Physics 1

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If v stands for velocity of sound, E is elasticity and d the density, then find x in the equation v=(d/E)^x


You are in a lift moving from the 3rd floor to the 12th floor, through a height H. If the elevator. moves at a constant speed without stopping, what is the work performed on you by the elevator? Take your body mass as M.


The velocity of sound waves in vacuum is


If the unit of force is 10N, that of length is 2m and that of velocity is 100m/sec, then the unit of mass is


The dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 1 Poise. What should one multiply to it to get the answer in N-s/m²?


The coulomb's force between the 2 point charges 10µC and 5µC placed at a distance of 150 cm is

0.2 N

The melting point of water is:


If M^aL^bT^c is dimensional formula of momentum, and M^xL^yT^z dimensional formula of energy ,find the value of ax+by-c z .


Perfect absorber has absorption coefficient of


10⁵ Fermi is equal to

1 Angstrom

1 Pa is equal to

1 Nm⁻²

The relative permittivity of most materials lies between

1 and 10

One thousand electrons, each of which carries a charge of -1.6x10⁻¹² coulomb are removed from an initially neutral pitch ball. The resulting charge on the pitch ball is

1.6x10-15 coulomb

A wooden cube of sides 10 cm each dipped in water. The up thrust of water would be

10 N

The up thrust of water acting on a wooden cube of sides 10cm immersed completely in water is

10 N

At a height of about 30 km, the atmospheric pressure becomes

1000 Pa

At sea level, the atmospheric pressure is about

101.300 Pa

The kinematic viscosity of a fluid is 0.1 Stokes. What will be the value is m²/s?


As compared to water, mercury is denser

13.6 times

The density of mercury is

13.6 times of water

A packet contains silver powder of mass 20.23 g ± 0.01 g. Some of the powder of mass5.75g ± 0.01 g is taken out from it. The mass of the powder left back is

14.48 ± 0.02 g

If M^aL^bT^cI^d is dimensional formula of resistance, then the value of 4a+5b+c-2d=0


A positive and a negative charge are initially 4 cm apart. When they are moved closer together to that they are now only 1 cm apart, the force between them will be

16 times larger than before

A force 100N acts on a body. If the units of mass and length are doubled and unit of time is halved, then the force in the new system changes to


There are two bodies X and Y with equal kinetic energy but different masses m and m respectively. The ratio of their linear momentum is-


The radii of two wires of a same material are in ratio 2 : 1. if the wires are stretched by equal forces, the stress produced in them will be


If a 1 m long steel wire having area 5 * 10⁻⁵ is stretched through 1 mm by force of 10, 000 N then young modulus of wire is

2 * 10¹¹ N m⁻²

In a wire, when elongation is 2 cm energy stored is E. if it is stretched by 10 cm, then the energy stored will be

25 E

The potential at a point due to a charge is 9 V. If the distance is increased three times, the potential at that point will be

27 V

If M^aL^bT^c is dimensional formula of force, find the value of 2a-b-c


The states of matter are


The wavelength of sound in air is 10 cm. its frequency is, (Given velocity of sound = 330 ms)

3.3 kilo cycles per second

A boat of 8 meters and 40 meter long floats on water. I 125000 N of cargo is added, it will sink

4 cm

If the unit of force and length are doubled, the unit of energy will be

4 times

What is the energy stored per unit volume in a copper wire, which produces longitudinal strain of 0.1% [Y=1.1x10¹¹ N/m²]

5.5 x 10⁴ J/m³

If the unit of force were 20N, that of power were 1MW and that of time were 1 millisecond then the unit of length would be


The value of electric permittivity of free space is

8.85 x10⁻¹² C²/Nm²

A charged oil drop is stationary between a pair of horizontal parallel plates. If the drop carries a charge 3.2x10⁻¹⁰ coulomb and has a mass 1.6x10⁻¹⁹ kg, then the potential difference between the plates

80 V

If the medium between two charges is air, then the value of constant k in SI units will be

9 × 10⁹ Nm²C⁻²

Sound wave cannot get.


Which of the following is not correct for the condition for work not to be done:

Displacement is zero, though force is non-zero

.... When an object moves through a fluid experience a retarding force is known as

Drag force

Which of the following is the best insulator?


Which of the following is a dimensional constant?

Gravitational constant

Which of the following units denotes the dimensions (ML2/Q2], where Q represents the electric charge?


For small deformations the stress and strain are proportional to each other. This is called

Hook"s Law

The strain produced in a body by the stress applied to it is directly proportional to the stress within the elasticity limit of the body is called

Hooke's law

Which of the following force is non-conservative?

Human push or pull

The unit of stiffness is:

Newtons per metre

In SI, the unit of stress is


The SI unit of power is Young's modulus is


Which of the following is not a kind of potential energy?

Nuclear potential energy

A Newtonian fluid is defined as the fluid which

Obeys Newton's law of viscosity

Echo is caused due to of sound.


On charging by conduction, mass of a body may

increase or decrease

Mass of the liquid cylinder is equal to its

volume * density

Solids have fixed

volume and shape

The acceleration of the particle performing uniform circular motion is


Name the characteristics of the sound that are affected by the change in temperature.


If two masses (M & m) are connected on a horizontal plane and a force is applied on the combination, then the tension T depends on

whether force is applied on M or m

The dimensions of kinetic energy is same as that of


A positively charged rod is brought near an uncharged conductor. If the rod is then suddenly withdrawn, the charge left on the conductor will be


The modulus of rigidity of water is


A point charge in space is attracted towards a dielectric material because of the

maximization of electrostatics flux

The value of k in coulomb's law depends upon

medium between two charges

Matter changing from a solid to a liquid is called:


Which of the following is NOT a way that matter changes phase?


(ML⁻¹T⁻²) is the dimensional formula of

modulus of elasticity

The ratio of shearing stress to the corresponding shearing strain is called

modulus of rigidity

Matter is made up of particles known as


What is the maximum possible number of components of a vector can have

Any number

When an object is totally or partially immersed in a liquid, an up thrust acts on it equal to the weight of the liquid it displaces. This statement is called

Archimedes principle

Pressure is defined as the force per unit ..............over the surface of a body.


Charge is

All of these

Which of the following elastic moduli is used to describe the elastic behaviour of object as they respond to the deforming forces acting on them?

All of these

rad / sec is the unit of

Angular velocity

At which place of the earth, the centripetal force is maximum

At the equator

...... Law of conservation of energy is based upon

Bernoulli's theorem

Which of the following is called a fictitious force?

Centrifugal force

Ampere second is a unit of


In annihilation process, in which an electron and a positron transform into two gamma rays, which property of electric charge is displayed?

Conservation of charge

The continuity equation is the result of application of the following law to the flow field

Conservation of mass

The force of attraction or repulsion between two charges q1 and q2 at a distance d meters apart is proportional to the product of charges q1 and q2 and is inversely proportional to the distance square between the two charges. Above statement is attributed as:

Coulomb's law

The law, governing the force between electric charges is known as

Coulomb's law

What is the unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound?


If a material is heated and annealed, then its elasticity is


Elastic body is the body that returns to its original shape after a .........


The bubble is stable because the atmospheric pressure inside and outside is


In a system of units if force (F), acceleration (i) and time (T) are taken as fundamentals units then the dimensional formula of energy is


Centripetal force always acts at 90 degrees to the velocity, and away from the centre of the circle.


The vibrations in which amplitude of vibrations remains constant are called damped vibration


What is the study of the properties of fluids in motion is called

Fluid dynamics

Stress is defined as the .............. per unit area of a material.


How should the force applied on a body be varied with velocity to keep the power of force constant?

Force should be inversely proportional to the velocity of the body

When the vibrations of a body are maintained by its own elastic forces then such vibrations are called

Free vibrations

Bernoulli's equation cannot be applied when the flow is

all of the above

Which of the following substances has a higher melting point than water?

all of the above

Incompressible and non viscous fluid is called

Ideal fluid

Which of the following pairs has the same dimensions?

Impulse and momentum

A force which acts for a small time and also varies with time is called:

Impulsive force

A model aeroplane fastened to a post by a fine thread is lying in a horizontal circle. Suddenly the thread breaks. What direction will the aeroplane fly?

In a straight line at a tangent

The number of significant figures in a pure number 410 is


Out of the following materials, whose elasticity is independent of temperature?

Invar steel

Water is different from other substances because:

It is less dense as a solid than liquid

Coulomb's law is true for

all the distances

What happens when some charge is placed on a soap bubble?

Its radius increases

Which of the following is a unit that of force?


Which of the following statements is false:

Kinetic energy is negative

The displacement of particle moving along x-axis with respect to time is r=at+bt²-ct³. The dimension of c is


If the Reynolds number is less than 2000, the flow in a pipe is


The ratio of the change in dimension at right angles to the applied force to the initial dimension is known as

Lateral strain

The base quantity among the following is


Which of the following is not a unit of time?

Light year

Stress strain relationship for Newtonian fluid is


In waves, matter in the medium moves forward and backward in the same direction the wave travels.


Which of the following is the dimension of kinematic viscosity?


The dimensions of kinetic energy is


The dimensional formula of coefficient of viscosity is


The formula of friction force F in a liquid was first suggested by


When impurities are added to an elastic substance, its elasticity

May increase or decrease

Quantisation of charge was experimentally demonstrated by

Millikan's oil drop experiment

[ML⁻¹ T⁻²] is the dimensional formula of

Modulus of elasticity

Which of the following have the same dimensions as Plank's constant?

Moment of momentum

Which of the following physical quantities has different dimensions?


Strokes law holds for

Motion through a viscous medium

Which of the following operations with two vectors can result in a scalar


Which of the dimension of dynamic viscosity?


Dimensional formula of latent heat


Longitudinal strain is possible in the case of

Only solids

In SI units, the unit of pressure is


In the longitudinal waves the direction of vibration in medium of particle is

Parallel to propagation

A change in the pressure applied to an enclosed incompressible fluid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the fluid to the walls of its container. It is called..........

Pascal"s Law

Pressure applied at any point of a liquid enclosed in a container, is transmitted without loss to all other parts of the liquid is called

Pascal's Law

The hydraulic press works on the principle of

Pascal's law

Which one of the following is the CGS unit of dynamic viscosity?


Which of the following is not the application of ultrasonic?


In magnitude hydraulic stress is equal to

hydraulic pressure

Coulomb's law is only true for point charges whose sizes are

very small

Stokes law hold for bodies of

Spherical shape

Energy is not carried by

Stationary wave

Which of the following is a unit of kinematic viscosity?


Which one of the following is not a unit of dynamic viscosity?


Is the ratio of change in dimensions to the original dimensions.


Zero error in an instrument introduces

Systematic error

We can reduce random errors by

Taking large number of observations

(Density/mass) is equal to


When the intermolecular distance increases due to tensile force, then

There is an attractive force between the molecules

What does fluid means?

To flow

In waves, matter in the medium moves back and forth at right angles to the direction the wave travels.


Elasticity is the property of solid materials to return to their original shape and size after the removal of deforming forces.


In Simple Harmonic Motion, acceleration is directly proportional to displacement


Railway tracks are banked at the curves so that the necessary centripetal force may be obtained from the horizontal component of the reaction on the train


Restoring force is the force exerted on a body or a system that tends to move it towards an equilibrium state.


Sound waves cannot travel in outer space because these are mechanical waves.


The minimum distance of an obstacle for echo to be heard is 16.6 m


Wave is a form of disturbance.


Which type of waves does not require matter to carry energy?

Ultrasonic waves.

... The internal fraction of fluid is known as


Property of fluid that describes its internal resistance is known as:


In the above question dimensions of b/c are the same as those of

Wave velocity

Is the distance from the top of one crest of a transverse wave to the top of the next crest in that wave


When does the potential energy of a spring increase?

When spring is compressed or stretched

The ratio of stress to tensile strain is called

Young's modulus

The standing waves can be produced

a and c

An electric field can deflect


Two physical quantities whose dimensions are not same, cannot be :

added or subtracted in the same expression

Atmospheric pressure acts in

all of above

The angle through which the outer edge is raised above the inner edge is called

angle of banking

Shearing strain is expressed by

angle of shear

Joule second is a unit of

angular momentum

Streamline and equipotential lines in a flow field

are perpendicular to each other

Longidudinal stress depends on


The pressure is defined as the force acting per unit


The Earth is surrounded by a cover of air called


Charge is the property associated with matter due to which it produces and experiences

both electric and magnetic effects

A passenger in a moving bus is thrown forward when the bus is suddenly stopped. This is explained

by Newtons first law

Quantisation of charge implies

charge, which is a fraction of a coulomb is not possible.

If an object possesses an electric charge, it is said to be electrified or ... A... When it has no charge, it is said to be ... B... Here. A and B refer to

charged, neutral

When a comb rubbed with dry hair attracts pieces of paper. This is because the

comb polarizes the piece of paper

Copper is highly


When some charge is transferred to ...A... it readily gets distributed over the entire surface of ... A... If some charge is put on ... B..., it stays at the same place. Here, A and B refer to

conductor, insulator

The ratio of stress to strain is


The molecules of matter are

continuously vibrating

Two charges are placed at a certain distance apart. A brass sheet is placed between them. The force between them will


To push the liquid up in straw the air pressure inside it is


If the relative permittivity of the medium increases, the electric intensity at a point due to a given charge


When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, the field strength


When the relative permittivity of the medium is increased, the force between two charges placed at a given distance apart


Mass per unit volume is called


The velocity of sound in any gas depends upon

density and elasticity of the gas.

The unit of strain is:


When a body is charged by induction, then the body

does not lose any charge

The elastic or matter waves in a solid are

either longitudinal or transverse.

The maximum limit up to which stress is applied on the body without deformation is called

elastic limit

The property of a body to restore its original size and shape as the deforming force ceases to act is called


A region around a stationary electric charge haselectric field

electric field

With the propagation of longitudinal wave through a material medium, the quantities transmitted in the propagation direction are :


With the propagation of longitudinal wave through a material medium, the quantities transmitted in the propagation direction are :


If a body is negatively charged, then it has

excess of electrons

Physical independence of force is a consequence of

first law of motion

If the weight of an object is equal or less than the up thrust acting on it then the object would


We can calculate pressure 'P' by the formula


Whenever a wave enters from one medium to the another, its

frequency does not change.

The matter whose molecules have random motion and move with very high velocities is


The object will sink if its weight is

greater than up thrust on it

To produce both transverse and longitudinal waves, we can use a

helical spring

As one penetrates a uniformly charged sphere, the electric flied strength E


Newton's first law of motion describes the


Reynolds number signifies the ratio of

inertial forces to viscous forces

The bulk modulus of a perfectly rigid body is


When the potential difference across the electric field intensity between the parallel plate air capacitor is doubled, plates

is independent of the potential difference

The speed of sound in a medium depends upon

its elasticity as well as its inertia

SI unit of density is


The SI Unit standard for mass is the:

kilograme (kg)

As compare to longitudinal waves, the transverse waves move through solids at a speed of

less than half

Liquids have attractive forces

less than solids

The matter can be filled in any container of any shape is

liquids and solid

When a tuning fork vibrates, the waves produced in tuning the Fork are

longitudinal in stem and transverse in prongs

As compared at sea level, the atmospheric pressure on mountains is


Two spheres A and B of exactly same mass are given equal positive and negative charges respectively. Their masses after charging

mass of A < mass of B

The period of a simple pendulum is independent of

mass of the bob

The unit of strain is

no unit

209. One farad is the same as

one coulomb/volt

One volt is the same as

one joule

The unit of Young's modulus of elasticity is:


The fourth state of matter is called


The state of matter in which a gas occurs in its ionic state is known as


Torr' is the unit of


A floating object displaces a fluid having a weight equal to the weight of the object as per the

principle of floatation

As per Coulomb's law, the force of attraction or repulsion between two point charges is directly proportional to the

product of the magnitude of charges

All of the following are phases (states) of matter EXCEPT:


The substance which shows no elastic after effect practically is


Midway between two equal and similar charges, a third equal and similar charge is

remain in stable equilibrium

If both the length and radius of the wire are doubled, then how does the modulus of elasticity change?

remains unchanged

The body is said to be elastic if it

returns to original shape after applying pressure

If the length of a wire is reduced to half, then it can hold the

same load

Electric potential is a

scalar quantity

The change in the shape of a regular boy is due to

shearing strain

If the weight of an object is greater than the up thrust acting on it then the object would


In which of the following state, the molecules do not leave their position?


This matter has a fixed shape and volume with particles closely packed together with little movement. It is a....


Longitudinal waves move faster through


Stone, metal spoon, pencil are examples of


Gases are much lighter than

solids and liquids

From the following, the example of a longitudinal wave is

sound wave

238.The velocity of sound in a gas is proportional to :

square root of the adiabatic elasticity.

A comparison of such a change caused by the stress with the original shape, volume or length is called


The force acting on the unit area on the surface is called


The force acting on unit area of the surface of a body is called


In Hooke's law, constant is equal to


Matter changing from a solid to a gas is called:


(Change in length/original length) is equal to

tensile strain

The breaking stress for wire of unit area of cross-section is called its:

tensile strength

The weight of a body is 12g. This statement is not correct because:

the correct symbol for the unit of weight has not been used

Two charged spheres of radii 10 cm and 15 cm are connected by a thin wire. No current will flow if they have

the same potential

A body is positively charged, it implies that

there is positive as well as negative charge in the body but the positive charge is more than negative charge

On the basis of dimensional equation, the maximum number of unknown that can be found, is


In order to make an object font, its weight should be equal to

up thrust acting on it

On rubbing, when one body gets positively charged and other negatively charged, the electrons transferred from positively charged body to negatively charged body are

valence electrons only

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