Physics- Ch 7, Physics Ch 8 MC, Physics Ch 9 MC, Physics Chapter 10 MC, Physics Ch 11 MC, Physics Ch 17 MC, Physics Ch 16 MC

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A cylindrical bottle is partially filled with water. When air blows across the top of the bottle, a standing wave is produced? Is there a node or antinode at the top of the bottle? a. Antinode b. Node

a. Antinode

The bending of a wave around an obstacle or edges of an opening is known as...? a. Diffraction b. Sublimation c. Interference d. Rarefaction

a. Diffraction

What is the natural frequency of a mass m hanging at the end of a massless string of length ? a. Not enough information is given. b. 1/2pi(squareroot(k/m) c. squareroot(g/L)

c. squareroot(g/L)

Which of the letters below most closely matches the location of the center of gravity of the baseball bat? (picture of bat with point A at the small end, point B in the thin section after point A, point C the thicker section on the middle, point D on the thick end)

point C

The drawing shows three particles that are moving with different velocities. Two of the particles have mass m, and the third has a mass 2m. The third particle has a velocity of v3 = +7.3 m/s. At the instant shown, the center of mass (cm) of the three particles is at the coordinate origin. What is the velocity vcm (magnitude and direction) of the center of mass?

velocity of center of mass= 2.65 m/s direction: along +x-axis

What is the distance between the center of a condensation and the center of an adjacent rarefaction in a sound wave of wavelength λ?


According to the Fletcher-Munson curves, for which intensity level (as labeled at 1000 Hz on the graph) can humans hear all frequencies between 40 Hz and 1000 Hz most equally well?

100 dB

The radius of each wheel on a bicycle is 0.400 m. The bicycle travels a distance of 3.0 km. Assuming that the wheels do not slip, how many revolutions does each wheel make?

1.2 x 10^3 revolutions

According to the Fletcher-Munson curves, to which frequency is human hearing most sensitive?

3700 Hz

How long does it take the thunder from a lightening strike to travel one mile (in air)?

4.7 s

Assuming the speed of sound in human tissue is 1540 m/s, what frequency of sound would you need in order to image a spherical cyst of diameter 2.0 mm using an ultrasound device?

> 0.8 MHz

The figure shows an overhead view of a large door that is free to pivot on a hinge along its left edge. A force is applied to the door in four different ways. The magnitude of the force is the same in each case. In which case is the torque on the door the largest? a. hinge Force(upward, straight, at the other end) b. hinge Force (upward, diagonal, at the other end) c. hinge Force (upward, straight, middle) d. hinge Force (sideways towards the hinge)


A rotating object has an angular acceleration of α = 0 rad/s2. Which one or more of the following three statements is consistent with a zero angular acceleration? A. The angular velocity is ω = 0 rad/s at all times. B. The angular velocity is ω = 10 rad/s at all times. C. The angular displacement θ has the same value at all times.

A, B, and C

Suppose the longitudinal component of a wave created by an earthquake is travelling from east to west. As it passes through your position, how would you expect to move?

East and west.

True or False: Two sound waves passing through the same area at the same time will always produce a sound wave that is louder than the original two?


You happen to observe lightning strike the same tree (a mile away) at two different times of the year. You recall the first one was on a hot summer night, and the second one was during a rare winter storm on New Year's Eve when the temperature was below zero. What statement is true? Assume the sound is moving in an ideal monatomic gas.

It took the thunder a longer time to reached your ears on New Year's Eve

Suppose you were bungee jumping from a bridge while blowing a hand-held air horn. How would someone remaining on the bridge hear the pitch of the air horn as time increased?

The pitch would get progressively lower (i.e., smaller frequency).

Suppose you are using a Doppler flow meter to measure blood speed in two different arteries. In one case the frequency of the reflected wave is shifted by +200 Hz, and the wave reflected from the other artery is shifted by -200 Hz. What can you say about the velocity components of the blood flow in the two arteries.

The two blood flow velocity components have about the same speeds but flow in opposite directions.

How would you describe thunder and the light from lightening as waves?

Thunder longitudinal, lightening transverse.

A certain dog whistle simultaneously emits a range of frequencies above 50 kHz. How can this sound be characterized?


A ball is dropped from some height onto an unstrained vertical spring (mounted to a tabletop) and compresses it. Consider an instant where the spring has not yet brought the ball to a halt, but is still in the process of compressing. What types of energies are associated with the spring-ball system at that instant? Assume that the zero of gravitational energy is at the level of the tabletop. a. Gravitational, kinetic, and elastic b. Kinetic and elastic c. Gravitational and kinetic d. Gravitational and elastic

a. Gravitational, kinetic, and elastic

The tension in a guitar string is doubled. By what factor does the frequency of the vibrating string change? a. It increases by a factor of squareroot(2). b. It decreases by a factor of squareroot(2). c. It increases by a factor of 2. d. It decreases by a factor of 2.

a. It increases by a factor of squareroot(2).

The drawing shows two objects rotating about a vertical axis. The mass of each object is given in terms of m0, and its perpendicular distance from the axis is given in terms of r0. Which of the following is true? (A= r0, 10m0; B= 2r0, 2m0) a. Object A has a greater moment of inertia than Object B. b. Object B has a greater moment of inertia than Object A. c. The moments of inertia of Objects A and B are equal.

a. Object A has a greater moment of inertia than Object B.

Water is flowing down through the pipe shown in the drawing. Point A is at the higher elevation, while B and C are at the same elevation. The cross-sectional areas are the same at A and B. Rank the pressures at the three points, largest first. a. PC, PB, PA b. PB, PC, PA c. PA, PB, PC

a. PC, PB, PA

When two or more waves are present simultaneously at the same place, the resultant disturbance is the sum of the disturbances from the individual waves. This is a statement of the... a. Principle of linear superposition b. Principle of wave dynamics c. Principle of amplitude addition

a. Principle of linear superposition

In the drawing, water flows from a wide section of a pipe to a narrow section. In which part of the pipe is the volume flow rate the greatest? a. The volume flow rate is the same in both sections of the pipe. b. The narrow section. c. The wide section.

a. The volume flow rate is the same in both sections of the pipe

The moon is 3.85 × 108 m from the earth and has a diameter of 3.48 × 106 m. You have a pea (diameter = 0.50 cm) and a dime (diameter = 1.8 cm). Close one eye and hold each object at arm's length (71 cm) between your open eye and the moon. Which objects, if any, completely cover your view of the moon? Assume that the moon and both objects are sufficiently far from your eye that the given diameters are equal to arc lengths when calculating angles. a. Dime b. Pea c. Both d. Neither

a. dime

A small fan has blades that have a radius of 0.0600 m. When the fan is turned on, the tips of the blades have a tangential acceleration of 19.0 m/s2 as the fan comes up to speed. What is the angular acceleration α of the blades?

angular acceleration= 316.6 rad/s^2

A rotating object starts from rest at t = 0 s and has a constant angular acceleration. At a time of t = 7.0 s the object has an angular velocity of ω = 21 rad/s. What is its angular velocity at a time of t = 14 s?

angular velocity= 42 rad/s

Suppose you have a simple pendulum that, on earth, has an angular frequency of 0.20 rad/s. What is its frequency on the moon, where g-moon= 1/6(g-earth)? a. 0.12 rad/s b. 0.08 rad/s c. 0.49 rad/s d. the frequencies are the same

b. 0.08 rad/s

What should be the frequency of the driving force acting on a mass m attached to the end of a horizontal spring of spring constant k in order put the system into resonance? a. Not enough information is given. b. 1/2pi(squareroot(k/m) c. squareroot(g/L)

b. 1/2pi(squareroot(k/m)

Suppose that an object undergoes simple harmonic motion, and its displacement has an amplitude A= 15.0 cm and a frequency f= 11.0 cycles/s (Hz). What is the maximum speed (v) of the object? a. 1.65 m/s b. 10.4 m/s c. 1040 m/s d. 165 m/s

b. 10.4 m/s

Which of the following statements is true? a. A musical instrument produces only a fundamental frequency when it plays a note. b. Musical instruments and singers produce complex sound waves that are mixtures of a fundamental frequency and harmonic overtones.

b. Musical instruments and singers produce complex sound waves that are mixtures of a fundamental frequency and harmonic overtones

A wind instrument is brought into a warm house from the cold outdoors. What happens to the natural frequencies of the instrument? Neglect any change in the length of the instrument. a. The frequencies stay the same. b. The frequencies increase. c. The frequencies decrease.

b. The frequencies increase.

A cloud of interstellar gas is rotating. Because the gravitational force pulls the gas particles together, the cloud shrinks, and, under the right conditions, a star may be formed. Would the angular velocity of the star be less than, greater than, or equal to the angular velocity of the rotating gas? a. Equal to b. Greater than c. Less than

b. greater than

As the text discusses, the conservation of linear momentum is applicable only when the system of objects is an isolated system. Which of the systems listed below are isolated systems? A ball is dropped from the top of a building. The system is the ball. A ball is dropped from the top of a building. The system is the ball and the earth. A moving billiard ball collides with a stationary billiard ball on a frictionless pool table. The system is the moving ball. A car slides to a halt in an emergency. The system is the car. A space probe is moving in deep space where gravitational and other forces are negligible. The system is the space probe.

b. only 2 and 5 are isolated systems

What is the point at which the weight of rigid object can be considered to act when producing a torque on the object? a. The center of force. b. The center of gravity. c. The center of torque. d. The center of inertia

b. the center of gravity

What is the magnitude of the force F required to stretch or compress a spring of spring constant 50.0 N/m a distance 2.50 cm from its unstrained length? a. 50.0 N b. 125 N c. 1.25 N d. 20.0 N

c. 1.25 N

Suppose you hang a mass m=5.50 kg from a vertical spring and it stretches 4.00 cm from its unstrained length. What is the spring constant k of the spring? a. 138 N/m b. 13.8 N/m c. 1350 N/m d. 1.35 N/m

c. 1350 N/m

A particle is moving along the +x axis, and the graph shows its momentum p as a function of time t. Use the impulse-momentum theorem and rank (largest to smallest) the three regions according to the magnitude of the impulse applied to the particle. a. A, B, C b. A, C, B c. A and C (a tie), B d. B, A, C e. C, A, B

c. A and C (a tie), B

Which of the following situations would result in the greatest diffraction? a. FM radio waves passing through a 10-m wide door. b. AM radio waves passing through a 10-m wide door. c. AM radio waves passing through a 1-m wide door. d. FM radio waves passing through a 1-m wide door.

c. AM radio waves passing through a 1-m wide door.

The drawing shows three containers filled to the same height with the same fluid. In which container, if any, is the pressure at the bottom greatest? a. Container A, because its bottom has the greatest surface area. b. Container C, because its bottom has the least surface area. c. All three contains have the same pressure at the bottom. d. Container A, because it has the greatest volume of fluid. e. Container B, because it has the least volume of fluid.

c. All three contains have the same pressure at the bottom

A vertical spring is mounted to a table and compressed downward. A ball of mass m is placed on a spring (spring constant k), the spring is released, and the ball is projected vertically upward. In which case would you expect the ball to reach the greatest maximum height? a.Increase the spring constant by a factor of two b. Decrease the spring constant by a factor of two c. Compress the spring twice as much d. Reduce the mass of the ball by a factor of two

c. Compress the spring twice as much

If you want to decrease the frequency of a simple pendulum by a factor of two you should ... Entry field with incorrect answer a. Decrease the length by a factor of two b. Increase the length by a factor of two c. Increase the length by a factor of four d. Decrease the length by a factor of four

c. Increase the length by a factor of four

Suppose a simple pendulum is submerged in water. If the mass is raised to a height h above its lowest position and released, how many oscillations does it undergo if it is critically damped? a. It depends on the specific value of . b. It depends on the length of the pendulum. c. It will not oscillate at all.

c. It will not oscillate at all.

At atmospheric pressure you have identical spheres composed of copper (B= 1.3 × 1011 N/m2), steel (B= 1.4 × 1011 N/m2), and osmium (B= 4.6 × 1011 N/m2). Which one has the largest volume when subjected to large pressure (much greater than atmospheric pressure)? a. Steel b. Copper c. Osmium d. They will have equal volumes

c. Osmium

Which of the following is true about a rigid body in dynamic equilibrium? a. The body cannot have translational or rotational motion of any kind. b. The body can have translational motion, but it cannot have rotational motion. c. The body can have translational motion and rotational motion, as long as its translational and angular accelerations are equal to zero. d. The body cannot have translational motion, but it can have rotational motion.

c. The body can have translational motion and rotational motion, as long as its translational and angular accelerations are equal to zero.

The piston of a shock absorber moves through oil in order to damp the motion of the car's chassis when it hits a bump. Holes in the piston head allow the oil to flow through it. Suppose the oil gets "stiffer" when it gets cold outside. Which one of the following do you expect in cold weather? a. The degree of damping will decrease (the car will oscillate more when it hits bumps) b. The degree of damping will be the same (your ride will be the same as in warm weather) c. The degree of damping will be greater (the car will oscillate less when it hits bumps)

c. The degree of damping will be greater (the car will oscillate less when it hits bumps)

Two identical cars are traveling at the same speed. One is heading due east and the other due north, as the drawing shows. Which statement is true regarding the kinetic energies and momenta of the cars? a. They have the same kinetic energies and the same momenta. b. They have different kinetic energies, but the same momenta. c. They have the same kinetic energies, but different momenta. d. They have different kinetic energies and different momenta.

c. They have the same kinetic energies, but different momenta.

Suppose you are sitting at the overlap between two sound-emitting speakers, and you hear no sound due to destructive interference. One of the speakers is then shut off. Will you now hear a sound? a. Yes, but only if you move closer to the speaker that is still on. b. No. c. Yes

c. Yes

A hoop of mass M and radius R and a solid cylinder of mass M and radius R are rolling along level ground with the same translational speed. Which object has the greater total kinetic energy? a. The solid cylinder b. Both have the same total kinetic energy c. The hoop

c. the hoop

Blood flows through a section of a horizontal artery that is partially blocked by a deposit along the artery wall. A hemoglobin molecule moves from the narrow region into the wider region. What happens to the pressure acting on the molecule? a. There is no change in the pressure. b. The pressure decreases. c. The pressure increases.

c. the pressure increases

Two circular cylinders have equal masses but one has twice the radius of the other. They are both placed with their circular faces on a flat surface. Which face, that with the larger or smaller radius, experiences the greatest stress? a. The larger one b. The faces of both cylinders experience equal stresses c. The smaller one

c. the smaller one

A hoop, a solid cylinder, a spherical shell, and a solid sphere are placed at rest at the top of an inclined plane. All the objects have the same radius. They are all released at the same time and allowed to roll down the plane. Which object reaches the bottom first? a. The spherical shell b. The solid cylinder c. The solid sphere d. The hoop

c. the solid sphere

You have three bars of identical dimensions composed of steel (Y= 2.0 × 1011 N/m2), titanium (Y= 1.2 × 1011 N/m2), and tungsten (Y= 3.6 × 1011 N/m2). Which one compresses the least when used to support a large weight? a.They are all the same b. Titanium c. Tungsten d. Steel

c. tungsten

Two liquids, 1 and 2, are in equilibrium in a U-tube that is open at both ends, as in the drawing. The liquids do not mix, and liquid 1 rests on top of liquid 2. How is the density ρ1 of liquid 1 related to the density ρ2 of liquid 2? a. There is not enough information to tell which liquid has the greater density. b. ρ1 is equal to ρ2, since the liquids are in equilibrium. c. ρ1 is less than ρ2. d. ρ1 is greater than ρ2.

c. ρ1 is less than ρ2

A standing wave on a string that is fixed at both ends corresponds to the fourth harmonic. How many loops, or antinodes, are in the standing wave? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

d. 4

The principle of linear superposition can be applied to which type(s) of waves? a. Sound b. Water c. Electromagnetic d. All of the above.

d. All of the above.

Suppose a mass is attached to the end of a horizontal oscillating spring of spring constant k. Choose the answer that will double the frequency of oscillation. a. Divide the mass by , or multiply the spring constant by . b. Quadruple the mass, or quadruple the spring constant. c. Divide the mass by two, or double the spring constant. d. Divide the mass by four, or quadruple the spring constant.

d. Divide the mass by four, or quadruple the spring constant.

A woman is sitting on a spinning piano stool with her arms folded. Ignore any friction in the spinning stool. When she extends her arms outward, which of the following is true? a. Her angular speed increases, and her angular momentum decreases. b. Her angular speed decreases, and her angular momentum increases. c. Her angular speed increases, and her angular momentum remains constant. d. Her angular speed decreases, and her angular momentum remains constant.

d. Her angular speed decreases, and her angular momentum remains constant.

A viscous fluid is flowing through two horizontal pipes. The pressure difference P1 - P2 between the ends of each pipe is the same. The pipes have the same radius, although one is twice as long as the other. How does the volume flow rate QB in the longer pipe compare with that in the shorter pipe? a. QB is twice as large as QA. b. QB is four times as large as QA. c. QB is one-fourth as large as QA. d. QB is one-half as large as QA. e. QB is the same as QA.

d. QB is one-half as large as QA.

Two forces are applied to a ship's wheel. The wheel is not rotating. Which of the following must be true? a. F1 must be equal to F2. b. The magnitude of the torque created by F1 must be greater than the magnitude of the torque created by F2. c. The magnitude of the torque created by F2 must be greater than the magnitude of the torque created by F1. d. The magnitude of the torque created by F1 must be equal in magnitude to the torque created by F2.

d. The magnitude of the torque created by F1 must be equal in magnitude to the torque created by F2.

A hollow pipe is submerged in a stream of water so that the length of the pipe is parallel to the velocity of the water. If the water speed doubles and the cross-sectional area of the pipe triples, what happens to the volume flow rate of the water passing through it? a. The volume flow rate increases by a factor of 3. b. The volume flow rate increases by a factor of 4. c. The volume flow rate does not change. d. The volume flow rate increases by a factor of 6. e. The volume flow rate increases by a factor of 2

d. The volume flow rate increases by a factor of 6.

A uniform ladder is at rest leaning against a smooth wall (frictionless) as shown in the figure at the left. The base of the ladder is on rough ground (friction). The corresponding free-body diagram for the ladder is shown in the figure at the right. Which of the following must be true? a. The sum of the forces in the x-direction must be equal to zero. b. The sum of the forces in the y-direction must be equal to zero. c. The sum of the torques acting on the ladder must be equal to zero. d. All of the above must be true.

d. all of the above must be true

The beat frequency produced by two sound waves, and , is 4 Hz. Which of the following frequencies could not be possible? a. f1= 2 Hz, f2= 6 Hz b. f1=14 Hz, f2= 10 Hz c. f1= 6 Hz, f2= 10 Hz d. f1= 8 Hz, f2= 10 Hz

d. f1= 8 Hz, f2= 10 Hz

What is the unit of strain? a. N b. N/m2 c. Pascal (Pa) d. It is a unitless quantity

d. it is a unitless quantity

The same force F is applied to the edge of two hoops as the drawing below shows. The hoops have the same mass, whereas the radius of the larger hoop is twice the radius of the smaller one. The entire mass of each hoop is concentrated at its rim, so the moment of inertia is equal toMr^2 , where M is the mass of the hoop, and is the radius. Which hoop has the greater angular acceleration, and how many times as great is it compared to the other hoop? a. The larger hoop; two times as great. b. The smaller hoop; four times as great. c. The larger hoop; four times as great. d. The smaller hoop; two times as great.

d. the smaller hoop; two times as great

Object 1 is moving along the x axis with an initial momentum +16 kg·m/s, where the + sign indicates that it is moving to the right. As the drawing shows, object 1 collides with a second object that is initially at rest. The collision is not head-on, so the objects move off in different directions after the collision. The net external force acting on the two-object system is zero. After the collision, object 1 has a momentum whose y component is -5 kg·m/s. What is the y-component of the momentum of object 2 after the collision? a. -16 kg·m/s b. +16 kg·m/s c. The y-component of the momentum of object 2 cannot be determined d. 0 kg·m/s e. +5 kg·m/s

e. +5 kg·m/s

A beaker is filled to the brim with water. A solid object of mass 3.00 kg is lowered into the beaker so the object is fully submerged in the water (see the drawing). During this process, 2.00 kg of water flows over the rim and out of the beaker. What is the buoyant force that acts on the submerged object, and, when released, does the object rise, sink, or remain in place? a. 29.4 N. The object rises. b. 19.6 N. The object remains in place. c. 19.6 N. The object rises. d. 29.4 N. The object sinks. e. 19.6 N. The object sinks.

e. 19.6 N. The object sinks.

Two sound frequencies f1 and f2 are producing beats. The beat frequency is equal to which of the following, if f1>f2?

f1 - f2

Which one of the equations below would you use in the case of the observer moving to the left relative to a stationary medium, and the source moving to the right?


Suppose you replace a guitar string with another one. Assuming the length and the tension are identical to that of the original string, how does the velocity of the wave change if the mass of the new string is twice that of the original?

it is reduced by a factor of squareroot(2)

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