wave that can be supported in given L aka 1st harmonic n=1 string

-log (n x 10^-3)

m-0.n slide decimal pt 1 position to left, aka divide by 10

multiple lens equation

m= m1xm2xm3...


magn of charge stored on 1 plate to pot diff (voltage) across capacitor si units= farads=1C/V


major exceptions to rules of internal resistance when cooled--> p (resistivity) drops to 0


max displacement of a wave from equilibrium position

amplitude (A)

max magnitude of displacement in wave aka max displacement from equil position to top of crest or bottom of trough NOT total displacement between rest and trough

open boundaries

max oscillation and correspond to antinodes ex- open end of pipe and free end of flag

central bright fringe

max twice wide as bright friends on side and as slit decr central max becomes wider


maximum of wave

negatively skewed

mean < median

positively skewed

mean > median


means of returning charge to earth


measure I @ same pt within circuit circuit must be on or at I=0A inserted in series where I measured and use magnetic props of I carrying wire if I high, special low resistance shunt should be used in parallel w/ it have 0R and no voltage drop across themselves


measure of body's inertia, amount of matter in an object, scalar, kg


measure of how much energy has spread out or how spread out energy has become

standard deviation

measure of variability about mean, det outliers

what does an ammeter measure and where is it placed

measures current placed in series w/ pt of interest

what does an voltmeter measure and where is it placed

measures potential difference (voltage) placed in parallel w/ circuit element of interest

what does an ohmmeter measure and where is it placed

measures resistance placed in two points in series w/ circuit element of interest

When can v = root 2gh be used

mgh = 1/2 mv^2. What this velocity represents is the velocity that an object with stored gravitational potential energy will be traveling when all of the potential energy is gone. In other words, if you drop an object of mass m, from a building of height h, and there is no air resistance, this equation will give you the speed it is going when it hits the ground.

F g parallel equation


what is net force on object down plane


work function

minimum E req to effect electrons related to ft

r is + and f is + mirror

mirror concave, converging

r is - and f is - mirror

mirror convex, diverging

as energy of incident photon incr above work function, what happens to KE

more KE ejected electron can possess

more binding E (nucleon released) -->

more stable nucleus`

diffraction gratings

multiple slits arranged in patterns ex- grooves, colorful on CD/DVD

how to determine the slope of a graph?

multiply axes together

what is equation/formula used to determine the accleration of a block sliding

net force on sliding block is force down plane minus kinetic frictional force up plane so accl is a=gsin0-ukgcos0

if no constant acceleration, can you use the linear motion equations?


does amplitude change when light travels from one medium to another

no bc wave fully transmitted there is no absorption or reflection so A unchanged

negative controls

no change in dep variable when no change is expected

Heat of transformation

no change in temp just changes in particles PE/entropy

if f < ft then?

no electrons ejected bc not enough E

isolated system

no exchange of matter or energy with surr

adiabatic process

no heat exchanged

does the mass of an object affect range and or max height?

no if there's no air resistance

closed boundaries

no oscillation and correspond to nodes ex- closed end of pipe, ends of strings


no other possible outcome


no viscosity

can an object change direction without changing acceleration?

no, a change in direction is a change in velocity and thus a change in acceleration

travel wave

nodes and antinodes that move with wave propagation

viscosity drag

nonconservative force that incr when incr viscosity of a fluid

how much work is done when q moved from 1 point on equipotential line to another

none work dep on potential diff of 2 lines, not path taken between them

standard distribution

normal distribution with mean of 0 and SD of 1 68% data points occur within 1SD, 95% with 2SD and 99% within 3SD

why doesnt a large cruise ship sink?

onject floats because avg density is less than that of water steel hull and all othe rlevels of ship have air in between them which lowers the ship's avg density to be less than water

binary variable

only 2 values ex- 0 or 1

what frictional forces affect a ball rolling down a hill

only static because rolling, not sliding

air resistance

opposes the motion of an object, its value incr as speed incr, causes drag fprce when object in free fall

attractives forces

opposite charges


opposition w/in material to movement and flow of charge conductor= 0 R instaltor= highest R

frequency of a wave is related to


when a flute covered one end for brief second, how does sound chage

pitch will go down

length of air column determines ??



plane polarized liught created by passing unpolarixed light thru this

definition of cross product

point in direction perpendicular to both vectors and have magnitude proportional to sine angle between Q and R

where does a positive electrostatic force point?

points from one charge away from other (repulsive)

where does a negative electrostatic force point?

points from one charge to the other (attractive)


points in waves remaining at rest no fluctuation in displacement A= 0 constantly


portion of universe that we are interested in observing

voltage (deltaV)

potential difference between points surrounding source charge

dynamic pressure

pressure associated with flow 1/2pv^2

static pressure

pressure associated with position

energy density

pressure is a ratio of energy per cubic meter

isobaric process

pressure is held constant

examples of state functions?

pressure, density, temp, volume. enthalpy, internal energy, Gibbs free energhy and entropy

centripetal force

prevents objects from breaking out of circ path, points radially inward


primary source of refractive power bc change in refractive index from air is significant aka converging lens

measures of central tendency

provide a single value representation for the middle of a group of data


pts midway between nodes fluctuate with max A max fluctuation

magnetic force on a moving point charge eqn

q= charge v= magn of velocity B= magn of magn field 0= smallest angle between velocity vector and magn field vector B


qualitative measure of how hot or cold an object is quantatatively related to avg KE of particles that make up a substance


quality of sound determined by natural freq of object

internal resistance

r int magnitude of R that causes drop in electrical potential (voltage)

focal length equation

r= radius of curvature between C and mirrror

confidence levels

range of values about a sample mean that are used to estimate the population mean

power defn

rate at which energy is transferred from 1 system to another Ratio of energy expenditure over time


rate at which energy transferred/transformed

exponential decay

rate at which radioactive nuceli decary is proportional to all number of nuclei that remain

wave speed

rate at which wave transmits the energy or matter it is carrying product of freq and wavelength

electrical potential (V)

ratio of magn of charge's electrical PE to magn of charge itself scalar sign determined by sign of Q inverse prop to d from Q

converging lenses

reading glasses far sighted people

if object placed at center of curvature of concave mirror, what is image

real and inverted

if I >0 mirror

real, in front of mirror is image


resistance of fluid to flow aka n these types of fluids lose energy when flowing

?? is an intrinsic property of a medium, and so it remains the same when the area of the plates is changed.



responsibility to respect pts decision about own healthcare


responsiblity to treat simliar pt with similar care and distribute healthcare resources fairly dictates which study ?s are worth pursuing and which subjects to use

turbulent flow

rough disordered form of eddies which are swirls of fluid of varying sizes

o is + lens

same side of lens as light source

repulsive forces

same sign charges

in vacuum all electrowaves travelwhat speed

same speed

open pipes are the same of different from strings?



sample data

metallic bond

sea of electrons flowing over or past a ridigid lattice of metal cations

n=3 in a string

second overtone or 2rd harmonic

period units



secure at both ends= nodes on sine wave, d from 1 node to next node is 1/2 wavelength if 2 anitnodes between ends, must be 3rd node

gamma waves present on electromagnetic spectrum

short λ, high E, high f

open pipes

similar to string if end is open= antinode at both ends open on both ends ex- flute

angular frequency (w)

simple harmonic motion radians/sec

object only has accl when v vs t graph is _____?



small nuclei combine into large nuceli, decr nuclear mass

laminar flow

smooth, orderly flow parallel to each other smooth flow lines around an object

in phase difference

some f, wavelength, A pass thru some space at same time crests and troughs line up phase diff=0

cohort studies

sorted into 2 groups based on diff in risk factors/exposures and then assessed at various intervals to det how many subject in each group had certain outcome ex- 100 smoker and nonsmoker followed 20 yr to det which got lung cancer

amplitude of wave is related to?

sound level/volume

what is the cos30?

sqrt 3/2

diverging lenses

standard glasses near sighted people

first law thermo

statement of conserv of energy, total energy in the universe can never decrease or increase

second law thermo

states that in a closed system ( up to and including the entire universe), energy will spotaneously and irreversibly go form being localized to being spread out/dispersed

4 fundamental forces of nature are

strong and weak nuclear forces electrostat gravitation


study of stationary charges and forces created by and which act upon these charges

selection bias

subjects used for study not representative of target populations ex- gender more prevalent age profile

what two things is the coefficient of kinetic friction dependent on?

substances of contact surfaces independent of the SA

total energy of a system

sum of all its potential and motional energies

lorentz forces

sum of electrostat and magnetic forces

electric field (E)

surr every electric charge exerts force on other charges that move into space of field attract/repulse dep on q (stationary test charge), charge placed and Q(source charge) actually created E

energy defn

system's ability to do work

isothermal processes

temp constant, change in internal energy and therefore 0

+q moves in direction of?

that U decr aka - voltage but U decr in both cases so Wab neg

-q moves in direction that?

that U incr, aka + voltage but U decr in both cases so Wab neg

boundary layer

thin layer of fluid adjacent to wall in laminar flow


threshold frequency minimum f of light that causes ejection of electrons all or nothing dep on chemical composition

right hand rule

thumb= direction of I wrap fingers around I carrying wire fingers mimic circ field lines curling around wire

equation for time when average velocity asked to be calculated

time=distance traveled/speed

Doppler effect mnemonic

top sign for toward, bottom sign for away

torque on a dipole in an electric field defn

torque causes dipole to reorient itself so dipole moment aligns with electric field (E)

in order for object to move in circle at constant speed, object must experience a net force where?

toward center of circle

when detector going toward source what is sign convention

toward= +

sinusoidal waves

transverse or longitudinal indiv particles oscillate back and forth with a displacemt that follows sin pattern

what is the friction coefficient equal to if force up equals the force down


if block on inclined plane is in motion, what coefficient of friction is used?


natural process

ultimately irreversible

how is the direction of electrostatic force obtained

unlike charges attract and like charges repel force points along line connected centers of 2 charges

ferromagnetic material

unpaired electrons and permanent atom magn dipoles that normally orient randomly so no net dipole strongly magnetisized when exposed to magn field ex- iron, nickel, cobalt bar magnet w. N & S pole

how is electric field related to test charge


if +m mirror


m is + lens

upright i

when I does not equal 0 and int resistance mst be taken into account what does voltage less than?

v <emf

propagation speed equation

v=f x wavelength

speed of sound eqatuion

v=speed of sound B= bulk modulus (measure of mediums resistance to compression) p= density


value that lies in middle of a data set 50% data points are above and below it


various wavelengths of light seperate from each other in prism white light--> all colors red =least amt refraction so on top violet= small wavelength, bent at greater extent greater amt of refraction


vector quantity, pathway taken does not matter, change from initial to final position

air resistance increases with which three things?

velocity, SA and air density

which initial velocity determines time of flight?

vertical initial velocity

If I < 0 mirror

virtual, bhind mirror


volume of sound wave we perceive its intensity

flow rate

volume/time constant for closed system indep of changes in cross-sec area aka Q

free fall

when an object falls with constant accl due to gravity and not reach terminal velocity

when is friction static?

when block is not sliding. contacting surfaces are not sliding relatie to each other

when is friction kinetic?

when block is sliding. contacting surfaces are sliding relative to each other velocity could be constant so net force is 0 if the plane was frictionless then the block would acclerate

centripetal acceleration

when centripetal F no longer acting on an object and the object exits the circular pathway and assumes a path tangential to circle at that point

when does attenuation increase

when increased frequency bc more motion over which nonconserv forces cam dampen sound

photoelectric effect

when light of sufficiently high f (blue--< UV light) is incidient on metal in vacuum metal atoms emit electrons

principle of superposition

when waves interact with each other, x resulting of resultant waves= sum displacement of 2 interacting waves

for strings attached at both ends, the number of antinodes determines?

which harmonic it is

length of open pipe?


wavelength in open pipe?

λ= 2L/n

wavelength in closed pipe

λ= 4L/n

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